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Directed by: Screenplay by: Produced by:

Rodrigo González Nicolás Wellmann Benjamín

Larrondo Sandoval
What is it:
Idiots’ Paradise is a feature film project produced by Silla We take advantage of the enormous
Films different from any other type of cinematographic power of diffusion and interactivity of
project made in the commercial as well as the independent internet, using it in a collaborative way
field of the Chilean and Latin American Cinema.
and under Creative Commons licenses.
We propose different ways to relate with a movie and new
financing models. We reach out to the audience from the
beginning of the project, generating
an honest and direct connection
with each and every one of them.

We propose a model that transforms

the classic passive spectator, into an
active producer and user of the film.

ts distribution is massive,
simultaneous and multiplatform.

t’s a project that trespasses

territories and languages.

t’s a unique project in our region.

The producers are part of a community

and it’s the audience who decides
the direction the story takes.

It is a movie transformed
into an experience.

A global, interactive and free experience.

Idiots’ Paradise is a film that speaks of expectations and

Of how these elements make us loose our center, our balance.

Martin has only one dream in his head: to find the last
indigenous of the Peikum southern tribe. In order to do so, he
applies for a research grant. If he gets it, he must travel south,
if not, he’ll stay in town. Both things happen and two plots
begin simultaneously. In one of them Martin lives his dream
surrounded by the forest and writings, facing his expectations
with a reality not as perfect as he imagined. In the other
one Martin becomes a white-collar worker, systematic and
routinary, in which the non-existing expectations cover him
with an apathy that threatens to end him. In both stories
there is Emily, a woman with whom he will define which
road, in this journey of expectations, will turn out better.

Master Plan. 03
Why innovating? Where to innovate?
Internet and the new technologies have broken the para- Any person in the world can be a producer and a user of
digm of the movie industry forever. the film.

The concept of location and paying to consume content has Besides, it has unlimited exhibition opportunities, it pre-
been lost. Nowadays the contents are of global, unrestrict- mieres simultaneously in both traditional cinemas and in-
ed and free use. ternet, becoming a multiplatform global premiere.

This new way of conceiving the audiovisual field, makes the Thank to the Creative Commons licenses, the producers will
traditional model of financing, production and distribution be able to create works derived from the film and even dis-
to be rephrased. tribute them commercially.

On the other hand, not all movies filmed premiere in com- Idiots’ Paradise is a global, interactive and free experience.
mercial cinemas, and not all of the movies premiered are It is a unique adventure as a project in our region.

Many are the challenges that our “independent industry”

faces, but, nevertheless, we believe that the mayor chal-
lenge is that our Cinema is watched.

We must charm the audiences, seduce them.

Our proposition is the interaction, the added values and the
freedom of creation.

“Not all movie projects get to be filmed. Not all filmed

movies are premiered and not all premiered are

“A pioneering project in Latin America” - TVN.
“The first collective movie of our history” -Walabi
“An example of liberation of copyrights” - La Tercera.

Some media:

In only 3 MONTHS and without a photogram of the

movie filmed, Idiots’ Paradise has managed to catch
the attention of more than 30 national and interna-
tional media, been interviewed for a publication if
the English University of Glasgow, get the support of
important entities related to copyrights and cinema-
tography fields, been invited to show our project in
different universities in the country and been invited
by the International Film Festival of Viña del Mar to
launch our project.

In only one month we got:

More than 1000 followers in social networks.

More than 40 producers. Backup :
More than 1.5 million Chilean pesos.

Master Plan. 05
The 5 keys:

This is micro-financing.

From the beginning of the project thousands of people

worldwide can transform into producers of Idiots’ Paradise
starting from just $1000 Chilean pesos (US$2). Sharing ben-
efits, experiences and activities related to the project.

A total experience.

Besides participating as a producer from the beginning of

the project, people can decide which direction the story
takes, conducting the movie to an ending chosen by the
spectator, or rather, the user. Besides, at all time through-
out the social networks and streaming events, people and
the producers will be able to interact with the development
and evolution of the film.

The 5 Keys.

A global event. It’s free, it’s yours.

A global premiere in internet, free and in HD, as well as in Once exploited the distribution chain, the producers will
traditional cinemas; premiering, this way, a same content be able to use the film the way they wish. Whereas cre-
with two different simultaneous experiences. ating derived works, another version of the film, trailers,
video clips, documentaries, etcetera; even being able to
exploit them commercially, as long as the original authors
are named.

From passive spectator, to producer and

active user.
Living events and exclusive activities of a movie generates
a feeling of belonging, of community. People not only share
benefits, but also experiences and contents as users. This
is what we call the community of producers of Idiots’ Para-

Master Plan. 07
Invest, Choose, Share
Modify and Distribute.

The goal is to change the traditional concept of passive audience and transform the future audiences of a film into active
participants of the project.

All people, no matter language or nation, can be a producer

of Idiots’ Paradise, making a contribution from just $1.000 Chilean pesos (US$2) and get benefits from appearing in the
credits of the film, an exclusive producer DVD dedicated by the director, avant premiere, a draw to appear as a second-
ary character and a lot more.

Besides, all people who contributes to the project gets, regardless the amount of the contribution, the title of producer,
receiving -digitally or printed- a producer certificate with the name of the contributor signed by the creators of the

Producer Certificate.


Each contribution category shown bellow contains a series
of benefits different from the previous one, while the more
the contribution, the higher the benefits as a producer.

Master Plan. 09

The type of benefits are diverse and vary among the following accordingly to
the contribution.

• Printed numbered producer certificate, with name • Free entrance to parties and events.
and signed.
• Producer T-shirt .
• Web credits.
• Avant premiere in cinemas.
• Worldwide avant premiere via internet.
• Official premiere after party.
• Credits in the film.
• Inclusion to the draw to appear as a second-
• Poster only for producers. ary character.

• Producer DVD version. • Executive producer in the initial credits.

Producer Poster. Producer T-shirt


There are 3 ways of joining and being producer of Idiots’ The methods of payment our
Paradise. site currently accepts are:

The main way is through the official web site www. Bank direct and click JOIN! transference.

Once completed the 3 simple steps and confirmed Paypal.

your payment, you will have entered the producers’
community of Idiots’ Paradise. Dinero Mail.

The second way is through the

site. Kickstarter is a Crowdfunding project platform
from the United States which has financed over
3000 projects under this mode. Silla Films entered
Kickstarter in January 2011, being the first Chilean Crowdfunding platform:
producer in going into this platform, after being ac-
cepted with our short film project about the 2010
earthquake “Suspended Soul”.

This method of payment will be available from March

2011 and its type of payment will be through Amazon
accounts and credit cards. This method of payment
aims to North American and European audiences.

The third way of being able to become a producer By presence::

is by presence, by attending one of our community
events or by reaching one of our stands. Once there,
at a party, talk, cultural exposition or flash mob, the
payment can be cash or redcompra.
Cash .

Master Plan. 11
A collaborative project.
The idea of being part of a community is born based in
conceiving Cinema as a collective experience. Hundreds of
emotions are shared in the specific moment of showing a
film, yet they’re experienced by the spectators in a passive

Our idea is to take that collective emotion one step further,

transforming it into an active emotion and a collaborative
experience, where the spectators are active producers of a
common project.

There are 2 ways of participating in Idiots’ Paradise:

Become a part of the Community and get access to People who wishes to join the team and who are par-
all of its benefits. Participate in the development of ticipating in the project production, whereas design-
the film and access, free of charge, to events and ac- ing posters, proposing ideas for activities or being
tivities revolving around it. part of the team in specific tasks, like project diffu-
sion and actively re-twitting and re-posting our con-
tents, etcetera.



Social networks. It is through the license the film possesses that peo-
Events. ple will be able to create works derived from it (de-
Crowdfunding. tails ahead), thus generating a universe of different
Crowdsourcing. audiovisual pieces dispersed over the web created by
the same users. All of this in a legal, free and unre-
stricted way.

Master Plan. 13
There are two versions of Idiots’ Paradise.

One is the MASTER version, which is the film that will be

sent to festivals and will be premiered in cinemas, televi-
sion and DVD. This version tells the story from a director’s
own montage, mixing both plots simultaneously and having
a different ending from the one in the free interactive ver-
sion in the internet.

And the second version is INTERACTIVE. This version will

only be visible through internet and people will decide
which direction the story takes.

Its visualization is free for all spectators. The level of inter-

activity appears only once, in the catalyst.

The catalyst is a concept used in script writing which refers

to: a fact, phrase, gesture, etcetera, and changes radically
the balance of forces in the main character’s life. It’s pro-
duced by chance or will and it is the main character that
must react to it. In this case, the direction that our lead
character takes will be decided by YOU.

The options are two, and each one leads to tell a totally dif-
ferent plot from the other.

While the Interactive version is free for all audiences, only

the producers, who through user names and passwords,
will be able to access both versions of the film through a
worldwide digital avant premiere, even before its commer-
cial premiere in cinemas.

Creative commons:
Creative Commons are, simply, licenses that allow giving In the case of Idiots’ Paradise, the film will be released once
specific uses to the works developed by the authors and in finished the chain of commercial exploitation (counting
a less restricted way than the traditional copyright. from the day it premieres) for all of the producer’s com-
Instead of having “all rights reserved”, the Creative Com-
mons allows the works to have “some rights reserved”, They will be able to distribute it, copy it, re edit it and gen-
with the possibility of administrating them as you wish. erate all sorts of new material, even having commercial
benefits of it.

Idiots’ Paradise will be part of the world, transforming itself

into derived works and of collective use, whereas is free or

Share, Remix, Reuse.

All of this in a legal, free and unrestricted way.


The film can be distributed, copied and exhibited by The created material can me modified and distrib-
third parties, always naming the original authors. uted but under the same license as the original ma-

Master Plan. 15
Worldwide and multi language.
Free premiere, in High Definition and interactive. Here the
contents are before somewhere else and there are updates
and exclusive extra material for the producer’s community.

At the time of the premiere, the tech and the artistic team
are in constant interaction with the producers, who have
the benefit of being the firsts to watch both the interactive
version as well as the master version.

For those who aren’t producers, you can only enjoy the in-
teractive experience, free and in High Definition.

Traditional, not conventional.
Idiots’ Paradise will be also present at cinemas and in digital

Its first premiere place will be Santiago de Chile. The exhib-

ited version will be the MASTER version, which contains a
different ending from the interactive version in the inter-

This version corresponds to the director’s version, the one

which has traveled throughout the festivals.

Besides, some exhibitions will have:

- Live music
- After party
- Awards


Traditional, not conventional.
The traditional way is for a movie to appear in open televi-
sion after 200 to 300 days and even after 2 years after the
premiere at cinemas.

With our distribution model and added value this is not


After seven months of its premiere in cinemas, Idiots’ Para-

dise, in its MASTER version will be able for television.

This makes a great difference in exhibition advance, in com-

parison to other types of films, generating, in less than a
year, premiere in all existing platforms.

Special editions.
We plan on premiering with 1000 optic units; half of them
will correspond to a special version of limited collection.

There will also be sales of special pen drives, numbered and

unique, with extra contents, PDF project files and various
film formats.

All of those elements will be available in traditional stores

as well as in our sales portal of Idiots’ Paradise.

Master Plan. 17

Take it everywhere.
Transmedia content will be distributed throughout cell
phones, which will add depth and details to the story.

These contents are exclusive for this format, having a very

reduced cost.


New frontiers.
Air lines, VOD Cable (Video On Demand), video games con-
soles, iTUNES and other markets will also be the target of
Idiots’ Paradise.

Production Scheduling:
More than 700 days of development, 60 days of pre production, 25 intense days of shooting, 90 days of post
production, more than 18 locations along Chile, a team of over 70 artists and technicians, and a simultaneous,
interactive premiere free all over the world, makes of this movie a unique experience in the region.

The work schedule begins in November 2009 and ends with the premiere the first trimester of 2013.

START UP. 5 months

6 months DEVELOPMENT9 months


6 months

Master Plan. 19
Making this project, covering all its stages until the day it
premieres, has a cost of 434.807 EUR / US$600.562, which
are distributed as it shows below, throughout the devel-
opment of the project:

Post production Distribution and Exhibition

13% 13%
56.713 eur 58.565 eur
us$78.010 us$80.557
54.214 eur
434.807 eur

Shooting Pre production

51% 10%
220.535 eur 44.779 eur
us$303.349 us$61.595

We use Crowdfunding as a way to set in motion the project and generate the community that will be present at the
moment of its premiere.

Such premiere potentiality, added to a massive global and interactive distribution, makes the movie a HIGH IMPACT
product, generating a greater possibility of interaction with the brands.

Own crowdfunding

Some sources of financing:

Master Plan. 21
We are:

Fresh ideas and fearless productions identify us. We are

young and we believe that the impossible is possible with
effort and passion. We are a producing company that is
born to tell stories, stories that are seen and that generate
a contribution to the Latin American industry.

We do what we love and we are committed to that.

We believe that current cinema must look for new ways of

production and interaction with the audiences, squeezing
the use of new technologies to find new paths in the devel-
opment processes.

Idiots’ Paradise is a project which, no doubt, speaks of our


It speaks about where are things going and about challeng-

es that are left to face.

Master Plan. 22
The team:


Of a creative spirit, multifaceted, restless and focused in Movie lover and rocker, he’s always searching for new cin-
details, he is in constant search of a new challenge. He ematographic styles to apply in his work. Since he was a
made his first short film when he was ten years-old with a kid he endeavored on putting his songs to his home made
Hi-8 and since then the travel of the ideas has been his pas- films in an effort to impress girls. His first college short film
sion. He won various awards through college, besides he granted him the Year Revelation Award, besides being se-
has worked as a director, producer and editor in publicity. lected in the Valdivia Film Festival with his medium-length
With studies in Filmmaking, Scripts and a Diploma in Execu- film called “Causualidades”. Currently he is focused in the
tive Production of Universidad del Desarrollo, Benja is also development of “Idiots’ Paradise” and parallely he contin-
a fan of video games and loves Watts pineapple juice. ues to make music with his group “Los Darwins”.

The team.

Nicolas Wellmann G. Paz Urrutia Andres García Huidobro Nicolas Etchebarne

Screenwriter Executive Producer Marketing / Distribution Mackenzie
Executive Producer
Since he can remember Nico With over 10 years of experi- He is a publicist with over 10
writes new stories day by ence in the audiovisual mar- years of experience in the Filmmaker by profession, he
day. Intelligent and obses- ket and winner of various field of cinema, professor is committed and efficient.
sive, he went through some audiovisual funds, Paz has and former Marketing Man- With experience in execu-
universities in Argentina been in charge of projects ager of distributers like Unit- tive production in films like
and Chile, until he stayed in like “Ojos Rojos” (“Red ed International Pictures “Desde el Corazon” and
Chile writing over a dozen Eyes”), the most watched and BF Distribution; he’s also “Shop-Shui”. Nico is also a
projects. He was a screen- film in 2010, the awarded an executive in charge of co- pedagogy lover; he currently
writer’s assistant for Mar- documentary “La Colori- ordinating the campaigns of teaches executive produc-
cela Said and Julio Rojas. At na” and Megavision, Canal Coca-Cola, Ripley, VTR and tion in University UNIACC
present he is working in the 13 and TVN series such as Nestle in McCann Erickson. along his great friend and
writing of three films and as “Grandes Chilenos” (“Great His experience in cinemato- executive producer Macare-
an advisor of scripts for di- Chileans”). graphic distribution covers na Concha.
rectors such as Che Sandoval more than 50 movies, from
(“Te cries la mas linda”). international premieres like:
The Twilight Saga, Million
Dollar Baby and Paranormal
Activity, to Chilean movies
like: Grado 3, La vida de los
Peces and Mirageman.

Master Plan. 24
The team.

Claudia Torres Zainab Ebrahimi Andrea Carvajal Juan Pablo Barros

Community Manager USA production Claudia Gutiérrez Creative Director
Daniela Arancibia
She is in charge of the so- Raised in New York, from Media and Comunication With a degree in Graphic
cial networks of campaigns an Iraqi father and Chilean Designs, JP always stands
like Teleton, Movistar and mother. Former student Andrea Carvajal and Claudia out by being efficient, sys-
several awarded Blogs and leader and Informatics En- Gutierrez are Plaza Espec- tematic, creative, and spir-
internet sites. She knew how gineering student at NYIT. taculos, the press agency itual advisor. Since he joined
to take advantage of her With great managing and in charge of boosting and the project we knew that
“geek” qualities at what she committing capacity, Zainab defunding films for over 10 the whole graphic and artis-
knew best: being queen of is in charge of community, years. Among them there tic concept will be in good
the virtual layers of internet. events and merchandising in are films like “La vida de los hands. It is enough to look
USA. Peces”, “Super”, “Dawson at this folder to realize that
Isla 10”, “All inclusive”, “El fact. He stands out because
Cielo, la Tierra y la Lluvia” of his level of professional-
and “Desierto Sur”. In our ism and compromise, com-
project they have stood out bined with his excellent
for getting involved with us tenacity. He’s a ninja of the
from the beginning, project- arts and an A+ as a person.
ing their experience and wis-
dom at all moments.

The team.

Constanza Gazmuri Nano Stern Sebastián Olivares Daniel Santana

Art Director Musician Composer Production Assistant

Outstanding visual artist of Outstanding national song- Neat, obsessive and pro-
Universidad Catolica. The writer, he has performed in found lover of Mahler
second she returned from important stages worldwide. and Debussy. He lives and
Spain after getting his Mas- He’s part of the new genera- breathes music to exist.
ters in Film Artistic Direc- tion of Chilean musicians like Composer and movie lover
tion, she joined Idiots’ Para- Chinoy, Camila Moreno and to the core. Currently he’s
dise. She stands out because Francisca Valenzuela, and he developing the whole score
of her renewed and fresh will be in charge of creating of Idiots’ Paradise.
style and because of her the main theme song of the
working sensibility. film. Camila Maureira
Assistant Direction

Constanza Luzoro Cristina Yañez Javiera Camacho Diego Illanes

Translation Legal Design Programming

Master Plan. 26
Movie Specifications:
Name: Idiots’ Paradise.
Production company: Silla Films Inc.
Type of production: Fiction full-length film.
Production Country: Chile.
Language: Spanish / English
Total Budget: 434.807 EUR / US$600.562
Runtime: 100 minutes.
Target audience: Young adults (15-38 years old)
Socioeconomic segment: ABC1-C2.
Genre: Drama – Comedy.
Sub – genre: Romantic Comedy.
Type of film: Medium List.
Film format: High Definition.
Exhibition format: Digital and Streaming.
Distribution strategy: 360 - Transmedia.
Shooting date: July 2012.
Premiere date: April 2013
Financing: Crowdfunding – National and
international funds – Investors – Sponsorship.
Director: Rodrigo Gonzales Larrondo.
Producer: Benjamin Sandoval
Executive producers: Paz Urrutia -
Nicolas Etchebarne Mackenzie.
Script: Nicolas Wellmann Georgudis.

Idiots’ Paradise is a project which, with-
out a doubt, speaks of our times.

It speaks about where are things going and

about challenges that are left to face.

Nonetheless, this project not only allows us to make a film that

is visible and according to our way of viewing the world.

This project allows us to fulfill a dream…

And fulfill it no matter what it takes.

“We invite you to become part of this experience”

Master Plan. 28
More information:

Directed by: Script by: Produced by:

Rodrigo González Nicolás Wellmann Benjamín

Larrondo Sandoval

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