UNIT 2: Mathematical Language and Symbol (9 Hours)

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UNIT 2 : Mathematical Language and

Symbol (9 hours)

Mathematics has its own language, much of which we are already
familiar with. For example, the digits
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
are part of our everyday lives. Whether we refer to 0 as „zero‟,
„nothing‟, „naught‟, or „O‟ as in a telephone number, we understand its
meaning. There are many symbols in mathematics and most are used as a
precise form of shorthand. We need to be confident when using these symbols,
and to gain that confidence we need to understand their meaning. To
understand their meaning there are two things to help us - context - this is the
context in which we are working, or the particular topics being studied, and
convention - where mathematicians and scientists have decided that particular
symbols will have particular meaning
Imagine the following scenario: you‟re in math class, and the instructor
passes a piece of paper to each student. It is announced that the paper contains
Study Strategies for Students of Mathematics; you are to read it and make
comments. Upon glancing at the paper, however, you observe that it is written
in a foreign language that you do not understand!
This situation has a very strong analogy in Mathematics. People
frequently have trouble understanding mathematical ideas; not necessarily
because the ideas are difficult, but because they are being presented in a
foreign language – the language of mathematics!
The language of mathematics can be learned, but requires the efforts
needed to learn any foreign language.
Thus, we need to get extensive practice with mathematical language
ideas, to enhance the ability to correctly read, write, speak, and understand

Learning Outcomes
Upon the completion of this unit, you are expected to:
1. Discuss the language, symbols, and conventions of mathematics
2. Explain the nature of mathematics as a language
3. Perform operations on mathematical expressions correctly
4. Acknowledge that mathematics is a useful language

Topic 1: Characteristics of mathematical language: precise, concise, powerful

Learning Objectives

Upon the completion of this topic, you are expected to:

 Discuss the language, symbols and conventions of mathematics;
 Explain the nature of mathematics as a language; and
 Perform basic unary and binary operation.

Presentation of Content

Language of Mathematics
Like any language, Mathematics has its own symbols, syntax and rules.
 to understand the expressed ideas
 to communicate ideas to others

The language of mathematics makes it easy to express the kinds of
thoughts that mathematicians like to express.
It is, precise… concise… and powerful
 Precise
- be able to make very fine distinctions,
- This means exact, accurate. It is often used in mathematical or
scientific contexts in which definite, fixed statements or measurements
are demanded.
- Precise and exactly are nearly synonymous, they are not necessarily

Exactly is preferred if you’re talking about a measurement, or a time.

My alarm is set for exactly 5:37 a.m.

- Use precise if you are talking about two or more things and you want
to distinguish one from the other or others.
Example: I‟d like my home décor to match my personality as
precisely as possible.

 Concise
- use symbols to be able to express more
- this means stating something succinctly, using as few words as
possible yet still conveying the full meaning.

 Powerful
- be able to express complex thoughts with relative ease


PRECISE – specific, defined, exact --- AVOID WORDINESS

CONCISE – brief, short, summarizing ---without sacrificing
meaning makes the message more understandable.

Noun versus Sentences

In English, nouns are used to name things we want to talk about (like people,
places and things); whereas sentences are used to state complete thoughts. A
typical English sentence has at least one noun, and at least one verb. For
example, Gemma loves Mathematics.


Noun Sentence
(name given to object of (must state a complete
interest) thought)

• Person • TRUE: The word

• Place “math” has four letters.
• Thing • FALSE: The word
“math” has 5 letters
• Sometimes
True/Sometimes False:
Math is a difficult

Expressions versus Sentences


Expression Sentence
(name given to mathematical (must state a complete thought)
object of interest)
• TRUE : 5+ 3 = 8
• Number
• FALSE: 3 + 2 = 4
• Set
• ST/SF : x =4
• Vector 3
• Ordered pair
• Function
We call the mathematical analogue of noun as EXPRESSION. Thus, an
expression is a name given to a mathematical object of interest. Whereas, in
English we need to talk about people, places, and things, we know that in
mathematics has much different objects of interest.

Comparison between the English Language and Mathematical Language

Symbols English alphabet and English alphabet,
punctuations Numerals, Greek letters,
grouping symbols,
special symbols
Name Noun Expression
Complete thought Sentence Sentence
Action Verbs Operations and other
actions (e.g., simplify,
What‟s in a sentence Verbs Equality, inequality,
membership in a set
Attribute of a sentence Fact or fiction True or false

Conventions in the Mathematical Language

Math may be viewed as a language – a simpler, more consistent, and more

regular language than English. This is especially the case with math facts.
Numbers represent nouns, while operational signs (+, -, x, /,=) serve as verbs.
Both components are governed by rules of syntax. Math facts, such as 2 x 3 = 6,
may be thought of as math sentences. Students should be encouraged to speak in
complete sentences, to convey an entire thought, and to develop a consistent
rehearsal pattern for the math fact.

A mathematical convention is a fact, name, notation, or usage which is

generally agreed upon by mathematicians. For instance, the fact that one
evaluates multiplication before addition in the expression is
merely conventional: there is nothing inherently significant about the order of
operations. Mathematicians abide by conventions in order to allow other
mathematicians to understand what they write without constantly having to
redefine basic terms. (Imagine if every mathematical paper began with an
explanation of PEMDAS!)

Hints in math language

 The word "is" could mean equality, inequality or membership in a set

 Different uses of a number; to express quantity (cardinal), to indicate
the order (ordinal), and as a label (nominal)
 Mathematical objects may be represented in many ways, such as sets
and functions
 The words "and' & "or" means different from its English use

Ideas Regarding Expressions
An expression is a sentence with a minimum of two numbers and at
least one math operation. This math operation can be addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division. The structure of an expression is:
Expression = (Number, Math Operator, Number)

Expressions have different names

For example, Example: with an answer
 7+9 of 5
 23 × 4 =2 + 3
 37 – 6 =10÷2
 25 + 9 – 4 ÷ 2 = (6 - 2) + 1
 2 + 3 is an expression =1 + 1+ 1 +1+ 1
 3 − x/2 is also an expression

 Common in solving expressions is to SIMPLIFY

In mathematics, we frequently need to work with numbers, these numbers

are the most common mathematical expressions. And, numbers have lots of
different names.

For example:
This simple idea- that numbers has lots of different names – is extremely
important in mathematics. This is the same concept as synonyms in English
(words that have the same) or (nearly the same) meaning.


The most common type of problem involving expressions is to Simplify.


 Fewer symbols
 Fewer operations
 Better suited to current use
 Preferred/ style/format

 Ex: 3 + 1 + 5 and 9 are both names for the same number but 9 uses
fewer symbols.
 Ex. 3 + 3+ 3 + 3 + 3 and 5. 3 are both names for the same number, but
5.3 uses fewer operation
 Ex. (3.25 units vs 3 1/4 units)
 (fraction in simplest form is necessary. Example we write ½ instead of
13/26. We usually write reduced form or simplest form

Mathematical Sentence
A mathematical sentence is the analogue of an English sentence; it is a correct
assignment of mathematical symbols that states a complete thought.

 Mathematical Sentences have verbs and connectives

 Truth of Sentences

The notion of truth (the property of being true or false) is of fundamental

importance in the mathematical language.


Just as English sentences have verbs, so do mathematical sentences. In
the mathematical sentence 3+4= 7. The equal sign is actually the verb and
indeed one of the most popular mathematical verbs.
The symbol “+” in 3 + 4 = 7 is a connective which is used to connect objects
of a given type.

Sentences can be true or false. It makes sense to ask the TRUTH of a

The Grammar of Mathematics

It is the structural rules governing the use of symbols representing

mathematical objects.

Express the following using mathematical symbols

a. 10 is the square root of `100
b. 8 is less than 13
c. 7 is a odd number

1. √
2. 8< 13
3. 7 where k is an odd number

 The main reason for the importance of mathematical grammar is that

statements of mathematics are supposed to be precise.

 Mathematical sentences become highly complex if the parts that made
them up were not clear and simple which makes it difficult to

Objects that we use in Math

 Numbers (4 operations and properties)
 Variables
 Operations (unary & binary)

 Four Basic Concepts:

 Sets (relationships, operations, properties)
 Relations (Equivalence relations)
 Functions ( injective, Surjective , Bijective)
 Binary Operations

Numbers and 4 operations

As you know,
people all around the world
speak different languages.
You're probably even
learning another language
at school. Did you know
that math is also a special
kind of language that is
common around the world?
However, instead of writing
sentences with words, we
write mathematical
sentences with numbers and
Let's start with some
common expressions
relating to the four

 Adding two (or more) numbers means to find their sum (or
 Subtracting one number from another number is to find the
difference between them.
 Multiplication means times (or repeated addition). A product is
the result of the multiplication of two (or more) numbers.
 Division 'undoes' multiplication.

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