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Setelah anda membaca artikel berjudul “Why a Brand Matters” dan video berjudul “What is

Branding?” Kemudian berikan tanggapan terhadap  isi video tersebut.

1. Why a Brand Matters
After read an article Why a Brand Matters, there’s few conclusion that i can get
a. Benefit of branding for customer and the company itself
I think branding is the first impression your company will have on a prospect. A
strong brand is able to express the importance of their drive, products, mission, policies or
services to their customer base with good branding. In order to form a bond with the
customer, a brand needs to be transparent and authentic. Branding is the combination of
marketing and advertising elements that form a cohesive snapshot of a company. Customers
are more likely to care about a brand when they understand what the direction of the
company is and “buy-in” to the feeling the brand portrays. When your customers finally
choose to convert and make a purchase, it is branding that will either make or break the
relationship. If your customers have a good experience that doesn’t just end with the purchase
decision, then they are more likely to return for future purchases. Loyal customers are more
valuable, since your company only has to pay to gain the lead and get them through the sales
funnel once. Great branding makes customers want to remain with the company and then tell
others about their experience.
b. Benefit of branding for employees
A company can get increased reach when their employees become advocates for the
company. Employees are more likely to work harder and spread a positive message by word-
of-mouth recommendation when they are proud to be part of their company. With a clear
brand and supportive messaging, employees are more likely to share content and become
brand advocates. Great branding can make it easier for employees to do their jobs. With a
clear company message and personality, branding makes the job of the marketing and
advertising teams easier by providing a backbone for their efforts. Strong branding and
content will establish materials that could be used by the sales and advertising team to
support customer needs and improve the draw for new leads.

2. What is Branding
After watched the video above in my opinion branding is something that can connect
a company to their customer and also employees. A brand is the idea or image of a specific
product or service that consumers connect with, by identifying the name, logo, slogan, or
design of the company who owns the idea or image. Branding is when that idea or image is
marketed so that it is recognizable by more and more people, and identified with a certain
service or product when there are many other companies offering the same service or
product. Branding is also a way to build an important company asset, which is a good
reputation. It can also help the employee to get their job and introduce their job to the market.

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