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TM Achieve Educational Academy
Answer the following questions:
1. __________________ salt is not used for the preparation of NH3 because it is highly____________________ .

2. ___________________and _______________________are used for the laboratory preparation of NH3.

3. _______________________ can be used to Identify NH3 gas.
4. ____________________ is used as drying agent and________________ ,___________and_________not used as drying
agent for NH3.
5. NH3 is collected by_______________________because it is_______________________ than _______________________.
6. NH3 is Not collected over_______________________because it is Highly______________in______________ .
7. _____________________ gas solution is Alkaline in Nature.
8. Answer the following question with respect to fountain experiment:
a. What property of Ammonia is demonstrated by this experiment?
b. What solution is placed in the Trough?

Achieve Educational Academy

Achieve Educational Academy

c. State the color of the solution that has entered the round bottom flask.
9. Complete and Balance the following equations:

a. N2 + ________ 
→ NH3.
b. NH3 + _______ 
→ NO +_______
c. NH3 + _______  → Cu + H2O + _______
d. _______+ _______ → 3HCl + NCl3
e. _______+ Cl2 
→ NH4Cl +_____
f. _____+______ → (NH4)2SO4 + Fe(OH)2 ↓
g. ______+ NH4OH  → NH4NO3 + Pb(OH)2 ↓
h. FeCl3 + ________ 
→ NH4Cl +_________ ↓
i. _______+______ 
→ (NH4)2SO4 + Zn(OH)2 ↓
j. _______+______  → (NH4)2SO4 + Cu(OH)2 ↓
k. Cu(OH)2 +______ +________ → [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 + H2O
l. Zn(OH)2 +______+________ 
→ [Zn(NH3)4]SO4 + H2O
m. _______+______ 
→ N2 + H2O
n. _________ + _________ → NH4Cl + H2O
o. ________ +______ → NH4NO3 + H2O.
p. ________ + _________ → (NH4)2SO4 +H2O.
q. _________ + NaOH  → Na2SO4 + ______ + NH3.
r. _________ + Ca(OH)2 
→ CaSO4 + ______ + NH3.
s. _________ + NaOH  → NaCl + ______ + NH3.
t. _________ + Ca(OH)2 
→ CaCl2 + ______ + NH3.

10. Write the color changes when NH3 is treated with (Write the Initial and final color):
a. Moist Red litmus
b. Methyl Orange
c. Phenolphthalein
d. Alkaline Phenolphthalein.
11. Mention the observation in each case:
a. When NH3 burns in Oxygen.
b. When NO is Oxidized to NO2.
c. When Ferrous Sulfate reacts with Ammonium Hydroxide.
d. When Ferric Chloride reacts with Ammonium Hydroxide.
e. When Copper Sulfate reacts with Ammonium Hydroxide.
f . When Lead Nitrate reacts with Ammonium Hydroxide.
g. When Zinc Sulfate reacts with Ammonium Hydroxide.
h. When Zinc Hydroxide reacts with Excess of Ammonium Hydroxide.
i. When Copper Hydroxide reacts with Excess of Ammonium Hydroxide.
j. When Excess Ammonia is passed through Nessler’ s reagent (K2HgI4).
k. When Ammonia is reacted with CuO.
l. When Ammonia is reacted with PbO.
12. Ammonia is manufactured in______process by the direct combination of ______and______,

Achieve Educational Academy

Achieve Educational Academy

in the presence of ______as Catalyst and______as promoter at______pressure and ______

13. Ammonia can be separated from un reacted N2 and H2 by______or______ .
14. An aqueous solution of ammonia in water is called ______.
15. Ammonia in the liquefied form is called______.
16. Dry Ammonia gas or Ammonia in the liquefied form is______to dry litmus.
17. Aqueous solution of Ammonia is______in nature due to the formation of______ion when
Ammonia dissolved in water.(NH3 + H2 O  
→ NH 4+ + OH − )
→ NH4OH ←

18 ________is used as Cleansing agent and ______is used as Refrigerant in Ice Plants.
19. During the catalytic oxidation of ammonia the _____catalyst glows red hot even after
heating is stopped because the reaction is______.
20. Ferrous Hydroxide(Fe(OH)2), Ferric Hydroxide(Fe(OH)3 and Lead Hydroxide(Pb(OH)2 are
insoluble in _____Ammonia ie______.
21. Zinc Hydroxide (Zn(OH)2) is soluble in______and forms colorless solution of____
22. Copper Hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) is soluble in _______and forms Deep/Inky blue sol. of____.
23. Answer the following questions with respect to the fountain experiment.

a. Identify gas Y in the Round bottom flask.

b. The gas which produces dense white fumes with Y.
c. What property of Y is demonstrated by this experiment.
d. Mention the color of the solution that has entered the round bottom flask.
e. Name another gas for which the same experiment can be performed.
24. Name the gas which produces dense white fumes with Ammonia.
25. Answer the following questions with respect to the laboratory preparation of pungent
smelling gas .

a. Name the gas collected in the jar.

b. Identify Mixture X.
c. Write the balanced chemical equation for the above preparation.

Achieve Educational Academy

Achieve Educational Academy

d. How is the gas being collected ?

e. Name the drying agentY used.
f. How will you find that the jar is full of gas ?
26. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following conversions:
a. Black Metal Oxide to Brown metal.
b. Ammonia to reddish brown gas.
c. Ammonia to Nitrogen trichloride.
d. Ammonia to gas which produces ammonia on reacting with lightest gas.
e. Ammonia to Nitrogen and dense white fumes.
f. Nitrogen to Basic gas.
g. Basic gas burns in oxygen with a green flame.
h. Basic gas to acidic gas.
i. Acidic gas to dense white fumes.
j. Dense white fumes to basic gas using slaked lime.
27. Name the gas produced in the following reactions.
a. Excess ammonia reacts with greenish yellow gas.
b. Basic oxide reacts with basic gas.
c. Catalytic oxidation of basic gas.
d. Oxidation of Nitric oxide.
e. Ammonia burns in an atmosphere of oxygen.
f. Calcium Hydroxide is heated with Ammonium chloride crystals.
28. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following conversions:
CuO 
→ N 2 
→ NH 3 
→ N 2 and Dense white Fumes


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