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SEM 3 DEC 2020

1. __________ is the process of forecasting an organisations future demand for and supply of,
the right type of people in the right number.

a. Human Resource Planning

b. Recruitments
c. Human Resource Management
d. Human Capital Management
ANSWER: a. Human Resource Planning

2. Which of the following factors state the importance of the Human Resource Planning?
a. Creating highly talented personnel
b. International strategies
c. Resistance to change and move
d. All of the above
ANSWER: d. All of the above

3. A process that is used for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill
key business leadership positions in the company is called ______.
a. Highly talented personnel creation
b. Investing in human resources
c. Succession planning
d. None of the above
ANSWER: c. Succession planning
4. Which of the following option is not the factor that hinders with the human resource planning
a. Type and quality of forecasting information
b. Time horizons
c. Environmental uncertainties
d. Unite the perspectives of line and staff managers
ANSWER: d. Unite the perspectives of line and staff managers

5. What is the major issue faced while doing personal planning?

a. Type of information which should be used in making forecasts
b. Types of people to be hired
c. Multiple positions to be filled
d. All of the above
ANSWER: a. Type of information which should be used in making forecasts

6. Which of these factors is not included in environmental scanning?

a. Political and legislative issues
b. Economic factors
c. Technological changes
d. None of the above
ANSWER: d. None of the above
7. _______ is the process of estimating the quantity and quality of people required to meet future
needs of the organization.
a. Demand forecasting
b. Supply forecasting
c. Environmental forecasting
d. None of the above
ANSWER: a. Demand forecasting

8. Which of the below given options are the forecasting techniques used?
A. Ration Trend Analysis
B. Delphi Technique
C. Staffing projections

a. A & C
b. B & C
c. A, B & C
d. A & B
ANSWER: d. A & B

9. Which of the forecasting technique is the fastest?

a. Work study technique
b. Flow models
c. Ratio trend analysis
d. HR demand Forecast
ANSWER: c. Ratio trend analysis

10. What does the ratio trend analysis studies for forecasting?
a. Profits and loss
b. Retirements and requirements
c. Past and future ratios of workers and sales
d. None of the above
ANSWER: c. Past and future ratios of workers and sales

11. What does the Delphi technique use to do the forecasting?

a. Personal needs
b. Emotional needs
c. Social needs
d. All of the above
ANSWER: a. Personal needs

12. Which is the simplest flow model used for forecasting?

a. Semi - Markov Model
b. Resource based Model
c. Markov Model
d. Vacancy Model
ANSWER: c. Markov Model

13. ___________ is a systematic procedure for collecting, storing, maintaining, retrieving and
validating data needed by an organisation about its human resources.
a. Data collection
b. Human Resource Information System
c. Management Information System
d. Maintenance of records
ANSWER: b. Human Resource Information System

14. Choose the correct option, where Human Resource Information System can be used.
a. Succession planning
b. Retirement
c. Designing jobs
d. Inducting new hires

ANSWER: a. Succession planning

15. How many steps are involved in implementing Human Resource Information System?
a. 10
b. 5
c. 14
d. 15
ANSWER: c. 14

16. At what stage does vendor analysis step – in while implementing human resource
information system?
a. 5
b. 14
c. 1
d. 3
ANSWER: a. 5

17. What techniques are used while analysing the internal supply?
a. Inflows and outflows
b. Turnover rate
c. Conditions of work and absenteeism
d. All of the above
ANSWER: d. All of the above

18. Which of the below mentioned option is not a retention plan?

a. Performance appraisal
b. Compensation plan
c. Induction crisis
d. Voluntary retirement Scheme
ANSWER: d. Voluntary retirement Scheme

19. Which of the following is a barrier while doing human resource planning?
a. HR information often is incompatible with the information used in strategy formulation
b. Implementing human resource information system
c. Managing inventories
d. Supply forecast
ANSWER: a. HR information often is incompatible with the information used in strategy

20. What are the pre- requisites for successful human resource planning?
a. Backing of top management
b. Personal records must be complete
c. Techniques of planning should be the best
d. All of the above
ANSWER: d. All of the above

21. Which of the following is requisite for a typical succession planning?

a. Career counselling
b. Performance appraisal
c. Compensation plan
d. Employees quitting
ANSWER: a. Career counselling

22. Which of these activities are not included in the scope of human resource management?
a. Job analysis and design
b. Motivation and communication
c. Safety and health
d. Organizational structure and design
ANSWER: d. Organizational structure and design

23. HRM differs from PM both in ____ and ____

a. Definitions and functions
b. Scope and orientation
c. Functions and objectives
d. None of the above
ANSWER: b. Scope and orientation

24. Which of the following is not an objective of the Human Resource Management Function?
a. Societal objectives
b. Political objectives
c. Personal Objectives
d. Organisational Objectives
ANSWER: b. Political objectives

25. Match the following objectives and functions:

I. Functional ------------- A. Union - Management Relations
II. Organisational --------- B. Compensation
III. Societal -------------- C. Employee Relations
IV. Personal --------------- D. Assessment

a. I-D, II-C, III-a, IV-B

b. I-C, II-B, III-D, IV-A
c. I-B, II-C, III-A, IV-D
d. I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D

26. __________ is the process by which employers transfer routine or peripheral work to another
organisation that specialises in that work and can perform it more efficiently.
a. Farming out
b. Production Management
c. Compensation
d. Outsourcing
ANSWER: d. Outsourcing

27. Which of the following companies were awarded as the best employers in 2006 - 2007 by
a. Agilent Tech
b. ICICI Bank
c. HCL
d. Videocon
ANSWER: a. Agilent Tech

28. Organisations need to evolve HR policies as they ensure _____ and _____ in treating people.
a. Constancy and similarity
b. Intention and safety
c. Consistency and uniformity
d. None of the above
ANSWER: c. Consistency and uniformity

29. Which of these are the principle sources for determining the content and meaning of policies?
a. Knowledge and experience gained from handling problems on a day to day basis
b. Past practices in the organisation
c. Attitudes and philosophy of the founders, top management, middle and lower management
d. All of the above
ANSWER: e. All of the above
30. Which of these is a HR Model?
a. The Guest Model
b. Open - System Theory
c. Mc Gregor's theory X and theory Y
d. None of the above
ANSWER: a. The Guest Model

31. Which of these is the first HR model which dates back to 1984?
a. The Harvard Model
b. The Guest Model
c. The Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna Model
d. The Warwick Model
ANSWER: c. The Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna Model

32. Who developed the Guest Model in 1997?

a. Hendry
b. David Guest
c. Pettigrew
d. None of the above
ANSWER: b. David Guest

33. The two researchers Hendry and Pettigrew belonged to which institute?
a. Warwick University
b. Harvard University
c. Cambridge University
d. Stanford University

ANSWER: a. Warwick University

34. Match the following models with their respective functions/ components.

1. The Harvard Model ----- A. Selection, Appraisal, Development and Rewards

2. The Warwick Model ----- B. Stakeholders interests,Situational Factors, HRM Policy choices

3. The Guest Model ------ C. Strategy, Practices, Outcomes, Performance results

4. The Fombrun Model ----- D. Outer & Inner Context, Business strategy Content, HRM Content
and context

a. 1-B, 2-D, 3-C, 4-A

b. 1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B
c. 1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-A
d. 1-D, 2-B, 3-C, 4-A
ANSWER: a. 1-B, 2-D, 3-C, 4-A

35. In which year did the term HRM emerge?

a. 1970
b. 1990
c. 1980
d. 1999
ANSWER: a. 1970

36. What is the role of a Human Capital Manager?

Unlearn old skills and acquire new skills
He or she seeks to fine-tune HR policies and practices to fir the culture
It is the responsibility of a centralised or a decentralised department.

a. Both A & C
b. A, B and C
c. Both A & B
d. B & C
ANSWER: c. Both A & B

37. __________ consists of the learning opportunities designed to help employees to grow.
(a) Training
(b) Development
(c) Banking operations
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)

38. Joint Management Councils are established in an organisation which employs –

(a) 100 employees
(b) 300 employees
(c) 400 employees
(d) 500 employees or more
Ans. (d)

39. ROI Stands for —

(a) Return on Insurance
(b) Return on Investment
(c) Rate on Insurance
(d) Risk on Insurance
Ans. (b)

40. Talent Management consist of –

(i) Performance Evaluations to identify potentials
(ii) Psychological testing and assessment to determine capability gaps
(iii) Training & development programmes
(iv) Project work & job experience to accelerate development
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, ii, iii, iv
(d) only i
Ans. (c)

41. The term “Learning Organisation” means –

(a) People of all Levels, individually or collectively are continually increasing their capacity to
produce results, they care about
(b) A collective ideal, a vision
(c) It promotes culture of Learning, a community of learners, and it ensures that individual
learning enriches & enhances the organisation as a whole
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

42. Line Management is –

(a) Hierarchical chain of command from executive to front-line level in which top management
has direct authority
(b) Organised along cross-functional lines, such as employee development or strategic direction
(c) Both of (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

43. _____ is a process of transmission of massage and understanding of information

between two or more people, it involves at least two parties – a sender and a receiver.
(a) Body language
(b) Communication
(c) System
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)

44. _________ methods are generally applied on the workplace while employees are
actually working.
(a) On the Job training
(b) Off the job training
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (a)

45. Selection is-

(a) A process of picking up individuals with requisite qualifications & competence to fill jobs in
the organisation
(b) A process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify & hire those with a
greater likelihood of success in a job
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
46. Interviews can be —
(a) One-to-one
(b) Panel interview
(c) Sequential Interview
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
47. Employee accountability is strengthening in
a. HR Audit
b. HR Training
c. Succession Planning
d. HR functions
Ans. (a)

48. The main barriers of communications are –

a. Organisational + Semantic
b. Personal + psychological + resistance to new ideas
c. Both (a) + (b)
d. Organisational / psychological
Ans. (c)

49. Manpower planning consists of –

a. determining the jobs to be done / identifying the skills / estimating the exists likely / filling up
the requirements
b. identifying the skills / filling up the requirements
c. Estimating the turnover likely to happen in near future
d. determining the jobs to be done
Ans. (a)

50. Promotion is basically a reward for –

a. Efficiency
b. Seniority
c. Physical fitness
d. Retention
Ans. (a)

51. What is 360° appraisal?

a. a process that provides an employee opportunity in decision making
b. a process that provides an officer opportunity of feedback about own performance
c. a process that provides an employee with feedback about his / her workplace performance
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (c)

52. Role of performance management is to accomplish –

a. Performance needs of the organisation
b. Guide the development of individuals for skill and knowledge
c. Motivate individuals / provide data adopt condition of human capital + (b)
d. All above
Ans. (d)

53. Competency Mapping is possible through approaches like –

a. Job analysis / workforce skills analysis / supply and demand analysis
b. Job analysis / Gap analysis / solution analysis
c. Gap analysis / solution analysis + (a)
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (c)

54. Human needs have been divided into five categorises under need hierarchy theory. Who
invented this theory?
a. McClelland
b. John Atkinson
c. Maslow
d. Herzberg
Ans. (c)

55. Key Performance Areas means –

a. Areas which are within the responsibility of the role
b. Areas which the management has demarcated to be performed by employee
c. Areas for strengthening of skills and attitudes
d. All above
Ans. (a)
56. Career path planning is affected by –
a. Employee preference
b. Employee requirements
c. Employee preference/employees requirement and structure of the organisation
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (c)
57. Phases of performance counselling are –
a. Rapport building / employee should discover own SWOT / action plans, through
brainstorming sessions
b. Two way communication / employee be encouraged for their own performance appraisal
c. Organisational objectives are integrated
d. All above
Ans. (a)
58. Training method commonly used, for employee in banks is –
a. On the job training
b. Classroom Training
c. Off the job training
d. Vestibule Training
Ans. (b)
59. Training evaluation is measured by –
a. Goal based / Goal free / Responsive
b. Systems / professional review / quasi-legal
c. Goal based / systems / responsive
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (d)
60. The process of perception is influenced by factors like –
a. Our needs and wants
b. Sensory inability
c. Our stimuli
d. All above
Ans. (d)
61. The term industrial relations means –
a. Relationship between Management and Labour
b. Relationship between organisation and employees
c. Relationship that grows out of employment
d. All above
Ans. (d)
62. Collective bargaining is a procedure regulated by agreements between their –
a. Bargaining agents and employers
b. Employees and employees
c. Employers and employers
d. Labour officer and Trade unions
Ans. (a)
63. Advantages of grievances handling procedure –
a. Management can know employees feelings
b. Employee gets grievances ventilated
c. Keeps a check on supervisor’s attitude
d. All above
Ans. (d)
64. How to handle grievances?
a. Grievance in writing / taking to employee directly for speaking truth / ensure confidentiality
and handle the case within tie frame
b. Treat each case as important, and obtain grievances in writing / examine company’s position /
identify violations / do not hold back the remedy, if the company’s wrong + (a) above
c. Get all the facts (relevant) about the grievance / examine the personnel record of the aggrieved
worker / gather information from the union representative properly + (b) above
d. Identify grievance / previous record of the worker / companies’ rules and prompt redressal of
grievances, if genuine.
Ans. (c)
65. When any discipline becomes ineffective or less-effective?
a. Longer time spending in action
b. Discipline is handled impersonally
c. Aware of rules and performance criteria
d. Only (a) and (b)
Ans. (d)
66. Functions of the personnel management can be described as –
a. Managerial
b. Operative
c. Developmental
d. Both (a) + (b)
e. All above
Ans. (d)
67. Lockout is a weapon available to –
a. Employees
b. Trade Unions
c. Employers
d. Government
Ans. (c)
68. How the conflicts within employers and employees can be settled or prevented?
a. Voluntary method
b. Government Machinery
c. Statutory Measures
d. All above
Ans. (d)
69. The word workers participation in management means –
a. Sharing the decision making powers
b. Sharing the decision making with lower results of the employees
c. Sharing the day to day working with higher ranks of persons
d. Sharing the financial decision making powers with representative of workers
Ans. (b)
70. What is the role of the trade-union in collective bargaining?
a. To protect jobs and real earnings
b. Better conditions of work life for workers
c. Fighting against any possible, exploitations
d. All above
Ans. (d)
71. Which kind of workers participation makes the workers as shareholders of the
a. Participation at Board Level
b. Participation through ownership
c. Participation through complete control
d. Participation through work councils
Ans. (b)
72. Special allowances are not payable for –
a. Photostat copier Operators
b. Adding machine Operators
c. Addressographs
d. All above
Ans. (d)
73. Why grievances should be redressed?
a. Affects the individual
b. Affects the management
c. Collective disputes conversion
d. All above
Ans. (d)

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