Importance of Phytoplankton in The Sea

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Phytoplankton are tiny, drifting plants which inhabit the Earth's oceans; they
are usually too small to be seen by the naked human eye but can be seen
as a green discoloration of the water when drifting in large numbers. This
discoloration of the water is due to the chlorophyll present in the
phytoplankton cells. Phytoplanktons have many species and form the
foundation of the marine food chain.

Phytoplankton need water, sunlight and nutrients to grow and need to be

near the surface of the water to gain these elements; they obtain energy
through the process of photosynthesis, the same process by which land
plants do. Through the process of photosynthesis, phytoplanktons are
accountable for much of the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere.

Importance of the study

The importance of this study was the information that gathered
from sources that gives enough information about that
Phytoplankton are photosynthetic organisms that drift in the
photic (sunlit) zones of marine and freshwater environments.
They are extremely important in marine and freshwater food
webs. Diatoms, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria are important
examples of phytoplankton
Statement of the problem

1. What is their role in the ocean?

2. What are their influences on Global change?
3. What are the effects of hurricanes on phytoplankton?

Scope and limitations

The primary objective is to identify the role objective of phytoplankton in the

ocean. This study was focused on the Importance of phytoplankton in our
seas, the scope of this study was all about its importance and what are
theirs role in our seas and this study was also focused on the individuals
whose related about this study, this study is limited only to those who has
an idea about the importance of phytoplankton in out seas

plankton is derived from the Greek adjective πλαγκτός - planktos, meaning

"errant", and by extension "wanderer" or "drifter".Plankton typically flow with
ocean currents. While some forms are capable of independent movement
and can swim hundreds of meters vertically in a single day (a behavior
called diel vertical migration), their horizontal position is primarily
determined by the surrounding currents. This contrast
to nekton organisms that can swim against the ambient flow and control
their position (e.g. squid, fish and marine mammals).

Within the plankton, holoplankton spend their entire life cycle as plankton

(e.g. most algae, copepods, salps, and some jellyfish). By
contrast, meroplankton are only planktic for part of their lives (usually
the larval stage), and then graduate to either a nektic or benthic (sea floor)
existence. Examples of meroplankton include the larvae of sea
urchins, starfish, crustaceans, marine worms and most fish.

Significance of the study

The researcher believe that this study was very significant.

This study may give more useful information to the individual to be able
them to know that Plankton inhabit oceans, seas and lakes. Local
abundance varies horizontally, vertically and seasonally. The primary
cause of this variability is the availability of light. All plankton ecosystems
are driven by the input of solar energy .

Review of Related Literature

There was so many sources in the internet about the Importance

of Phytoplankton in our seas. One of the my data gathered from
internet is phytoplankton in general occurring in three freshwater
ponds. It is observed that the polluted pond harboured densest
phytoplankton population comprising of Volvocales,
Chlorococcales, Myxophyceae and Euglenineae. Bluegreens
were particularly abundant in alkaline waters.which were rich in
nitrates and dissolved oxygen.the ponds harbouring diatoms and
desmids were less polluted. It is emphasized that ecological
behaviour of several species does not fall in harmony with the
behaviour of the taxonomic group or class of which they are

Therefore, attention was paid to the ecology of individual species as far

as possible.


This study was formed by using descriptive method of research. It

shows and review about the importance of phytoplankton in our
seas. It also studied about Some phytoplankton are bacteria, some are
protists, and most are single-celled plants.


This research was made by the procedure was commonly used to

the term papers. First, I gathered date from the internet and
analyze them step by step after that I survey 10 individual who
are familiar about phytoplankton. Lastly, I formed my own
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation.
Sources of Data

This research used the internet as its source of datas. The reaseacher
used the internet as the sources of data to be able to gather information
fastly. The datas was used in this research from the internet to gave more
useable information about the importance of phytoplankton in our seas.

Research Instrument

This study was maed by using survey method. The researcher

prepared one servey questionare to gather datas and to analyze if
how does phytoplankton be important. The researcher gather
data in the websites from the internet.

the graph shows that individual doesn’t familiar about planktons.



graph I:

The violet show that out of ten respondent one of them was able
to know about phytoplankton, while the blue one was the
percentage of respondents that is not familiar about phyplanktons
This graph show that the individual belived that
phytoplankton play important role in our seas

Graph II :

Series 1

Category 1 Category 2

The category 1 shows that the phytoplankton play

important role in the seas, while the category 2 was not.
This graph shows that the respondents believed that
planktons are important in humans,

Graph III:



2% of the individuals I surveyed answered that plankton

are not important in humans and 8% of them anwered that
phytoplankton are important.


The study was made to know the importance of phytoplankton on our seas.
Using the descriptive method and the survey questions I refer that
phytoplankton are not yet really familiar because based on my respondents
few of them answer my questionnaires properly because they are not
familiar. Therefore, the researcher was able to know that phytoplanktons
are important because they contribute a very important role in our seas.
They are a key food item in both aquaculture and mariculture.
Both utilize phytoplankton for the feeding of the animals being


Therefore I conclude that the people I surveyed belived that the

phytoplankton were very important because phytoplankton were
the main source of food by the animals that was farmed to be
eaten. And it very important to humans because phytoplankton
was main source of food that they eat. For example fishes, First
fishes eat planktons to live then people eat fishes for the source
of there foods.

For people who are not familiar in phytoplanktons, Phytoplankton

are one of the main source of food by the marine culture. It means
that the food we eat coming from the seas and oceans wasn’t
able to produce without by the help of the plankton.

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