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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/MCE.2020.2988441, IEEE Consumer
Electronics Magazine

Towards the Internet of Underwater Things:

Recent Developments and Future Challenges
Ruhul Amin Khalil∗ , Nasir Saeed† , Mohammad Inayatullah Babar∗ , and Tariqullah Jan∗
∗ Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar 25120, Pakistan
† King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Makkah, 23955, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abstract—This paper introduces the latest ad- environmental monitoring, disaster prevention, fish
vancements in the field of Internet of Underwater tracking, and military operations.
Things (IoUT) with importance towards the tech-
nological aspects for communication and location
awareness. The IoUT is composed of underwater de-
vices such as sensor nodes with defined communica-
tion and networking protocols. The IoUT framework
integrates various marine communication technolo-
gies based on acoustic waves, radio waves, optical
waves, and magnetic induction. This new framework
enables multiple applications, including ocean explo-
ration, assisted navigation, location awareness, and
environmental pollution control. Hence, this paper
provides state-of-art communication technologies and
consumer electronics (CE) aspect for implementing
the IoUT network. Furthermore, this paper also
states the recent advancements in IoUT and its useful Fig. 1. Applications of Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT).
applications in the underwater environment. More-
over, we also classify various research requirements
In the context of Consumer Electronics (CE),
and challenges concerning the efficient design and
proper implementation of IoUT networks. IoUT technology is getting much attention. For in-
stance, smart underwater devices in IoUT networks,
such as remote-controlled drones and autonomous
I. I NTRODUCTION cameras, can be controlled and accessed digitally
from any on-shore or off-shore locations. Many
It is known that water covers more than two- companies across the globe are manufacturing elec-
thirds of Earth’s surface in the form of oceans. tronic devices that are gradually accustomed to the
These oceans provide plentiful aids to mankind, IoUT paradigm.
e.g., climate regulation, food supply chain, trans- Domingo et. al first introduced the fundamental
portation, leisure, and medicine industry. Conse- idea of IoUT, consisting of smart objects intercon-
quently, the ocean-related business subsidizes ap- nected to monitor the unexplored oceans [2]. These
proximately 500 billion US dollars to the world interconnected smart underwater objects utilize the
economical industry. However, due to the chal- embedded sensors and Autonomous Underwater
lenging environment of oceans, 95% of the oceans Vehicles (AUVs) to detect, deduce, and respond
are still unexplored. The Internet of underwater to the environmental effects. The underwater ob-
things (IoUT) is considered as one of the revolu- jects communicate with the outside world through
tionary technologies not only in the case of ocean surface objects such as surface buoys and surface
exploration but for its bio-diversity maintenance stations [3]. With the recent advancements in tech-
as well [1]. Fig. 1 depicts some major applica- nology, reliable electronic devices are required to
tions of IoUT, including underwater exploration, develop practical IoUT networks. These devices

2162-2248 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wollongong. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 20:09:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/MCE.2020.2988441, IEEE Consumer
Electronics Magazine

Fig. 2. Basic architecture of IoUT.

are intended to use any available technology to requirements and research challenges of the IoUT
communicate effectively in the IoUT network [4]. in Section III, followed by conclusions in Section
The IEEE P2413 and IEEE P2510 standards explain IV.
the architectural aspects of IoUT and corresponding
sensing devices. Fig. 2 depicts the basic architec- II. R ECENT D EVELOPMENTS IN I O UT
ture for IoUT with various underwater and surface
This section cover various technological devel-
things connected through different communications
opments for the IoUT which mainly include smart
devices for IoUT, consumer electronics for IoUT,
The development of IoUT is in its early stages
its architecture and technologies used for commu-
and faces various challenges. One of the major
challenges is their communication with surface
devices due to the harsh underwater medium [5].
Various communication mediums such as acoustic A. Smart Devices for IoUT
waves, radio frequency (RF), optical waves and The IoUT is composed of smart devices that
Magnetic Induction (MI) waves are used for com- use wireless mediums such as acoustic, RF op-
munication among underwater environment. These tical, and MI for their interconnectivity in the
communication mediums offers some advantages underwater environment. The IoUT devices can
for data transmission but at the same time goes be characterized on the bases of their applica-
under performance degradation due to the various tions, energy consumption, and transmission range
effects of harsh underwater environment [6]. Table [7], [8]. For instance, the Aquacomm modem
I summarizes various features of each technology (16kHz/30kHz, 100-480bps, 9600/4800 baud pro-
for underwater communications. grammable) are low-power (up to 3.3V or RS-232)
The rest of the paper is structured and organized devices used for different underwater applications
as follows. The recent technological developments such as pipeline monitoring, and marine network-
in hardware, and communication for IoUT are dis- ing. Similarly, M64 WL-11003 modem, underwa-
cussed in Section II. Afterward, some discussion ter GPS kit WL-11001, AquaSense series sen-
is made on the IoUT applications from a technical sors (WL-21031-1) are also utilized for underwater
perspective in along with an overview of the general communication. The M64 modem (64bps/200kHz)

2162-2248 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wollongong. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 20:09:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/MCE.2020.2988441, IEEE Consumer
Electronics Magazine


Parameter Acoustic Waves RF Waves Optical Waves MI Waves

Attenuation Depend on Depend on 0.39 dB/m (ocean) -20dB/m(Clean
Distance and frequency and - 11 dB/m (hazy water) and -
frequency (0.1 - 4 conductivity (3.5 - water) 6dB/m(ocean)
dB/km) 5 dB/m)
Antenna size 0.1 m 0.5 m 0.1 m 0.1 m - 0.3 m
Bandwidth Distance and fre- ≈ MHz 10 - 150 MHz ≈ 100KHz
quency dependent:
100 Hz-1 KHz
Data rate kbps Mbps Gbps Gbps
Distance Up to ≈ 103 meters Up to ≈ 10 meters ≈ 10 - 100 meters ≈ up to100 meters
Efficiency ≈ 100 bits/Joules - ≈ 30, 000 -
Frequency band 10 - 15 kHz 30 - 300 Hz 1012 - 1015 Hz 7 MHz/13.56 MHz
Latency High Moderate Low Very Low
Performance parameters Temperature, salin- Conductivity and Absorption, Conductivity and
ity and pressure Permittivity scattering/turbidity, Permeability
organic matters
Speed (m/s) 1500 m/s ≈ 2.255 × 108 m/s ≈ 2.255 × 108 m/s 3.33 × 108 m/s
Transmission power Tens of Watts (typ- Few mW to 100 of Few Watts Few Watts
ical value) Watts (distance de-

is a low power device operating in UART 115200 B. Consumer Electronics for IoUT
baud with serial (3.3V or R232) for distances up
to 200m. Similarly, the Aqua sensor series (WL- Recent advancements in the Consumer Electron-
21031-1) includes Oxygen-sensor, Salinity-sensor, ics industry has enabled the underwater exploration
Tilt-sensor, and Load Shackle are used for sensing a well of thought. Each year, the Consumer Elec-
and communication in the marine environment. tronics Show (CES) is arranged for those who thrive
The photoelectric sensors, such as retro-reflectors for business in consumer technologies. The recent
(FE-MLS8C) and Thru-beam sensors (MLS4B and edition of CES introduced many smart underwater
MLS5B), are used for underwater optical commu- devices such as autonomous cameras, Sublue scoot-
nication. Fig. 3 shows some of the smart devices ers, and remote-controlled drones [9] as depicted
used in IoUT networks. in Fig. 4. These devices enable various marine
applications; for instance, the Navatics Mito is a 4K
camera with 1080p streaming capability to record
and stream effectively in an underwater environ-
ment [10]. It has a built-in stabilization quadrotor
and a downloadable on recovery capability with
a battery life of up to four hours. Consequently,
Robosea’s Biki is a flying underwater drone that
used for underwater surveillance, exploration, and
photography. It is operated with the help of a smart-
phone application on the water surface. Robosea’s
Biki has the capability of a return-to-base feature
that uses its built-in GPS when it operates on the
Fig. 3. Various devices and sensors used for communication surface. Another example is Robo-shark, which can
in IoUT.

2162-2248 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wollongong. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 20:09:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/MCE.2020.2988441, IEEE Consumer
Electronics Magazine

dive up to 300 m, and has a range of 1.5km to • Spatial coverage: Based on the coverage, the
3km. It uses infrared sensors for obstacle avoidance IoUT can be classified into 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D
up to 1 m away, and its shell consists of sound- networks.
absorbing material. The Subblue scooter used for • Mobility: Depending upon the movement of
divers in underwater traveling and exploration con- smart objects, IoUT can be classified as sta-
sists of a built-in motor that is battery-powered, tionary or mobile networks.
and its cost is approximately $500. These smart • Channel: The various wireless channels that
underwater objects are evolving day by day that are used for underwater communications can
makes the consumer electronics industry effectively be classified as RF, acoustic, optical, magnetic
participating in marine applications. induction and hybrid.

D. Communication in IoUT
Communication among the smart underwater ob-
jects in IoUT is difficult due to the harsh and turbid
nature of the seawater. Presently, there are four
technologies to enable communication in IoUT, i.e.,
Fig. 4. Some smart underwater devices presented in a recent
Consumer Electronics show. acoustic waves, RF waves, optical waves, and mag-
netic induction (MI). In the following, we briefly
discuss each of these underwater communication
C. Architecture of IoUT technologies.
Smart underwater objects in IoUT can operate Acoustic waves are the most used communica-
either in an infrastructure or in an ad hoc modality: tion technology for underwater applications due
The infrastructure-based IoUT might compose of to their long transmission range. In the literature,
underwater base stations that are responsible for many underwater acoustics networks are presented
creating an underwater local area network (LAN). that can achieve data rates up to 20 Kbps for a
This network not only serves the underlying nodes distance up to 1 km in the deep underwater environ-
but also monitor their inter-coordination and cell ment. However, for larger distances up to 100 km,
coverage area. In contrast, the ad hoc IoUT are the data rate is reduced to 250-550 bps. Nonethe-
mainly distributed wireless networks that do not less, this long-distance communication is achieved
depend upon the availability of the pre-fitted equip- at the cost of greater latency [11]. Moreover, the
ment for the given underwater network. There- high latency introduces the synchronization prob-
fore, the nodes actively participate in the traffic lem for acoustic-based underwater communication
requests alongside with dynamically determined systems.
routing path and rely on network connectivity. This Alternatively, the RF-based underwater commu-
modality requires the skills of self-alignment and nication networks have two advantages. First, the
self-association in the absence of a centralized RF waves usually provide a smooth transition at
controlling unit. interfaces like air and water. This property can
Fig. 2 provides a basic 3D architecture of IoUT, provide cross-boundary communication that com-
where the underwater objects use various com- bines terrestrial and underwater RF communication
munication mediums such as acoustic or optical networks. Second, RF waves not only tolerates the
waves. These objects not only communicated with turbulence but also turbidity in water [11]. How-
each other but with the base stations as well. The ever, the major limitation of RF-based systems is
surface buoy gathers the required information at the their limited transmission range in water at very low
surface, and communicate it to mobile and onshore frequencies range from 30Hz to 300Hz. Moreover,
base stations through an RF communication net- the underwater RF transmission networks require
work. Based on the classification standard, there large size antenna that leads to high design costs
exists three achievable architecture of IoUT: and thus, consumes more energy.

2162-2248 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wollongong. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 20:09:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/MCE.2020.2988441, IEEE Consumer
Electronics Magazine

In contrast, the optical communication medium optical waves can be utilized to provide high
offers a high data rate and low latency for IoUT. data rate, low-latency, and reliable short-range
These two features of underwater optical com- communications while acoustic waves can pro-
munication enable real-time underwater telephony vide long-range communication at the cost of
and multimedia applications. Moreover, the size of higher latency and low data rate.
optical waves-based IoUT is small and has low cost • Latency: As mentioned earlier the commercial
as the transceivers are made up of either photo- modems for underwater communications uses
diodes or laser diodes. All these properties make acoustic waves, and therefore their transmis-
optical-waves based IoUT an attractive technology. sion speed is almost 100 thousand times slower
However, the implementation of optical-IoUT is as compared to the communication speed in
more complex since the range of optical waves in the terrestrial IoT networks [13]. Hence, the
underwater is limited, and it also requires accurate low speed of sound waves restricts real-time
pointing and tracking between the transmitter and communications in IoUTs. The development
the receiver. of optical modems for IoUTs can enable low-
Lately, Magnetic Induction (MI) is utilized to latency real-time communication. However,
provide average-speed omnidirectional short-range the research on the development of optical
underwater communications [12]. The response of modems is still in the academic research phase.
MI channel is more predictable and stabilized as • Transmission Range: Another major challenge
compared to the other three communication tech- for IoUT is the limited transmission range
niques. The MI waves usually penetrate the lossy of wireless communication technologies [14].
medium in an underwater environment at a speed Although acoustic waves provide transmission
approximately equal to the speed of light. This indi- in the range of few kilometers but at the cost of
cates that MI waves can travel faster and overcome a low data rate. Other high-speed underwater
the latency problems usually caused by acoustic communication technologies such as RF, opti-
waves. Last but not least, MI communication is cal, and MI have limited transmission range.
accomplished by using small size transmitter and For example, the transmission range of optical
receiver coils with non-visible and non-audible waves is in 100 meters and therefore there
waves that can be efficiently utilized in numerous is dire need to design novel optical modems
wide range of civilian and military applications. capable of providing long transmission range.
Moreover, the transmission range can also be
III. C HALLENGES IN I O UT improved by using relays. However, deploy-
ment and modeling of relays in the dynamic,
The existing research on IoUT encounters many
misty and harsh underwater environment is a
challenges due to the unique, misty and harsh
challenging task.
underwater environment. In this section, we briefly
• Mobility: Mobility is one of the significant
discuss the significant challenges of IoUT.
issues for IoUT due to the dynamic nature
• Transmission Medium: Most of the exist-
of the underwater environment. IoUT mainly
ing underwater communications systems use consists of a network of smart objects where
acoustic waves due to their long transmission the movement of water randomly changes its
range. However, the acoustic waves-based sys- topology. Therefore, tackling such kind of
tem can only support low data rate applica- dynamic topologies is a cumbersome problem
tions. Therefore, efforts have been made to and needs to be investigated.
enhance the overall data rate of the underwa- • Reliability: The wireless links in IoUT are
ter communication system by utilizing optical unstable and have low reliability due to various
waves. However, optical waves have their lim- impediments in the underwater environment.
itations such as low transmission range and The phenomena such as scattering, absorption,
directional communication. Hence, depending mobility, and turbulence result in a severe
on the application of IoUT, the transmission transmission loss in the underwater medium.
medium can be selected, for example, the

2162-2248 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wollongong. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 20:09:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/MCE.2020.2988441, IEEE Consumer
Electronics Magazine

• Network Lifetime: IoUT mainly consists of [6] Y. Li, S. Wang, C. Jin, Y. Zhang, and T. Jiang, “A survey
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vancements and challenges to develop the internet [12] I. F. Akyildiz, P. Wang, and Z. Sun, “Realizing under-
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[13] D. Sabella, A. Vaillant, P. Kuure, U. Rauschenbach,
optical, and magnetic induction are briefly dis- and F. Giust, “Mobile-edge computing architecture: The
cussed for IoUT. Moreover, the possible architec- role of MEC in the internet of things,” IEEE Consum.
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[14] M. Jouhari, K. Ibrahimi, H. Tembine, and J. Ben-Othman,
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with their applications. Some of the significant 96 899, 2019.
challenges and future works are also summarized.
We envision that IoUT will result in a worldwide RUHUL AMIN KHALIL (S’12) is currently pursuing Ph.D.
network of smart oceans providing numerous ap- degree in Electrical Engineering, and serving as Lecturer in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineer-
plications. ing & Technology Peshawar, Pakistan. His research interest
include localization in underwater wireless communication.
R EFERENCES Contact him at Email-ID:

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2162-2248 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wollongong. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 20:09:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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