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hed [The foundation: Have you ever kt lowe witht on hose. founcotion ue 5 nok _even possible ust _ : and an lor —any Almay “ Love ot West sight” oceuss In “rook whe Hse ane possible bubine wony handsfut_ct occasions » Tus Uke alent x - __a Aapling. depends upon the quality of the sec : LL mere Atvonges ts “the fsunckation, “he mo es Cave NOs tho love Ss We also didn as toy fo e —___overloo Ie tho base ruler before Tayo Iwi! It _ Home eo. of 0 tals . booly Can. predict tho fute nox tho destiny , J luc o's clestihodl bofred bord Somorino, _.” the. mrelactionsbup go-dewa lL Over the course of al | Hyme ancl we ave Loft to wonde +, : woke ag can't Hv nga just be tha way Uke borere Hetg — Wed to be?" He xe comes tro integral past —_ daun doctton? Te Is_o paxamede whach _delfemuhay thea ogg eatin So Obvious ly she quedtly at Ancien ot the + relationships yore claw The Pras | Scanned with CamScanner Lovebug ts a dangeret venom to be prcas We know Mt, the Pariendalue barmer how crossed long back: Bet, we bot where not Sure about the “Peotings one machen Hb wes noth plea! to oeeee Cath olor | HAUL Haoct moment ‘ But, Hho Fes I, _ was weal, too chaenuh — ond unsostab w | 2nowdh fo control So ooty has to take the Fest tnibiative ancl it wax ph tine ~ Bat je — tskwwordlnen -and. the Sacro losing os close frend of mune kept on evolving Ie p hoa | Atte rate Dlg _tS co Xho old ted of mihe and her fom! Lven holds a _ Ado: Forenctabubs voi He » fous ly J T, eve, wont aure about tot whether Ake fheol the Aame forme or net but Tanta. TD _ come oul from tHe u'rele of fear ant | ton Feet thot J love her. It w04_tbraig uf 4 _ounrol pimple | But, Hus Hine dor the hi eh — the _thing T thang bt hap pened oma gee Sal | Yet, you quested it bob) Tysas rep etal ‘ then and tere and go Aiinnle reason Scanned with CamScanner whe doosn't deol the Aame wary. She told | shat shes tasapahle of " hoot thee hovrishme | thot ope love neocls: But, Tknow fron if eat core of my heart that sho ose eae WS a museencar Hon ¢ dom her vk ; Thew it, rhe ho lols thot X_charishma betler if the — any bo oly. ae Sele ape But, Twos | —moferted: LT contd have. hovrslly dst eX A nen haw mal that yor anf ale ont bol | ey hoppy—ancl healthy love the But, Imp _ phuthers were closed + Barrier came dawn tee early forme but it Arcam EH rvoms | lk scer appa a gant of tre mE - became a bit de premed ancl started hots ._ ——_ myself os destroy el The frlenclalu' whi, | was born ancl strong Atnte dome msintha. —_ But have our heact of the word ‘ 360° turnovers” 9 If you. haven't yet, Hen AW a yee will Loom. about Wet just after Hu's » As all clive 4, Rvery Thing th ALemA , Hatt exeny tig — thot \ vd a nd everyting we omnume,isnF | every Ha Fat ‘rar ole see lost: - i ee ud Scanned with CamScanner _t hope many ef you. has facodl ref ecki,, in hone onbire Apo of Ufe: So, we boas sally be, what are Te bore conrequen cn otter a int We might qot blocked, toe ought ose _itet vey. ait —~Joack Dent aie 0 tet bono of Ahowh i botwoon two Prlonds con be test. i: reves: 1 I clse thaught there Aamo Consequan ces will be pre cAormed in ray tfe os well: But, just the opposite happened: The clsenan we shared bef! Wok just Uke the calm winch bortome Ye heavy _ Atkorm - But after thot repection, Tceuld surely, Herre the ptorm approaching: Texts turned Thto calls and ee ha turned info the sweetest melody for tro late mg bts Buk, now Haga where different Veo Lidterst From whet I anumed Th was a roar b rmpossi | situstion for meas 1 know T teve her but E need te ack os FT amo very gooot forlend of aA. hor T neod to_aupp rem ry Love thong boat Suppresihg tha (ovo isnt that Sak tn a — Ov -—laowng aclu ly Conversocton wy te het — _—d Scanned with CamScanner gist But, T hod No more omphtons Loft th one But, Beas The efforts from thet ctor sla came af unerpectadly Not Hw efforts to atest _n reloconal'p vt the 2fforts te qraw the trindiy 7 even Strong She wefached moot He first vthrce. | but ah phe. is Keo pin avery goed toucle with mee ET tld to one of my b at frroncly et the times He Ug hbad “the cag ocrctle and panned me. oe reac! tora counter Tons nsh co ven messed to: the ovette but tho trang bt whet wos actually, Qos on thawing) In hood: Adter somo “ re tt ee Cet 10 baa loud | ol ofa anddan. 1 oslad her a bitovdely We, Pe ty you shop tang hing? And fircl moa Astution For tuis:" He omswoved me en a very Co'sp - __ form. He paid, ‘ Bro, He chances ore pag h, you Aha bold it on HU tho prot" 1 replied - " Chances, what chances?” He Ao. noah} Ton, an snate, 7200 the, gavel anol lareehetst o bit gently, You with 40. knows Ct foo eres My Frriend: ey oe wart auray ansk lft pny mmurch th_o mossive. Scanned with CamScanner By my marta peace atl of i audden Tthangit os The confusion that has boon created Ky Fe_contact her ond act just ke a nevmal ; was every uphih trik for me 7 hack fo Ha chon alternative rclea tb deal wit T's Hoot, So,oHer rsmestme I wtarteel ignonhg her. Hu tough fir me but Thad fo: Bocawe my del Loere cancolldd anol Hon pwololantiy the Fizedh Atortec te become clase But thor Phe “push ood pull” Alenosio Came jo cons'cdormlon. A a unexpected aol bomathabg out of He bow happenact «TU that clay, Twas pusbihy on phe wa, pull Away from te sxconaria bub atter Hot claw » I fett A just Heo op peste ike DL phortoet fe publ back Hu) chsexved wt, rrehotive puxrprise that she oh wtaot to push trp. tome + T askect mysolh, C'mon, ye exe fara after broak- Ue nay 98 ect Priacls but roluctS fhe_nead® Wwe a €éoboace Wwe gene use t ip a aet bis |hew back 6% 1a te donc ent - ofthe relotonsh)-” Confirrrn Kepton armiiig— ll ‘Scanned with CamScanner andl my rqnorrer nec Wasn't off ott use She kept on testy »oslung thee wos tho dou, __ roth vote, _me fe Atuoly hand ond wrtowords fe. dreom_| of 1 py fe. But wy re was bothored flus rch? | ST Ae powe many frr'encls Prowy of Ham urd fo a obs be close “to ma. at that pointof Hime - Bat i hence Ahawed u's muck trterest on me erin my | Po ude prospective: Maybe Mhe was try» 9 fe Continue the bestest of farrrctalip o7 she Fell in love woth me _| chreocy - T Ahock heat in dheer disbelief: 2 But the as ates as of extra Comp anol ewha| A, Alovniag of tas etween us ver'sed “Yoo dlomna, _ Z| Lf its peaks What shautd Dolo? Shais © pape ll , _ hor for the. Acconcl time? Or shasdd Tut | patch to prove acters anol botot hha Bat toh bake fox the 1 2 bettermont of oe ae age act con fl -——rupprome the autal ? H's ban eal» paring tS Ono con't the -hoort for toe Long, if 1 anyone does thot tntertonaly 21 then clue to: are or due to Aome, me prob laps thot s sale Hayes’ ch fis wif ke Awre he/Sho! won't get ofall te | Happens aver otfter in the Wag Tun: ‘Scanned with CamScanner Wi a every new dos wohen he Aun aie its rage all oves the universe , a ray of here boar | writtla evemy human baling Divcas'f : even excluded from thal Acenoc's: Taina Aturted + become better. But He people ian claoa sun towards the bert! Who gets q salto. dor the bether “Hung 2 Every body nx “Ha's stalist Werll suns $e whose The best: But charg Hee beat ancl twartihe or The 6 ost to ceeny 1S comp Ut afferent: Warhng for o ti __te hinges ra tush Heat a ee cabin I lows tuholo Aconamia “to the honcls of god hos leowihg the snhive Aituotton ih the hovel of ll dostiny - Sometimes was ting pasy A the wert | s but Asmotimes pfforts clo mathes a lst: Bot | hh tS Acenom'’s, L wosn't pyen sure obaut vie | other efforts Tahauld put to her bay ancd te hor int the relationship: Soy wort) @. Immante. amount ot hopes 0 Te patch +b her obforts was tke Liceul have clone at tot aise : eee ‘Scanned with CamScanner noobie. ; Mtarted. pam on a very Past moodle: T became & bit _ __-angressecl in oy formu'nal exams ushich wo boll 1. December. Cora XI woan't upb tro ork so _extm offoarts hay to be put to pos / the exomuhartion. Tox mot vated. by har almost pack and. ava but he my hoont could ak eouly Acmectho bundon of carrying: the hoavieit . ; of stone ond it seems the. dlesthation ll wher Tnco d to camry Hu's noon las t: Keeping myself busy a ebualiog u nit really hep moto are ext ofthe real waaktl fe world: Hobing my heart from myself Acomach moyiteablo | Rw T hod to: Examuagitie ns: went by. Nettso __ good. os TL wosn't Roldylin a rmastal Atete +o | waite 2 Reamarotion. But, Tkrw I wit for with nelottive care. Attes» vary Aemiter | break, T urseot to plan an ouha oy closest nat of frienols: But tre irony is T cauloln'h 7—~|__2ven lovite my “etoseat.” one - I olesparctety it eee Bwih rek: Anck on auting with friends eats every poss 1 ble prhratten sh Your eurredt + ute. > 2 Scanned with CamScanner (—-——n ti ) Tn treat break, DT queshoned m myself Dever of r lina: Somahinta, pou nad int r AAT back pe — and tat to your samt sitry patvarteday, Tha's lal may not heat the attnotton on thatvary tary, oo! Moment but surety vaill come up witha «I made which will het uss near future. "War Love 2 o-r its a cok te Fa cHuation 2" Pr Bua city hon LT couldn't s ch wos jude 7 in factuot'on. Then ts "t love 7 Here alo, hare aan nal tea pnt aman 4 | bts we beth belong fromte | ae ancl we both are ona hag Achool ereastanient where Maximum srebationly forl ancl maximum love tix out tebe pk an oltvachon aftera Cartan powt of dro Hye i ‘Achool erutemect con dnve us toa rrelotonhp. or ut yf zeal cto L nal ata sme. S Han whot's the wot ‘Scanned with CamScanner matured to deal with there + But on-tha ofan = ancl, of Ake clocsn’t confers, 1 couldn't have dave Any Hung ob Te parliest: Because all ny fesbigg wos Ahoclod just tke the uuiston rere And ka? “al rox ko. oma Ee the me of Decomber- Summer wos Past H long back anol tha loys became wld Bit eae MHiUore about the heart that S_greusing ealdh claw by day? Twas gathing td those Hy) more onc mere» Treatised n thot up fe hax to Atont oll over 4) beta ii gl a hey ts New ute dloorn cally moans a nti love ow | | Fon gethng muy ‘avian onli! lone- Tt mound A | weyochi pur from every possible ovartu nil aad late He night Hine, cod. Wt Hig — i 5 P___happen jut Dit cthe 2nol of Deumber, Khe Atartedl | Nhoming, obsut how personal prefeerence ot fod, AW | eelpure filing, books asd okt eft. Trentised | we almost Ahave the Anme aaiaust otehetes as ‘Scanned with CamScanner i 0 Date | ) Abovrad, That doti'tinean we ae everytira nome ih L Common: But or olways, Wwe Knau opposite ha pole attracts anh Uke pole pbs. So, jy - | Mort on healthy rreloctionslup betng of ut | apposite 1S netomary » But vai ll She ever und) _______ The eLosen, more compact haw | Lead armousty Aoare thot it ts Avmatt, mare than lah hh happecig a | Cault tnd ly Agno. the" Apming” ws ff | | pion ha Eroutd Aonre those Grenn lear! | | And those avergrenn! trees Very Soon sh my | ufeo, well: We otter forget thot otter | | wart wilter, alivar & Oa Apna Oren 'ves: ! notin the wou't 7's longes but Ff you | me ! alt {3 | for 22 Your entire [fon te gpk thom ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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