Issues On Philippine Biosafety Policies

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Issues on Philippine Biosafety Policies

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s)

Biosafety is a condition which the probability of harm injury and damage resulting from
the intentional and unintentional introduction and/or use of a regulated article is within
acceptable and manageable levels. It refers to the procedures, policies and principles to be
adopted to safeguard the environmental and human population.
It refers to the containment, principles, strategies and practices that are adopted to prevent
exposure to Pathogens and toxins. In the Philippines, interest in biosafety started when
researches at University of the Philippines Los Banos and at the International Rice Research
Institute, started to require the use of modern biotechnology tools and the scientists themselves
raised issues of concerns. The draft guidelines focused on the biosafety of the process and
procedures rather than the products without losing sight of the biosafety concern on the efficacy
of Gene transfer, the effects of transformation on the host and the possible hazard on humans and
the environment should the GMO be released to the environment.
Its main objective is to keep a check on harmful biological agents, toxins, chemicals and
radiation. With the Advent of genetic engineering, biosafety measures have gained importance to
ensure public and environment safety. The people should be made aware of the rules, regulations
and monitoring bodies. Researchers should be the first one to have the complete knowledge of
the biosafety issues and measures so that safety is ensured at the root level. The Cartagena
Protocol on biosafety has been adopted by 167 countries including many countries of the united
nations. Its objective is to aimed at ensuring the safe movement of the living modified organism
across the boundaries. Frame and share methodologies for risk assessment through biosafety
clearing house.
The awareness about biosafety has been increased among the researcher, policymakers,
administrators and environmentalist. Efforts have been made by the OMICS Publishing Group,
USA, on publishing biosafety journals and organizing international conference to make everyone
aware of the biosafety issues and the measures to rectify them. Through modern research is a
boon to human population yet can be dangerous if not used wisely.

Advocacy About Climate Change

Climate change is one biggest challenges facing the world today, and it's impacts are
already hitting the development world hardest. Climate change is happening now and is leading
to changed weather patterns, including Increased floods, droughts and storms. This is affecting
food security and water resources and leading to more disaster especially in the developing
world. These rises in temperature may not sound very large, but the impacts that are being felt
already and those that will be experienced in the future are very grave especially for poor
countries which already face huge development changes.
It is widely accepted that climate change is caused mainly by burning of fossil fuels, and
cutting down or burning forests. It is important to note that climate change does not happen in
isolation. It is interlinked with existing problem worse or will interact with local environmental
problems, climate change will affect whole regions and countries will need to work accross
borders to address it's impacts and it's causes.
Climate change is a huge challenge for all of us, whenever we live. No one will escape
it's impacts and some will be affected far more than others even through they have contributed
very little to the problem. Climate change means we have to make our projects strong so they do
not fail. It means, we have to change the way we plan for the future, and we must all change the
way we live.
Here are the way to help our environment for a better future.
1. Relationship Building
This is about building relationship with people in authority and starting a dialogue about a
particular issue or a community's needs. It involves increasing the awareness of someone in a
position and seeking to influence them about an issue and suggesting potential solutions.
2. Mobilising the Public
This is about raising awareness of an issue by telling the public about a situation of the
problem and the potential solutions so that they are encouraged to take action.
3. Prayer
Prayer should support every kind of action. The Bible tells us that "God created the world
and all that is in it" -(Psalm 24:1). Throughout scripture we are reminded that God created the
world for his purposes and we have a responsibility to take care of it. We should live in a way
that does not destroy the beauty or resources of the Earth for future generations.
4. Lifestyle
The way we live can contribute to climate change. This is more of a problem in the
development world where over consumption leads to over production depleted natural resources
and climate change.

But there are ways for all of us to live more sustainably, regardless of which country we
live in. Some simple principles which can help us to act with integrity are those of Reduce,
Reuse, Recycle. Reducing what we use, reusing things when possible and if facilities exist or can
be created, recycling things that have reached the end of their lives.

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