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POST Overview

POSTProgram Operations Support Tool

Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000

Audience Estimated Time

to Complete

: Anyone beginning POST Approximately 20–30 minutes


: Anyone interested in an
introduction to POST.

Prerequisites for this Self-Study

: None.

What you need to complete this Self-Study

: This workbook.
First Edition, Revised June 2000
This edition applies to POST (Program Operations Support Tool) Version 1.0
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ii POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
Table of Contents

Part I: What Is POST?............................................................................1

What Is the Purpose of POST? .............................................................1
What Is the Vision for POST? ...............................................................4
What Is the Structure of POST Version 1.0?.........................................5
What Are the Benefits of Using POST Now? ......................................12
Part 2: POST Curriculum and Your Personal Learning Plan............15
The POST Version 1.0 Release Education Curriculum.......................15
Your Role Determines Your Learning Plan .........................................19
Evaluating Your Prerequisite Readiness.............................................21
How to Obtain Education Components ...............................................25
Part 3: Other Information about POST...............................................27
Documents ..........................................................................................27
Websites .............................................................................................28
Appendix: Delivery Support Knowledge Café Instructions .............29
How to Access the DS Knowledge Café Directly from Lotus Notes ....29
How to Create a Local Replica of the DS Knowledge Café.................30

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview iii

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
About This Document

The primary purpose of this document is to make you

aware of POSTits purpose, the vision for its continued
development, the organization of Version 1.0, and the
benefits to you and your business of using POST now.

Another purpose of this document is to direct you to

subsequent POST Version 1.0 education and other POST

The document is organized into the following brief parts:

Q Part I: What Is POST?
This is a high-level description of POST.

Q Part 2: POST Curriculum and Your Personal Learning

This is a description of the POST education
components supporting release of Version 1.0, plus a
guide to the education pieces that are recommended
for your role.

Q Part 3: Other Information about POST

This is a list of POST-related documents and websites.

iv POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
Part I: What Is POST?

Part I describes at an introductory and overview level the

purpose of POST, the vision for POST, the organization of
POST Version 1.0, and the benefits of using POST now.

What Is the Purpose of POST?

At the heart of POST is the concept of program

Q A program “is a group of related projects and other
activities managed in a coordinated way to achieve a
common long-term objective.”1 Additionally, a program
often includes ongoing operations (such as Strategic

Program Ongoing Operations such

as Strategic Outsourcing
Group of Related Projects

Large Complex




Simple Projects

This is the definition from the Worldwide Project Management Methods (WWPMM).

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 1

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
Q POST is the IBM strategic tool to support program
Q Within IBM, there are a number of sets of processes
that support program management.
One of the sets of processes is the IBM Global
Services commercial Strategic Outsourcing group’s
Program Management Plan (PMP) processes.
Q In the execution phase of a program, the PMP
processes can be represented as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: A representation of the PMP processes in the program execution phase.

Program Management Plan

Customer interface management

Projects Financial New Contract
control mgmt business performance
and and mgmt
coordination business

Resource management

Risk management

Program baseline management

2 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
POST is the IBM PM Tool Suite component that has
been created to provide Project Executives (PEs) and
their teams with a view across most aspects of a
program in order to facilitate implementation of the
Program Management Plan processes.
This is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: With POST, PEs and their teams can monitor and control the Program Management Plan by
viewing across most aspects of a program.

Program Management Plan

Customer interface management

Projects New Contract
POST control mgmt business performance
and and mgmt
coordination business

Resource management

Project Executive
Risk management
and team
Program baseline management

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 3

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
What Is the Vision for POST?

The vision for POST is that it will automatically select,

summarize, and provide information across all aspects of a
program, based upon a PE’s selection criteria.

For example, a PE needs to know about issues across a

program. This requires that the execution processes and
the associated support tools select, summarize, and
provide the relevant information to POST, as illustrated in
Figure 3. The vision is that this will be done automatically;
currently, POST requires some manual preparation and
data capture.

Figure 3: One example of where POST development is headed is that information, such as that regarding
program issues, will be selected, captured, and summarized automatically for viewing in POST.

Issues POST

Program Management Plan

Customer interface management


Projects Financial New Contract
control mgmt business performance
and and mgmt
coordination business

Resource management

Risk management

Program baseline management

4 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
What Is the Structure of POST Version 1.0?

The previous pages described the purpose of POST and

provided some view of the direction POST will be taking as
it further develops. What about POST nowVersion 1.0?

This section describes the overall organization of POST

Version 1.0, lists the key functions available in POST,
states the general specifications for POST Version 1.0,
and illustrates the typical configurations of POST Version

Overall organization of POST Version 1.0

POST is a Lotus Notes application that consists of three

databases: a “core” (or “main”) database, a help database,
and a profile database.

Help Profile
("core" or "main")

The POST Lotus Notes Databases

Q The POST core database is where program documents

are located and where most of the day-to-day activities
are executed.
• The POST core database can hold multiple
programs although a typical implementation of
POST will be with one program per core database.
• The core database is organized into thirteen
sections, each of which supports key program
management activities. Figure 4 on page 6 lists
each of the sections with a brief, general
Q The POST Help database contains the topics that
provide access to the help files.
Q The POST Profile database contains a profile set of
key characteristics of the program structure and

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 5

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
As mentioned on the previous page, POST is organized
into thirteen sections. These are named and described
briefly below.

Figure 4: POST Version 1.0 is organized into thirteen sections numbered 0 through 12.

Section 0: Standards, Processes, and Procedures

Acts as an electronic filing cabinet to store standards, processes, and procedures as
well as other program-specific information.
Section 1: Directory & Organization
Includes name, phone, and other contact information for program participants and
defines the role of each of those participants.
Section 2: Program Calendar
Provides a listing of key meeting dates and event dates for documents. Items can be
copied into the user’s local Notes mail calendar.
Section 3: Baseline Documents
Provides a description of the original program plans (baselines), actual data, and
revisions to the plans.
Section 4: Program Projects
Stores high level status information about the program’s key projects.
Section 5: Requests for Services
Stores Requests for Services for both in-scope-undefined and out-of-scope services.
Section 6: Contract Change Request
Records and tracks information pertaining to Contract Change Requests.
Section 7: Deliverables
Records and tracks information relating to program deliverables.
Section 8: Program Correspondence
Tracks correspondence among customers, supplier organizations, and IBM program
Sections 9. Program Issues
Collects and tracks issues created in any of the thirteen POST sections.
Section 10: Customer Satisfaction
Tracks Customer Satisfaction Surveys and collects and reviews survey responses.
Section 11: Program Risks
Tracks risks and their associated analyses and occurrences.
Section 12: Reports
Stores Report documents to which are attached externally generated reports.

6 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
POST Key Functions

POST Version 1.0 provides the following functions:

Q Security and access
• Database access control
• Document-level access controls
• Document-level audit trail
Q Customization and external linkage
• Keyword customization for all forms
• Add fields to standard forms
• Add personal forms for specific reporting needs
• Add customer logo to header of each POST form
• Add additional information to header of each POST
• Specify context-sensitive help for POST forms
• Launch program-specified Lotus Notes databases
from POST2
Q Help and support
• Online context-sensitive help
• Online User’s Guide
Q Notification
• Approval required to change state2
• State has been approved and changed2
• Notification of action owners by email
• Mail meeting agenda and/or minutes to attendees2

“Limited” function provided by POST Version 1.0.

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 7

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
Q Reporting and key views
• Integrated meeting calendar
• Key program date calendar
• Views sorted and categorized by key information
• View of all actions
• Views of all people by project/service, by type, etc.2
• Program-level views of project status information2
• Program-level views of service operation status
• Documents owned or created by you
• Favorites by view
• Provide metrics for key information elements by
• Export information easily to other reporting tools
• Print or view lists of key process information that is
categorized or sorted2
Q Association
• Data model-driven assoications2
• Association of any document with another
• Ability to launch from or to associated documents
• Ability to view data model-driven associations2
• Associate action with service request, issue,
meetings, risks
• Associate person with project(s)2
• Association of person with service(s)2
• Link person information to documents

8 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
Q Miscellaneous
• Logical and physical delete
• Copy/paste of documents2
• Integrated level-1 feedback mechanism
• Support multiple programs
• Copy meeting to personal calendar
• Miscellaneous documents
• Response documents
• Can add comments and attachments to every
POST document
• Enable or disable copyright notice on all POST
• Specify default currency and all currencies to be
• Turn on or off automatic document identification
(ID) numbering for all POST form types
• Enable or disable sections and forms
• Troubleshooting within the application2
• Provide glossary function
• Attach an email from Notes mail box2

Information about each of these POST functions is

available in the POST v1.0 General User’s Guide or the
POST v1.0 Champion’s User Guide. Refer to “Part 3:
Other Information about POST” beginning on page 27 for
where to obtain these guides.

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 9

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
General Specifications

Some of the POST Version 1.0 specifications are listed

Q Requires Lotus Notes version 4.5.3a in Windows 953
Q Will be installed and deployed on servers managed by
Global Notes Architecture (GNA)
Q Runs on either the North American or the International
version of Lotus Notes
Q Requires 20MB of hard disk space for installation;
additional space will be needed based on the number
and size of program documents stored in the POST

POST Version 1.0 has been fully tested and certified to work with this version of Windows.

10 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
Typical configurations

A typical “IBM internal configuration” is depicted in

Figure 5. A typical configuration of POST used with an
external customer is shown in Figure 6.4

Note: In the figures below, GNA refers to Global Notes

Architecture. IWS refers to IBM Workgroup Services. A client is
a ThinkPad or Personal Computer or Workstation.

Figure 5: A typical “IBM Internal” POST configuration (all within IBM firewall)



GNA Database Server (Notes 4.5.3a on

Figure 6: A typical “External” POST configuration



IBM GNA Server

IWS Customer
(Dedicated IWS for Notes Server Notes Server

replica replica

IBM Customer
Notes Client Notes Client(s)

Both configuration graphics have been simplified for use here. For complete information, consult with a POST Deployment

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 11

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
Now that you know something about POST, you may be
asking “what are the benefits of using it for my programs?”
The next section lists some of the benefits that can be
derived now from POST Version 1.0.

What Are the Benefits of Using POST Now?

Program Management Plan

There are a number of benefits to using
POSTfor IBM, for your programs, and for
Customer interface management

Projects Financial New Contract

your customers.
POST control mgmt business performance
and and mgmt
coordination business

Some of the benefits are probably


Resource management
self-evident from the description of how
Project Executive
and team
Risk management POST supports program operations,
Program baseline management
particularly the implementation of a
Program Management Plan and views of
program information.

Some of the key benefits are summarized below.

Q POST supports consistency and coherent program
management across contracts, worldwide.
Q POST addresses a variety of business problems in an
efficient way. It offers adequate flexibility to
accommodate typical scenarios as well as new
business objectives.
Q POST facilitates implementation of a Program
Management Plan, which is based on global best
practices (i.e., the Program Management Plan
Q It allows the Program Executive and the program
management team to locate relevant information
across most aspects of a program.
Q POST allows multi-person access from multiple
locations to a single, central database.
Q POST offers ease of communication regarding issues
and actions.
Q Overall it provides convenient storage of program
management records.

12 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
How do you think POST can benefit your program?
Your customers? You? Your team? Jot down your
thoughts in the space provided below.
Q My customers can benefit from POST in the following

Q I can benefit from POST in the following ways:

Q My team can benefit from POST in the following ways:

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 13

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
Part I of this POST Overview has been provided as a way
to give you a “big picture” introduction to POST.

Now that you have been introduced to POST, the next part
of this document describes the POST Version 1.0 release
education curriculum.

If you are going to be an active user of POST, you will

need one or more of the education offerings described
next in Part 2.

14 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
Part 2: POST Curriculum and
Your Personal Learning Plan

This section lists the components of the POST curriculum.

It also provides you with a “personal learning plan” for
receiving the POST education most relevant to your role.

The POST Version 1.0 Release Education Curriculum

The POST Version 1.0 Release Education curriculum has
a number of components as well as some prerequisites.

POST Version 1.0 Release Education


The following are the prerequisites for further POST

Version 1.0 education.
Q Knowledge of the IBM Program Management Plan
processes and understanding of the purpose of
Program Management Plan.
• Since POST is a tool for executing a Program
Management Plan, which is composed of
customized PMP processes, it is important that you
have at least a conceptual knowledge of these
before using POST.
Q Skill with using Lotus Notes databases, navigation, and
fundamental Notes functions.
Your “prerequisite
readiness” will be • The education assumes that you can use Lotus
evaluated in another Notes to a degree that you rarely need help.
section of this document
• Functions that are common to Notes and not
(page 21).
unique to POST are not taught in the education.
• You may find it difficult to complete the hands-on
activities in the education if you do not meet the
Notes skills prerequisites.
Q Since POST is a Notes application, you must have a
Notes ID and password to use the education

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 15

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
Figure 7: POST Version 1.0 Release Education curriculum and prerequisites

Prerequisites PMP Notes Notes ID and

knowledge skills password

POST Version 1.0 Release Education Curriculum

POST Overview POST Quick Tour

automated demos Learning POST
workbook Fundamentals
Part 1 and Part 2 workbook
(with Personal
Learning Plan )

20-30 minutes 12-15 minutes each up to 3 hours

All learners
start here

All Audiences

Deployment Leaders

Champion's POST
Guide to Learning Applied Workshop

5-6 hours 12- 16 hour s

Documents supporting education


Self-Guided Instructor-Led

16 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
POST Version 1.0 Release Education
Curriculum Components

The following are the education components that make up

the POST Version 1.0 release education curriculum.
These are also shown in Figure 7 on page 16.
Q POST Overview workbook
• This is the document you are reading.
• It is a prerequisite to the other POST education
Q POST Quick Tour automated demos
• There are two automated demos, Part 1 and Part 2.
— Part 1 is a basic tour of POST.
Part 1 is designed for all audiences.
— Part 2 builds on the Part 1 tour, providing a
more detailed look at POST.
Part 2 is designed primarily for the POST
• Part 1 and Part 2 of the POST Quick Tour run
about 12-15 minutes each.
Q Learning POST Fundamentals workbook
• This is a self-study workbook with an emphasis on
hands-on guided activities designed to familiarize
the learner with the basic functions of POST.
• The activities in this workbook are performed using
a POST education database and a special
education Notes ID.
• The required prerequisites to Learning POST
Fundamentals are a conceptual knowledge of the
Program Management Plan processes as well as
Notes skills.
• Learning POST Fundamentals is a prerequisite to
the Champion’s Guide to Learning POST.

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 17

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
Q Champion’s Guide to Learning POST workbook
• The focus of this self-study workbook is on
hands-on activities that teach POST administration,
set-up, customization, and report generation.
• The activities in this workbook are performed using
the same POST education database that is used
with the Learning POST Fundamentals; however,
there is a different education Notes ID for the
Champion’s Guide to Learning POST activities.
• The intended audiences for the Champion’s Guide
are Business Office POST Champions and POST
Deployment Leaders (together referred to as
• The Champion’s Guide is a required prerequisite to
the POST Applied Workshop.
Q POST Applied Workshop
• This workshop, intended for Champions, is a forum
for discussion facilitated by a POST subject matter
expert about implementing and using POST in
• The workshop also provides some “advanced”
hands-on practice with POST Version 1.0 functions
that are specific to Champions.
• The workshop activities are performed using a
POST education database and a Champion’s
education Notes ID.

The education is supported by POST documents, primarily

the POST v1.0 General User’s Guide and POST v1.0
Champion’s Guide. Refer to “Part 3: Other Information
about POST” beginning on page 27 for a list of POST

18 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
Your Role Determines Your Learning Plan

Not every user of POST will need to complete the entire

curriculum. What parts of the curriculum do you need?
It depends on your role. Locate your role from the
following list:
Delivery Management or Q If your role is that of Delivery or Executive
Executive Management Management, working with a Project Executive (PE)
who is implementing a Program Management Plan…
… you may find that this POST Overview document is
a sufficient overview.

It is suggested, however, that you take Part 1 of the

POST Quick Tour to see for yourself what the tool has
to offer.
If you are interested in the Quick Tour, go to page 25
“How to Obtain Education Components.”
If not, skip to page 27.

Project Executive Q If your role is that of a Project Executive (PE) who is

implementing a Program Management Plan…
… your learning plan consists of the following:
• POST Quick Tour
• Learning POST Fundamentals
For now, go to page 21 “Evaluating Your Prerequisite

PMP Process Owner or

Q If your role is that of a Program Management Plan
PMP Process Leader Process Owner or Program Management Plan
Process Leader…
… your learning plan consists of the following:
• POST Quick Tour
• Learning POST Fundamentals
For now, go to page 21 “Evaluating Your Prerequisite

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 19

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
POST Deployment Leader or
Q If your role is that of a POST Deployment Leader or
Business Office POST Champion Business Office POST Champion …
… it is required that you complete all of the following
education components:
• POST Quick Tour
• Learning POST Fundamentals
• Champion’s Guide to Learning POST
• POST Applied Workshop

Note: POST Champions will facilitate the education of PEs and

other program-specific users of POST. In addition, the
Champions will provide level 1 support for their program.

For now, go to page 21 “Evaluating Your Prerequisite


Q If your role is that of an IBM HelpDesk staff member…

HelpDesk staff member
… your learning plan consists of the following:
• POST Quick Tour
• Learning POST Fundamentals
… and it is suggested that you also take
• Champion’s Guide to Learning POST
For now, go to page 21 “Evaluating Your Prerequisite

Q If your role is not one of those listed above, but you will
other active user of POST be an active user of POST…
…you need to begin your training with the following
• POST Quick Tour
• Learning POST Fundamentals
Your need for subsequent education will be determined
by a Business Office POST Champion.
For now, go to page 21 “Evaluating Your Prerequisite

20 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
Evaluating Your Prerequisite Readiness

You were directed to turn to this page because the

Learning POST Fundamentals is part of your learning plan.

Please answer the following three questions in order to

determine if you meet the prerequisites for the
Fundamentals workbook.

Question 1: Using the 1-4 scale below, rate your

knowledge of the seventeen Program
Management Plan (PMP) processes
Circle a number 1-4.

1 2 3 4
No Knowledge Some Knowledgeable Expert

I never heard of I know the I know the I know the

the Program concepts of the Program Program
Management Program Management Management
Plan processes Management Plan processes Plan processes
before reading Plan processes and have applied so well I could
this document. but have not at least one. help write them.
applied any of
the processes.

Please continue to the next page. À

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 21

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
Question 2: Using the 1-4 scale below, rate your skill
to do each of the following in Lotus Notes.
Check 1, 2, 3, or 4 for each skill a-q.

1 – No Skill 2 – Some 3 – Skilled 4 – Very

I have never Skill I can do this Skilled
done this. I have done without I could help
this before help. others learn
but I would to do this.
need help to
do it again.
a. Create and send Notes mail.
b. Receive and file Notes mail.
c. Attach file(s) to mail message.
d. Fill in a Notes form/document.
e. Attach file(s) to Notes
f. Access a file by using the DocLink
icon in a mail message or Notes
g. Detach file(s) from mail message or
Notes document to local drive.
h. Open Notes menu(s) and select
i. Use “views” in a Notes database.
j. Use Notes help.
k. Use Notes help search bar.
l. Access a database by using the
DBLink icon in a mail message or
Notes document.
m. Add database icons to your
workspace page.
n. Create a local replica of a Notes
o. Replicate remote : local databases.
p. Remove a Notes database from your
q. Work remotely via modem.

Question 3: Do you have a Lotus Notes ID

and password?
Check either Yes or No.


Please continue to the next page. À

22 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
What do your answers to Questions 1-3 tell you about your
readiness for POST education?
Q Regarding Question 1 (page 21):
• If you rated your knowledge of the Program
Management Plan processes as either
“1 No Knowledge” or
“2 Some Awareness”…
…you need to acquire prerequisite education
about the PMP processes before beginning the
Learning POST Fundamentals
self-study workbook.
Refer to “POST education prerequisites” on
page 25.

• If you rated your knowledge of the Program

management Plan processes as either
“3 Knowledgeable” or
“4 Expert”…
…you do not require prerequisite education about
the PMP processes before beginning the Learning
POST Fundamentals self-study workbook.
Refer to “POST education components” on
page 25.

Q Regarding Question 2 (page 22):

• If you rated any one of the Notes skills as either
“1 No Skill” or
“2 Some Skill”…
…you need to acquire prerequisite Lotus Notes
skills training before beginning the
Learning POST Fundamentals
self-study workbook.
Refer to “POST education prerequisites” on
page 25.

• If you rated all skills as either

“3 Skilled“ or
“4 Very skilled“…
…you do not require prerequisite Lotus Notes skills
training before beginning the Learning POST
Fundamentals self-study workbook.
Refer to “POST education components” on
page 25.

Note: It cannot be emphasized enough that you must be a

proficient user of Lotus Notes applications and databases to
succeed in using the POST application.

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 23

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
Q Regarding Question 3 (page 22):
• If you answered “No”…
… you must acquire a Notes ID and password.
Contact your manager or a POST Deployment
Leader (refer to “POST Deployment Leaders”
on page 25).

24 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
How to Obtain Education Components

Now that you have your “personal learning plan” based on

your role how do you go about implementing it?

You can use the information below to get started with

prerequisites, complete your POST education, or contact a
POST Deployment Leader.

POST education prerequisites

Q You can locate information about Lotus Notes skills

training from the following website:

Q You can locate information about Program

Management Plan processes from the following:

Delivery Support (DS) Knowledge Café

Refer to “Appendix: Delivery Support Knowledge Café

Instructions” on page 29 for specifics.

POST education components

Q You can download POST Version 1.0 education

components (documents, education databases, and
education Notes IDs) from the following website:

POST Deployment Leaders

Q You can contact a POST Deployment Leader.

• A list of Deployment Leaders in the United States
(US) and United Kingdom (UK) can be found at the
following website:
• For Deployment Leaders in locations other than the
US and UK, send a message to the following Notes
mail address:


POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 25

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
This concludes Part 2: POST Curriculum and Your
Personal Learning Plan.

Part 3 is a list of documents (other than education

materials) and websites where you can find more
information about POST.

26 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
Part 3: Other Information about

In addition to the education materials for POST cited in

Part 2, the following documents and websites also are
sources of information about POST.


Q POST v1.0 General User’s Guide

• For step-by-step guidance in using POST.
• For use by all POST users.
• Available from the following website:

Q POST v1.0 Champion’s Guide

• For step-by-step guidance in customizing and
setting up POST for a program.
• For use by Champions.
• Available through a Deployment Leader.
(Refer to page 25 for locating Deployment
Q PMP Process Specification for SO Programs (1/29/99)
• For detailed information about Program
Management Plan processes.
• For use by those needing to know about Program
Management Plan processes.
• Available from the Delivery Support (DS)
Knowledge Café (a Lotus Notes database).
Refer to “Appendix: Delivery Support Knowledge Café
Instructions” on page 29 for specifics.

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 27

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000

Q Methods and Tools website
• For information about the IBM Project Management
Tool Suite (PM Tool Suite), of which POST is a

Q Project Executive (PE) Information website
• For information about tools and services for the PE.

28 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation
Appendix: Delivery Support
Knowledge Café Instructions

The Program Management Plan (PMP) Specification and

associated intellectual capital (process templates,
executive overview, etc.) are maintained on the Delivery
Support (DS) Knowledge Café, under the PMP Reader

The PMP Reader team is open to IBM personnel with a

valid NCO Lotus Notes ID.

Instructions for accessing and creating a local replica of

the DS Knowledge Café are as follows.

How to Access the DS Knowledge Café Directly from Lotus Notes

1. Click the tab of the Notes workspace page where you

want to put the DS Knowledge Café icon.

2. From the menubar, choose File | Database | Open.

3. In the Server box, type the server name as follows,

then press Enter.


4. In the Database box, select the following:

i_dir\intelcap\Delivery Support

5. Click Open to both add the database icon and open the
database at the same time.

POST Version 1.0 Release Education POST Overview 29

Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation First Edition, Revised June 2000
How to Create a Local Replica of the DS Knowledge Café

1. Complete steps 1-5 above (“How to Access the DS

Knowledge Café Directly from Lotus Notes” on page

2. Select (single click) the DS Knowledge Café icon.

3. From the menubar, choose

File | Replication | New Replica.

4. In the Server box, leave the default of “Local.”

5. Click the Create Immediately button.

6. Click the OK button.

If you get a message “unable to find path to the server,”

you need to add a connection document by doing the

a. Open your local address book icon

(your name Address Book on Local)

b. Choose Server | Connections

c. Click Add Connection and fill in the following fields:

Connection Type = Local Area Network
LAN port = TCPIP
Server name = D04DB033/04/A/IBM
Under advanced:
Destination Server Address =

Note: The DS Knowledge Café is also available via the Lotus Notes
version of ICM AssetWeb. Click on the link to go to the ICM
AssetWeb Navigator for further instructions on how to access and
use the ICM AssetWeb.

End of document.

30 POST Overview POST Version 1.0 Release Education

First Edition, Revised June 2000 Copyright 1999, 2000 IBM Corporation

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