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1. Project Tracking Software

MGMT627 Project Management Solved MCQs from Quiz
2. Project Plan Template Excel
By Syeda Sheeza (
Question # 1
Which of the following refers to a narrative description of the work to be accomplished?
The statement of work (SOW) (
The project specifications
The milestone schedule
The work breakdown structure (WBS)

( the name indicates, the statement of work (SOW) is a narrative description of the work to be
accomplished. It includes the objectives of the project, a brief description of the work, the funding constraint if one exists,
and the specifications and schedule.  (

Question # 2
Which of the following statements is TRUE for Work breakdown Structure (WBS)?

Project Manager must structure work into small elements that are manageable
Project Manager must structure work into small elements that are independent
Project Manager must structure work into small elements that are measurable
All of the given options
( (

Question # 3
Scope of a project is the …………… total of all of a project’s products and their requirements or features
Sum and product
None of the above

Question # 5
Which of the following life cycle phases includes brainstorming and common sense at planning stage?

Conceptualization (
Preliminary planning
Detail planning

As the name suggests, the conceptualization phase includes brainstorming and common sense and involves two critical
1. Identify and define the problem, and
2. Identify and define potential solutions

Quality assurance is: 

Detection based
Inspection based
Prevention based (
People based
From the early 1950s to the late 1960s, quality control evolved into quality assurance, with its emphasis on problem
avoidance rather than problem detection

Question # 7
The three general preconditions for achieving lasting success as a project manager are:

Technical Skills, Ability, Human Skills and Design Skill

Ability, Motivation to manage and Opportunity (
Motivation to manage, Opportunity and Conceptual Skill
Ability, Capacity and Supervision
Handouts page no.19

Question # 8
Which of the following statements gives the Technical definition of Project Planning?

Working out of sub-components in some degree of detail

To cover area of government legislation & regulation related to “use of resources” (
“Planned use of any /all resources”- Succession of five year plans
Structured sequence of events leading to desired set of objectives

The term planning ( implies the working out of sub-components in some degree of

elaborate detail. Broader-brush enunciations of objectives may qualify as metaphorical roadmaps
( Planning literally just means the creation of a plan; it can be as simple as
making a list ( It has acquired a technical meaning, however, to cover the area
of government ( legislation
( and regulations ( related to the use of

Question # 9
Which of the following require input from a large number of functional units and usually control vast resources?

Individual projects
Staff projects
Special projects
Matrix or Aggregate projects (
Matrix or Aggregate projects: These require input from a large number of functional units and usually control vast
resources. Each of these categories of projects can require different responsibilities, job descriptions, policies, and

Question # 10
Which of the following is the responsibility of proposed project manager?

Project Plan & strategy

Description of Project Organization
Development of organizational Chart
All of the given options
Question # 11
Which of the following is the discount rate that equates the present values of the two sets of flows?

Discounted Cash Flow

Pay Back Period
Discounted Cash Flow
Internal Rate of Return

Internal Rate of Return (IRR):

If we have a set of expected cash inflows and cash outflows, the internal rate of return is the discount rate that equates
the present values of the two sets of flows.

Which of the following items involves the quantitative aspects of planning? 

Budget development (

Project administration
Leadership styles
Conflict management
Handouts Page no. 101

Question # 13
The main purpose of a _______________ is to function as a blueprint for the group’s business operations.
Business Plan (
Scope statement
Feasibility Study
Work Breakdown Structure
The business plan provides the “blueprint” for project implementation.

Question # 14
___________ is the lowest level of quality development.

Quality Assurance
Quality Management
Total Quality Management (

This comprises of the following “five level model”:

1. Inspection
2. Quality Control
3. Quality Assurance
4. Quality Management
5. Total Quality Management

Fredrick Taylor- Father of Scientific Management was a _______________ 

Mechanical Engineer (

Chemical Engineer
Technical Engineer
Electrical Engineer

Question # 16
Fitness to cost can be obtained by:

Determining the customer’s needs

Building of customer needed products
Obtaining high quality and low cost products (
Developing quality management

Question # 17
All of the following are relevant factors of competitive bids EXCEPT:

Financial Stability
Financing Offer
Ease of minor changes adopted (

Question # 18
The emphasis is changed from product to process at ______________ stage.

Quality control
Quality management
Quality assurance (

Question # 19
Quality is defined by_____________.

Customer (
Proposal manager
Higher management
Quality management

Mature organizations today readily admit that they cannot accurately define quality. The reason for this is because
quality is defined by the customer. The Kodak definition of quality is those products and services that are perceived to
meet or exceed the needs and expectations of the customer at a cost that represents outstanding value 

Lecture 01 MGT613 Different Terms and MCM101 Final 2009 Paper so VU Passin

MGT613 Different MCM101 Final 2009

Lecture 01 Terms and definitions Paper solved VU Passin
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