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Dear Sir,

We are conducting the research on the impacts of luxury fashion brands on social media
marketing in the eyes of costumer. Your valuable information will help us a lot in making our research

We want to take your 5 minutes to fill up our questioner. We invite you to fill up this form, we will be
thankful to you. Your participation in this study will be highly appreciated.

*1. What is Your Gender?

o Male
o Female
*2. What is Your Age?
o 18 to 24
o 25 to 32
o 33 to 40
o Over 40
*3. Organization?

*4. Department

Please answer the following questions about yourself as a consumer:

*1. Do you own any luxury branded fashion products?

o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
*2. Do you follow luxury fashion brand on social media?
o Yes
o NO
o I don’t know
*3. Which Social Media platform(s) do you use most often for following luxury brands online?
o Facebook
o Instagram
o Twitter
o Others
*4. What type of content attracts you most on luxury fashion brand’s social Media?
o Images
o Videos
o Text
*5. How important do you consider the following features of a brand’s social media
o Very important
o Moderately Important
o Slightly important
o Neutral
o Not at all Important
*6. Interesting updates and news about the brand, its products and upcoming events.
o Very important
o Moderately Important
o Slightly important
o Neutral
o Not at all Important
*7. Visual content in the form of formal advertising campaign images/videos, catwalk shows etc.
o Very important
o Moderately Important
o Slightly important
o Neutral
o Not at all Important
*8. Visual content with more of a personal touch
(Behind-the-scene photos/videos, introducing relevant people behind the brands etc.)
o Very important
o Moderately Important
o Slightly important
o Neutral
o Not at all Important
*9. Brand’s responsiveness to consumers comments, criticism and questions
o Very important
o Moderately Important
o Slightly important
o Neutral
o Not at all Important
*10. Frequently Updates(for example one or more post a day)
o Very important
o Moderately Important
o Slightly important
o Neutral
o Not at all Important
Please indicate the level of agreement on the following statements about social media’s
effect on your view of the luxury fashion brand.

a) It makes me feel closer to the brand

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
b) It makes the luxury brand lose its exclusive
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
c) It makes me trust the brand more
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
d) It increase brand loyalty
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
e) Social media presence makes luxury brands overly accessible
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
f) Exposure to the updates of the brand’s newest products, catwalk shows etc. create a
desire to buy its products
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

g) Bad news and complaints about the brand on social media(on the brand’s own page)
make me not want to buy product from the brand
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
h) Social Media has no effect on the brand image
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
Do you think, luxury brands should be present and active on social media?
o Yes
o No
o Neutral


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