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FSI-8010; No. of Pages 9

Forensic Science International xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Forensic anthropology population data

Human decomposition and the reliability of a ‘Universal’ model

for post mortem interval estimations
Diane L. Cockle a,*, Lynne S. Bell b,1
Department of Archaeology, Centre for Forensic Research, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada
School of Criminology, Centre for Forensic Research, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada


Article history: Human decomposition is a complex biological process driven by an array of variables which are not
Received 20 January 2015 clearly understood. The medico-legal community have long been searching for a reliable method to
Received in revised form 18 April 2015 establish the post-mortem interval (PMI) for those whose deaths have either been hidden, or gone un-
Accepted 17 May 2015
noticed. To date, attempts to develop a PMI estimation method based on the state of the body either at
Available online xxx
the scene or at autopsy have been unsuccessful. One recent study has proposed that two simple
formulae, based on the level of decomposition humidity and temperature, could be used to accurately
calculate the PMI for bodies outside, on or under the surface worldwide. This study attempted to validate
Regional decomposition
Post mortem interval estimations
‘Formula I’ [1] (for bodies on the surface) using 42 Canadian cases with known PMIs. The results indicated
Forensic anthropology and population data that bodies exposed to warm temperatures consistently overestimated the known PMI by a large and
inconsistent margin for Formula I estimations. And for bodies exposed to cold and freezing temperatures
(less than 4 8C), then the PMI was dramatically under estimated. The ability of ‘Formulae II’ to estimate
the PMI for buried bodies was also examined using a set of 22 known Canadian burial cases. As these
cases used in this study are retrospective, some of the data needed for Formula II was not available. The
4.6 value used in Formula II to represent the standard ratio of time that burial decelerates the rate of
decomposition was examined. The average time taken to achieve each stage of decomposition both on,
and under the surface was compared for the 118 known cases. It was found that the rate of
decomposition was not consistent throughout all stages of decomposition. The rates of autolysis above
and below the ground were equivalent with the buried cases staying in a state of putrefaction for a
prolonged period of time. It is suggested that differences in temperature extremes and humidity levels
between geographic regions may make it impractical to apply formulas developed in one region to any
other region. These results also suggest that there are other variables, apart from temperature and
humidity that may impact the rate of human decomposition. These variables, or complex of variables, are
considered regionally specific. Neither of the Universal Formulae performed well, and our results do not
support the proposition of Universality for PMI estimation.
ß 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction decomposition in exceptional circumstances when the death of a

marginalized individual goes unnoticed, or the victim of a crime is
Death investigators face a daunting task to estimate the post intentionally hidden. Without eyewitness accounts, the onus is on
mortem interval (PMI) based on the visible state of decomposition the death investigators to establish the circumstances and timing
as the rate is dependent on an array of poorly understudy variables. of death. The timing of death may not be as critical for those who
The majority of individuals in our society are embalmed or have died accidentally or due to natural causes; however, for those
cremated within a few days of death. A body is found in a state of whose lives have been wrongly taken from them, the PMI
estimation can be important. A PMI can limit the extensive list
of missing persons to facilitate a positive identification by
fingerprints, DNA or dental records. At the start of a homicide
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 604 317 8803; fax: +1 604 666 2242.
investigation, a PMI can provide time ranges for cell phone records
E-mail addresses:,
(D.L. Cockle). or CCTV footage and in some instances confirm or refute alibis
Tel.: +1 778 782 7240. offered by suspects. The quest to develop a reliable method of PMI
0379-0738/ß 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell, Human decomposition and the reliability of a ‘Universal’ model for post mortem
interval estimations, Forensic Sci. Int. (2015),
G Model
FSI-8010; No. of Pages 9

e2 D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell / Forensic Science International xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

estimation has been pursued by forensic pathologists and Southwest [18], that the data provided a general template for
taphonomists over the past half century with limited success rates of decomposition which could be applied continent-wide as a
[2–11]. first order of approximation. Although some practitioners may
Human decomposition is an incredibly complex biological and attempt to provide a generalized PMI estimation for found remains
chemical process which involves the interaction of a diverse range based on their personal experience, there currently no scientifi-
of enzymes, bacteria, fungi and protozoa, which each operate cally recognized PMI estimation method for any specific or general
within an optimal environmental range, and set of conditions geographic region.
[12]. After death, the deprivation of oxygen triggers a chain of The search for a method to establish the PMI has been
events which results in cell necrosis and the onset of autolysis and undertaken not only by forensic taphonomists, but also forensic
then putrefaction. Enzymes, which are proteins can be destroyed, pathologists and entomologists, all with disappointing results.
crystallized or coagulated in temperature extremes [12]. The Historically, the most common method to establish the PMI either
optimal temperature for enzymes is 37 8C with a range between at the scene or autopsy, was the temperature method [36,37]. A
40 and 50 8C. The principle of the ‘rule of ten’ states that with each comprehensive validation study of this method was undertaken in
10 8C increase in temperature, the velocity of the chemical reaction the 1990s which found that there were flaws in the actual models
doubles or even triples [12]. Water is critical to chemical reactions and algorithms used and a subjectivity in measurements taken
as it moderates the impact of acidity and temperature. Water is which contributed to errors in the final calculation [37]. Methods
also critical for the action of hydrolyzing enzymes which break once used by Forensic Pathologists to estimate the PMI such as;
down biological polymers into carbohydrates, lipids and protein potassium levels in the aqueous vitreous or digestion levels of
hydrolysis. Once the process of autolysis has created sufficient stomach content have also been demonstrated not to be as reliable
quantities of nutrient-rich fluid from cellular disruption, putrefac- as once thought [7,9]. Until recently, PMI estimations using
tion can take over to self-digest and liquefy the soft tissue [12,13]. forensic entomology had been regarded as relatively reliable,
It is generally agreed that temperature, water, acidity, and however recent research in Canada [33] has suggested that there is
availability of oxygen can moderate the internal chemical and an unpredictable delay in the arrival of insects to decedents both
biological progression of decomposition [1,12–14]. What has not indoors and outdoors regardless of season, which introduces an
been established is the effect that the external environmental unknown error rate with any PMI estimate. Any general PMI
conditions; manner and cause of death; scene context (burial, estimations in Canada are provided reluctantly and with trepida-
indoors, outdoors, water; clothed, wrapped etc.) or variability tion with the belief that witness statements are still the most
between individuals (age, sex, body size) has on those internal reliable means to determine a time of death [38].
biochemical variables during the progression of decomposition Based on our current level of understanding of the variability of
[12,15–18]. Most researchers would attribute temperature and human decomposition, many forensic anthropologists tend to
moisture as the most significant dependant variables to the rate of accept that the estimation of a PMI based on the physical state of
decomposition [4,11,17–21], however there are others who have the body is inherently unreliable and constitutes an educated
suggested a number of other variables. It has been proposed that guess based the individual’s previous experience
insect and scavenger activity [16,18–20], extent of clothing [4], [10,18,19,39,40]. There are those who assert that it is possible
burial, soil pH, burial depth [12,18], trauma [18,19], body size to predict the PMI with a relative degree of reliability and accuracy.
[16,18], sun exposure and rainfall [4,12,17] have a significant Vass [1] has proposed that two basic formulae can used to reliably
impact on the rate of human decomposition. Due to the estimate the PMI for any body found under or on the surface
complications of conducting actualistic experimentation with anywhere.
donated human bodies [13,22,23] and the inability to find a The proposed Formulae are based on the assumption that soft
sufficient number of retrospective cases with similar intrinsic and tissue takes a standard amount of time or accumulated tempera-
contextual conditions [11,18,24–26], much of the research ture (1285 ADD) to decompose, and that only atmospheric or
conducted on human decomposition has used pigs as a proxy environmental temperature and humidity have any impact on the
for humans [15,27–33]. Without the corresponding research to rate of decomposition. A previous study by Vass [2] has established
establish the similarities or differences between human and pig that it takes a total of 1285 (ADD) accumulated temperature for all
decomposition, we have merely created a large compendium of soft tissue to decompose. Therefore, if the temperature averaged
knowledge on pig decomposition. Therefore, the question of which 20 8C every day, it would take a maximum of 64 days for all soft
variables impact the rate of decomposition and whether or not tissues to decompose and disappear. Vass [1] has identified only
those variables vary from one region to another is still unanswered. four variables, which in his opinion has any measurable impact on
There have been a number of studies conducted in an attempt to the rate of decomposition: temperature, moisture, pH and partial
understand the rate and variability of decomposition within a pressure of oxygen. A constant factor of 0.0103 was calculated by
specific geographic region [4,18,25,26,34]. The regional study in Vass [1] for the effect of moisture on decomposition based on his
Arizona [18] was the largest with 189 cases and it still sets the personal experience observing human decomposition at the
standard for the description of decomposition in an arid Archaeological Research Facility (ARF) in Knoxville, Tennessee
environment. The authors of this study did caution others not to [1]. The proposed method scores the level of atmospheric or soil
apply their regionally specific classification system or general humidity between 1 and 100 at the site of discovery on the day the
schedule of progression to any other geographic region [18]. Many corpse is discovered. The ambient temperature at the scene is
of the other regional models suffer from small sample sizes taken on the day of discovery or averaged over several days and
[25,26]; or a focus on bone decomposition as opposed to soft tissue corrected by a several day comparison to the nearest National
decomposition [4]. In relation to other studies with a regional Weather Service station [1]. As Vass [1] has already calculated how
concentration of cases, the rate of decomposition appears to be a much temperature (ADD) it takes for all soft tissue to decompose,
by-product of their original focus [11,35]. the method uses certain values for humidity and lack of oxygen in
There are some researchers who have suggested that it might be burials to compensate for the conditions at the site and calculate an
possible to take some of these regional models and attempt to accurate PMI.
provide a global perspective of human decomposition. Rhine and In an attempt to address the variability of external pH or oxygen
Dawson [4] determined that based on their New Mexico study, in pressure in a burial, Formula II utilizes a ratio of 4.6 to represent
combination with the studies from the Northwest [35] and the overall deceleration in the rate of burial compared to surface

Please cite this article in press as: D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell, Human decomposition and the reliability of a ‘Universal’ model for post mortem
interval estimations, Forensic Sci. Int. (2015),
G Model
FSI-8010; No. of Pages 9

D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell / Forensic Science International xxx (2015) xxx–xxx e3

decomposition. Vass developed this ratio based a study conducted duration of the PMI or the day of discovery. The level of
with four buried cadavers at ARF in 1985 [22] and the decomposition was classified using photographs of the body at
decomposition of three pigs in clays soils in England [28]. This the scene on the day of discovery. The original police operational
4.6 value was developed by Vass as a result of numerous other files were accessed to view the scene photographs. With
unpublished experiments conducted over many years [1] presum- permission from the RCMP and OPS, digital copies were made of
ably at ARF in Tennessee. The contribution of pH in the process of the relevant scene and autopsy photographs. The images were
human decomposition, although identified in the introduction as captured using a Cannon colour CanoScan 4400F high resolution
one of the four widely recognized factors that influence the rate flatbed scanner for printed photographs. A Nikon Coolscan V ED
and ultimate completeness of the decomposition process [1] was negative scanner was used for film negatives and any digital
unfortunately not defined or quantified in the methodology. For images were copied from the file CD or DVD to a secure external
the classification of decomposition, Vass assessed the extent of soft hard drive. The case photographs were numerically catalogued and
tissue decomposition using a scale of 1–100%. This method was separated from all case information. Any information which could
developed based on years of observation and experience [1] at ARF. be used to identify the decedent or case was removed.
Vass states that these formulas have been applied to many cases The level of decomposition was classified for each decedent
worldwide with remarkable success [1]. He suggests, that with the based using the crime scene and autopsy photographs by one
application of these two formulas, Medical Examiners or forensic author (DC) for all cases. The classification system was developed
personnel can estimate the percentage of decomposition, and for the larger human decomposition study and designed to
therefore the PMI to very accurate levels [1]. describe decomposition found within the environmental ranges
The aim of this study was to validate these two formulae of Canada [41]. This classification system described soft tissue
proposed by Vass [1] using a set of 118 known Canada decomposition and assigned a numerical stage to the visible
retrospective cases. A group of 42 outdoor surface cases with progression of autolysis and putrefaction: stage ‘00 as no visible
known PMIs were selected according to the criteria set out by Vass signs of post mortem changes, stages 1 and 2 include autolysis;
[1] to test the accuracy of Formula I for surface decomposition. A stages 3–5 putrefaction and stages 6–8 the final stages of
group of 96 surface and 22 buried cases were used to determine liquefaction, soft tissue removal and skeletonization.
whether decomposition in a burial was 4.6 slower than exposure The average temperature and humidity conditions for each case
on the surface. By validating these two formulae, this study would for the duration of their post mortem interval were calculated
be able to comment on the appropriateness of universal rules or using data available from the ‘‘Canadian National Climate Data and
concepts in our attempt to understand and predict human Information Archive’’, which is available on the internet (http://
decomposition. The
temperature and humidity data was taken from the geographically
2. Materials and methodology closest weather station. The Accumulated Degree-days (ADD)
score, was calculated for each case using the methodology
A total of 118 outdoor and buried cases were taken from a larger described by Megyesi et al., [11]. The temperature, humidity
study on human decomposition in Canada to assess the ability of and stage of decomposition for each case were exported from Excel
the two Universal Formulas [1] to accurately estimate the PMI for into Minitab 16 Statistical Software, version (by Minitab
found bodies in Canada. These cases were randomly selected from Inc.) for analysis.
a group of 7328 Canadian death investigations using the Violent
Crimes Linkage System (ViCLAS) and the Ottawa Police Service 3.1.1. Formula 1 (Vass [1]) – above ground – aerobic decomposition
(OPS) sudden death databases. Selection of the cases was based on
the quality of data and photographs and availability of a known A subset of 42 cases was selected from the 96 outdoor cases
PMI. For all cases in the dataset, the PMI was established by from the larger study to test the ability of the ‘Universal’ Formula I
independent means such as phone, computer or CCTV records or [1] to estimate the PMI for bodies exposed outside in Canada. The
confirmed eye-witness accounts. Ethics permission for this study criterion provided by Vass [1] was used select 36 cases. These cases
was granted by Simon Fraser University (SFU) and permissions had a PMI of 1 day or more, no evidence of scavenging, not exposed
granted to access and mine the data from the police files (including to freezing temperatures, and without adipocere formation
coroner/medical examiner, forensic identification, forensic an- [1]. Due to the prevalence of colder environmental conditions in
thropology and forensic lab reports) from the Royal Canadian Canada, a further six cases with longer PMIs which had been
Mounted Police (RCMP) and Ottawa Police Service (OPS). exposed to freezing temperatures, were selected to determine the
The cases used for the present study include solved homicides impact that cold temperatures had, if any, on the accuracy of
or suspicious deaths with found bodies located outside on the Formula I [1]. These six cases were exposed to warm temperatures
surface (96 cases) or buried in a clandestine grave (22 cases). An during their initial deposition and then cold and freezing
outdoor case is defined as such when the body was located temperatures (average temperatures of 4 8C or less) for the
outside of a temperature controlled structure, exposed to remainder of their post mortem interval.
ambient temperature and humidity ranges. Of the 22 buried Vass [1] used a cumulative percentage to express the level of
cases, 17 cases were buried in a shallow grave (some portion of decomposition for the calculation of the PMI in both ‘Universal’
the body exposed and visible) and 5 cases deeply buried (not Formulas. There is unfortunately, no explanation as to what visible
visible). The cases were selected from British Columbia, Alberta, signals or states are used to assess the overall extent of
Saskatchewan, Ontario and New Brunswick, however the decomposition and express it in a numeral range from 0 to
majority of the outdoor cases (81%) in this study are from 100. In order to approximate the same methodology used by Vass
British Columbia and Ontario. [1], the classification system used to describe the level of
decomposition for Canadian cases, was adapted so that the
3. Methodology numerical stage of decomposition could be expressed in a
percentage format. For each case, the numerical stage of
In order to estimate the PMI using Formula 1 for above ground decomposition assigned from 1 to 8 was converted into a 12.5–
cases; information relating to the level of decomposition, the 100% range by multiplying each stage of decomposition by a factor
average temperature and humidity conditions were needed for the of 12.5 (i.e., stage 2 became 25% decomposed).

Please cite this article in press as: D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell, Human decomposition and the reliability of a ‘Universal’ model for post mortem
interval estimations, Forensic Sci. Int. (2015),
G Model
FSI-8010; No. of Pages 9

e4 D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell / Forensic Science International xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

The percentage of decomposition, the temperature (ADD score) ratio was then calculated as an expression of the extent of error; for
and average humidity were used within Formula I (PMI Aerobic) example an estimated PMI of 40 days, when the actual PMI was
[1] to calculate the estimated PMI: 20 days was express as a ration of ‘ 20 over estimation. The results
have been provided in Table 1 and scatter plot formats in Fig. 1.

1285  ðdecomposition=100Þ 3.1.2. Formula II – below ground – anaerobic decomposition

PMI Aerobic ¼
0:0103  temperature  humidity
The values of ‘12850 have been used by Vass to represent the Formula II was designed by Vass [1] to provide accurate PMI
empirically determined ADD value at which soft tissue decomposi- estimations for bodies recovered from sub surface graves. The
tion ceases [1]. The 0.0103 value represents the empirically formula requires the soil moisture at the site on the day the corpse
determined measure of the effect of moisture on decomposition was discovered as well as the temperature of the soil on that day.
rates [1]. The percentage of decomposition for each of the cases in These values were unavailable for the cases in this study, and as
this study was divided by 100 and multiplied by 1285. This number such the same method used to evaluate Formula I could not be
was then divided by the multiplication of the average temperature, used for Formula II. To calculate the PMI estimate for buried bodies,
humidity and 0.0103. The results of the calculation for Formula I Vass uses a constant ratio of 4.6 which ‘‘represents a slowdown in
produced an estimation in PMI days (24 h period). The PMI the rate of decomposition due to lack of oxygen’’ [1]. This study
estimation was then compared to the actual known PMI for each examines the relative speed of decomposition to determine
case. The error rate was calculated in actual PMI days: ‘number of whether the rate of decomposition is 4.6 slower for bodies under
days’ difference between the actual PMI and estimated PMI. The error the ground compared to on the surface in Canada.

Table 1
Comparison of known and predicted PMI calculations using the Universal Formula I (Vass [1]) for cases in Canada.

Case Location Ecozone Decomp Average Average Actual PMI PMI using Error in days
score %* temp humidity formula I** and ratio diff.

1 Fort Chipewyan, AB 9 25 13.3 66 3 36 +33 ( 12)

2 Ottawa, ON 8 25 6.5 82 2 59 +57 ( 29.5)
3 Salmo, BC 14 12.5 4.4 85 5 43 +38 ( 8.6)
4 St. Denis, SK 10 37.5 17.9 55 2 48 +46 ( 24)
5 Richmond, BC 13 50 16.7 85 17 44 +27 ( 2.6)
6 Penticton, BC 14 87.5 5.6 58 25 336 +311 ( 13.4)
7 Coquitlam, BC 13 87.5 15.6 84 68 83 +15 ( 1.2)
8 Langley, BC 13 62.5 16.3 82 9 58 +49 ( 6.4)
9 Squamish, BC 13 75 14.5 83 31 78 +47 ( 2.5)
10 St. Denis, SK 10 37.5 15.4 83 11 37 +26 ( 3.4)
11 Dawson City, YK 12 12.5 17.3 73 2 13 +11 ( 6.5)
12 Burnaby, BC 13 12.5 13.2 95.5 2 13 +11 ( 6.5)
13 Port Alberni, BC 13 12.5 17 67 2 14 +12 ( 7)
14 Kamloops, BC 14 12.5 21 44.6 42 17 S25 ( 2.5)
15 Penticton, BC 14 12.5 14 63 3 18 +15 ( 6)
16 Midway, BC 14 12.5 21.5 41 2 18 +15 ( 6)
17 Prince George, BC 14 12.5 17 40.1 3 24 +21 ( 8)
18 Salmo, BC 14 12.5 4 78.6 5 52 +47 ( 10.4)
19 Chatham Head, NB 7 12.5 10.9 71.7 3 21 +18 ( 7)
20 Neguac, NB 7 12.5 14 65 2 18 +16 ( 9)
21 Newcastle, NB 7 12.5 22.1 75 2 10 +8 ( 5)
22 Ottawa, ON 8 12.5 20.7 79.7 3 10 +7 ( 3.33)
23 Ottawa, ON 8 12.5 11.4 52.3 3 27 +24 ( 9)
24 Ottawa, ON 8 12.5 18 85 2 11 +9 ( 5.5)
25 Ottawa, ON 8 12.5 20.3 70 2 11 +9 ( 5.5)
26 Ottawa, ON 8 12.5 22 65.6 2 11 +9 ( 5.5)
27 Parksville, BC 13 25 17.9 53.5 5 33 +28 ( 6.6)
28 Cowichan, BC 13 25 16 66.5 4 29 +25 ( 7.3)
29 Fort Chipewyan, AB 9 25 14.6 48.3 3 44 +41 ( 14.7)
30 Ottawa, ON 8 25 17.9 53.8 4 32 +28 ( 8)
31 Surrey, BC 13 62.5 10 71.7 31 110 +79 ( 3.5)
32 Courtney, BC 13 62.5 9.7*** 72 340 113 227 ( 3)
33 Ottawa, ON 8 62.5 23.1 89 6 38 +32 ( 6.3)
34 Ottawa, ON 8 62.5 22.2 78 13 45 +32 ( 3.5)
35 Prince George, BC 14 75 11.3*** 62 229 134 95 ( 1.7)
36 Prince George, BC 14 75 9.1*** 60 395 172 223 ( 2.3)
37 Ottawa, ON 8 75 20.2 74 32 63 +31 ( 2)
38 Ottawa, ON 8 75 22.4 66.4 9 63 +54 ( 7)
39 Port Alberni, BC 13 87.5 9 70 67 174 +107 ( 2.6)
40 Chilliwack, BC 13 87.5 9*** 69 336 177 159 ( 1.9)
41 Surrey, BC 13 87.5 14*** 63 260 125 135 ( 2.1)
42 Burns Lake, BC 14 87.5 10.5*** 61 247 171 76 ( 1.4)

Results in red: represent an overestimation of the actual PMI.

Results in blue: represent an underestimation of the actual PMI.
NB: each of the longer PMI cases (with the exception of case 14) with exposure to colder and freezing temperatures resulted in an underestimation of the actual PMI.
The decomposition score from 0 to 8 has been multiplied by 12.5 to equate to the 0–100% scale used by Vass [1]. The average temperature and humidity have been
calculated from the day of death to discovery.
This represents the calculation of the post mortem interval using Formula I for bodies above the surface [1].
Cases with longer PMI in days were included if the first 30 days resulted in an average positive temperature. The average temperature provided for these cases is for the
first 30 days only.

Please cite this article in press as: D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell, Human decomposition and the reliability of a ‘Universal’ model for post mortem
interval estimations, Forensic Sci. Int. (2015),
G Model
FSI-8010; No. of Pages 9

D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell / Forensic Science International xxx (2015) xxx–xxx e5

Comparison of Actual PMI and Formula I (Vass 2011) estimated PMI

400 Variables
Actual PMI
PMI using Formula I


PMI in Days 200


0 10 20 30 40
Case Number

Fig. 1. Comparison between the actual PMI (in black) and the estimated PMI using Formula I (Vass [1]) (in red) for each case. Formula I [1] consistently underestimated the PMI
for cases exposed to cold or freezing temperatures. The cases exposed to colder temperatures are those which were deposited in warmer conditions, but have been exposed to
colder seasonal conditions with the passage of time in Canada. Formula 1 consistently overestimated the PMI for cases selected using the criteria provided by Vass [1].(For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

A set of 22 buried cases was compared to 96 surface cases. As Fig. 1 demonstrated that Formula I underestimated the PMI for
bodies were discovered at a range of decompositional stages, the cases exposure to cold temperatures and underestimated those
cases were grouped by stage of decomposition and the average exposed to warm temperatures, but also that there is an increase in
time (PMI in days) and temperature (ADD score) calculated for that the error rate with a corresponding increase in the PMI.
stage of decomposition for the surface and buried groups. Due to This study has found that the rate of decomposition for buried,
the smaller sample sizes within the burial set, it was only possible compared to surface cases is variable and dependant on the stage
to compare the differences in the rates of decomposition for stages of decomposition. For some stages of decomposition, the progres-
0, 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7 [41] (There were no burial cases discovered at sion of decomposition was faster for buried compared to surface
decompositional stages 2, 4 or 8). The average ADD scores and PMI cases (Table 2). The buried cases reached stage 1, 1.3 faster in days,
for each group at each stage of decomposition was compared. If with half as much temperature (ADD score) compared to the
there was a difference in the average time (PMI in days) or surface cases at the same stage. For the stages of putrefaction
temperature (ADD score) for that stage of decomposition between however, the surface cases did demonstrate a faster rate of
the surface and buried group, the difference was expressed as a decomposition compared to the buried cases. It took considerably
ratio to present the number of times that the rate of decomposition more temperature and more time for buried cases to commence
for one group was faster or slower (in time and temperature) than the onset of putrefaction in a burial compared to a surface
the other. environment. The rate of decomposition for the later stages of
liquefaction was only slightly faster for buried cases compared to
4. Results surface cases, both with longer PMIs (Table 2).

In brief, this study determined that Vass’s Formula I [1] either

over-estimated the actual PMI of bodies found on the surface in
Table 2
Canada in warmer temperatures or underestimated those exposed Ratio differences for the rate of decomposition of surface compared to buried bodies
to colder temperatures outside (Table 1). It was also determined in the Canadian dataset.
that the ratio of 4.6 [1] used in Formula II to express the delay in the
Stage of Ratio Ratio Relation of surface
speed of decomposition under versus on top of the ground could decomposition difference difference to buried bodies
not be validated. for PMI for ADD
The degree of over or underestimation was calculated to in days score
determine if a constant error rate existed which could account for 0 3 6.7 Buried faster than surface
the environmental and ecological differences between the region 1 1.3 2 Buried faster than surface
for which the formula was designed (Knoxville Tennessee) and 3 0.08 9.25 Surface faster than buried
Canada. For the 36 cases in the Canadian dataset with shorter PMIs 5 9.6 89 Surface faster than buried
6 6.4 163 Surface faster than buried
and no exposure to cold or freezing temperatures, Formula I 7 1.9 1.5 Buried faster than surface
overestimated the PMI in days an average of seven times, with an
Note: The ratio difference is the number of times decomposition is faster or slower
unpredictable error rate ranging from 1.2 to 30 times.
from the surface compared to the buried bodies for that stage of decomposition. The
For the six cases with longer PMIs with exposure to colder or results are provided in time (PMI days) and temperature (ADD score). The results
freezing temperatures, Formula I provided an estimated PMI which provided in blue represent the stage of decomposition which was found to be
was on average, half of the actual length of time from death to achieved with a smaller amount of time and temperature for buried versus surface
discovery. The estimations provided by Formula I [1] resulted in an cases. The results provided in red represent those stages of decomposition which
were found to be achieved with a smaller amount of time and temperature for cases
inconsistent error rate and underestimated of the actual PMI from on the surface compared to those at the same stage of decomposition under the
113 to 223 days. The disparity between the PMI estimated by surface. N = 22 for buried cases and N = 96 for surface cases. Not all stages were
Formula I and the actual PMI for each case is provided in Fig. 1. represented by the 22 buried cases.

Please cite this article in press as: D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell, Human decomposition and the reliability of a ‘Universal’ model for post mortem
interval estimations, Forensic Sci. Int. (2015),
G Model
FSI-8010; No. of Pages 9

e6 D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell / Forensic Science International xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

As the rate of decomposition is variable depending on the stage frozen body will not putrefy. In the cooler moist and dark
of decomposition for cases in Canada, a constant rate of 4.6 cannot environments of western Canada, there are also instances of bodies
be used to express the ratio of deceleration in the rate of colonized by fungi or algae in a visible fresh state after a long post
decomposition of a buried body discovered at any stage of mortem interval.
decomposition. As the validity of the 4.6 ratio used for Formula II
has not been validated here, then PMI estimations for cases in 5.2. Humidity
Canada using this formula would produce erroneous results, and
therefore the idea of ‘universality’ is too, unsupported. The variability in the rate and trajectory of decomposition may
be not only the result of temperature extremes, but also humidity.
5. Discussion As already discussed, moisture is critical to the internal processes
of both autolysis and putrefaction. The lack of external moisture
It has been demonstrated therefore, that the formulae proposed results in the preservation of tissue with the development of
by Vass [1] based on research conducted on decomposition in the mummification. Due to the high temperatures and low humidity
Knoxville Tennessee region of the United States of America, cannot rates, mummification was an inevitable end state for the bodies
be successfully applied to cases within Canada. The reasons for this decomposing outdoors in Arizona [18]. In Canada, instances of
may be two fold; that not all variables contributing to the rate of mummification are seen more commonly with indoor cases in a
decomposition have been identified, and that these variables may climate controlled environment [41]. With higher levels of
differ from one geographic region to another. humidity, it took on average three times more time to reach the
end stages of decomposition in Canada compared to Arizona.
5.1. Freezing temperatures However in Arizona the end state was generally considered to be a
mummified envelope over hard tissue, whereas in Canada soft
One of the main differences between the southern United States tissue did liquefy leaving only mummified connective tissue. It was
and the majority of Canada, is that Canada experiences more noted however, that there was a difference in the overall rate of
temperature extremes during winter and summer. These temper- decomposition from one Ecozone to another within Canada. The
ature extremes especially during winter, may have a significant main environmental differences between those two Ecozones were
impact on the rate of decomposition for an overwintered body that one had higher levels of humidity in summer and more
thawing in spring. There have been a number of studies which have temperature extremes compared to the other Ecozone with lower
examined the impact of cold temperatures on tissue deterioration average yearly humidity with a more temperate climate [41]. It
or rates of decomposition [25,42–46]. A study conducted in would seem therefore, that based on temperature and humidity
Australia and Hawaii [45,46] conducted controlled experiments on alone, there is variability in the rate and trajectory of decomposi-
hard and soft tissue in an attempt to identify changes caused by tion between one geographic region and another.
freezing. The study found that freezing small disassociated soft
tissue samples did not impact the re-thawed rate of decomposition 5.3. The progression of decomposition in a burial
or the soil chemistry compared to unfrozen samples. However, this
experiment was conduct to determine whether freezing would be In an attempt to bring order to the chaos of human
deleterious to forensic chemistry analysis as opposed to the overall decomposition, taphonomists have attempted to develop ‘rules
rate of decomposition for an intact organism. of thumb’ for the rate of decomposition in different contexts. Fisher
There have been a few studies using whole animal proxies in the [47] has suggested that the progression of decomposition for a
northern United States of America [42,44] as well as one study which body decomposing on the surface for 1 week is equivalent to
examined human decomposition in cold environments [25] in the 2 weeks in the water or 8 weeks in the soil. However Rhine and
Edmonton region of Alberta, Canada. Extreme scavenging for the Dawson [4] have stated that it is a generally accepted rule, that
20 Alberta cases meant that there was very little remnant soft tissue 1 week on the surface equates to 2 weeks in water, and 3 in a burial
and it was not known if the freezing process had accelerated the rate to achieve the same level of decomposition. These two rules of
of decomposition upon thawing [25]. Micozzi’s [42] has asserted thumb are based to some extent, on the early research conducted
that freezing temperatures will act as a biocide to eliminate or slow at ARF in Knoxville, Tennessee [22,40]. Rodriguez and Bass [22]
down endogenous gut flora and thus result in a slower rate of conducted a ground breaking experiment with six un-embalmed
decomposition, which may result in the re-colonization of aerobic cadavers at ARF. They evaluated the decomposition of these six
bacteria on the body from external sources. In the larger study of corpses buried at a variety of depths for a period of 2 years. Two of
Canadian retrospective cases [41], there was one case which the corpses had been autopsied and all were placed in a variety of
exhibited a deceleration in the rate of decomposition and external positions with and without clothing. The bodies were exhumed at
colonization of the body by algae during cold and freezing regular intervals for evaluation. The bodies were described as
temperatures. This particular body was exposed to freezing progressing through stages of ‘‘tissue shrinkage’’ [22] and
temperatures (to a minimum of 118) with an average temperature adipocere development with skeletonization of the extremities
of 48 during the 37 days post mortem interval. There was no visible and head. They concluded by stating that ‘‘the decomposition of
sign of tissue change due to autolysis or putrefaction; there was buried human cadavers occurred at a much slower rate than that of
however an obvious colonization of the tissue by an unidentified cadavers placed above the ground’’ (Ibid: 849). Rodriguez and Bass
algae. This visible appearance of this case is consistent with also suggested that the deeper the burial, the less oxygen available
Micozzi’s [42] prediction that bodies exposed to extreme cold will and the slower the rate of decomposition [22,40]. Shepherd also
decompose from the ‘outside in’ versus the ‘inside out’. stated that burial would slow the rate of decomposition
The implication of these results is that death investigators in considerably [48]. It may be that the rate of decomposition is
Canada must consider the detrimental effect of freezing or cold depressed due to lower temperatures and lack of oxygen, however
temperatures on putrefaction and the later stages of decomposi- the question must be asked whether any other variable has an
tion. A body which has overwintered and subject to freezing impact and whether the same rule of thumb can be applied for to
temperatures may have a different rate of tissue liquefaction all environmental regions.
compared to a body with an equivalent overall ADD score not The impact of depth of burial has been proposed as a significant
exposed to freezing temperatures. There may be instances where a contributing variable to decomposition in burials [22]. There are

Please cite this article in press as: D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell, Human decomposition and the reliability of a ‘Universal’ model for post mortem
interval estimations, Forensic Sci. Int. (2015),
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FSI-8010; No. of Pages 9

D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell / Forensic Science International xxx (2015) xxx–xxx e7

those who assert that a shallow burial may accelerate the rate of the surface (Table 2). This original ratio of 4.6 for burial
decomposition compared to deeper internment based on the decomposition was established by Vass [1] using a small sample
absence of bacteria [49]. The bacterium that decomposes the body size (six bodies) [22] in one specific geographic region. A total of
from outside in, is limited at deeper stratas due to the reduction in 118 cases from two main Canadian Ecozones (Ecozone 13; Pacific
available oxygen and organic material. Knusel et al., [50] proposes Maritime and 8; Mixedwood Plain) were used to validate this
that the depth of burial is irrelevant and suggests that the presence ratio with negative results. The rate of decomposition was found
of porous and permeable the soil, which allows the free exchange to be variable depending on the stage of decomposition.
of water and oxygen, is more important to the rate of decomposi- Autolysis on the surface appeared to progress at a similar speed
tion. This study found that depth of the burial was not a significant to that in a burial, however the onset and duration of
contributing variable, and more importantly, the rate of decom- putrefaction took considerably longer for the buried cases.
position did not appear to be constant through the stages of Based on these results, it would seem that any attempt to use
autoloysis and putrefaction. For the cases in this study, the rate of Formula II [1] to predict the PMI for buried cases in Canada
decomposition for the early stages (stages 0 and 1) was slightly would produce erroneous estimations. It would also appear that
faster for the buried cases, at a ratio of 1.3–3 times, compared to the depth of burial is not as significant as perhaps soil type and
the cases on the surface (Table 2). From stage 5 onward, the time drainage. It is also likely that the variability in moisture levels in
spent in each stage of decomposition was extremely variable. From the soil as well as temperature plays a substantial role in the
stages 6 to 8, the buried cases took 5.36 times more time (PMI days) progression decomposition.
and 87 times more temperature compared to the rate of There is always the temptation for any researcher to attempt to
decomposition on the surface (Table 2). The cases which were search for patterns or laws to understand complex processes. In
deeply buried achieved stage 6 decomposition after an average of this instance Vass [1] identified only four variables: temperature,
191 days, compared to 203 days for shallowly buried cases moisture, pH and partial pressure of oxygen, to attempt to
[41]. The rule of thumb that decomposition in a burial is a constant calculate standard values to represent their contribution to the
8 times, 3 times or 4.6 times slower than surface decomposition process of decomposition. The study attempted to validate one of
was not validated in this study. The assumption that the rate of these two formulae with limited success. The accuracy of Formula
decomposition decreases with the increasing depth of burial was II was tested using three buried cases with relatively long PMIs,
also not validated. presumably from the Knoxville, Tennessee area. The results of
Formula I estimation were as follows: 23 months (actual
6. PMI estimations 22 months), 18.2 years (actual 18 years), and 5.4–6.5 years (actual
8 years). For two of the cases the PMI estimates were within a few
The notion that the rate of human decomposition is subject to months of the actual PMI, however the estimate for the last cases
a limited number of external environmental variables common to was in error by 2.6–1.5 years. These results suggest that there may
all geographic regions was examined during this study with still be an imperfect understanding of all of the variables which
discouraging results. It was found that Formula I cannot be used affect the rate of decomposition even within the Knoxville
to accurately or reliably estimate the PMI for bodies in Canada. Tennessee region.
The Formula will either overestimate the actual PMI for bodies The results of this study seem to suggest that understanding
exposed to warm temperatures, or dramatically underestimate the variables which affect human decomposition may be more
those exposed to colder temperatures in Canada. The extent, or complex than previously thought. There does appear to be an
ratio of over or underestimation for Formula I is unpredictable impact created by regionally specific humidity and temperature
and inconsistent (Table 1). In the larger study, the rate of levels. It may also be that these are not the only contributing
decomposition for bodies exposed to cold temperatures com- variables to the progression of decomposition. The individual’s
pared to bodies not exposed to the cold with the same ADD score age, manner of death and level of exsanguination, alcohol and
showed a slower overall rate of decomposition [41]. The drug intake as well as immediate context such as clothing,
differences in ‘moisture’ between one region and another could coverings, burial, in water, indoors or outdoors may also play a
affect the ratio of 0.0103 calculated by Vass for Tennessee [1]. The significant role in the rate and trajectory of human decomposition
average humidity levels decrease with each increase in the [41].
geographic latitude. Warmer air can suspend water vapour to a The failure of the universal formulae to accurately estimate the
much larger extent that colder air. The lower average tempera- PMI for cases in Canada suggests that the quest for a universal
tures found in more northern latitudes may therefore have a method is still ongoing. There remains the hope that chemical
negative impact on the relative humidity levels and the analysis of decompositional fluids can produce a reliable means of
contribution that humidity makes to the progression of decom- PMI estimation [13,28,51–53], however the reliability and
position. Due to the higher average levels of both temperatures practicality of these methods for a medico-legal context have
and relative humidity in the Knoxville Tennessee, the ‘1285 ADD’ yet to be established. With our current level of understanding of
calculation for the end of soft tissue decomposition may be human decomposition, we may not be at the point of discerning
dependent on higher levels of humidity and is therefore universal patterns. With more retrospective studies and experi-
regionally specific. This point is illustrated with 10 cases in this mentation, we may however be able to create regional specific
study which had an ADD score well in excess of 1285 ADD with models by identify variables particular to that area and context.
ongoing soft tissue liquefaction. Five of these cases were
discovered in later stages of putrefaction (average ADD score of 7. Conclusion
2337) and the other five in a state of putrefaction in combination
with mummification or adipocere formation (average of This study attempted to validate the two Universal Formulas
3673 ADD). The constant factor of ‘0.01030 calculated by Vass proposed by Vass [1] using 118 Canadian cases with discouraging
[1] for the contribution that moisture makes to decomposition in results. Formula I (for surface decomposition) was tested using
Knoxville Tennessee, may not be a constant for other geographical Canadian 42 cases and found to either overestimate the known PMI
regions in different latitudes. by as much as 30 times for bodies decomposing in warmer climates
This study also illustrated that the rate of decomposition in a or underestimate the PMI as much as 3 times for bodies exposed to
burial is not a constant 4.6 times slower compared to the rate on colder temperatures. The ratio of 4.6 proposed by Vass [1] to

Please cite this article in press as: D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell, Human decomposition and the reliability of a ‘Universal’ model for post mortem
interval estimations, Forensic Sci. Int. (2015),
G Model
FSI-8010; No. of Pages 9

e8 D.L. Cockle, L.S. Bell / Forensic Science International xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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interval estimations, Forensic Sci. Int. (2015),

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