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North Central Regional

Aquaculture Center
In cooperation with USDA

Biosecurity for Aquaculture Facilities

in the North Central Region
by Glenda Dvorak, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

ish diseases are not new to What is Biosecurity? preventive measures are inexpensive
aquaculture; they continue when compared to the potential
Biosecurity involves the practices,
to be one of the greatest causes loss that can occur from fish deaths,
procedures and policies used to
of economic loss for the industry. decreased production or the need
prevent the introduction. Also, the
Each year in the U.S., millions of for depopulation following a disease
spread of disease causing organisms
dollars in losses to fish producers outbreak. Many also are quickly
(e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi,
are attributed to infectious diseases. implemented procedures (e.g., foot
parasites) as well as many aquatic
The impact from disease may occur dips, disinfection); while others may
invasive species (e.g., zebra mussels,
as direct losses due to illness or involve variable levels of economic
rusty crayfish) should be considered.
mortalities as well the indirect effects investment or effort (e.g., dedicated
such as decreased production (e.g., While some fish pathogens are well quarantine equipment or facilities).
reduced growth rates, feed conversion known problems, other diseases are
efficiency, or product quality) or loss emerging or spreading to previously Work with your veterinarian or fish
of business or reputation. unaffected areas. Outbreaks can health specialist to identify risk factors
happen rapidly and spread quickly, and develop an effective biosecurity
One of the best ways to protect often resulting in high mortalities. It is plan for your operation. Once
your fish, farm and business is difficult to predict when disease might determined, make sure these measures
by prevention through the use of occur; however, the routine use of are communicated to others involved
biosecurity measures. This fact sheet biosecurity measures can reduce the with your farm (e.g., employees,
will overview how fish diseases are risk of introduction and economic delivery personnel, visitors).
spread, help you identify risk factors impact of these diseases.
for disease introduction on your farm, Disease Transmission to Fish
and provide some basic biosecurity Biosecurity Principles for
Understanding how fish diseases are
practices to minimize these risks. Aquaculture Facilities
spread helps to identify necessary
Disease threats for an aquaculture biosecurity measures. Fish diseases
facility vary with the type of can be spread by direct contact, water
production operation, its purpose sources, fomites, ingestion (oral),
(e.g., stocking, food fish) as well as and vectors. Not all pathogens are
the species or life stage being reared. transmitted by all routes; some may
Many different biosecurity solutions be spread by multiple routes.
may exist; there is no “one-size-fits-
all” solution. Direct contact
North Central Regional Determining the biosecurity measures is one of the
Aquaculture Center needed for your facility will involve most common
Fact Sheet Series # 115 identifying risk areas and determining routes of disease
USDA grant #2007-38500-18569 the necessary preventive measures to transmission
February 2009 obtain the greatest cost-benefit. Most in aquaculture.
This involves the transfer of disease environment or fish feeds. People spread in aquaculture. This includes
causing agents through direct contact may serve as vectors, transferring new fish brought to the farm for
with infected fish. Entry may occur pathogens to fish during handling breeding, grow out, or restocking
through the skin, open wounds, (e.g., hands). or those returned to the farm. Also,
mucous membranes, or gills. contact between wild and farmed
Disease organisms can be fish can be a potential source of
Water sources can transmitted orally by consumption disease introduction. These “new”
serve to transfer of contaminated additions can introduce pathogens to
disease causing feed, infected live resident fish, and for some diseases,
organisms. or frozen fish, these fish may be infected without
Contamination or cannibalism showing signs of illness, serving as
occurs from the urine, feces, of dead or dying “carriers” to other fish.
reproductive fluids, and mucus of fish from the same unit. Ingestion
diseased fish. The movement of of water contaminated with waste Purchase healthy fish. To prevent
contaminated water during the products from infected fish also may disease introduction onto your
transport of fish can spread pathogens serve as a transmission route. farm, purchase fish from known and
to new locations. A few fish pathogens trusted suppliers. These fish should
(e.g., Ichthyophthirius multifilis, Ich) While not a route of transmission be inspected and found free of
have been found to spread via aerosols, to fish, zoonotic diseases are those important diseases. Limit the number
sprays or splashes between tanks, diseases of of sources fish are purchased from
although less common and typically fish that can and the frequency and number of
requiring close proximity of sources. be spread to new introductions onto your farm.
humans, to When possible, purchase eggs or fish
Fomites are inanimate objects that cause illness. from certified disease-free broodstock.
can transfer pathogens between Examples Eggs should be disinfected upon
rearing areas include a arrival. When appropriate, vaccinate
or production number of newly acquired fish for diseases.
sites. These bacterial organisms – Mycobacterium,
items become Quarantine new arrivals. Once fish
Erysipelothrix, Klebsiella, Edwardsiella.
contaminated are brought to your farm, minimize
Biosecurity measures should also
following contact the transfer of disease to resident
address any zoonotic risks to you or
with infected fish or contaminated fish by isolating new arrivals before
your employees as well as the risk to
water sources. Examples include adding them to your current stock.
your fish stocks.
equipment such as nets, buckets, This includes fish recently purchased
siphon hoses, footwear, clothing, or as well as fish returned to the farm.
Biosecurity Measures for
contaminated vehicles (including The length of quarantine is variable
Aquaculture Facilities and depends on the disease of
The potential for the introduction concern; 4-6 weeks is commonly
Vectors are living creatures, such as of fish pathogens can be categorized suggested.
fish-preying birds, that can spread into five risk factor areas: Fish
pathogens. movement, water sources, The quarantine area should be at
These animals fish health, equipment and a location away from resident fish
may transfer fish vehicles, and vectors. Prevention and should have a separate water
diseases between recommendations for each of these source or flow circuit. Any water
locations by risk areas are provided as a starting effluent on or off the farm from the
carrying the point and should be applicable to quarantine area should be managed
pathogen on their body or feet, or by most aquaculture facilities. to avoid contaminating water sources
dropping fish or fish parts at other or fish production areas. Dedicated
Fish Movement
locations. Rodents and birds may equipment for the quarantine area
The movement of fish onto, within
carry some fish pathogens in their should be used to avoid fomite
or off the farm is the greatest risk
feces or urine, contaminating the transfer to resident fish. Fish in the
factor for disease introduction and

quarantine area should be cared for Maintain optimum water quality. accordance with local and state laws
or worked with after resident fish, Fluctuations or improper maintenance and in a manner that predators or
or an employee should be assigned of parameters such as dissolved wild birds cannot access carcasses
solely to the care and handling of oxygen, ammonia, nitrite and pH can and further spread the disease.
the quarantined fish. cause increased stress for fish, and,
in some cases, cause tissue damage;
Ill fish should be removed and placed
Water Sources in an isolated area away
Use pathogen-free water Risk Factors from current fish stocks.
sources, such as well for Disease Introduction and Spread This area, similar to
quarantine, should have
water, springs, or other
groundwater sources, when
in Aquaculture Facilities dedicated equipment
possible. Surface water
Fish Movement and water sources. Care
sources should be avoided
Water Sources or treatment of these

as they have a greater

Fish Health fish should occur after
Equipment/Vehicles healthy resident fish or
potential for carrying fish
Vectors (human and animal) by an employee solely
pathogens. If this is not dedicated to this area.
possible, disinfection of
the water supply by ozonation or this can make fish more susceptible When signs of illness are noticed,
ultraviolet radiation may be needed. to diseases. Water temperature is contact your aquatic veterinarian or
Filtration of water sources can also important to monitor, as many fish health specialist immediately.
help exclude the introduction of fish pathogens have an optimum Necropsy and testing of ill fish can
unwanted aquatic species. temperature range for infectivity, and help identify a potentially infectious
fish immune systems are influenced disease before it becomes widespread
Fish Health by water temperature. on your farm.
Optimum health is essential for
Provide proper nutrition. Store feed Keep accurate records. Maintenance
disease prevention in fish and greatly
in a cool, dry place and use within and monitoring of fish production
improves the ability of your fish to
3-6 months. This serves to maintain and health records can help to detect
fight off infection. This is achieved
vitamin and mineral stability in the disease problems and highlight their
by minimizing stress, maintaining
feed as well as reduce the potential for severity (e.g., sudden versus gradual
appropriate water quality parameters
moldy feed. Keep feed in areas secured increases in death rate) and often
and proper nutrition, removing
from vectors (e.g., rodents, birds). provides clues for disease diagnoses.
potential infectious disease sources, Maintain accurate records of fish
Clean up any spilled feed to avoid
and monitoring and maintaining fish illnesses or deaths. Keep records on
attraction of birds or rodents. If live
production and health records. fish production parameters, such
fish are used as feed, be sure to obtain
healthy fish from reliable sources. as growth and feed conversion
Minimize stress. The susceptibility ratio to aid in detecting subclinical
of fish to disease is greatly influenced Remove dead or dying fish.
disease problems. Record all new
by stress. A number of parameters in Monitor fish frequently for disease.
introductions or returning fish, their
aquaculture can increase stress in fish, Employees should know the major
sources, and movements on or off
including high stocking densities, signs of illness in fish and who to
the farm. This can help identify
improper water quality parameters contact when these are noted. Early
potential disease entry points in the
and poor nutrition. identification of fish diseases can
event of a disease outbreak.
help minimize its spread and impact
Minimize stress in your fish by on your farm. Equipment and Vehicles
keeping stocking densities within Many disease causing agents can
Ill or dead fish should be removed
acceptable parameters. Limit transfers survive in the environment for
immediately as they can serve variable amounts of time. For this
of fish between units or locations
as potential disease sources to reason, any equipment (e.g., nets,
when possible. When moving
the remaining stock. Dying fish buckets, scales, boots, waders) or even
fish, use gentle crowding and fish
should be promptly and humanely vehicles used to work with or move
handling methods.
euthanized. Disposal should be in fish can serve as a potential source

of disease transfer between facilities disinfected between fish lots or and after leaving the area. Foot dip
or units. Any equipment used at farms. Any residual water or debris solutions should be changed daily or
aquaculture facilities should be should be removed; bilge water when visibly soiled with debris.
cleaned and thoroughly dried
(preferably in direct sunlight) Proper Cleaning Protocol Cleaning and disinfection of
equipment and vehicles are
or chemically disinfected 1. Remove visible debris important disease prevention
before being used in another measures for aquaculture
location. 2. Wash with soap and water,
facilities. One of the most
Fish production tanks, overlooked and most
raceways and ponds should be
3. Apply selected disinfectant for important steps is the removal
disinfected between each lot appropriate contact time of visible debris (e.g., mucus,
waste products, aquatic plants
of fish. Construction materials 4. Rinse or Neutralize
and algae, uneaten feed). This
should be nonporous and 5. Allow to dry is important because many
easy to clean and disinfect.
disinfectants are less effective
Avoid the use of wood, as it is
and often inactivated in the presence
hard to disinfect completely; if used, from boats should be removed and
of organic matter and debris.
it should be limited to temporary disinfected. Vehicle cleaning should
structures and should never be include the wheel wells, tires and Washing items with soap and water
transferred to another site. Minimize undercarriage. Wash stations should can greatly reduce the number of
aerosols with tank covers or by be provided onsite away from pathogens on most items; rinse
placing barriers between tanks. animal production areas.
well to remove any residual soap
Foot dips should be placed near (which also can inactivate some
Vehicles and equipment should not
the entrance to animal areas. Boots disinfectants).
be shared between sites; if possible,
dedicated equipment or vehicles and waders should be cleaned and Apply an appropriate disinfectant
should be used. If this is not possible, submersed for an appropriate period (see Table 1), using the proper
these items should be cleaned and of time (see product label) prior to concentration, application method

Table 1. Select chemical disinfectant used in aquaculture.*

Product Concentration* Uses and Precautions

Virkon® Aquatic 1:100 - 1:200 (1% - 0.5%) Equipment, pumps, protective clothing, foot dips,
for 1 minute bilges, bins, buckets, harvesting equipment, vehicles

Sodium hypochlorite 200-500 ppm Nets, boots, clothing. Surfaces must be clean; easily
(bleach) inactivated by organic debris. May be corrosive.
Highly toxic for aquatic animals; allow to inactivate
for several days or neutralize with sodium thiosulfate
after 3 hours.
Note: Bleach is 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution.
Iodine(iodophors) 200 ppm for a few seconds Nets, boots, clothing. Surfaces must be clean; product
is easily inactivated by organic debris. Highly toxic
for aquatic animals
Benzalkonium chloride 250 ppm Plastic surfaces
(e.g., Roccal) *can be toxic to fish, so use with caution

Alcohol (ethanol) 70% Hand sanitizing

* Always consult the product label for appropriate concentrations, uses, and safety precautions.
Disclaimer: The use of product names does not constitute endorsement.
References: World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). 2006. Methods for disinfection of aquaculture establish-
ments. Chapter 1.1.5. in Manual of diagnostic tests for aquatic animals.

and contact time (according to the footwear also should be used between disease introductions and spread and
product label). Allowing the necessary these areas. Employees should protect your fish, your farm and your
contact time is essential for optimum perform tasks in areas from lowest risk investment.
killing of the disease agent. to highest risk (e.g, inside tanks to
outside tanks), from most susceptible References
Many disinfectants can be lethal to least susceptible populations (e.g., Bebak, J. 1998. The importance of
to fish, so thorough rinsing (away fry or fingerlings to adult). Personnel biosecurity in intensive culture.
from production areas) and/ should save quarantine/isolation work Pages 245-252 in Proceedings of the
or neutralization (e.g., sodium Second International Conference on
for last. Access to egg incubation and
Recirculating Aquaculture, Roanoke,
thiosulfate for chlorine products) fry facilities should be restricted to Virginia.
are necessary to remove any toxic a minimum number of well-trained
residues. If possible, allow the individuals. Francis-Floyd, R. 2003. Sanitation
items to thoroughly dry before re- practices for aquaculture facilities.
Visitors to the farm, especially those University of Florida, Institute of Food
using them with fish or at different
coming from areas where they may and Agricultural Sciences Extension.
locations. Drying, especially in direct Available at
sunlight, also can effectively destroy have been exposed to fish diseases
a number of fish pathogens. (e.g. other farms or areas with (September 2007).
known disease outbreaks), may serve
as vectors for the introduction of Goodwin, A. 2002. Biosecurity
protection for fish operations.
Wild fish and animals. Limit contact disease. These individuals should
University of Arkansas Cooperative
between your fish and other animals take measures to minimize the Extension Service. Available at http://
that may present a risk of disease potential risk of disease transfer.
introduction. This includes wild fish This includes wearing clean coveralls biosecurity/protection_fish_operations.
and disposable or disinfected rubber pdf. (September 2007).
stock, predators, domestic animals
(e.g., dogs and cats), and wildlife boots while on the farm. Maintain Hollingsworth, C.S., R. Baldwin, K.
traveling between farms. a log of visitors to your farm. All Wilda, R. Ellis, S. Soares. 2006. Best
visitors on your farm should be management practices for finfish
Pathogen transfer between farm and aquaculture in Massachusetts.
accompanied by farm personnel
University of Massachusetts Extension.
wild fish populations is an equally during their visit. When possible, Publication AG-BPFA. Available at
important consideration. Biosecurity these individuals should avoid
measures must protect cultured fish animal areas and be restricted from projects/documents/BMP19sfs_000.
from contact with wild species, as well contacting and handling your fish pdf. (September 2007).
as prevent the escape of infected (unless absolutely necessary).
Smith S.A. 1998. Biosecurity and fish
cultured fish or run-off of contami- health monitoring for aquaculture
nated water sources or effluents. Conclusion facilities. Pages 22-24 in Proceedings of
As the aquaculture industry continues the Second International Conference
Implement predator management on Recirculating Aquaculture,
to grow, the threat of infectious
and rodent control programs. Contact Roanoke, Virginia.
diseases to fish production facilities
USDA-APHIS or your local extension
will continue. New diseases are State of Utah Department of
office for legal control measures. being discovered or are emerging Agriculture and Food. 2006. A basic
People. Employees should wear clean in new locations. While the risk biosecurity model for aquaculture
clothing/coveralls and footwear when of disease in production settings sites. Available at
working with fish and wash or sanitize cannot be completely eliminated, divisions/animal/fish/documents/
the use of biosecurity measures on aq_biosecurity. (September 2007).
their hands when moving between
areas. Foot dips for disinfecting the farm can help you to prevent

Series Editor: Joseph E. Morris, Associate Director, North Central Regional Aquaculture Center
Fish graphics by Dani Ausen,
Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University
Originally published by Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

Printed on Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed

Recycled Paper in this publication are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the United States Department of Agriculture.

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