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Random defender

Description 1. Having 4 students in a grid performance passing and introduce

one defender
2. The defender is allowed to knock the ball to the ground but must
not move closer than one metre to the player in possession
3. Players in possession cannot run with the ball
4. The object is for the remaining players to move into an effective
supporting position and receive a pass
5. Should the defender knock the ball to the ground or intercept a
pass, the player responsible takes the place of the defender
KTP Passing – step, shift, swing
- Hold the middle of the ball with thumbs on top and fingers
- Swing the ball across the body with both hands and elbows
slightly bent
- The head leads the rotation of the upper body towards the
- Release the ball and follow through in the direction of the pass
LEST L: Students will be in groups of 5
E: whole stack of; balls, cones
S: 6 x 6m grid (square)
T: 10-15 minutes (or once all students have rotated)

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