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Final Examination

Sub: Marketing Management

Course code: MKT-501

Semester: Spring 2020

Submitted to
Masudur Rahman

Professor, Department of Marketing

University of Dhaka

Submitted by
Nasir Fakir

Id no: 2020-1-91-005

East West University

Question 1: Describe several ads that you think are particularly effective and compare them with other ads that you
think are ineffective. How would you improve the less effective ads?


An advertisement is the promotion of a product, brand or service to a viewership in order to attract interest engagement and
sales. Advertisements come in many forms, from copy to interactive video, and have evolved to become a crucial feature of the
app marketplace.

Effective ads:
Salient features of a good advertisement are:

(1) It should be simple

(2) It should be capable of holding the reader's attention

(3) It must be suggestive

(4) It should have conviction value

(5) It should educate the people

(6) It should have memorizing value and

(7) It should be true.

The best Advertising Campaigns:

1. Radiant Pharmaceuticals
Does Anyone Beautiful, If He Can't See?
Ad Campaign: Television

In Bangladesh the number of corneal blindness is 5 lac. Every year, new 3 thousand people are being added with this number.
Posthumous eye donation can largely solve this dreadful problem so easily. But the awareness about the posthumous eye
donation is very poor in Bangladesh. Therefore, proper awareness drive is the basic need to solve this problem. Radiant
Pharmaceuticals, being one of the top listed pharmaceutical companies came front and joined hands together with Rotary Club
of Dhaka Central to drive the awareness campaign.

The Lesson

To achieve the idea, we crafted a story showing the most beautiful and emotional relationship of a mother and a blind child. In
this beautiful relationship, mother tells beautiful stories to her blind child& To build awareness about the posthumous eye
donation among the general population of Bangladesh.
2. Nike: Just Do It.
Ad Campaign: Print, Television, Internet

Once upon a time, Nike's product catered almost exclusively to marathon runners. Then, a fitness craze emerged — and the
folks in Nike's marketing department knew they needed to take advantage of it to surpass their main competitor, Reebok. (At
the time, Reebok was selling more shoes than Nike). And so, in the late 1980s, Nike created the "Just Do It." campaign.

It was a hit.

In 1988, Nike sales were at $800 million; by 1998, sales exceeded $9.2 billion. "Just Do It." was short and sweet yet
encapsulated everything people felt when they were exercising — and people still feel that feeling today. Don't want to run
five miles? Just Do It. Don't want walk up four flights of stairs? Just Do It. It's a slogan we can all relate to: the drive to push
ourselves beyond our limits.

The Lesson

When you're trying to decide the best way to present your brand, ask yourself: What problem are you solving for your
customers? What solution does your product or service provide? By hitting on that core issue in all of your messaging, you'll
connect with consumers on an emotional level that is hard to ignore.

3. Coke: Share a Coke

Ad Campaign: Print
Big brands are often hard-pressed to do something ground-breaking when they're already so big. So, what did Coca-Cola do to
appeal to the masses? They appealed to individuals — by putting their names on each bottle. The Share a Coke campaign
began in Australia in 2011, when Coca-Cola personalized each bottle with the 150 most popular names in the country. Since
then, the U.S. has followed suit, printing first names across the front of its bottles and cans in Coke's branded font. You can
even order custom bottles on Coke's website to request things like nicknames and college logos. It was a breaking story across
the marketing and advertising industry. Many consumers were enchanted by it, while others were confused by it — why make
a temporary item so personal? Pepsi even released counter-ads shortly after the campaign launched. Nonetheless, Coke
received immediate attention for it.

The Lesson

Coke fans are regular buyers, and the company leaned into that sense of individual ownership with full force. Wondering what
name you'll get out of the vending machine was a fun thrill in and of it — even if it isn't yours, it encourages you to "share a
Coke" with whomever's name is on the front

4. Google: Year in Search (2017)

Ad Campaign: Internet
This isn't the oldest or most well-known advertisement, but it's become the most powerful over its nine-year (and still going)
existence. So powerful and so true, you forget it's an advertisement. Year in Search began in 2009 as "Zeitgeist," a written
report of the public's most common Google searches over the previous 12 months. The following year, Google adapted it for a
three-minute video. Since then, it's been a bold, yearly reminder of how much we depend on Google for information on the
news and events that give the entire world pause.
The Lesson

Remind your customers how much you care that they care. These stories elicit a variety of emotions, but ultimately unite
everyone — no matter what Google products they might like — through an uplifting message of how our usage of the
company reflects the best in all of us.

5. Apple: Get a Mac (2006)

Ad Campaign: Television
While there have been many great Apple campaigns, this one takes the cake. The video is just one of a series of iterations of
this campaign, and the Mac vs. PC debate ended up being one of the most successful campaigns ever for Apple. The company
experienced 42% market share growth in its first year with its help. These commercials tell Mac's audience everything they
need to know about the product without being overt and in a clever way.

The Lesson

Just because your product does some pretty amazing things doesn't mean you need to hit your audience over the head with it.
Instead, explain your product's benefits in a relatable way so consumers are able to see themselves using

Ineffective ads:
A bad ad is one that doesn't work. Because the purpose of advertising is to sell products and services, not to entertain the
public. If a commercial can sell stuff and be creative at the same time, so much the better.

Ineffective ads and Marketing Campaigns:

1. Bata:
Here’s what happened

Symbol of the name of Allah was shown in their shoes which took all the Muslim people in negative sense and they started
processions against it. At last CEO of Bata gave a statement that they are not made it at the sense of humiliating Muslim. It
was only a sign nevertheless anything else. After that they forgive and banned the accused signed product.

Why it missed the mark

Obviously it’s wildly offensive. Was it just a huge coincidence? I don’t even know—I still don’t understand the logic behind
this one.

Stay alert for symbolism that might be—whether intentionally or unintentionally—depicted by the words or images in your ad.

2. Pepsi Runs a Disastrous Lottery

Here’s what happened

In 1993 in the Philippines, Pepsi ran a lottery, in which—if you found the bottle cap with the right code on it—you could win
The problem? Pepsi announced the wrong code. So instead of 1 winning bottle cap, there were suddenly 800,000 winning
bottle caps. Pepsi refused to pay; outrage ensued.

Why it missed the mark

Do we even have to say it? False hope and botched lotteries are not good ways to do business.
If you’re going to run a lottery or contest or anything promising a big, life-changing reward, please make sure you’re running it
carefully and 100% free of mistake

3. Starbucks Prints a 9/11 Ad

Here’s what happened
In 2002, Starbucks released this ad:
Which, because of the 1) two cups, 2) strangely square-tipped blades of grass that resembled buildings, 3) zooming dragonfly,
and 4) ad copy “Collapse into Cool”, made people think Starbucks was…poking fun? (or just really that ignorant?) At the 9/11

Why it missed the mark

Obviously it’s wildly offensive. Was it just a huge coincidence? I don’t even know—I still don’t understand the logic behind
this one.

Stay alert for symbolism that might be—whether intentionally or unintentionally—depicted by the words or images in your ad.

Improve the less effective ads:

There are several techniques to improve the less effective ads:-

1. Talk to the customer: not about the company. We have to mention our company name so they'll know who I am.
2. Use "you" and "your”: we should write as if only one person were reading our ad & make our copy personal.
3. Get Real: we should use real-life examples in our copy to reach our customers on their level by identifying with them.."
4. Benefits, benefits, benefits: I know you've heard it 1,000 times, but we simply must fill our copy with benefits. Always
answer the question, "What's in it for me?"
5. Show them they'll get results: we should tell our customers what life will be like after our product or service solves all
their problems. By showing them that they will get their desired end result, we make a very persuasive argument for your
Question 2: Which distribution strategies- intensive, selective, or exclusive – are used for the following products: a)
Dhakia Jamdahani b) Runners Motor Cycle, C) Lafz halal body spray. Why?


a) Dhakia Jamdahani is an exclusive distribution strategy.

The word “exclusive” implies that the distribution is carefully defined and implemented by the producer through only one
channel. Under this type of arrangement, the distributor chosen by the producer is the only one that owns the rights to sell the
product. This term differs from other possible types of distribution that place the products in numerous different retailers and

Dhakia Jamdahani is a fine muslin textile produced for centuries in South Rupshi of Narayanganj district in Bangladesh. The
historic production of Jamdahani was patronized by imperial warrants of the Mughal emperors. Under British colonialism, the
Bengali Jamdahani and muslin industries rapidly declined due to colonial import policies favoring industrially manufactured
textiles. In more recent years, the production of Jamdahani has witnessed a revival in Bangladesh.

Dhakia Jamdahani is an exclusive product in South Rupshi of Narayanganj to sell their Customer. It might want to show a
prestigious image to its consumers. Dhakia Jamdahani producer wants to control better what kind of services and environments
are associated with it. This is often the case with high-end products that require certain image of luxury within the
establishments that sell the Jamdahani.

b) Runners Motor Cycle is a Selective distribution strategy.

Selective distribution is a strategy where a producer sells its products or services in a few exclusively chosen retail outlets in a
specific geographical area.

Exclusive distribution is a situation where a company decides to make its products available to customers through a very
limited number of retailers or distributors. The term refers to a kind of agreement between a producers a few intermediaries
with the purpose of providing the products to consumers in a specific geographical area.

Runner Automobiles Ltd is a motorcycle manufacturer in Bangladesh. The products are sold to Customers and Corporate
clients through Dealers, Company Owned Company Operated (COCO) stores, through tenders. As runners motor cycle has
some own retail outlets through the country and they guided all their stores that’s why we can explain it as selective

c) Lafz halal body spray is an Intensive distribution strategy.

Intensive distribution is a form of marketing strategy under which a company tries to sell its product from a small vendor to a
big store. Virtually, a customer will be able to find the product everywhere he goes. Soft drinks and cigarettes are some of the
examples on which intensive distribution is followed.

Lafz is a range of Halal compliant personal care products, created with a vision to provide the community with pure, clean,
cosmetic products that abide by Halal standards. Lafz halal body spray is one of them. Under the intensive distribution
strategy, all the possible outlets can be used by a company to distribute the product. Lafz maintain this chain to sell their
product to the customers. Lafz halal body spray creates brand awareness of the product as well as boost sales.

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