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Astrology is a science and is applicable to building also.

Vastu falls under the Samhita division of Astrology the
other two division being Ganitha and Phalitha. Ganitha is the
mathematical part and Phalitha the predictive part .Samhitha deals with
vastu forecasting and other natural phenomena.
Vastu shastra originated centuries ago and some
principles can be found in the Vedas and other ancient India scriptures
and is believed to have been passed on from generation to generation
orally. These principles are being interpreted in different ways by various
experts. Vastu shastea which means the science of building deals mainly
with the principles involved in section of site configuration of plans
specifying orientation of rooms to cardinals for building construction and
dimensioning between the vastu and modern principles of architecture .
Thus astrology can be applied to the realsm of architecture. The principles
laid down help one longevity of the owners. Vastu is merely one component of luck
heaven luck earth luck and human luck. Heaven luck determines the fate of the
individual. Earth luck comes from living in harmony with environmental and with
energies of our living space. This can be achieved by following vastu principles.
One has no control over his birth & his fate or heaven luck is
determined by his karma, we can enhance human luck by adopting the right attitude &
right action.
Vastu should be understood in the context of the three types of luck
mentioned above. If heaven luck is good, vastu make it better. This, supplemented by
our own efforts with proper ethical attitude & action will bring us greater happiness. If
heaven luck however, is against an individual, vastu can at best only mitigate suffering
& reduce problems.
If one aspect of Vastu principles in a building does not comply with the
principles of vastu, one need not feel discouraged as vastu itself is only one of the
components influencing one’s life. It is also believed that vastu of one’s residence alone
should not be a base but his working place & other properties if he possesses should
also be considered. It may not be possible to locate or construct a house complying with
vastuin all respects. The result will be better with a greater percentage of perfection.
One should be happy if a building can satisfy about 60% of the vastu principals.
 A number of principles and suggestions have been laid
down by ancient astrologers. The reasons for many of them
could not be understood. However the principles have been
found to be based on good reasons and sound in practice.
 1. The shape of site should be square or rectangular. The
extensions or projections at North East either North or On
East is suitable and plots having projection or extensions on
any other direction are not suitable. However these plots
can be used after the necessary rectification.
 2. The angle on North East should be le than 90 degree.
3. The diagonal connection South West and North East
can be larger than the diagonal connecting South East and
North .
The site should be cleared of vegetation. Trees like Jack, Peepal,
Neem, Tamrind, etc. if existing on the site and fouling the trees should be removed with
roots at least 6 months before construction is started. If any tree is to be removed after
occupation a minimum of 3months should be allowed to pass.

The position of a gate should be as follows.

Plot facing Recommended Prohibited

North facing Northem-North Northem

East North west
East facing Eastem-North East South
East East
South facing Southem-south Southem
East South west
West facing Westem-North Westem
West South West

The gate should be placed at 2/9th part of the building and

The building should be commenced on the auspicious day and time.
The following inauspicious days should be avoided.

 v When a member of the family is in mourning
due to the death of his kith or kin.
 v When a child is born in the family and the
house is considered to be polluted due to “vastu”
 v When the lady member has her menses.
 v If two units are proposed to be construction in
plot the first one should be on south or West only.
v It is preferable if the building faces East or North East.
v The South West corner should be exactly at 90 degree angle.
v The house should not face a mountain nor the shape of the house
resemble a mountain.
v In plan the building should be square or rectangular.
v The corner of any house should not be in line with door or windows
of any other house.
v The construction of building should be such that the Sun’s rays
shall fall on the building for 3hours after sun-rise and 3 hours before
v The setback on North and East should be more than on South and
v North –west south west or south –East shall not project more than
the periphery of the building.

Housing facing Colour

East White

South East Grey

South Red

South West Green

West Blue

North West White

North Green

North Yellow
v The bedrooms should be on the south west.
While sleeping head should not be placed to words
north. The head should preferably be placed on East.
v The position of bedrooms where a couple is
united has a bearing on the prospects of the child.
v The total number of rooms in a house shall be in
odd number only.
v The bed should not be opposite to a door or in
the pathway.
v Kitchen should preferably be on the South East
corner of the building.
v The person who cooks should face exactly west.
v The sink in the kitchen should be in the North
East corner of the kitchen.
v Wash basin in kitchen should be at North East.
Mixers 7 grinders should be located in south.
For south facing houses the kitchen can be on North
West. However the oven may be on the South East
corner of kitchen room.
•Pooja room should preferably be on the North
East direction.
v Verandah or sit outs on the South West
should be higher than the floor level of the main
v Verandah on North and east should be
continuous and there should not be any break
between them.

v One should face west white taking bath. Toilet room should
be kept closed always. Avoid placing water closet opposite the
v Commode should face either South or North.
v Attached bathroom should be on North or East of the bed

v Doors of room should be in North East or North East.

v The main entrance for the house in front can be one or
two in numbers. More than two numbers should be avoided.
v Exit of house should be on north or East or West in
order of preference and not on South.

v Compound gate should be on North East or North West or South

East only.
v Trees grown on West and South direction can be taller than the
height of the building.
v On the east and north direction trees should not be taller than the
height of the building.
v No flower pots should be kept on compound wall or on the walls of
the building of North and eastern sides.
v Shed out house or water closet should not be provided on north east
of the building .
Stair case should not be in north east

Vastu is one of the factors that decide the prospects of an individual.

His prospects mainly depends upon the Karma namely the deeds done by
him this life or in previous births. Vastu will help to enhance his
prospects if his star is good and can only mitigate his sufferings if his
star is bad.

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