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Madanbhai Sura Institute of B

MMS - II Year Semester III

Prof. Name: Karishma Kawale
Subject Name: Labour Law and IR
specialization: Human Resource
Question Type : MCQ
Students have to solve 40 questions for 60 marks.
Question No.
As per the Factories Act "Adult"means a person who has completed ...... year of age.
[Sec 2(a)]
A. 15

2 As per Factories Act, "Child" means a person who has not completed his .......Year of age. Sec 2(c)]
A. 14

3 As per Factories Act, "----------" of a factory means the person who has ultimate control over the affairs o
A. Manager

4 Ensuring the safety, health and welfare of the employees is the primary purpose of the ….....
A. Factories Act, 1948

5 The …........ participating in collective bargaining process must be strong democratic and enlightened.
A. Employers

6 Books of accounts and Register of members of a Registered Trade Union are open to …......... for inspect
A. Any worker of the company

7 The 3-tier system of adjudication are Labour Courts, Industrial Tribunals and ….............
A. Labour Tribunals

8 ….......... concept views the institution as participative decision making between employer and employees
A. Government concept

9 What is the officer appointed to present the case of the management before the enquiry officer relating to
A. Law officer

10 Workers participate in management is not …............. but through their …............

A. Individual, Representatives

11 What does ILO stand for?

A. International Labour Office

12 What is the full form of DPG ….................

A. Directorate of Public Gatherings

13 Industrial relations cover the following area …..............

A. Collective bargaining
14 Which of the following is not an approach to industrial relations?
A. Unitary approach

15 When the people involved in the process comprehend unlikable results from their interactions with the en
A. time stress

16 Which of the following types of personality is comparatively less exposed to internal stress?
A. Type A personality

17 …............ is a scientific and systematic effort to modify the characteristics of an employee's job
A. Job redesign

18 Which one of the following is not a welfare provision under Factories Act, 1948?
A. Canteen

19 First Aid Boxes is to be provided for ….............. of persons

A. 125

20 Safety Officers are to be appointed if Organization is engaging or more employees

A. 1000

21 Canteen is to be provided if engaging employees more than …........... persons

A. 250

22 In case of miscarriage. a woman worker shall be allowed weeks leave with wages
A. Twelve

23 Layoff compensation is to be paid @ …............ of average wages

A. 15 days

24 …................ absolves the employer's liability under the Maternity Benefit Act and Workmen's Compensa
A. Employees Provident fund Act

25 The Employees State Insurance Act was passed in the year ….......
A. 1923

26 The labour or industrial problems increased when major industries came into existence followed by techn
A. 18th century

27 The Ambulance Room is to be provided if engaging employees more than …....

A. 400

28 To close down a factory. the occupier has to give …........ days notice to the authorities
A. 30 Days

29 The number of elected workers in the canteen managing committee shall not be more than ….. or less tha
A. More than 5 or less than 2
30 The term of office of the canteen committee is…........... years
A. one year

31 If the factory employs more than 1000 workers, they should appoint qualified …......... to carry out the p
A. Safety Officer

32 The statutory minimum bonus is …...........

A. 8.33%

33 Under the Factories Act no worker is permitted to work for more than ….. hours in a day
A. 8

34 The industrial peace is secured through voluntary …........ and compulsory ….........
A. Compromise and Arbitration

35 Power has been given to …........... to require Works Committee to be constituted in every industrial estab
A. Appropriate Government

36 Choose the correct date and year on which payment of wages act was passed?
A. 23rd April, 1936

37 What is the maximum wage period for the payment of wages?

A. 1 month

38 No person employed in a public utility service shall go on strike in breach of contract within …...... of giv
A. 14 days

39 How many days of service will be termed as continuous service when working in a mine industry?
A. 190 days

40 Before the industrial disputes act was implemented in the year 1947, which act took care of the industrial
A. Trade Disputes Act, 1929

41 The bill passing rule 81A has made two new institutions for the prevention and settlement of industrial di
A. Industrial Tribunal

42 The industrial peace is secured through voluntary ….......... and compulsory ….........
A. Compromise and Arbitration

43 What is the time period in which all the awards of the arbitration are to be published from the date of its r
A. 30 days

44 The arbitration award shall remain in operation for a period of …........ year as mentioned in the Industria
A. 1 year

45 As per the factories act, after how many years should the factory premises be painted and refurbished?
A. 5 years
46 As per section 18, if an employer discharges or dismisses a woman during or on account of her absence f
A. 3 months or more and will extend to 1 year

47 The payment of bonus should be made within a period of …........... months from the close of the account
A. 2 months

48 What is the amount of fine paid by the employer wherein he fails to submit the draft standing orders as p
A. 5000 Rupees

49 In which year was the Employees' State Insurance Act enacted?

A. 1976

50 The primary purpose of employee safety programme is to preserve the employees ….......
A. Mental health

51 An association of crane operators in an industrial establishment is an example of:

A. General Union

52 The factor, which does not include the substance of sound industrial relations policy at the macro-level is
A. Business proposition, project development

53 The employee State Insurance Act was enacted the basis of which committee’s report?

A. B. R. Ambedkar Committee

54 Which are not the characteristics of grievances?

A. Factual

55 which of the following is not a peculiarity of labour market?

A. Labour market is normally local in nature.

Madanbhai Sura Institute of Business Management, Khed
MMS - II Year Semester III Online EXAM DEC-2020

eans a person who has completed ...... year of age.
B. 16 C. 17

ns a person who has not completed his .......Year of age. Sec 2(c)]
B. 15 C. 16

a factory means the person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory. [Sec 2(n)]
B. Owner C. Director

lfare of the employees is the primary purpose of the ….....

B. Payment of Wages Act, 1936 C. Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

tive bargaining process must be strong democratic and enlightened.

B. Officials C. Union

members of a Registered Trade Union are open to …......... for inspecting and scrutiny.
B. Any member of union C. Directors of a company

re Labour Courts, Industrial Tribunals and ….............

B. Supreme Court C. Industrial Courts

ion as participative decision making between employer and employees?

B. Industrial Relations C. Industrial dispute

esent the case of the management before the enquiry officer relating to the charges leveled against the accused employee, called as?
B. Judicial enquiry C. Administrative officer

t is not …............. but through their …............

B. Workers, Supervisors C. Employees, Management

B. Industrial Law Office C. International Labour Organization

B. Directorate of Policy & Grievances C. Directorate of Public Grievance

wing area …..............

B. Labour legislation C. Industrial relations training
pproach to industrial relations?
B. Pluralistic approach C. Marxist approach

rocess comprehend unlikable results from their interactions with the environment, it is specifically called …..........
B. anticipatory stress C. positive stress

rsonality is comparatively less exposed to internal stress?

B. Type B personality C. Type C personality

matic effort to modify the characteristics of an employee's job

B. Time-out C. Mentoring

a welfare provision under Factories Act, 1948?

B. Crèches C. First Aid

or ….............. of persons
B. 135 C. 150

if Organization is engaging or more employees

B. 2000 C. 500

ng employees more than …........... persons

B. 230 C. 300

worker shall be allowed weeks leave with wages

B. Six C. Four

@ …............ of average wages

B. 50% C. 60%

r's liability under the Maternity Benefit Act and Workmen's Compensation Act
B. Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act C. Employees State Insurance Act

t was passed in the year ….......

B. 1948 C. 1956

ncreased when major industries came into existence followed by technology of mass production in the early
B. 19th century C. 21 st century

vided if engaging employees more than …....

B. 350 C. 500

ier has to give …........ days notice to the authorities

B. 60 Days C. 90 Days

the canteen managing committee shall not be more than ….. or less than …......
B. More than 20 or less than 10 C. More than 15 or less than 10
ommittee is…........... years
B. two years C. three years

1000 workers, they should appoint qualified …......... to carry out the prescribed duties
B. Welfare officer C. Security officer

B. 10% C. 24%

is permitted to work for more than ….. hours in a day

B. 9 C. 10

ough voluntary …........ and compulsory ….........

B. Adjudication and Arbitration C. Work Committee and Industrial Tribunal

to require Works Committee to be constituted in every industrial establishment employing 100 workmen or more
B. State Government C. High Court

n which payment of wages act was passed?

B. 28th March, 1937 C. 25th April, 1937

for the payment of wages?

B. 40 days C. 45 days

ility service shall go on strike in breach of contract within …...... of giving such a notice
B. 6 weeks C. 7 days

termed as continuous service when working in a mine industry?

B. 240 days C. 365 days

was implemented in the year 1947, which act took care of the industrial disputes?
B. Royal Commission on Labour, 1934 C. Labour Management Relations Act, 1947

e two new institutions for the prevention and settlement of industrial disputes, i.e. Work Committees and ….........
B. Commission on Labour C. Arbitration

ough voluntary ….......... and compulsory ….........

B. Adjudication and Arbitration C. Work Committee and Industrial Tribunal

ll the awards of the arbitration are to be published from the date of its receipt by the appropriate government?
B. 15 days C. 7 days

in operation for a period of …........ year as mentioned in the Industrial dispute act, 1947
B. 6 months C. 24 months

many years should the factory premises be painted and refurbished?

B. 2 years C. 10 years
discharges or dismisses a woman during or on account of her absence from work during the maternity leave, then what is the punishmen
B. 6 months or more and will extend to 2 years C. 3 months or more and will extend to 2 years

made within a period of …........... months from the close of the accounting year
B. 6 months C. 8 months

the employer wherein he fails to submit the draft standing orders as per section 3?
B. 200 Rupees C. 1000 Rupees

State Insurance Act enacted?

B. 1923 C. 1961

safety programme is to preserve the employees ….......

B. Physical health C. Emotional health

n an industrial establishment is an example of:

B. Craft Union C. Industrial Union

the substance of sound industrial relations policy at the macro-level is

B. Commission on Labour C. Structure of economy and labour market

was enacted the basis of which committee’s report?

B. B. P. Adarkar Committee C. Royal Commission on Labour

f grievances?
B. Fabricated C. Disguised

uliarity of labour market?

B. The number of buyers is less than the number of

C. Labour is less mobile.

NO. Ques. : 50
Time : 1Hrs.
Marks : 60

Question No.
D. 18 2
D. 18 5
D. Occupier 8
D. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 11
D. Employees 14
D. Any Shareholder 17
D. National Tribunal 20
D. PSU concept 23
employee, called as? 25
D. Presenting officer 26
D. Individuals, Agents 29
D. None of the above 32
D. Directorate of Police General 35
D. All of the above 38
D. Employee’s approach 41
..... 43
D. negative stress 44
D. none of the above 47
D. Employee empowerment 50
D. Drinking water 53
D. 160

D. 750

D. 275

D. Twenty Four

D. 75%

D. Industrial Disputes Act

D. 1947

D. 20th century

D. 450

D. 14 Days

D. More than 10 or less than 5

D. Four years

D. None of these

D. 20%

D. 24

D. Negotiation and Adjudication

D. Board of Conciliation

D. 27th April, 1936

D. 60 days

D. None of the above

D. 180 days

D. None of the above

D. Adjudication

D. Negotiation and Adjudication

D. 1 day

D. None of the above

D. Annually
en what is the punishment faced by an employer?
D. None of the above

D. None of the above

D. 10000 Rupees

D. 1948

D. All of the above

D. Industrial Federation

D. Structure of union and employers’ organisations

D. Labour Investigation Committee

D. Imaginary

D. Worker can sell not only his own labour

but also the labour of his fellow workers.
Answer in

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