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1. Create a digital vision board indicating short, medium- and long-term goals. (30 points)

My Short-term Goals (Description)

From left to right.
 Do a gratitude journal every night before sleeping to acknowledge the things I have and have been praying for.
 Learn new ukulele songs every week.
 Meditate in God’s presence every morning after warming up.
 Read/review 30 minutes to 1 hour relating to the new lessons in class.
 Learn a new recipe to cook.
 Water my plants twice a week because watering everyday can do more harm.
 Bike thrice/four times a week (inside the subdivision for safety matters).
 Keep up with friends, family, people that are close to you and check up on them every once a week.

My Medium-term Goals (Description)

 I am going to graduate college with the course that I wanted.
 I am still fulfilling my career by practicing Dentistry.
 I will travel to US (where I will possibly work in the future).
 I will continue to study for licensure exam.
 I will travel to places I’ve been dreaming to go to and discover diversity of people.
 I will still be in a relationship with my current boyfriend and we will be in a stabled relationship.
 I will save money for future purposes. (House, car, and own bills)
 I will discover new ideas to start a business so I do not have to lean on my parents with my future expenses.

My Long-term Goals (Description)

 I will live a healthy life by starting to be a vegan.
 I will continuously study for another licensure exam in US where I want to spend my whole life with.
 I will buy a house enough for me to live.
 I will be satisfied and have a happy independent life.
 I will now become a Licensed Dentist in the Philippines.
 I will buy a new car enough for me to drive to my work.
 I will marry the man I will love for the rest of my life.
 I will buy cats and dogs to fill my home with love and affection.
 I will have my own dental clinic or a clinic where I could be a dental assistant.
2. How do you see yourself 5-10 years from now? Make an E-drawing of a symbol to represent this. (40 points)
(Drawn by me in Notes application in iOs/Apple software)
5-10 years from now, I have grown as a successful empowered woman. I chose to draw this tree as tree symbolizes physical and

spiritual nourishment, transformation, liberation, union, and fertility. It is also a symbol for growth and resurrection. In certain folk

religions, trees are said to be homes of spirits and I aspire to be one and I am claiming to be one 5-10 years from now.

In my own opinion, being successful doesn’t mean being rich with money but being rich with spirituality - an individual full of

free spirit and nourishment of the soul. 5-10 years from now, I will continually worship and surrender myself to God the Father, not

only me but with my whole family. I will live life with no regrets and finally be in peace and contented with what I have. As soon as I

realize this, I will bear only kindness and blessed life full of growth and love that will also prosper great people around me.

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