Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

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Conversation Admission Patient, Taking Vital Sign, Nutritional

Intake And Medicine, Shift Transfer, Patient Discharge,

Patient Education

Untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris


DHIAN TIARA SARI (P27820820013)


Ns.Tiara : good morning

Pt : morning nurse
Ns.Tiara : how are you feeling?
Pt : going better I guess
Ns.Tiara : that’s great. I’m the nurse in charge, my name is Tiara . You can call
me Ns. Tiara. I'm here to make sure that all you need is available for

Pt : thank you nurse.

Ns.Tiara : well, I need some information about you to complete your data.

Pt : with pleasure nurse

Ns.Tiara : okey, what’s your name?

Pt : my name is Muhammad Rudin you can call me Rudin

Ns.Tiara : how old are you Rudin? And then what’s your date of birth?

Pt : I am twenty seven years old. I was born in 19 May 1993

Ns.Tiara : what is your address Rudin?
Pt : I live in Waru, Sidoarjo city.

Ns.Tiara : are you married?

Pt : yes, I am

Ns.Tiara : have you any home phone, mobile or email?

Ny. Risa : sure, its’ 74799990 for home. Mobile is 03134566650 and my email is

Ns.Tiara : alright. What is your job?

Pt : my job is a teacher in junior high school

Ns.Tiara : for emergency situation, who will be your contact person?

Pt : my wife

Ns.Tiara : her name, please

Pt : her name is Nova
Ns.Tiara : her address and phone number?

Pt : the same address with me, her phone number is 03156733348

Ns.Tiara : do you have any insurance?
Pt : yes, I do
Ns.Tiara : what kind of room you want Rudin? We have single and shared room

Pt : I want single room

Ns.Tiarawhat are health problems that make you hospitalised here?

Pt : I’m dizzy nurse. I have no appetite for several days, I cough too
Ns.Tiara : how long you feel that way?
Pt : since yesterday, nurse
Ns.Tiara : how about the frequent?
Pt : several times.
Ns.Tiara : did you take any medicine for that?
Pt : no, I didn’t take any medicine for that nurse
Ns.Tiara : have you any surgery or operation before?
Pt : no, I haven’t any surgery before

Ns.Tiara : have you any allergy to particular medicines, food or

anything? Pt : I have an allergy, I allergy chicken
Ns.Tiara : do you have another medicines you wanted?
Pt : I want this dizzy getting better soon
Ns.Tiara : what kinds of food you don’t like?
Pt : nothing
Ns.Tiara : do you have any jewerly to keep in safety box?
Pt : nothing
Ns.Tiara : okey, let me take you to your room
Pt : okey, lets go

Ns.Tiara : here is your room, the room name is Dahlia 02. And in here there are
television, wastafel and you can keep your things in that small
Pt : thank you very much

Ns.Tiara : let me explain about your mealtime. You will have breakfast, lunch
and dinner
Pt : thank you nurse

Ns.Tiara : now about visiting time. The visit time are twice a day, in the
morning and afternoon.
Pt : okay nurse I’m understand. By the way, what about the doctor’s visit?

Ns.Tiara : the doctor visit once a day. In the morning at 07.00 a.m. this is call
button. Just press the red button to call us
Pt : okey nurse

Ns.Tiara : great, any question?

Ny. Risa : nope
Ns.Tiara : very well. I’m leaving now. Just press the call button if anything
going wrong. See you later
Pt : thank you very much and see you.

(A few moments later, Nurse came to the patient’s room to check the patien’s vital
Ns.Tiara : hai, how are you feeling

Pt : hai nurse. I feel so dizzy and cough until now

Ns.Tiara : I’m nurse Tiara, now I want to check your vital signs. Don’t worry,
you’ll be fine after receiving treatment here
Pt : thank you nurse, I hope so. You can checking my vital signs now
Ns.Tiara : alright, I need to confirm your identity
Pt : my name is Muhammad Rudin and my date of birth 19 May 1993
Ns.Tiara : okay, I’m going to take your vital signs.
Pt : Go ahead nurse

Ns.Tiara : I’ll take your blood pressure

Pt : okay nurse
Ns.Tiara : I need your hand, I’m going to wrap this cuff
Pt : okey nurse

Ns.Tiara : okey, I’m pumping it. Do you feel alright?

Pt : right, is it normal?

Ns.Tiara : it’s 120/70 mmHg, it’s normal.. Now, I’ll measure your temperature
Pt : okay nurse
Ns.Tiara : hold the thermometer on your armpit for five minutes

Pt : okay nurse
Ns.Tiara : your temperature is 36,7 oC. it’s normal
Pt : thank you nurse
Ns.Tiara : now, I’m going to measure your pulse rate

Pt : okay nurse
Pt : is it normal?

Ns.Tiara : it’s 70x/ minutes. It’s normal

Pt : how is my respiration

Ns.Tiara : it’s normal. Your respiration rate is 16x/minute.

Ns.Tiara : well done, here are your vital signs. Your blood pressure is 120/70
mmHg, temperature is 36,7 oC, pulse rate is 70x/minutes and then your
respiration rate is 16x/minutes.

Pt : thank you nurse

Ns.Tiara : ok, I’m leaving now. Just press call button if you need something. See
Pt : see you.

(Next day at Breakfast time)

Ns.Tiara : good morning

Pt : morning nurse
Ns.Tiara : what do you feel today?
Pt : much better
Ns.Tiara : it’s time for breakfast and I bring your breakfast

Pt : thank you nurse. What is my breakfast this morning?

Ns.Tiara : you have rice with red soup added with fried chicken
Pt : hm, looks delicious. How about the drink and fruit?
Ns.Tiara : you get a glass of milk and melon this morning
Pt : nurse, I want to have breakfast now
Ns.Tiara : may I help you to eat?
Pt : no, thanks. I can eat by myself
Ns.Tiara : here is your breakfast. Call me if you need anything else
Pt : okay.
(After the patient finishes breakfast, Nurse come back into the patient’s room to
give medicines)
Ns.Tiara : have you eaten your breakfast?
Pt : yes nurse
Ns.Tiara : good, here are your
medicines Pt : what medicines?
Ns.Tiara : you get medicines for your cough and antibiotics.
Pt : are they tablets or caplets?
Ns.Tiara : your medicines are tablet
Pt : okay, can you get a bottle of water in my desk?

Ns.Tiara : I can.
Pt : thank you very much. By the way how about medicine for my dizzy?
Ns.Tiara : after this I will come here to give your medicine for your dizzy.
Because the drug must be injected.

Pt : okay nurse thank you.

(After a while, nurse came into the patient’s room to inject medicine)
Ns.Tiara : I’ll inject you in your IV line. Before I inject you, I’ll see your ID
Pt : okay

Ns.Tiara : okay, I have seen your ID. Now, I will ask you. What’s your name?
Pt : my name is Muhammad Rudin
Ns.Tiara : okay Rudin, your name same with your ID and same too with your
medicine’s name. now, I will inject you.
Pt : hm okay nurse. By the way what medicines you will give to me?
Ns.Tiara : there are 2 medicines. First for your dizzy and second is vitamin.
Pt : oke nurse, go ahead

Ns.Tiara : it’s finish. Now you can rest again

Pt : thank you nurse, I will to take a nap
Ns.Tiara : just call me if you need anything. You can press your button.
Pt : okay nurse. See you later
Ns.Tiara : see you

(This morning, Ns. Reyvo does shift transfer to Ns. Rara )

Ns.Tiara : morning Ns. Rara, how are you?
Ns. Rina : morning Ns. Reyvo. I’m fine, how about
you? Ns.Tiara : very good. Ready to handover?
Ns. Rara : sure, I’m ready now
Ns.Tiara : in room Dahlia 02 we have a patient, his name is Muhamad Rudin.
He’s twenty seven years old. His date of birth 19 may 1993.

Ns. Rara : what is his problem?

Ns.Tiara : he is dizzy, he is feel that his cough very annoying
Ns. Rara : what medication for him? Any oral medication or inject?

Ns.Tiara :Oral medication for him are for his cough, and antibiotics and then
inject medication for him are for his dizzy and vitamin.
Ns. Rara : hm okay, how about his allergy?

Ns.Tiara : he have an allergy, he allergy chicken. Any question again? Just read
the status for details
Ns. Rara : I think all is clear. Don’t worry , I would check them out in report
Ns.Tiara : alright, lets go to the room to check the patient
Ns. Rara : lets go

(nurses go to the patient room)

Ns.Tiara : good morning Rudin, how are you feeling?
Pt : morning nurse, not so good
Ns.Tiara : Mr. Rudin, this is Ns. Rara, she hands over my job, she will be your
Ns. Rara : hallo Mr. Rudin, I’m Ns. Rara, will be your nurse in charge today
Pt : hallo Ns. Rara, nice to meet you
Ns. Rara : nice to meet you too Mr. Rian
Ns.Tiara : okey, don’t forget to adjust the infusion drops and all of his medicines
Ns. Rara : ok, I’ll do it
Ns.Tiara: ok Rian, I’m leaving now, see you later
Pt : thank you nurse Reyvo and see you
Ns. Rara : Mr. Rudin, if you need something just press the call button, okay?
Pt : okay nurse
Ns.Tiara : okay I’m leaving now, need to hurry.
Ns. Rara : ok. Take care.
(A few days later, after Patient’s condition getting better, the doctor allowed to go
Ns.Tiara : good morning Rudin

Pt : morning nurse
Ns.Tiara : how are you feeling?
Pt : I’m really in a good shape today
Ns.Tiara : you look healthy Rudin

Pt : you’re right nurse, I feel much better now

Ns.Tiara : well, the doctor advices you to go home this afternoon

Pt : really? I miss home

Ns.Tiara : oke, before leaving I need to check your vital signs
Pt : okey nurse

Ns.Tiara : first, I’ll take your blood pressure

Pt : go ahead nurse

Ns.Tiara : I need to roll this cuff around here, your upper arm
Pt : okay nurse

Ns.Tiara : okay, I’m pumping it. Do you feel alright?

Pt : right, how is my blood pressure?

Ns.Tiara : it’s normal 120/80 mmHg. Now, I’ll take your temperature
Pt : go ahead, how is my temperature?

Ns.Tiara : it’s normal 36,5. Now, I’m going to measure your pulse rate?
Pt : go ahead nurse, how is my pulse rate?
Ns.Tiara : it’s fine, 76x/minutes. Now, I’ll measure your respiration rate?

Pt : it’s 16x/minutes. Its normal

Ns.Tiara : all your vital signs are normal. I need to inform you some issues
before leaving

Pt : ok nurse
Ns.Tiara : first, about the medication. You need to finish these medicines at
Pt : I will finish that medications at home

Ns.Tiara : now about exercise, you need to exercise

everyday Pt : yes, I’ll do your advices.
Ns.Tiara : we need to observe your progress, so please come again in two weeks
Pt : ok nurse
Ns.Tiara: check your stuff and make sure you take them all
home Pt : ok nurse
Ns.Tiara : do you leave home by yourself or someone pick you up?
Pt : my brothers will pick me up. Just ring his for sure
Ns.Tiara : good, I think you ready to leave
Pt : ok nurse
Ns.Tiara : but, I want meet your brother to discuss something.
Pt : that’s my brother nurse
Ns.Tiara : hello, my name is Tiara, you can call me Ns. Tiara . I’m the nurse in
charge today. Your brother will go home because his condition getting
better. Your brother is tired an malnuourished, you should remind your
brothers to eat regulary. Eat little but often is highly recommended.
Avoid fooods that cause your brother to cough, such as ice and
watermelon, etc
Brother’s Pt : oke nurse, I’ll do what you ask to me to my brother. Thank you for
your information

Ns.Tiara : your welcome, don’t

forget Brother’s Pt : okay nurse
Ns.Tiara : ok Mr. Rudin I think you ready to leave
Pt : ok nurse
Ns.Tiara : ok everything is done. I go by now. See you later
Pt : thank you so much nurse, see you.

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