CONCLUSION Site Supervision

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As a conclusion, site supervision are really a vital role to a construction project to success
without any critical problem. Quality of materials and workmanships in site can tell the final
product before it even complete. Therefore, site supervisor must become competent and
knowledgable with their work scopes. Quality projects execute is not a privilage but a critical
implementation of the projects plans with adequate supervision to ensure project success. The
study concluded that building materials and workmanship must be adequately supervised in
terms of their grades, trademark, dimension tolerance, batching date and storage, preparation
for use and application, in ensuring projects quality and workmanship. A site supervisor must
have a great quality management as it is critical to the overall success of a construction
project. To conclude, it practically will manages quality and enhances the construction work
which is increases productivity, less risk, reduces waste, skilled workmanships and ultimately
will improves profitability.

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