Cognitive Function During Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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Cognitive function during exacerbations of chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease
Betty Poot ,1,2 Justin Travers ,2 Mark Weatherall3 and Melinda McGinty2
Graduate School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, 2Respiratory Department, Hutt Valley District Health
Board, Lower Hutt, and 3Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand

Key words Abstract

COPD, exacerbation, hospital admission,
cognitive impairment, MoCA. Background: The reported prevalence of cognitive impairment in patients with stable
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) ranges 36-77%. Few studies report the
Correspondence prevalence of cognitive impairment in acutely unwell COPD patients.
Betty Poot, Graduate School of Nursing Aims: To determine the prevalence and time course of cognitive impairment in
Midwifery and Health, Victoria University of patients with COPD during and after an admission to hospital with an exacerbation of
Wellington, PO Box 7625, Newtown, Wellington the disease.
6242, New Zealand. Methods: Patients admitted to hospital with an exacerbation of COPD between
Email: October 2013 and November 2014 were administered the Montreal Cognitive Assess-
ment tool, COPD assessment test and modified Borg dyspnoea scale at three points in
Received 24 October 2018; accepted time: within 24 h of admission, between 48 and 72 h after admission and 6 weeks post
12 February 2019. discharge.
Results: Twenty-five patients agreed to participate. Four withdrew from the study after
the initial evaluation. The mean (range) COPD assessment test score 24 h after admis-
sion was 26 (18–37). Cognitive impairment was found in 19/25 (76%) patients at the
initial evaluation, 16/21 (76%) patients at the second evaluation. Overall, 22/25 (88%)
showed cognitive impairment within 72 h of an exacerbation of COPD. Fourteen out of
21 (66%) patients showed cognitive impairment at the final evaluation. The mean
Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores improved from admission (22.6) to the second
evaluation (23.3) to the final evaluation 3 (24.4), but this change was not statistically
Conclusion: Cognitive impairment is highly prevalent during hospital admissions with
an exacerbation of COPD. This impairment does improve with time, but only a minor-
ity recover within a normal range. This will affect patients’ abilities to understand and
remember information given to them in hospital and adhere to medication regimens.

Introduction The prevalence of cognitive impairment in stable

COPD has been reported in several studies. Villeneuve
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a pro-
et al.6 identified MCI in 16/45 (36%) of those with COPD
gressive health condition that worsens over time, even
compared with 6/50 (12%) in a matched control group
with optimal treatment.1 COPD-associated comorbidities
in an outpatient clinic. Grant et al.7 reported cognitive
may also affect patients’ abilities to manage self-care
impairment in 77% of COPD patients with hypoxaemia,
tasks independently. A particular comorbidity is cogni-
with 42% having moderate to severe cognitive impair-
tive impairment2,3 with associated memory loss. Impair-
ment, compared with 14% of the control group. The
ments of memory are strongly associated with functional
cognitive impairment particularly affected tasks requir-
decline and decreased quality of life.4 Mild cognitive
ing adaptable abstract thinking as well as understanding
impairment (MCI) is a particular condition where mem-
and acting on information given.
ory deficits are not associated with limitations of activi-
Few studies report the prevalence of cognitive impair-
ties of daily living.5
ment in acutely unwell COPD patients. López-Torres
et al.8 reported cognitive function in 61 COPD inpatients
during and after hospital admission. Using the Montreal
Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) instrument, a markedly
Funding: None. impaired score of <20 was found in 48% of patients on
Conflict of interest: None.

Internal Medicine Journal 49 (2019) 1307–1312 1307

© 2019 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Poot et al.

admission; 24% of patients 9 days after admission and Participants

was also identified in 36% of patients 1 month after dis-
Potential participants were aged 40 years or older and
charge. Some aspects of cognitive impairment did not
admitted to hospital with a primary diagnosis of an exac-
improve with time, such as executive function, verbal
erbation of COPD. Potential participants were identified
learning and memory. That study did not evaluate cogni-
by a review of daily medical service admissions to the
tive function at more than one time point within the first
hospital and invited to participate in the study. Although
72 h of hospital admission.
at the time of consent the study investigators were to
In patients with COPD cognitive impairment is also
consider that if a patient had diminished capacity, the
associated with increased morbidity and mortality,
patient’s treating medical team would be asked to deter-
increased length of hospital stay, increased need for sup-
mine suitability for the study, this did not arise.
portive care after hospital discharge and an altered ability
Participants were excluded if they had an existing
to manage activities of daily living; including inhaler
diagnosis of dementia or had other acute medical prob-
lems on admission that, in the opinion of the study
A systematic review by Baird et al. of the effect of cog-
investigators were likely to cause directly cognitive
nitive impairment on self-management in COPD identi-
impairment. Participants were also excluded if they had
fied seven studies reporting the association between
significant communication or language problems affect-
inhaler competency and cognition. All identified studies
ing the use of the assessment instrument, or if they were
reported both a high proportion of patients had incorrect
living out of the hospital catchment area and unable to
inhaler technique and that this was strongly associated
be assessed after discharge.
with impaired cognition.11 In addition, cognitive impair-
Patients enrolled in the study were evaluated at three
ment affects patients’ ability to recognise worsening
points in time; within 24 h of admission, between
symptoms, act on these symptoms and adhere to treat-
48 and 72 h after admission, either in hospital or at
ment plans. Meek et al.12 report that poor accuracy of
home if discharged, and at home 6–8 weeks after dis-
self-reported symptom intensity in patients with moder-
charge when stable.
ate to severe COPD was associated with even small
changes in cognition.
Contributing factors to impaired cognitive function Measurements
during inpatient hospital admission for an exacerbation
of COPD can include dyspnoea, infection, other com- The cognitive instrument for the study was the MoCA
orbidities, hypoxia, additional medications and an unfa- version 7.1; 7.2 and 7.3. Each version is equivalent and
miliar environment. in repeat assessments alternative versions should be used
Overall, the practical consequences of cognitive to decrease possible learning effects.13 Version 7.1 was
impairment include difficulties in understanding their used for the initial evaluation, with version 7.2 and 7.3
condition and treatment plan, inability to benefit from used on subsequent evaluations.
educational interventions such as smoking cessation, The MoCA is a screening tool that detects MCI and has
counselling or COPD self-management plans or potential an administration time of 10 minutes. It tests multiple
failure to engage effectively in early pulmonary cognitive domains, including visuospatial and executive
rehabilitation. functioning, memory and attention. It is validated to
The aim of the study reported here was to estimate the detect MCI5 and is also validated in COPD patients.6 Cog-
prevalence and time course of cognitive impairment in nitive impairment is likely to be present if the score
patients within the first 72 h of admission to hospital is <26/30.
during an exacerbation of COPD; and to further deter- Repeated cognitive testing has been studied5 and in
mine if cognitive impairment improved once stable. stable patients the mean (SD) change between two eval-
uations is 0.9 (2.5) points. To take account of educa-
tional background one point is added to the MoCA score
Methods for those with 12 years of education or less.11
This was a prospective cohort study. Participants were
recruited from patients admitted to Hutt Hospital, an
Exploring potential causes for cognitive
urban hospital in New Zealand (NZ). The hospital has a
catchment population of 140 000 and admits approxi-
mately 340 patients with an exacerbation of COPD per Although participants with a known other cause of cog-
year. The average length of stay (LOS) for a patient nitive impairment were not recruited for this study,
admitted with a COPD exacerbation is 3 days. other information was collected to determine

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© 2019 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Cognitive function in COPD exacerbations

associations with cognitive impairment that were poten- Table 1 Patient characteristics (N = 25)
tially causal. These were collected using a standardised Patient characteristics n (%)
data collection form from hospital medical records.
Male 13 (52)
Demographic data, smoking status, LOS, use of noninva-
Maori 7 (28)
sive ventilation or intensive care admission, number of
GOLD category of severity
medications, number of comorbidities, oxygen saturation Moderate 3 (12)
on admission to hospital and partial pressures of oxygen Severe 11 (44)
and carbon dioxide were recorded. The most recent spi- Very severe 11 (44)
rometry performed in the stable state up to 5 years Mean (SD) Median (IQR) Range
before the hospital admission was accepted as a measure
Age (years) 69.4 (8.7) 70 (63–73) 50–83
of baseline lung function.
Smoking status (pack- 44.2 (25.6) 40 (37–50) 0–140
The COPD assessment test (CAT) was used to assess
COPD-related quality of life. This is a short self- FEV1 (L) 0.87 (0.45) 0.68 (0.56–1.08) 0.4–2.46
administered questionnaire.14 The eight items in the Comorbidities (N) 4 (2.4) 4 (1–6) 0–7
questionnaire cover a range of symptoms including Usual prescribed 8 (3.8) 8 (5–11) 2–15
cough, phlegm, chest tightness, breathlessness, activity medicines (N)
limitation, confidence, sleep and energy, to assess the Length of stay (days) 3.8 (4.5) 2 (1–4) 1–18
disease severity and are graded by the patient from 0 to IQR, interquartile range.
5. A total score below 10 suggests low impact of the dis-
ease, with a score between 11 and 20 suggesting moder- patients, i.e. 17/25 (68%), were of European descent,
ate impact and scores over 21 suggest high impact of the with 7/25 (28%) Maori (indigenous people of NZ) and
disease. The CAT was completed at each study visit. 1/25 of Pacific ethnicity. All patients had an established
The modified Borg and Modified Medical Research diagnosis of COPD with a mean (range) FEV1 0.87
Council (MMRC) dyspnoea scales were used to assess (0.4–2.46) L. Severe or very severe airflow obstruction
breathlessness at each study visit. was documented in 22/25 (88%) patients. There were
eight current smokers, one never smoker and 16 ex-
smokers. The mean tobacco smoke exposure was
Statistical analysis
44 pack-years. Patients had a high number of com-
The sample size calculation was based on the difference orbidities, and a mean (range) of 8 (2–15) prescribed
in mean MoCA scores between the first and third visit. medications. Five (20%) patients required noninvasive
A minimum clinically important difference of two points ventilation, and four (16%) patients required treatment
was used to detect change for the MoCA. To estimate in the intensive care unit of the hospital. The average
this difference between two time points with 80% (range) LOS was 3.8 (1–18) days with 12 (48%) patients
power, with a type I error rate of 5%, a sample size of discharged after 1 day, and 18 (72%) discharged within
19 participants was needed, and we aimed to recruit 72 h of admission.
25 patients to allow for attrition. Table 2 describes the relevant clinical data and assess-
Data were entered into a spreadsheet, and data ana- ment tests. The respiratory rate and oxygen saturations
lyses were completed using the data analysis functions in were similar over the three study visits. Of the 25 patients
Excel using t-tests and a correlation coefficient assessed at the first assessment, eight (32%) patients
estimation. received supplementary oxygen therapy, 4/21 (19%) at
Ethical approval was granted by the hospital where the second assessment and 3/21 (14%) were on domiciliary
the study was undertaken and the Central Regional oxygen therapy at the final visit 6–8 weeks after discharge.
Ethics committee NZ reference 13/CEN/85. Eighteen (72%) patients had either a venous (2/18) or
arterial blood gas (16/18) performed on presentation to the
emergency department. Excluding the venous samples, the
Results mean (range) PaO2 was 78.3 mmHg (34–227), and the
A total of 25 patients consented to participate, and of mean (range) PaCO2 was 57.4 mmHg (35–90).
these all were considered by the study investigators to The Borg scale for dyspnoea, the CAT and MoCA
have sufficient capacity to consent to the study. Four scores all improved from the initial evaluation to the
withdrew from the study during the acute phase assess- evaluation 6–8 weeks after discharge. The mean (range)
ments. Table 1 describes the baseline characteristics of CAT score was 26 (18–37) on admission and 20.4 (7–35)
the patients. Men comprised 13/25 (52%) of the group, 6–8 weeks after discharge; mean paired difference (95%
and the mean (range) age was 69 (50–83) years. Most confidence interval (CI)) −5.3 (−7.7 to −2.9), P < 0.001.

Internal Medicine Journal 49 (2019) 1307–1312 1309

© 2019 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Poot et al.

Table 2 Clinical data and assessment tests

Mean (SD)

Study visit 1 Study visit 2 Study visit 3 (6–8 25

(on admission) (24–72 h) weeks post
(N = 25) (N = 21) discharge)
(N = 21)

Respiratory 20.5 (3.7) 21.2 (3.3) 20.5 (4)
rate (per min) 15
Oxygen 93.3 (2.5) 92.9 (3.8) 94.5 (2.1)
saturation (%) 10
Borg 3.7 (1.9) 3.0 (2.0) 2.1 (1.3)
CAT 26 (5.5) 27 (7.6) 20.4 (7)
MoCA 22.2 (3.9) 23.3 (4.4) 24.4 (3.2) 5
CAT, COPD assessment test; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
ease; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment. 0
Worst MoCA Visit 3
The MMRC score was recorded in 15/25 (60%) patients
at the initial assessment and in 13/21 (62%) at the final Figure 1 Box plot of MoCA scores study visit 1 and 2 compared with
assessment. The mean (range) MMRC score was 4.5 study visit 3. MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment.
(3–5) at the initial assessment and 3.6 (2–5) at the final
assessment. Cognitive impairment, defined as a MoCA
3 days of an exacerbation of COPD. Although MoCA
score less than 26/30, was found in 19/25 (76%)
scores improved during admission, this improvement
patients on admission, 16/21 (76%) patients at the sec-
was small and not statistically significant. Only a minor-
ond study visit between 48 and 72 h after admission and
ity of patients improved to have a MoCA score within
in 14/21 (66%) patients at the final study visit 6–8 weeks
the normal range once stable. The variability in MoCA
after discharge. Overall, 22/25 (88%) showed cognitive
scores, paired standard deviations of between 3.2 and
impairment within 72 h of admission to hospital. The
3.8, were larger than that anticipated in our sample size
mean MoCA scores improved from admission (22.6) to
calculation, and so the study is likely to be underpow-
study visit two (23.3) to study visit three (24.4), but this
ered to detect important differences in the MoCA scores,
change was not statistically significant. The paired differ-
with wide confidence intervals for our estimated differ-
ence (95% CI) between the third and first evaluation
ences. In addition, if the four patients who withdrew
was 1.5 (−0.04 to 3.0), P = 0.055. There was a statistically
from the study during the acute phase assessments were
significant improvement from the worst MoCA during
systematically different at the final unobserved assess-
the acute phase of the illness (within 72 h of admission
ment, the point estimates could have been different.
to hospital) and MoCA during stable COPD, mean (95%
CI); 2.1 (0.3–3.9), illustrated in Figure 1. The four who
withdrew from the study during the acute phase of the
illness had cognitive impairment with a mean (range)
MoCA score of 20.25 (18–22). 25
In this study, there were no statistically significant
MoCA Score at Visit 1

associations between the MoCA score and oxygen satu- 20

ration levels, breathlessness or disease severity. There

was weak evidence that a greater number of com- 15

orbidities was associated with greater cognitive impair-

ment (correlation coefficient = −0.39, P = 0.05), as
shown in Figure 2. 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Discussion Number of co-morbidities

Cognitive impairment was highly prevalent during an Figure 2 The association of MoCA scores at study visit 1 and number
exacerbation of COPD with a substantial majority of of comorbidities with linear regression line. MoCA, Montreal Cognitive
patients having an abnormal MoCA score during the first Assessment.

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© 2019 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Cognitive function in COPD exacerbations

The finding that cognitive impairment improves after impairment may affect patients’ ability to understand
a hospital admission is concordant with the results and remember information given to them in hospital.
reported by López-Torres et al.8 In that study, the preva- Medication regimens for the treatment of COPD can be
lence of cognitive impairment during the hospital admis- complex often requiring more than one medicine taken
sion was reported as 48%, much less than the 88% we at varying time periods during a day. In addition patients
observed. This difference may be explained by the differ- are often prescribed different inhaler devices each
ing MoCA score cut-offs used to define cognitive impair- requiring a specific inhalation technique and are techni-
ment, 20 versus 26, and by the use of single versus cally challenging to administer. Further complexities are
multiple observations. added by health professionals who provide inconsistent
Our study found that cognitive impairment was very messages when involved in teaching inhaler technique,
common and more prevalent than reported in other as they themselves are known to have poor knowledge
studies.6,8,10 This finding may be due to the severity of and ability to use the different inhaler devices.18,19 In
disease, as this has been reported previously, as the addition treatment regimens often change on discharge
majority of patients in our study had severe to very from hospital requiring the patient to acquire and
severe COPD. remember new information.
There was an improvement in CAT scores from acute Verbal memory, learning and problem solving func-
phase of the exacerbation to stable COPD that was statis- tions are the cognitive domains that are more frequently
tically significant as might be expected when an acute ill- impaired in patients with COPD.6 Therefore, cognitive
ness is treated successfully. Although the majority of impairment may also impact on the patient’s ability to
patients recorded a moderate to high impact of the dis- problem solve, manage and adhere to their medication
ease during the acute and stable phase, there was a regimen,9 recognise deterioration12 and act on their
greater number of patients with moderate impact of the treatment plans.
disease in the stable COPD. Even in the absence of direct controlled trial evidence
We did not identify any statistically significant associa- of interventions that enhance adherence to treatment
tions with disease severity, oxygen saturation levels or plans,11 it is important that health professionals ensure
breathlessness. However, we did find that there was that there are sufficient strategies in place to support safe
some evidence to suggest that a greater number of discharge and greater treatment adherence in those with
comorbid conditions was associated with an increase in COPD and cognitive impairment.
cognitive impairment. A larger study may provide more
insights into the prevalence of the various potential
mechanisms that may cause cognitive impairment. Conclusion
The patients in our study were representative of COPD
Cognitive impairment in COPD is common and highly
patients that are admitted to our secondary care level
prevalent during an acute exacerbation. It does not fully
hospital with the majority of patients of NZ European
resolve after the acute phase of the illness has passed.
ethnicity, and 28% of our study population identifying
This needs to be considered for effective and safe dis-
as Maori. The age, gender and smoking status are similar
charge planning, when providing patient education and
to that reported in two NZ audits of COPD admis-
advice, pulmonary rehabilitation and ongoing long-term
sions.15,16 For our population group, the LOS was shorter
management. As this study was underpowered, further
than has been reported previously in NZ.17 This is most
research examining the prevalence of cognitive impair-
likely in part because our hospital is in an urban region
ment and interventions to improve treatment adherence
of NZ, these hospitals were found to have lower LOS
is warranted.
than rural regions, and in addition our hospital provides
COPD patients with supportive care post discharge
enabling early discharge.
Cognitive impairment is an important comorbidity to
consider as it may make the ongoing self-management The authors acknowledge Ms Kirsten Lassey and
of COPD more challenging, especially in those with mul- Mr Alan Shaw (Hutt Valley District Health Board) for
tiple comorbid health conditions. In particular cognitive their contribution to data collection.

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