Axial Flow Compressor Design: S J Gallimore

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Axial flow compressor design†

S J Gallimore
Rolls-Royce plc, PO Box 31, Derby DE24 8BJ, UK

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to set out some of the basic principles and rules associated
with the design of axial flow compressors, principally for aero-engines, as well as the practical con-
straints that are inevitably present. The thrust is primarily on the aerodynamic design but this cannot
be divorced from the mechanical aspects and so some of these are touched upon but are not gone
into so deeply. The paper has been written from the point of view of the designer and tries to cover
most of the points that need to be considered in order to produce a successful compressor. The
emphasis has been on the theory behind the design process and on minimizing the reliance on empirical
rules. However, because of the complexity of the flow, some empiricism still remains.

Keywords: compressor, aerodynamics, design, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), secondary

flows, endwall flows, boundary layers, tip clearance flow, rotors, stators, stall, surge, reaction

NOTATION ences the design process, starting with the fundamental

requirements of a compressor to pass a certain flow at
D incompressible flow dynamic head (0.5rV 2) a given pressure ratio and efficiency with adequate
U blade speed operating range for stable operation. To the author’s
V axial flow velocity knowledge there are no methods currently available that
a guarantee to predict the absolute values of these quantit-
DH enthalpy rise ies to a sufficient accuracy that a new design can be said
Dp static pressure rise to be risk free. The lack of predictive capability per-
r density meates through the whole design process down to the
fine details of three-dimensional and unsteady flow
behaviour and necessitates the skill and judgement of
1 INTRODUCTION the engineer at every step. Notwithstanding this, there
have been significant improvements in the predictive
To write a short paper on axial flow compressor design capability available to the designer over the years, with
is a demanding task because of the many decisions and improved modelling of the flow physics and increased
interactions that take place in the course of the design computing power. This has led to improved designs with
process. Complete books have been devoted to the aero- more certainty of achieving the desired results, but of
dynamics of compressors (e.g. reference [1]), to which course the demands for higher efficiency, reduced cost,
the reader is referred for a more detailed description of etc. continue to push the compressor designer beyond
the phenomena described here. A whole research indus- the current established practice.
try (with the associated literature) as well as considerable The reason for this lack of certainty in the predictions
engine company effort is expended trying to improve our lies in the complicated nature of the flow through axial
understanding of these machines. Teams of engineers flow compressors which is described in the next section.
from various disciplines are employed and it might as The flow is unsteady and three-dimensional and viscous
well be said at the outset that it is not a precise science effects play a dominant role, with separations of the
and many judgements have to be made based on experi- boundary layer flows being common. Unfortunately it
ence where the science behind the design does not give is these very features that are difficult to model accu-
accurate answers. This lack of accurate prediction influ- rately and hence the uncertainty in the design process.
Because of this complexity, assumptions have to be made
about the flow in order to make it a tractable problem
The MS was received on 20 February 1998 and was accepted after that can be calculated, but the danger of this approach
revision for publication on 18 December 1998.
† Invited paper for the Special Issue on Turbomachinery Design published is that some of the important flow physics will be
in two parts in the Proceedings, Part C, 1999, Vol. 213, Issues C1 and C2. left out of the model and this can lead to unexpected
C02198 © IMechE 1999 Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 213 Part C

behaviour of the real machine that was not predicted. to go into all the phenomena in great depth in this paper,
In an attempt to minimize this risk a series of rules have it is hoped that this description will prove sufficient to
been developed over time that attempt to add back in allow the approximations used in the various design
the missing physics but are not necessarily based on methods discussed later to be appreciated.
that physics. Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the flow
The design process is iterative and interactive and can through an axial flow compressor rotor with some of the
broadly be described as design by analysis. It uses a significant flow features illustrated. In general the flow
range of tools from the most simple mean line methods is unsteady because of the relative motion between suc-
to the most sophisticated three-dimensional compu- cessive blade rows in the compressor. This not only
tational fluid dynamics (CFD). Each has its own part to means that the wakes of the upstream blade row pass
play in the overall process, with more complicated mod- intermittently through the row but also that the back
elling being used as the design becomes more refined. pressure seen by the row also varies because of the
The design can iterate between the various stages of the upstream potential effect from the downstream row. It
design process. There is a continual interaction with is also true that the effects of blade rows even further
other disciplines such as whole engine modelling and upstream can be detected some rows downstream. If
performance, mechanical design and stress, each of these unsteady effects are ignored, the picture of the flow
which has its own objectives. To simplify this paper the illustrated in Fig. 1 is obtained.
design process can, somewhat artificially, be split into The flow into the blade row is radially non-uniform
roughly four stages: preliminary design, throughflow and can be typified as a freestream region and two annu-
design, blading design (two-dimensional ) and blading lus wall boundary layers where the flow velocities vary
design (three-dimensional ). These headings will be towards the endwall values. Because of the change in
expanded upon below and used as sections to explore rotation between successive blade rows any reduction in
the axial flow compressor design process. Firstly, how- axial velocity towards the annulus walls produces a
ever, the flow field that the design process is trying to change in inlet angle in the frame of reference of the
control will be described. blade row under consideration. Generally, the relative
air inlet angles increase towards the walls. The frees-
tream is turned towards the axial direction and diffused
2 DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPRESSOR through the blade row. This sets up a tangential pressure
FLOW FIELD gradient which then acts on the endwall boundary layer
fluid. Because this fluid has a different momentum at
The purpose of this section is to give a description of inlet to the blade than the freestream flow, and is also
the main features present in the complex flow field of a subject to the effects of shear on the endwalls and within
multistage axial flow compressor. While it is not possible the flow field, it will turn a different amount than the

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of flows in a compressor blade row

Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 213 Part C C02198 © IMechE 1999

freestream flow in the pressure gradient. This results in speed compressors for detailed aerodynamic research.
flow under- or overturning and radially non-uniform exit Increasing the Reynolds number of a compressor will
flow angles from the blade row. generally reduce losses as the boundary layers thin until
At fixed blade ends the endwall flow cannot sustain no further improvement is possible. The precise value of
the amount of diffusion required in the suction surface the Reynolds number beyond which no loss reduction
endwall corner and it tends to separate. This separation occurs depends on details of the design such as the blade
region is fed by endwall fluid that is overturned by the surface roughness.
mechanism just described and results in reduced turning At blade ends with a tip gap (rotors at the outer casing
in this region. On the blade surfaces the blade boundary and cantilevered stators at the hub) the flow is domi-
layers do not behave in a two-dimensional way. Because nated by the flow across the tip clearance. This flow is
they are travelling slower than the freestream flow they driven by the viscous drag of the endwall passing over
tend to be centrifuged radially outwards on rotors. In the blade tip and also by the pressure difference across
stator blade rows the radial pressure gradient imposed the blade. The tip clearance flow interacts with the flow
by radial equilibrium tends to force the blade boundary already on the endwall to produce a complex flow pat-
layers radially inwards. tern that is often typified by a vortex type structure as
The process of transition of the blade surface bound- the tip clearance flow rolls up and passes downstream.
ary layers is complex and has been the subject of extens- The flow patterns just described are well known, if not
ive study recently (e.g. reference [2]). This work has fully understood, and are generally categorized as sec-
revealed that the process is unsteady and heavily influ- ondary flows (apart from the transition). This is a slight
enced by the incoming wakes from the upstream blade misnomer because it may give the impression that they
row. The process of transition varies with time as the are of secondary importance. In fact it is these flows that
wakes pass over the blade, with the position of the start tend to dominate the behaviour of multistage com-
of the fully turbulent boundary layer moving along the pressor blade rows, particularly when the aspect ratios
blade chord with time. This is illustrated in Fig. 2. approach unity in the latter stages of a machine. They
Because of the effect of the wakes the boundary layer determine the stall behaviour of the blade row and are
flows in compressors tend to behave more like turbulent responsible for at least half the losses.
ones rather than laminar ones and this means that blades Recently, another category of flows has received atten-
with Reynolds numbers above about 2×105 will all have tion and their importance in determining compressor
essentially the same type of boundary layer character- behaviour has become more widely appreciated. These
istics and not be subject to laminar boundary layer are the flows associated with the mechanical design and
separations. This accounts for most engine compressors real geometry of the machine such as shroud leakage
except for the very smallest at high altitudes. It is also flows and bleeds. These flows enter and leave the main
a useful factor in allowing the use of large-scale low- annulus through axial gaps between rotating and station-
ary parts of the hub and bleed holes in the outer casing.
Even if there is no net flow into or out of the annulus
the circumferential non-uniform static pressures pro-
duced by the blades mean that flow goes both into and
out of these gaps in a non-uniform manner. These flow
disturbances interact with the main flow field and can
change the nature and magnitude of the secondary flows
as well as producing losses. This was illustrated on an
isolated rotor [3] where even the presence of a small
axial gap just upstream of a rotor influenced the flow
field over a significant part of the span.
The result of the types of flow just described is that
the flow field in a compressor blade row is extremely
complicated and can be categorized as being unsteady,
three-dimensional and dominated by viscous effects. This
makes it extremely difficult to model and predict accu-
rately and so for compressor design to proceed several
simplifications need to be made in order to produce prac-
tical design tools. An example of the exit flow field meas-
ured on a low-speed compressor serves to illustrate this
and is shown in Fig. 3. The data are taken from reference
[4] and show contours of measured total pressure defect
taken downstream of the third stator and circumfer-
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of unsteady transition entially averaged flow angles and loss coefficients for the
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Fig. 3 Example of the complexity of flow in a compressor blade row. (After Howard et al. [4])

same blade. The stators are cantilevered and the tip flow ring at one speed, and consequently the most significant
at the hub of the stator is clearly shown in the contours. mechanism for practical purposes is the ‘spike’ type. This
Towards the outer casing there is evidence of separation breakdown occurs near rotor tips in discrete patches
in the suction surface endwall corner. The effect of the which rotate in the same direction as the rotor but at
tip clearance is again seen clearly in the underturning of between 30 and 70 per cent of the rotor speed, illustrated
the flow measured downstream of stator 3. There is a in Fig. 4. This is called part span rotating stall and can
significant increase in the losses in this region, associated have more than one stall cell initially but as the stall
with the tip clearance flow. Near the outer casing there develops they tend to coalesce into one cell. Eventually
is both under- and overturning of the flow as well as an the instability in one blade row can disrupt the flow in
increase in the losses. the whole compressor, leading to a bulk instability of
So far in this description one of the most important
phenomena in compressors, stall or surge, has not been
touched upon. It is now generally accepted that stall
occurs in compressors when the flow breaks down under
increasing adverse pressure gradients. Two types of
breakdown have been identified, one associated with a
short lengthscale disturbance known as a ‘spike’, and
the other identified with a longer lengthscale known as
a ‘modal oscillation’. The ‘modal oscillations’ are related
to an instability of the whole compression system while
the ‘spike’ type of instability can be related to a more
local disturbance in the flow, commonly caused by high
incidence at a rotor tip [5]. For ‘modal oscillations’ to
occur the compressor has to be axially well matched,
with none of the stages being significantly more stalled
than the rest. This situation will be fairly unusual even
in a well-designed high-speed multistage compressor
operating over its full speed range, perhaps only occur- Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of a part span rotating stall
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 213 Part C C02198 © IMechE 1999

the flow through the whole compressor which is called inviscid and one-dimensional. Viscous effects are
surge. However, in a multistage compressor it is possible included by using losses taken from correlations to rep-
for one or perhaps more blade rows to be stalled without resent the annulus loss and blade losses. Blade turning
the compressor surging. This typically occurs at low is either specified or is taken from correlations that relate
speed with the front of the compressor stalled but the blade deviation to the blade two-dimensional profile.
rest of the machine being healthy enough to support it. Annulus wall boundary layer blockage is also calculated
For the compressor designer it is important to be able from correlations or perhaps by simple methods such as
to predict the onset of stall because generally it is not that of Stratford [7]. The details of the correlations used
satisfactory to operate a compressor in stall for any sig- will vary because they will be heavily dependent on the
nificant part of engine operation. However, it may be past experience of the organization carrying out the
judged from the preceding description of the phenom- design but fundamentally they all do the same thing.
enon that predicting stall onset is a difficult task and Examples of typical correlations may be found in the
remains one of the biggest challenges to research into work of Miller and Wasdell [8] and Wright and Miller
compressor aerodynamics. [9]. The regions of the flow that tend to dominate the
behaviour of a compressor, the endwall regions, are not
modelled well in this process and so empirical adjust-
3 PRELIMINARY DESIGN ments have to be made to any theoretical limits to blade
loading, etc., that may exist.
This is the phase of a design where the basic outline of The procedure is to iterate through the mean line pre-
the compressor is established, such as the annulus lines, diction program, which is in effect just solving the mean
number of stages and overall length. Depending on the velocity triangles through the compressor, until an annu-
nature of the project the designer will have more or less lus, number of stages, blade numbers and flow angles
freedom to change these parameters. For a new engine have been arrived at that are deemed satisfactory. At
there will be many iterations before the compressor this point in the process the prime considerations are
arrangement has been fixed to fit in with whole engine blade and endwall loadings. These are fundamentally
requirements of flow, efficiency and surge margin at the linked to the three-dimensional viscous nature of the real
required shaft speed. Because of this, relatively simple flow field, but at this point some parameters are used to
and fast tools tend to be used to screen out the various guide the decisions without recourse to a full knowledge
possibilities before the most promising options are sub- of the flow field.
jected to a more detailed analysis. However, it is this Some decisions can be made without postulating blade
part of the process that is the most crucial of all because profile inlet and exit angles, blade numbers, etc., but by
if fundamental mistakes are made here, such as choosing just specifying the turning of the air imposed by the
too few stages or too short a compressor for example, blades. The velocity triangles provide knowledge of the
then no amount of later changes to blade profiles or stage loading, DH/U2, and axial velocity, V /U, once the
numbers will be able to rectify the situation. Changing flow angles have been decided. With an initial estimate
the fundamental architecture of the compressor later on of efficiency this will give the pressure ratio. High V /U
in the project will have serious consequences. will give relatively higher DH/U2 and hence the stage
The basic inputs to the design will be requirements for pressure ratio for a given blade loading, as quantified by
a certain flow capacity, pressure ratio, efficiency and the incompressible static pressure rise coefficient (Dp/D)
surge margin for a range of engine operating points. which is discussed below. It will also reduce the annulus
These must be achieved at shaft speeds appropriate for area for a given mass flow, giving a smaller compressor.
the compressor and turbine. The mechanical restrictions However, the general velocity level in the compressor
of compressor length and radius to fit in with the whole will be higher which may present problems in terms of
engine arrangement need to be met. The anticipated level high Mach numbers and so possibly losses in the front
of tip clearance in the compressor is an important par- stages and high exit Mach numbers from the compressor
ameter because of its large influence on both the which could cause problems with the diffuser and com-
efficiency and surge margin [6 ]. The design decisions will bustor design and so increase the losses there. Typically,
have to be taken against the project background of exit Mach numbers above 0.25 are to be avoided and
acceptable risk, technology level, timescales and cost. rotor 1 tip Mach numbers above 1.4 can give high losses
Previous experience will play a major role in assessing in certain circumstances.
what is an acceptable design in the circumstances. A civil Some decisions can be made on the flow angles which
engineering project will require a different balance will determine the reaction of the compressor. The reac-
of risk, etc., compared with a military or industrial tion is the ratio of the static pressure rise achieved in the
application. rotor to the overall stage static pressure rise. For 50 per
The basic tools to deal with this part of the design are cent reaction the relative velocity triangles through both
mean line performance prediction programs. These rotor and stator are identical and they have equal
assume that the flow through the compressor is steady, diffusion. At first sight this might seem to be the obvious
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choice because it evens out the loading across the blade will be significantly above the mean levels and so a
rows. However, the reaction is not necessarily a com- reduced mean level of design loading would be appro-
pletely free choice. The inlet flow angle to the compressor priate in these cases. Of course, near the endwalls the
will be determined by what is upstream. If the inlet flow loadings will always be higher than the mean levels
angle is axial and there is no requirement for variable because of the annulus wall boundary layers. However,
stators on the compressor for part speed surge margin this is usually taken into account in the acceptable mean
then perhaps axial flow into the first rotor is the best levels of loading used as design criteria which will be
option. At exit from the compressor there is generally a somewhat below the equivalent values that are appro-
requirement for axial flow into combustion chambers. priate for a purely two-dimensional cascade.
However, if the rotor 1 Mach numbers are high then Mach number levels are also chosen by the designer.
some inlet flow swirl angle in the direction of rotation High Mach numbers will give high dynamic heads
would reduce them, but the swirl will have to be removed and reduce the loading coefficients described above.
by the point at which the flow leaves the compressor and However, excessive Mach numbers give shock losses that
this increases the stator loadings. The choice of reaction can result in low efficiencies if there is insufficient work
will also influence the bearing loads which need to be or turning in the blade row.
monitored. While this is not a fundamental constraint, The correlations for loss and deviation will generally
changes later on in the design process may have impli- be based on the loading coefficients described above
cations for the mechanical design of the engine. There and the blade tip clearance. The predicted losses and
are successful compressors with 50 per cent reaction, efficiencies give the designer another guide to the choice
high reaction (zero stator exit flow angle) and axially of blade numbers, loadings, Mach numbers, etc. The
varying reaction, which indicates that the choice of reac- balance between profile and secondary losses might
tion for its own sake is not a crucial design parameter influence the choice of aspect ratio, as will the constraints
in determining efficiency and surge margin and is more on overall compressor length. The aspect ratio also plays
likely to be the result of the other design considerations an important role in determining the surge margin of
discussed above. A more complete discussion on the the compressor. Lower aspect ratios tend to give more
choice of reaction, which reaches similar conclusions to surge margin at a given two-dimensional blade loading.
those here, can be found in reference [1]. There is no agreed scientific explanation for this, but it
The fundamental parameters that are used in com- is generally thought that low aspect ratio blades control
pressor design are measures of flow diffusion and veloc- the endwall boundary layer flow better and so delay the
ity. Common examples of diffusion parameters are the onset of stall. The trend has been for compressor aspect
Leiblein diffusion factor and the incompressible static ratios to become lower over the years. There is no sure
pressure rise coefficient, Dp/D (or the De Haller number way of choosing the aspect ratio, but one measure that
if preferred); Dp/D is fundamental to the velocity tri- can be used is that derived by Koch [10] which is based
angles and is simply a measure of the static pressure rise on a diffuser analogy of the compressor blade passage.
through a blade row non-dimensionalized by the inlet The overall length of the compressor may also influence
relative dynamic head. A value of unity would indicate the choice of aspect ratio. Preliminary rules for the axial
that all the dynamic head had been turned into static gaps between the blades will need to be established to
pressure and the flow had stagnated. This does not allow sufficient room for surge deflections and the decay
happen because the annulus and blade boundary layers of the blade potential fields to reduce the vibration forc-
have less stagnation pressure than the freestream and ing on the blades. There is some evidence to suggest that
will separate before the static pressure rise is achieved. there is an optimum (smaller) axial gap between blade
This creates separations which in turn produce loss and rows that gives the best efficiency (e.g. reference [11]).
increased deviation. Typical design values for a com- This happens because of the possibility of recovering
pressor would be about 0.45, but this will vary depending some of the velocity defect in the blade wake as it passes
on the type of operation that the particular compressor through the downstream blade row and so reducing
is required to perform. The diffusion factor is a measure the wake mixing losses. However, the demonstrated
of the diffusion on the suction side of a blade. If this efficiency gains are small and it is generally the mechan-
becomes too large the blade boundary layer will separ- ical constraints that determine the minimum axial gap.
ate, causing losses and increased deviation. Again, design Some decisions will also be made on blade incidence
values of around 0.45 are typical. The detailed choice of settings at this point. These are primarily dependent on
design levels for these types of parameter depends on the matching of the compressor and the surge margin
the application, previous experience and the amount of requirements.
surge margin required. The limits used in a particular Once preliminary blades have been set up at the design
design will be based on previous experience. Care must point the mean line programs can be used to predict a
be taken at this point to acknowledge inlet radial distri- set of overall characteristics for the compressor. These
butions of total pressure. If there is a significant radial use the blade numbers, stagger and cambers as input
variation then the loading of some parts of the blade to correlations to predict losses and deviations.
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 213 Part C C02198 © IMechE 1999

Correlations are also used to calculate annulus and However, they can be used with some confidence to pre-
secondary flow losses and blockage. At this point the dict relative changes between machines.
estimation of surge margin becomes important. This During the preliminary design phase the decision
needs to be assessed at part speed as well as at design will have to be made whether to have cantilevered or
to establish whether variable stators, handling bleeds or shrouded stator blade rows. To the author’s knowledge
casing treatments are required to enable the compressor there is no clear evidence to suggest that one solution is
to operate satisfactorily over the speed range. The blade better than the other in all cases. Shrouds have the
incidence settings at design may need adjusting at this advantage of removing the tip flow and resultant losses
point to compensate for the off-design operation. At part associated with cantilevered designs. However, some
speed, front stages are forced towards stall while the leakage flow through the shroud will still be present and
rear stages are driven towards negative incidence. The this will interact with the main annulus flow, changing
methods used to determine the surge margin at this stage the secondary flows around the hub and increasing the
of the design process are heavily empirical. The initi- loss. It is possible, however, for the shroud design to run
ation of stall is a complex, unsteady, three-dimensional at a very small clearance because the seal fins can be
phenomenon which is still not fully understood. At this allowed to rub more readily than the free end of a stator.
point in the design process this flow phenomenon is not This can lead to improved performance retention over
included in the models used to predict compressor per- the lifetime of the compressor as the clearances increase.
formance and consequently the onset of stall is related, On the other hand the cantilevered solution allows thin-
through correlations and experience, to the bulk loading ner stator blade sections near the hub, because of
and flow properties available. It is possible to establish mechanical and vibration considerations, and this can
stability criteria based on the performance of the individ- be advantageous in high Mach number applications. The
ual stages such as those discussed in references [9] and tolerance of the blades to damage from debris passing
[12]. These rely on the accurate prediction of stage through the compressor in service also needs to be con-
characteristics and even then do not guarantee success. sidered; a shrouded stator will need to crack through
Other aspects of the flow field that can be used to corre- completely at two radial locations before any blade is
late with stall are blade loadings and incidence as well lost, whereas it only needs one such crack to release part
of a cantilevered stator. The fact that there are both
as limiting diffusion (e.g. reference [10]). It must be
shrouded and cantilevered compressor designs in service
remembered that in a multistage compressor it is possible
perhaps indicates that the choice is not a clear one. For
for an individual stage to be stalled while the machine
the compressor designer the choice is often made to stay
as a whole remains stable. Perhaps the most accurate
with the style of design that has worked adequately in
method of assessing the surge or stall line is to calibrate
similar compressors in the past.
the methods against the known performance of similar
machines using a range of criteria such as those men-
tioned above. It is generally acknowledged that stall 4 THROUGHFLOW DESIGN
initiates in the endwall regions of compressors, particu-
larly at rotor tips where the tip clearance plays a domi-
Once the preliminary design phase has screened out some
nant role. There is some evidence that an optimum tip of the proposals it is necessary to examine the remaining
clearance exists that gives maximum efficiency [13, 14]. options in more detail. This means introducing the radial
This is not fully understood but is likely to be associated or spanwise dimension into the design using a through-
with the balance of losses associated with the tip clear- flow procedure. The simplest of these again does not
ance flow mixing out into the blade passage and the include the major, significant flow features for similar
losses associated with the secondary flow in the corner reasons to the preliminary design methods. They are too
of the blade suction surface and the endwall. The level complicated for computation and prediction and so
of the optimum clearance is about 1 per cent of blade again recourse is made to correlations and empirical
chord, a small value, which for most practical appli- rules. However, it is at this stage that the radial matching
cations is difficult to achieve mechanically. Consequently, of the compressor is established and more attention can
the practical approach is to try to have the smallest clear- be given to the endwall regions.
ance that can be mechanically designed. This will also In the simplest throughflow methods the effect of the
give the greatest surge or stall margin. endwall boundary layers is included by specifying a
Generally the preliminary design programs available blockage and extra loss in the calculations. The blockage
cannot be expected to give the correct absolute values is equivalent to the displacement thickness of a boundary
of efficiency and surge margin, as well as other flow layer but in reality has a wider role than this because it
properties. In particular, the correlations used for blade is part of the semi-empirical input to the calculations
and endwall losses are generally based on traditional that may be adjusted through experience to give better
blade profile types such as DCA or NACA without any agreement between the calculations and experimental
three-dimensional design features such as endbends. data. Blockage levels can be calculated using integral
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boundary layer methods, one of the simplest and most the real effects of endwall shear, tip clearance flow and
accurate methods being that of Stratford [7]. Typical spanwise mixing gives the much more realistic radial pro-
values for blockage can reach over 10 per cent of the files of the viscous throughflow calculation. Indeed, this
annulus area in the rear stages of a multistage com- calculation gives results of similar accuracy to those from
pressor. If the level of blockage specified is not correct the Denton three-dimensional multistage CFD method
then the compressor will be mismatched from front to [21].
back, with some stages not running at their design con- The throughflow will give more details of the endwall
ditions at the overall compressor design operating point. conditions. This will lead to predictions of endwall load-
This can lead to reduced efficiency and surge margin. ings, axial velocity profiles, etc. due to the effects of
The need for the empirical blockage can be removed radial equilibrium and streamline curvature effects. By
by modelling the endwall boundary layers in a more changing the radial variation in stator exit angles and
direct manner [15, 16 ] and more realistic spanwise vari- indeed the radial distribution of the stage pressure ratio,
ations in flow properties can be obtained by using a the endwall loadings can be controlled to give acceptable
throughflow including the effects of spanwise mixing levels. A relatively common design feature is to change
[17, 18]. Spanwise mixing is particularly important in these radial distributions to promote increased through-
multistage compressors because it prevents the continu- flow velocities in the hub region, which tend to offload
ous growth of the endwall boundary layers through the the blade rows there. Again, at this point the parameters
machine by mixing the endwall losses towards mid-span. used to judge the loadings, etc. are similar to those used
It also radially redistributes the high endwall tempera- in the preliminary design phase, such as the diffusion
tures caused by the endwall losses. The causes of span- factor, Dp/D, etc., except that radial distributions of
wise mixing have been the subject of considerable these quantities are now available.
research (e.g. references [19] and [20]), with one mech- Similar correlations to those in the preliminary design
anism being a turbulent diffusion type of process caused process can now be used to refine the performance pre-
by the unsteady flow and wakes coming from upstream diction of the compressor, but now taking into account
blade rows and another being the radial components the endwall effects in more detail.
of deterministic secondary flows in the blade rows.
Both mechanisms have a role, with the relative magni-
tudes depending on the particular compressor and the 5 BLADING DESIGN ( TWO-DIMENSIONAL)
operating point. What is clear, however, is that including
some sort of spanwise mixing in the throughflow model Once the throughflow design has been completed, the
is important if accurate predictions of radial total press- blading that is intended to achieve that air angle design
ure and temperature distributions are to be achieved. An can now be defined. In the past this was achieved by
example of the improvements that can be gained by using correlations to define the blades from a series of
taking into account these real effects is shown in Fig. 5, standard profiles, but it is now more usual to use blade-
taken from reference [16 ], which shows a comparison of to-blade calculation programs to define the blade shapes.
the axial velocity profiles and relative flow angles The data from the throughflow calculations is split into
measured downstream of a rotor in a low-speed com- sections along a streamline for each blade. The through-
pressor with the results from several calculations of the flow effects are fed into the blade-to-blade design via the
flow field. The line labelled as design in both plots is height of the stream tube associated with each stream-
that produced by a conventional throughflow calcu- line. These individual sections are then designed before
lation, typical of those used in the past. The addition of being put together to define the whole blade. Using a

Fig. 5 Measured and predicted rotor exit axial velocity and flow angle. (From Gallimore [16 ])
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 213 Part C C02198 © IMechE 1999

blade-to-blade program is essentially a two-dimensional although more complex unsteady criteria based on the
approach to blade design and suffers from similar prob- real transition phenomena described earlier are now
lems to those described earlier near the endwall regions becoming available. Generally these methods are used
where the flow field is certainly not two-dimensional. in the design by analysis mode, although some methods
Towards the rear of multistage compressors, where the are available that allow true inverse design to be used.
aspect ratios can be of an order of unity or even less, it In these cases the designer specifies the blade surface
is doubtful that any of the blade aerodynamics is really pressure distribution or desired boundary layer param-
two-dimensional. In the front stages, where the annulus eters along the blade chord and the methods calculate
wall boundary layers are relatively thin and the aspect the blade profile that will achieve the desired result.
ratios are higher, it is reasonable to say that the majority A prime use of these calculations has been to allow
of the blade is essentially two-dimensional with the three- the use of non-standard blade sections where the pre-
dimensional endwall effects being restricted to close to dicted boundary layer parameters can be controlled to
the annulus walls. Additional modifications to the blades give reduced losses by allowing the designer freedom to
may be made in these endwall regions using the three- change the blade camber and thickness distributions. An
dimensional techniques described in the next section. early example of this new type of profile was the
The essential parameters that need to be calculated in ‘supercritical’ airfoil designs borrowed from aeroplane
order to complete the two-dimensional design of the wing development (e.g. reference [22]). It was the inten-
blading are the section incidence, deviation and the tion of these designs to minimize the blade profile loss
boundary layer parameters. Generally speaking the inci- by controlling the blade boundary layer growth along
dence setting will be decided upon by experience of how the blade chord. This type of design also had significantly
the compressor needs to be matched in order to meet a lower deviations than the standard sections, so it was
range of operating points. Choke margin is another par- essential to be able to calculate these accurately, requir-
ameter that is influenced by incidence setting. This par- ing a blade-to-blade calculation with the boundary layer
ameter is the difference between the flow passing through modelled. Clearly it is essential to calculate the boundary
the blade section and the theoretical choke flow for that layer in some way in order to calculate the change in
section, expressed as a percentage of the choke flow. This loss as the blade profile is designed. As time has passed
is important for the front stages of machines because if these initial attempts at designing the blade profiles
the blade throats are designed too small the high-speed in detail have developed into proprietary rules and
flow capacity and efficiency of the compressor will be approaches with the same philosophy of minimizing
reduced. Typically, the first rotor could be designed to blade losses but with adequate off-design operating
have about 3 per cent of choke margin. range. An example of the improvements that can be
The blade section deviation is now generally accepted made with these methods is given by Ginder [23] and
to be that calculated by the blade-to-blade prediction reproduced in Fig. 6. In this case a double circular arc
programs (of course the real deviations may well be (DCA) blade has been modified to have a parabolic arc
different from the section deviations discussed in this camber line. The calculated boundary layer displacement
part of the paper because of secondary flow effects, par- thickness and shape factor have been considerably
ticularly in the endwall regions). These programs calcu- reduced at the trailing edge for the parabolic blade, indi-
late the flow through the blade passage and include the cating a more firmly attached boundary layer with
effect of the blade surface boundary layers either by inte- reduced profile loss. For reasonably loaded compressors
gral methods or through full two-dimensional Navier– it can be anticipated that reblading from conventional
Stokes calculations. For the integral methods the basic standard blade profiles to modern ones will give some
flow solver is inviscid and the effects of the blade surface 1 per cent improvement in efficiency without any change
boundary layers are incorporated through the displace- in the operating range of the machine.
ment thickness of the boundary layer which is imposed Further refinements can be made to the basic method-
on the blade shape either by moving the blade surface ology just described. For instance, the predicted blade
or by using a transpiration model. The boundary layer losses and air exit angles can be fed back into the
parameters are calculated using the integral boundary throughflow calculation to give updated aerodynamics
layer equations and the blade surface pressure distri- for a further refinement of the blade profiles [23]. This
bution calculated by the Euler solver. It is recognized gives a quasi-three-dimensional design system for the
that the blade surface boundary layers are not two- compressor with an iterative link established between the
dimensional in reality, with significant radial flows throughflow and blade-to-blade calculation. The design
being present owing to centrifugal effects on rotors for of the blade profiles themselves can be automated so
example. However, it has been found that the predictions that, with a series of specified design rules, the whole
given are sufficiently accurate to give good compressor operation can proceed with only the minimum amount
performance. It is also common for relatively simple of input from the designer, so freeing time for other
boundary layer transition criteria to be used in these tasks.
calculations, such as steady point or length transition, The designer does not have complete freedom in the
C02198 © IMechE 1999 Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 213 Part C

Fig. 6 Example of improved blade section performance using a blade-to-blade prediction program. (After
Ginder [23])

blade profile design. The blades must be mechanically siderable debate. The approach adopted by LeJambre
sound and this leads to restrictions on minimum blade et al. [24] was to model the upstream and downstream
thicknesses as well as blade leading and trailing edge blade rows using an overlapping grid technique. Other
thickness. The leading edge thickness and shape can have methods such as that of Denton [21] rely on the more
an important effect on the profile losses and off-design simple mixing plane approach, illustrated in Fig. 7,
performance and this should be controlled as accurately which shows a computational mesh for the six-stage
as the manufacturing process allows. If there are dis- high-pressure compressor used in the Rolls-Royce Trent
continuities in the blade surface they can alter the trans- engine. In both cases there is the issue of including the
ition behaviour of the boundary layer, particularly on effect of the circumferential non-uniform flow field of
the suction surface, and hence the total amount of the upstream and downstream blade rows on the blade
boundary layer growth and loss for the blade profile. row under consideration. This may be achieved by using
the approach of Adamczyk [25] whose analysis results
in the inclusion of these effects as deterministic stresses
6 BLADING DESIGN ( THREE-DIMENSIONAL) (analogous to the Reynolds stresses derived in turbulence
modelling) in the flow equations. The relative impor-
With ever-increasing computing power it is possible tance of these effects is still the subject of some debate
to use fully three-dimensional Navier–Stokes CFD in this new topic and it is perhaps still too early to state
methods in multistage axial flow compressor design. which approach gives the best balance between accuracy
Single blade row calculations have been available for and computational cost.
some time, but recently the use of multistage calculations The use of three-dimensional CFD allows two major
has become a practical proposition in the design pro- advances in the design process. Firstly, it is possible to
cess [24]. design the blades in the three-dimensional flow field and
There are many details associated with the multistage therefore reduce the secondary losses. Previous attempts
CFD methods that are outside the scope of this paper. at this had relied upon the experimental approach being
Among the issues that need to be addressed are the use based on observations from low-speed compressor rigs
of an appropriate turbulence model and the modelling (e.g. reference [26 ]) or on semi-empirical methods based
of the mixing plane. This latter is still the subject of con- on annulus wall boundary layer theory (e.g. endbend
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 213 Part C C02198 © IMechE 1999

Fig. 7 Example of a computational mesh for a six-stage compressor

designs). In these techniques the blades are modified in same type of skill and judgement as has been required
the endwall regions by recognizing the effects of the throughout the rest of the design process.
endwall boundary layers, for example by increasing the The other main advantage of these CFD methods is
blade inlet angles in these regions where the reduced that they allow the effect of real geometries on the flow
axial velocities cause the air inlet angles to be greater field now to be included in the design. Examples of these
than they are towards mid-height and by adjusting the are the effects of tip clearance, fillet radii, bleeds, shroud
blade exit angles to take into account the inevitable over- leakages and any other leaks and axial gaps that may
and underturning of the endwall flow as it passes be a consequence of the mechanical design of the com-
through the blade row. These approaches suffered by pressor. It has recently been realized that these can have
not having the physical modelling included in the design a significant influence on the flow field in a compressor
process, so it was quite possible to design one com- and hence its performance. Indeed, it is likely that some
pressor successfully and the next one unsuccessfully. For of the discrepancies between prediction and experiment
example, it is now recognized that the three-dimensional are not due fundamentally to the CFD modelling but
nature of the flow field is important in achieving success- rather to the lack of realism in the mechanical arrange-
ful three-dimensional designs and it is not sufficient to ment used in the CFD model (e.g. references [3] and
consider sections of the blades at different radial heights [28]). For example, a recent re-analysis of an isolated
independently from each other. This fact was first recog- rotor has shown that only a small axial gap with zero
nized by Wadia and Beacher [27] who introduced the net flow just upstream of the hub leading edge can alter
concept of radial relief. The authors noticed that the the pressure rise across the rotor over the bottom half
effective incidence on the endwall sections of a blade was of the blade span [28]. It is clear that including these
reduced in a three-dimensional calculation of the flow real effects will be essential in future designs as well
through a blade row compared with that which would as focusing attention on the detrimental effects of such
have been deduced from a purely two-dimensional features on the flow field.
analysis along each streamline separately. While it is still The use of CFD allows the design of three-dimen-
not possible to rely on the CFD exclusively, because its sional blading that reduces endwall losses. Bowed stators
accuracy still leaves something to be desired, it is now have been used by Pratt and Whitney [24]. For these
reliable enough to predict the direction of any changes designs the endwall sections of the stator blades were
correctly while not predicting the magnitude correctly. shifted tangentially relative to the mid-height sections.
This still means that the designer needs to exercise the This has the effect of reducing the loading on the endwall
C02198 © IMechE 1999 Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 213 Part C

sections and reducing the separations there, thus reduc- highlighted and that the interested reader will be able to
ing losses. This effect is a three-dimensional one but also explore specific topics in more depth. As computa-
has some detrimental effects, one of which occurs tional power grows the certainty of compressor design
towards mid-height where the loadings are increased increases, but this will be countered by the increased
somewhat. To obtain a successful design these two sophistication required to produce a competitive product.
opposing changes have to be balanced to give a net For example, advances in CFD have produced efficiency
improvement and the only methods that allow this judge- gains of at least 2 per cent in the last decade owing to
ment to be made on a scientific basis are three-dimen- improved blade profile and three-dimensional design.
sional ones. An example of such a design is shown in Future developments would include improved under-
Fig. 8, where the results of multistage CFD are presented standing of the unsteady nature of the flow field and its
for a conventional stator blade and a three-dimensional impact on boundary layer transition and secondary
redesigned one. The predicted axial velocities just off the flows. This may lead to further loss reductions in blade
stator suction surface show that the amount of separa- designs by optimization of the blade and endwall bound-
tion on the redesigned blade has been considerably ary layer behaviour.
reduced, particularly at the casing, leading to reduced Crucial will be the development of a method that accu-
losses. This type of work is the latest advance in com- rately predicts the stalling of a compressor. This is still
pressor design and there is little doubt that fully three- some way off because of the complex flow phenomena
dimensional designs using multistage CFD are now the involved. It will require time-accurate, unsteady, three-
standard, with the rest of the design process described dimensional calculations. While such calculations are
earlier becoming just part of the preliminary design available now and are being used, it will be some time
system and used before the three-dimensional modifi- before sufficient experience and understanding have been
cations to the designs are incorporated. gained for them to be regarded as mainstream design
Because the CFD incorporates more of the real phys- tools. A better understanding of stall will allow higher
ics of the flow it should also give better predictions of blade loadings to be used, with a consequent reduction
the compressor performance, although efficiency predic- in parts count and hence cost as well as perhaps greater
tions accurate to within a couple of percentage points efficiencies. However, it must be questionable as to
are still some way away. how much effort is worth expending on improving the
efficiency of a compressor that has a polytropic efficiency
of 92 per cent, so it is likely that future improvements
7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE TRENDS in compressor design practice will be used to reduce cost
and lead times and improve reliability. This reflects the
This paper has been, by necessity, a brief survey of axial current drivers in the commercial world of engine manu-
flow compressor design. None of the issues have been facture of cost and reliability but, of course, with the
explored very deeply and even now significant areas, such proviso that the product must retain a competitive
as casing or tip treatments, have not been discussed. It is performance.
hoped, however, that many of the areas that need to Further improvements in computational power will
be considered during the design process have been allow more automation and optimization in the design

Fig. 8 Axial velocity contours (m/s) close to the stator suction surface, predicted by multistage CFD
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 213 Part C C02198 © IMechE 1999

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14 Dong, Y., Gallimore, S. J. and Hodson, H. P. Three-dimen-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sional flows and loss reduction in axial compressors. Trans.
ASME, J. Turbomachinery, 1987, 109, 354.
15 Howard, M. A. and Gallimore, S. J. Viscous throughflow
The author would like to thank Rolls-Royce plc for modelling for multi-stage compressor design. Trans.
permission to publish this paper. However, the views ASME, J. Turbomachinery, 1993, 115, 296.
expressed herein are those of the author and are not 16 Gallimore, S. J. Viscous throughflow modelling of axial
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C02198 © IMechE 1999 Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 213 Part C

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