QAP - GSHP PKG 3 Final

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Quality Assurance Plan

Design, Construction, Development, Finance, Operation & Maintenance

of Vapi to Netrang of State Highway in the State of Gujarat on Build,
Operate, Transfer ( DBOT- Annuity) basis.

( Contract Package No : 3 )

This document is the property of GMR Group. It must not be produced either in full or
part without prior consent in writing from the Management of the Company.

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Manual ID :


01 Introduction 04

02 Project Scope 05-06

03 Project Quality Statement 07

04 Revision Status / Amendments 07 – 08

05 Definitions and Terminology 09 – 10

06 Quality System Outline

6.1 Object / Concept
6.2 Planning
11 – 12
6.3 Control
6.4 Verifications

07 Quality Management in Construction and Reporting.

7.1 Management Responsibilty
7.2 Organisation set up for the Project
7.3 Responsibilities & Authorities ( Concessionaire
& EPC Contractor )
13 – 19
7.4 Functions of QA / QC system
7.5 Quality Management Reports
7.6 Management Reviews
7.7 Monthly Progress Report

08 Progress Control
8.1 Construction Work Program 20 – 22
8.2 Progress Control
09 Design Control
9.1 Control of Design Modifications
9.2 Control of Working Drawings 23 – 25
9.3 As Built Drawings

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10 Quality Control and Assurance in Construction
10.1 Quality Control of Road Works
10.1.1 Construction sequence and flow Chart
10.1.2 Methodology
10.1.3 Tolerances of Road Work
10.1.4 Inspection Test Plan
10.1.5 Checklist for Inspections
26 – 70
10.2 Measuring and Testing Techniques
10.3 Handling and storage of Material
10.4 Identification of Non-conforming Product and
10.4.1 Non-conformance Report Notification (
10.4.2 Corrective Action Request (CAR)
11 Documents Records and Control 71 –72
12 Internal Quality Audit 73 – 74
13 Training in Quality Assurance 75

14 List of Tables
14.1 List of Materials Tested on site
14.2 List of Materials to be obtained Manufacturer’s
76 –82
14.3 List of Test and Procedures to be conducted at
List of Figures
F1 Project Organization Chart FI
F1.1 Concessionaire F2
F1.2 EPC Contractor
F2 Flow chart for Construction Activities
F 2.1 Earth Work & Sub-Grade F2.1
F 2.2 Granular Sub-bsae F2.2

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F 2.3 Wet Mix Macadam F2.3
F 2.4 DBM & BC F2.4
F 2.5 Profile Corrective Course F2.5
F 2.6 Cement Concrete F2.6
F 2.7 Cement Mortar F2.7
F 2.8 Bituminous Mix Design F2.8
F 2.9 Hot Mix Plant F2.9
A1 Test Report Format QC / 1 – QC / 34
A2 Inspection Test Plan ITP / 1 – ITP / 13
A3 Inspection Checklists CL / 1 – CL / 15
A4 Registers R / 01 – R / 22
A5 Documentation Format & File Indexes R / 23 – R / 25
A6 Quality System Audit Forms R / 26 – R / 29

Note : Only sample has been attached for flow

chart and Appendices A1 to A6.

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1.0 Introduction :

Liberalisation, privatization and globalisation are changing the development of infrastructure and
associated industry drastically, particularly in its approach towards concept of Quality. The best
response to a competitive challenge in the infrastructure development of the country is to become more
competitive and the best source of competitive advantage is quality improvement.

The complete integration of Quality Management Techniques ranging from quality assurance in
purchasing, to product liability, Consumption norms, capital productivity, waste management and
manpower effectiveness are important considerations. To achieve better results in terms of quality in the
construction field, the processes in the following areas are to be considered:

1. Technology Management
2. Project implementation (Full utilization of new assets in shortest possible time
without any time and cost over runs)
3. Investment (correct investment choice based on market requirements)
4. Competence enhancement.

GMR group’s singular distinction and role in the Infrastructure development is committed to excellence
in the quality of services towards its customers, as detailed in the pledge of Quality Assurance by the

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2.0 Project Scope: The work of two laning of Vapi – Netrang Road of SH‐5 is proposed by GMR 
on DBOT Annuity basis. 
The Construction package for the project includes strengthening and rehabilitation of existing two 
lane +1.5m paved shoulder+1.0m earthen shoulder between Km 3.500 (Vapi) to Km 193.500 
The entire project involves. 
i. Culverts: 
              Pipe Culverts 
                 Repair and Widening                             264                 
              Slab Culverts 
                Repair and Widening                              51                  
              Retained                                                     78 
ii. Bridges 
              Minor Bridges 
                 Rehabilitation\Reconstruction            44                     
                 New Construction                                  5                
iii. Service Road 
                 Total length of service road = 1.55*2 = 3.10 Km (including both side).  
iv. Toll Plaza location not specified, Responsibility of the employer. 
v. One Truck layby proposed at Km 163.350 LHS near Devagadh Village. 
vi. Bus shelters are proposed at 110*2 = 220 locations (including both sides).  

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3.0 Project Quality Statement

GMR Group is an Infrastructure development company committed to providing a consistent, uniform,

high quality and cost effective service to clients. The Project Quality Plan has been developed as the
document to describe how the GMR team will complete the obligation in role of the Concessionaire. It is
GMR’s policy to operate a quality system that complies with the Project requirement , specifications
and other international standards. Our Project Staff will be trained in the requirements of this Project
Quality Plan, and thus have a sound commitment to the quality of our contribution which is a critical
factor for the attainment of R & B Department , Government of Gujarat’s objectives.

4.0 Revision Status / Amendments and Distribution :

The issue number, revision number and revision date are stated on each page of the Project Quality
Manual. Should amendment of the Project Quality Manual be necessary during the life of the project,
only the revised sub-section shall be reissued and its revision number and date changed accordingly.

Amendments shall be approved by the CEO at Head Office. The Revision Status Sheet detailing the
amendment, date and approval shall be issued with each amendment by the General Manager- Project
Management ( Site ).

Each new revision shall be distributed as per the original with a request that the revised sub-sections be

After ten (10) revisions a new issue shall be introduced superceding all previous revisions. Registered
copies of the Project Quality Manual shall be distributed to the following:

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Section in Remarks
Date which Change Description of Change

R0 - -

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5.0 Definitions & Terminology

Calibration : All the operations for the purpose of determining the values of the errors of
measuring instruments, material measures, and measurement standards.

Controlled Document : An original numbered copy of a document for which amendments will be
automatically advised.

Corrective Action : An activity the intention of which, is to return a non-conforming item or

action to a state or conformity. It also covers action taken to prevent further
recurrences of non-conformity.

Disposition : An action to be taken concerning material, components or products about

which a decision has been made.

Document : Any written or printed manual, procedure or form that is part of the quality
system. The term includes documents and data that can be read by people or

Inspection : The careful examination, measurement and testing of the characteristics of

products and services to ensure they meet regulatory and contractual

Inspection and test point : A location or stage in the manufacturing, production or construction cycle
where inspection and testing are performed by personnel whose responsibility
is to determine the acceptability of products or services and to record
inspection and test data.

Nonconformance / : A deficiency in characteristic, documentation, or procedure which renders the

Nonconformity quality of a product or service unacceptable or indeterminate or not according
to specified requirements.

Procedure : A document that specifies, as applicable, the purpose and scope of an activity;
what shall be done and by whom; when, where and how it shall be done; what
materials, equipment, and documentations shall be used; and how it is all

Product : Material, part, item, component, assembly, sub-assembly structure, plant

equipment, or finished project identified in or described in any standard or
specification and production or obtained as a result of some manufacturing or
construction operation or process.

Product Quality Audit : Inspection of the product at a lesser frequency than the inspection carried out
for normal quality control purposes as an aid to assessing the effectiveness of
quality control.
Quality Assurance : All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide confidence that
products or services will satisfy given requirements.

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Quality Audit : A systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality

activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether
these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve

Quality System Audit : The independent examination of an organizations quality assurance system
carried out by an auditing team from within or outside the organization.

Quality Control : Those actions which provide a means to measure and regulate the
characteristics of a product or service to establish requirements.
Operational techniques or activities (e.g. inspection or test) used to verify
: technical and quality requirements for services and or products.
Quality Policy : The overall quality intentions and directions of an organization as regards
quality, as formally expressed by top management.

Quality Plan : A document setting out the specific quality practices, resources, activities and
responsibilities relevant to a particular contract or project.

Remedial Action : An action to be taken concerning material, components or products about

which a decision has been made.

Repair : The process of restoring a non conforming characteristic to a condition such

that the item conforms to the original specified requirements, where such a
repair or restoration is acceptable.

Verification : Confirming that an activity or condition conforms to specified requirement.

Note that for definition of quality related terms not included in this guide, refer to ISO 9000:2000.

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6.0 Quality System Outline

6.1 Concept

The achievement of Quality through compliance with Concession agreement , codal requirements and
tender specifications implicitly depends upon the “human skill” for the successful and reliable
Quality Assurance (QA) is essentially the system of planning, organizing, executing and controlling the
“human skills “ to assure the compliance towards quality.
QA activity is an integral part of every work function. The concessionaire , contractor / supplier, owner,
consultant and approving authority also have responsibility by the way of part supervision and technical
auditing which ascertains the compliance independently.
The total system of planning of internal and external controls, testing and quality control, acceptance
criteria and documentation is covered in the Quality Assurance System.

“ Quality is a Journey not a destination”

6.2 Planning
This Project Quality Manual is the document which details the Quality System to be planned,
established, implemented and maintained as part of the contract for the road works for the project

The Project Quality Plan consists of the following:

(i) The Project Quality Statement of the company

(ii) Project Specific Details including Organisation and System Element Description.
(iii) Inspection and Test Plans (including Construction Process Flowcharts and Quality
Verification Checklists).
(iv) Project specific Procedures as required by the contract specification / concession
The Project Quality Manual describes the managerial and technical systems which shall be
implemented to achieve conformance to specified requirements. The systems shall cover all on site
work under the contract. Where necessary the systems shall be extended to include offsite activities.

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The inspection and test plan shall identify necessary inspections and tests to verify conformance of
the work during performance of the identified project tasks. It shall include acceptance criteria and
details for performance of inspection and test activities, as applicable.

6.3 Control

Control shall be achieved by implementing the requirements of the Project Quality Manual including
construction process controls, inspection and test plan and audit requirements. Continuous
monitoring and the investigation of timely corrective action shall form the basis of control. System
Element Descriptions shall detail the methods by which the quality system is controlled. The agreed
Inspection and Test Plans shall be used for controlling the work and detecting nonconformance.

6.4 Verification

Verification processes shall be established to ensure that the planning and controls have been
effective and the Quality System and constructed works conform to the specified requirements. The
outcome of all verification activities shall be documented and maintained as quality records. Records
of conformance shall be available for inspection by the Concessionaire’s Representative / IC upon
request to provide evidence of the outcome of activities undertaken to achieve conformance.

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7.0 Quality Management in Construction and Reporting

7.1 Management Responsibilities :

The Sector Head has the overall responsibility for construction of the project with ensuring best of
quality for satisfaction of customer. The GM ( Project Management ) of Project will be in charge of this
Project and will be reporting to the Sector Head & CEO .The Head of the Quality Assurance Group at
H.Q for the project will report to the CEO and will act independently to implements QA policy of the
company. He has the responsibility for formulating, implementing, reviewing, monitoring, verifying and
assessing the effectiveness of Quality Assurance programme. He has also been delegated the authority to
take corrective measures in case of any significant quality related problems are noticed, with the
intimation to the GM ( Project Management ) . Quality Assurance plans will be implemented at site by
the Senior Quality Material Engineer ( SQME ) along with engineers reporting to project SQME. Project
SQME will interact with QA /QC representative of client / consultant for approval of material, tests at
site and various lab procedures.

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7.2 Organization set up of the Project :


FINANCE Project Management E PC ** O&M
( Site ) * Contractors







Note : * Refer Figure no F 3.1 for details organization Charts of Project Management ( Site )
** Refer Figure no F 3.2 for details organization Charts of EPC Contractor

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7.3 Responsibilities of staff at Project Management (Site ) :

7.3.1 General Manager ( Project Management )

The GM- PM for the project has the following responsibilities

o Overall Management of this Project. He shall have the authority and responsibility for
time, cost , safety and quality aspects of the Project.

o Determining the policy with respect to the management of quality on the project.

o Issuing the Project Quality Plan including System Element Descriptions and Inspection
and Test Plans.

o Approving the disposition of Nonconformance Reports issued by the authorized

representative nominated by him.

o Communication and interface between R & B DEPARTMENT , GOVERNMENT OF

GUJARAT( PIU), EPC Contractors, Subcontractors and the Project team.

7.3.2 Project Manager ( PM )

The PM the project has the following responsibilities

o Responsibilities for the planning, implementation, control and maintenance of the Project
Quality Plan.
o Issue all relevant documentation and amendments to the EPC and Project team.
o Guide and instruct others in the essential aspects of quality management.
o Verification of inspection and test activities.
o Liaise with the contractor in regard of Final Inspection and Acceptance of the work.
o Apply acceptance criteria and classify work as ‘conforming’ or ‘non conforming’. Issue
Nonconformance Reports where necessary.
o Recommend remedial action and re inspect to close out.
o Recommend corrective action in case of recurring nonconformance.
o Communication and Interface specifically with IC and EPC contractor and Subcontractor.
7.3.3 Senior Quality Material Engineer (SQME )

The SQME for the project has the following responsibilities.

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o Responsibilities for the planning, implementation, control and maintenance of the Project
Quality Plan.
o Guide and instruct others in the essential aspects of quality management.
o Liaise that the quality of manufacture and construction satisfies the standards.
o Ensure that suitable measuring and testing equipment is available and calibration of same is
monitored regularly.
o Verification of inspection and test activities.
o Recommend remedial action and re inspect to close out.
o Recommend corrective action in case of recurring nonconformance.
o Responsible for preparing Monthly Quality Management Report
o Interaction with IC’s representative , EPC Contractor regarding approval of all materials as
per CA in day to day basis.
7.3.4 Senior Highway Engineer ( I & II )

The Sr. Highway Engineer I for of the project has the following responsibilities.

o Assist Project Manager in all aspect of Project Management.

o Responsible for overall execution of all aspect of Highway as per working drawing and
inspection of works on site as per Concession agreement, Specifications and Project Quality
o Monitor and Guide the EPC’s Team in aspect of Project Progress, Quality and Safety.
o Recommend corrective action in case of recurring nonconformance.
o Responsible for Participating in preparation of Monthly Progress Report.
o Interaction with IC’s representative , EPC Contractor regarding all aspect of Highway works.
Note : Same responsibilities hold good for Sr. Highway Engineer II
7.3.5 Senior Bridge Engineer

The Sr. Bridge Engineer of the project has the following responsibilities.

o Assist Project Manager in all aspect of Project Management.

o Responsible for overall execution of all aspect of Structure and CD works as per working
drawing and inspection of works on site as per Concession agreement, Specifications and
Project Quality Plan.
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o Monitor and Guide the EPC’s Team in aspect of Project Progress, Quality and Safety.
o Recommend corrective action in case of recurring nonconformance.
o Responsible for participating in preparation of Monthly Progress Report.
o Interaction with IC’s representative , EPC Contractor regarding all aspect of Structure and
CD works.
7.3.6 Safety Officer

The Safety Officer of the project has the following responsibilities.

o Assist Project Manager in all aspect of Safety and Environment Management compliance as
per Concession Agreement.
o Responsible for overall implementation of Safety and Environmental Compliance plan.
o Monitor , Inspect and Guide the EPC’s Team in aspect of Safety, Environmental Compliance
w.r.t Concession agreement.
o Carry out regular inspection in line with the requirement of CA and recommend corrective
action in case of recurring nonconformance.
o Responsible for participating in preparation of Monthly Progress Report.
o Interaction with IC’s representative , EPC Contractor’s representative regarding all aspect of
Safety and Environmental Compliance plan.
Responsibilities of staff of EPC Contractor (Site ) :

7.3.7 Project Manager

o He is overall responsible for successfully implementation of entire system and completion of

the project in time and within the budgeted cost.
o Responsibilities of overall Planning , Control, Execution and issue all relevant documents to
Subcontractors and the entire team.
o Monitor the Subcontractor’s performance w.r.t programme for completion of project in
scheduled time.
o Responsible for implementation of ‘ Project Quality Plan’ , Safety and Environmental
Compliance plan.
o Liaise with the Subcontractor’s and Concessionaire’s team on day to day basis for successful
completion of project in scheduled time.
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7.3.8 Planning Engineer & Quantity Surveyor

o Responsibilities for monitoring on day to basis the planned target and achievement. If any
shortfall report to PM ( EPC), finding reason and make internal revised macro program to
make up the shortfall.
o Responsible for preparation of Monthly Progress Report.
o Responsible for checking works bill submitted by Sub-contractor.
o Responsibilities for maintaining all documentation related to progress , verification of quantity
in B.O.Q , reporting to Concessionaire.
o Generating all compliance report required to be submitted to Concessionaire.

7.3.9 Quality Material Engineer – I

o Assist Project Manager with the setting up of Field laboratories.
o He is the overall in- charge of testing , review and approval all material to be used for
permanent works in Highway respective of their section.
o Review and acceptance of quarry sites for aggregates , quarry spall , GSB Material , sand ,
borrow material Mix design for Concrete and pavement layers , and other bought out items to
be used for the project.
o Supervise all the tests to be done in different stages of construction , besides ensuring that
specified tests are done as per specifications , stipulated codes and concession agreement.
o Maintain record of all materials at site and review the Sub-Contractor’s procurement schedule
and assist the Project manager and Senior Material Engineer ( SQME) in issuance instruction
to the Subcontractors for correcting the same.
o Organizing independent tests other than the regular tests done by laboratory personnel.
o Verify manufacture test certificate and ensure quality control testing of all materials and
completed works are as per the technical specifications.
Note : Same responsibilities hold good for Material Engineer II

7.3.10 Highway Engineer –

o Assist Project Manager in all aspects of execution of Road works respective of their stretches.

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o He is the overall in- charge of checking , testing field works , review and approval all works
related to Road works.
o Responsible for monitoring day to day progress w.r.t to schedule , man and machinery of
subcontractor’s allocated jobs to respective stretches. Any shortfall shall be reported to Project
o Implement and follow the guidelines laid in ‘ Project Quality Plan’ w.r.t quality tests and
o Participate in preparation of Monthly Progress Report

Note : Work shall be distributed based on stretches among 4 no’s Highway Engineer.
7.3.11 Bridge Engineer

o Assist Project Manager in all aspects of execution of Structure and CD works respective of
their stretches
o He is the overall in- charge of checking , testing field works , review and approval all works
related to Structure and CD works.
o Responsible for monitoring day to day progress w.r.t to schedule , man and machinery of
subcontractor’s allocated jobs to respective stretches. Any shortfall shall be reported to Project
o Implement and follow the guidelines laid in ‘ Project Quality Plan’ w.r.t quality tests and
o Participate in preparation of Monthly Progress Report

Note : Work shall be distributed based on stretches among 2 no’s Bridge Engineer.

7.3.12 Surveyor
o Report day to day basis to Project Manager in all aspects of Survey work.
o Responsible for organizing for detailed survey for the Project Highway , checking alignment ,
Horizontal and vertical profile , Cross section w.r.t to the designed profile. Any difference shall
be reported to Project Manager.

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o Checking layout for all structure and CD works.

o Preparation of Cross-section for execution.
o Checking Lines and levels for the execution of works in accordance with drawing and CA.

7.4 Functions of QA / QC System :

i) For each major activity of work, method statement will be prepared indicating the quality
checks for incorporated materials and stage of construction. Detailed description shall be
followed in later part of this section 10.

ii) Ensure that equipment and testing instruments are calibrated properly and adjusted to
maintain their accuracy with in acceptable limits.

iii) Provide day to day routine checks on materials and finished products.

iv) Identify problems and initiate action, which results in solution.

v) Verify implementation of solutions / corrections.

vi) Report regularly on effectiveness of the system.

vii) Tests to be performed jointly with EPC Contractor / Concessionaire’s Representative at site
before start of any activity and after review / approval the of the same activity has to start.

viii) All the test reports has to be certified by the EPC’s representative , Concessionaire’s and
IC . IC has to nominate his representative’s for joint testing during site working hours. In case
of non availability of IC’s representative, tests will be carried out by EPC‘s QC Engineer and to
be approved by Concessionaire’s representative keeping belief in ethics of the profession in the
interest of work.

ix) All records of qualifying and routine tests / checks will be jointly maintained at the
SQME’s office.

x) Monthly Project QA report will be prepared by project SQME, summarizing the activities of
QA department which is to be submitted to Concessionaire’s Management.
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xi) Head of QA from H.Q shall deploy his representative to carry out internal quality audit to
ensure compliance of quality measures covered hereunder and to make necessary improvement,
if required in quality system.

xii) Project Manager / QA & QC In-charge through his representative at site will point out the
non-conformity of standards if any, to the contractor’s authorized representative in writing and a
copy of the same to be sent to the General Manager for getting the work done as per quality
standard required as specified in Concession Agreement, quality specifications or drawings.

Client , Independent consultant, Concessionaire , EPC contractor, Sub contractors, Material

supplier and Manufacturer, each form a link of the quality chain. The strength of this chain is
dependent on each and every link. The SQME is to keep a continuous watch on this chain and
spot the weak link before it snapped.

7.5 Quality Management Reports :

The QA/QC in-charge at site shall prepare a Monthly Quality Management Report for review by the
GM ( Project Management ) / Project Manager. The Quality Report shall be subdivided into the
following headings:

Summary of Inspection and Test Activities. ( Field & Laboratory )

Registers of Nonconformance & Corrective Action.
Status of Approvals of all Materials.
Outstanding approvals by the IC
Items of specific concern.
General Notes

Distribution of the Quality Management Report shall be as follows:

CEO ( Roads )
VP ( Engineering )

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VP ( Project Management )
Road Sector ( QA ) H Q
General Manager-Site
Project Manager- Site
Senior Quality Material Engineer

The Quality Management Report shall be submitted to the General Manager within one week of
the close of the monthly reporting period and in turn Site shall forward this to Head Office Road
Sector ( QA ) within 5th of every month for record and distribution to the respective section in
charge for record and action required if any.

7.6 Management Reviews :

The operation and effectiveness of the Project Quality Plan shall be regularly reviewed by
Management Review meetings held once in two month for the duration of the project. The monthly
Quality Management Report together with Audit Reports shall form the basis of the review.

The Management Review meetings will be attended by the CEO , VP ( PM) , GM ( QA) , QA
representative at head office , Branch Q A Coordinator, General Manager, Project Manager and the
QA/QC in-charge of respective site.

Minutes of the management review meeting will be taken by the SQME. He shall be responsible to
prepare and distribute minutes to the members of the review team for their information and action.

7.7 Monthly Progress Reports :

The Monthly progress report shall be prepared at site and submitted to the R & B DEPARTMENT ,
GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT and Independent Consultant as per requirement of Schedule of
concessionaire agreement. The detailed format for the report, contained all the activities of the
month , major achievements , miles stone achieved , progress , quality control reports , problems ,
issues etc.

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8.0 Progress Control

This section of the Manual outlines requirements and procedures for construction scheduling and control
of work progress.

8.1 Construction Work Program

The EPC Contractor is required to submit a detailed work program for execution of the works. This
program must show the following, as a minimum:

• Itemized work activities to be executed, based on the Contract’s Bill of Quantities, indicating
start and finish dates and scheduled achievement (progress) each month;
• Sequencing of work and activity interdependence;
• Calendar day estimates for submittal approvals; and
• Calendar dates for achievement of various milestones, and for completion of works by section
and of the project as a whole, within the time periods provided for in the Contract.

The Contractor’s program should show the critical path activities, and the float available for activities
outside the critical path. It should preferably be prepared based on a commercially available project
scheduling software package, such as Microsoft Project / Primavera. The Contractor should also furnish
a breakdown of his anticipated monthly earnings for payments in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth in the Contract.

The Concessionaire’s program has to be reviewed and approved by the Independent Consultant as
stipulated in the Concessionaire agreement. Once approved, the program cannot be modified except with
the prior approval of the IC. The IC’s approval of the program does not relieve the Concessionaire / EPC
Contractor of his obligation to complete the works or sections of work within the time periods stipulated
in the Concession Agreement.

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8.2 Progress control

The Concessionaire / EPC Contractor is required to undertake its activities in accordance with the
approved work program. Each month the Contractor shall indicate the actual work completed as
compared to work scheduled. In the event portions of the work are in danger of being delayed, or
actually are delayed, the Contractor is to determine a plan for remedial action.

Various circumstances may justify the changing of contract requirements for completion of the project
on a specific date. Among these circumstances are items not within the control of the Contractor, such
as: changes to contract requirements (modification of Contract); suspensions of work; delays in
providing access; force majure, etc. Generally, such occurrences will justify a delay in completion if
they affect activities on the critical path of the program. However, each instance must be carefully
evaluated and fully documented before a decision can be made.

The following are guidelines for controlling work progress:

• There should always be a baseline program. If changes to the baseline program are required, an
updated baseline program (baseline program no. 2, etc.) should be created.
• Unauthorized changes to completion milestones should not be allowed, unless authorized by a
contract modification.
• Concessionaire shall monitor the progress of works and should update their completion percentages
and report to IC through Monthly Progress Report.
• When actual progress falls behind scheduled progress or when it appears that a milestone will not be
completed on time, the Concessionaire must identify the reasons for delay, and in conjunction with
R & B DEPARTMENT , GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT & IC the Concessionaire make
recommendations for remedial actions.
• The Concessionaire should maintain accurate as-built information for schedule activities. The
Independent Consultant daily inspection report should have space for inspectors to note the actual
start and finish of activities. Additionally, actual starts and completions should be written on a copy
of the schedule to provide information for an 'as-built' schedule.

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9.0 Design Control & Working drawings

Design Consultant is responsible for preparation of detailed designs and construction drawings, which
form part of the contract documents. This section of the PQM outlines the requirements for control of
design modifications, which are prepared by Design Consultant, and for preparation and review of
working (shop) drawings and of as-built drawings, which are also prepared by the Design Consultant.

9.1 Control of Working Drawings

Working drawings, and accompanying calculations, shall be prepared by the Design Consultant of EPC
contractor, based on the contractual design and in accordance with applicable design standards and
criteria, codes, and methodology. Working drawings shall basically show the details and sequence of
construction for structural works, including form work, false work and support structures. Working
drawings shall also be required for some temporary works and structures.

Working drawings will be prepared by computer aided design methods or by hand. Before submittal to
for approval, a Senior Engineer of the Concessionaire shall check working drawings and calculations for
completeness, correctness, legibility and conformance to the contractual requirements. Working
drawings shall be signed and dated by the draftsman (if applicable), the designer and the reviewing
Senior Engineer. Copies shall then be submitted to IC for Review / Approval.
Working drawings shall be returned to the Concessionaire marked ‘Approved’, or ‘Not Approved’. For
drawings marked ‘Not Approved’, the Concessionaire shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit
copies to IC for review / approval and issuance to contractor.

The flow of documents for review and approval of working drawings shall be as follows:

1. The Concessionaire shall submit 3 sets of working drawings to IC for review

2. The IC shall review the drawings and return them to the Concessionaire with his comments within
the stipulated time mentioned in Concession agreement , using Working drawings marked (or
stamped) ‘Approved’ or ‘Not Approved’.

3. For design documents marked ‘Not Approved’, steps 1 and 2 above shall be repeated.

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4. The working drawing details are to be recorded in the Concessionaire’s Design/Drawing Register

5. Then Concessionaire issues drawings to Contractor at site for construction.

9.2 Control of Design Modifications

Design modifications may be necessary due to site conditions being different than envisaged during
preparation of the initial designs or at the time of preparation of Detailed Project Report ( DPR) by R &
B DEPARTMENT , GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT, or to other reasons. The Concessionaire shall
provide Design Consultant with all the necessary site information, and Design Consultant shall be
responsible for preparing the design changes and the design change report, if any.

Upon completion of design changes by Design Consultant and their approval by Independent Consultant
/ R & B DEPARTMENT , GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT, and for issuing the design documents to
the Concessionaire for their use at site. The Concessionaire in turn shall issue the drawing to the
contractor and shall enter the drawings in the drawing register maintained at the site.

The flow of documents for design modifications shall generally be as follows:

1. Requests for design modifications are initiated by the Concessionaire and forwarded to IC / R & B
2. IC / R & B DEPARTMENT , GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT reviews the request and, upon
agreement, instructs Design Consultant to modify the designs, based on site information data
provided by the Concessionaire.

3. In some cases Design Consultant reviews the required design modifications to expedite the design

4. Design Consultant prepares the design modifications and submits them to concessionaire and in turn
concessionaire forward to IC / R & B DEPARTMENT , GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT for

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5. After approval of the design changes these are issued to the Contractor by the Concessionaire.

6. The revised design document details are to be recorded in the Contractor’s Design/Drawing Register,
using Format of Appendix .

9.3 As-Built Drawings

The Concessionaire is responsible for the preparation of ‘as-built’ drawings. During the progress of
work, the Concessionaire must maintain a complete set of ‘working drawings’ marked up with the as-
built details. The as-built set must be maintained up to date, since often during construction as-built
details may be required by others to enable completion of design or redesign of a certain contract

Upon receipt of any revised drawing, it should be checked to see if the as-built details have been
incorporated in the revision. If they have not, these details must be transferred onto the revised
drawings, which, in turn, will then be substituted, into the as-built set.

During the progress of work, the Project Manager must observe closely the ‘as-constructed’ work and
must also maintain a complete set of ‘working drawing’ marked up with the as-built details that he

Upon completion of the works, the Concessionaire shall finalize the as-built drawings and submit them
to the IC for review and approval. The IC shall review these drawings and resolve with the
Concessionaire any discrepancies between the set of as-built drawings submitted and his own records.

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Site Reconnaissance Survey and analysis Design Consultant
of DPR Design.

Carry out detailed design and submit drawings Design Consultant

and calculation to Concessionaire for review.

Concessionaire’s Engineering Engineering
Management team audits / reviews Management
Drawings and Calculations. Team

Consultant to study,
comment & revise
Drawings signed and issued to Engineering
Concessionaire’s Project Manager Management

Submission to IC for review and

approval PM-Site

Review, Review and approval of Independent
Comments Drawing & Calculations Consultant
with letter.

Yes Comments?


Issue Drawings for Construction. PM - Site

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10.0 Quality Control and Assurance in Construction

10.1 Quality Control of Road Works :
Flow chart for Functioning of Site QC Team :












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Flow Chart for day to day functioning with Responsibilities :




E Engr.









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General :
Quality control of materials forms an integral part of the overall construction and supervision function.
Taken properly into account, it provides the link between the design and the finished works.

Testing of construction materials is carried out for a variety of reasons and purposes including:
• Screening Tests (e.g. choosing a borrow source, an aggregate supplier, a manufacturer /
supplier of cement etc.)
• Control Tests (e.g. sampling and testing of cement material delivered to site to confirm
adherence to project specifications and to confirm manufacturer’s Test Certificate)
• Audit Tests to verify independently the reported properties of materials
• Trial Mixes (selection of appropriate concrete mix designs, design of bituminous
mixtures etc.)
• Acceptance Tests (e.g. testing of cubes cast of produced concrete to confirm that
required strength is achieved and is consistent)
• Special testing as may be deemed necessary and prudent

Suppliers of manufactured materials such as cement, steel, bitumen, bearing pads, Expansion Joints,
Road Furniture etc. shall be screened based on submissions, review of sample Manufacturer’s Test
Certificates and experience on previous projects of the manufacturer. Independent testing by third party
in the presence of Concessionaire’s / IC may be carried out if required.

Control and approval of construction materials shall be based on the following:

ƒ Test reports for materials tested , such as cement, sand, water, soil, aggregates and
bitumen; and
ƒ Manufacturer’s certificates for materials such as steel, cement, admixtures etc.
The details of input materials should be recorded in a Materials Register (See Format in Appendix A4 ).
All test results shall be entered into a test logbook / register maintained at site laboratory , with an
indication of conformance/non-conformance. A format for test report log is given in Form in Appendix

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This section, hereinafter provides an overview of control requirements for materials, including site
testing and manufacturers’ certification.
All materials to be incorporated and all works performed shall be strictly in conformity with the
concession agreement and specification requirements. Laboratory at locations shall be set up by the
EPC/ Subcontractor . The laboratory will be equipped with sufficient number of modern and efficient
equipment suitable to carry out the tests prescribed for different materials and work according to the
concession agreement and specifications. The equipments shall be procured to conduct the specified
test as per MORT&H and facilities to be provided.

• The laboratory will be manned by a qualified Material Engineer assisted by experienced

Engineer’s , Technicians, Laboratory helpers and the set-up will be got approved by the

• Test shall be carried out quality controls on the materials and work to the frequency
described in subsequent paragraphs. In the absence of clear indications about method and or
frequency of tests for any item, the direction of the Concessionaire’s representative and IC
shall be followed.

• For satisfying himself about the quality of the materials and work, quality control tests will
also be conducted by the Concessionaire’s representative / IC , (by himself, by his Quality
Control units or by any other agencies deemed fit by him), generally to the frequency set
forth herein under. Additional tests may also be conducted where in the opinion of the
Concessionaire’s representative / Independent Consultant need for such tests exists.

• Provision of necessary cooperation and assistance in obtaining the samples for test and
carrying out the field test as required by the Concessionaire’s representative from time to
time. This may include provision of labours, attendance, assistance in packing and
dispatching any other assistance considered necessary in connection with the test.

• For the work of embankment, subgrade and pavement, construction of subsequent layer of
some or other material over the finished layer will be done after obtaining approval from the

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Concessionaire. Similar approval from the Concessionaire will be obtained in respect of all
other items of works to proceeding with the next stage of construction.

• Defective / Inferior quality of work shall be modified in the procedure of work, if found
necessary, as directed by the IC during inspection. Works falling short of quality at our own
cost and as directed by the IC.

• The Contract rate quoted for various items of works by the contractor in the Bill of Quantities
or the lump sum amount tendered will be deemed to be inclusive of all costs of the quality
control test and operations necessary for ensuring quality of the material and work so as to be
in conformity with specification requirement.

• All the test to be conducted at laboratory and at site shall be documented as per the format
specified in the later part of the section. Usually the documentation shall be maintained in
such a fashion that it shall be very easy traceable with a specific RFI No. mentioned with
date in schematic diagarm for each Structure and layer chart for Roads and in turn this shall
be filed in KM basis for roads with bituminous and Non-bituminous in a separate file /
volume as a lot with several sub lot. For structure each structure shall be defined as a single
lot. For all routine test for Roads and structure , Borrow areas result , Bought out items shall
be maintained in a separate lot irrespective of KM / structure.

10.1.1 Construction Sequence and Control Flow Charts :

Flow charts indicating the construction sequence and control points for road works are shown in Figures
F 4.1 to F 4.9.

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10.1.2 Methodology :

1. General

This item of work shall be dealt in compliance with section 109 of MORT&H


Aligmnent Fixing:
1. The control points of GPS (Global Positioning System) pillar is fixed at every 5 km interval by R &
B DEPARTMENT , GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT and handed over for execution of survey
works. The same GPS pillars are also having the value of coordinate and levels.
2. Keeping the same GPS pillar as a reference, traversing of coordinate has been fixed between GPS
pillar to GPS pillar (ie. every 5 km interval). Closing error of traverse has been adjusted by bow-
ditch method in between two GPS pillars. The traverse closure was less than 1: 20000
3. Horizontal angle was observed by taking minimum of two sets of rounds from different locations.
All the observations were logged and the spread between observed rounds of horizontal angles did
not exceed 5 seconds (Two sets of angles agreed within 5 seconds).
4. In between GPS pillars at every 250meter interval, along the road alignment, the sub control pillar
[Bench Mark Pillar (BMP)] is fixed at the end of ROW (Right Of Way). The location of benchmark
pillar is marked at site by paint identifying location. Benchmark pillars are concrete pillars. Size of
concrete pillar is 150X150X450 mm. 12 mm rod is embedded inside and projected 15mm above the
concrete pillar. During the time of traversing the bearing was recorded on the punch point of rod
projected over the benchmark pillar. The coordinate value of each benchmark pillar was arrived
after traverse adjustment by bow-ditch method.
5. The project alignment coordinate given by client - R & B DEPARTMENT , GOVERNMENT OF
GUJARAT for a length of km ie. km to km is fixed over the existing road by 1 - second
accuracy of total station. The alignment point is marked at every 20mtr interval on the straight
portion and 10mtr interval on the curve portion by round head nail. The same point is marked with
yellow point and location (chainage) written on the road for quick reference. For fixing this
alignment for 40 km length, the traversed coordinate of benchmark pillar, fixed at every 250mtr

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interval along the project alignment, are used and client has checked the alignment. Detailed copy of
coordinate value of benchmark pillar (BMP) along-with chainage and location is given to clients
and site engineers for their reference.
Bench Mark Fixing :
For every 250 mtr. interval the concrete bench mark pillar is fixed along the project alignment (
from km to km ) at the end of ROW. Location and chainage is marked at site with paint. The
pillar is used for fixing the benchmark.
GPS pillar to GPS pillar (every 5km interval) the level traversing has been done retaining the
RL (Reduced Level) of GPS pillar (GPS level given by R & B DEPARTMENT ,
GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT). During the time of traversing the level, the levels are
transferred over every 250mtr interval benchmark control pillars also. During benchmark level
transferring maximum observing distance was 100mtr, keeping the fore sight and back sight
distance equal. The spread between observed range of vertical angles did not exceed 10 seconds.
The closing error on a level circuit did not exceed 12 root of K in mm (where K is distance in
Km.). The closing error has been distributed to all the bench mark in network in between GPS to
GPS. The benchmark pillar (BMP) levels is checked by client.
Detailed benchmark list mentioning level, location and chainage is issued to client and site
engineers for their reference.
Toe Line Fixing :
The toe line is fixed for the every layer by means of calculating the thickness of pavement layer
multiplied by percentage of given formation slope. The toe distance will be measured from given
alignment nail. The cross section drawings also can be followed for toe line marking.
3.Equipment/ Machinery Requirement:

1. Auto level
2. Total Station
3. Theodolite

4.Records and Documents Maintained:

1. OGL Books

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Acceptance Criteria : Ref. Section 200 of MORT&H

Working Procedure :

1. Before starting the Clearing and grubbing activity, information to the client / IC is given through
2. Top-soil and deleterious material will be dozed and removed up-to 150mm thickness .All the
dozed top soil will be removed from toe line and stacked /displayed away from the area of work.
3. All the trees, shrubs and roots will be removed from the stretch with the help of manpower /
4. Backfilling of the pits will be carried out if required with sand, saturated fully with water.
After completing the clearing and grubbing check-list will be complied.
Machinery Requirement:

1. Dozer, Grader, Excavator, JCB


This item of work deals with construction of road embankment with approved materials as per the terms
of contract agreement.


This item of work shall be dealt with in complete compliance to the technical specifications; placement
and compaction shall be carried out in accordance with clause 305 of specifications.

Drawings used for construction in respect of the alignment, level, cross sections in respective stretches
and other survey detail and relevant technical specifications viz.clause 305 of technical specification in
terms of mandatory guidelines for ensuring the quality of work.

Prior to the commencement of this work, the materials proposed to be used for such embankment shall
be sourced suitably. Different sources shall be earmarked for different stretches giving due regard to the
load of haulage and most importantly the suitability and quantum of material availability.

The material used in embankment shall generally be soil, morrum, gravel, a mixture of these or any
other approved material. In respect of quality of material, such material shall be ensured to be free of

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logs, stumps, roots, rubbish for any ingredients likely deteriorate or affect the stability of the
embankment. The material resulting from the roadway excavation if found suitable will also be used.


1. The toe line and centre line are marked and pegs will be driven.
2. The material shall be dumped in site at respective location.

3. The material shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 250 mm compacted
thicknesses over the entire width of the embankment by mechanical means and will be graded
with grader to the required camber.

4. Moisture content of the material shall be checked and extra required will be added.

5. The moisture content of each layer shall be checked and it should be with in the range of OMC
+1% to OMC -2 percent. If moisture content is found out of these limits the same will be brought
within limits by addition of water or by aeration as the case may be.

6. The compaction shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of 8 to 10 ton static weight. Each
layer shall be thoroughly compacted to the densities specified in the specifications which are
mentioned at the end of this document for reference. The rolling pattern will be finalized in trial

7. On compaction of the particular stretch necessary field testing shall be carried out Field density
shall be done in the manner and frequency as specified below.

8. If the required field density is not achieved, compaction shall be continued till required density is

9. Loose pockets if any will be removed and replaced with approved material.

10. The above stages shall be repeated till the top level of the embankment is reached to the
specified levels and grades. The top levels shall be checked and shall be within +20mm and -
25mm of designed level.

11. All relevant QA and QC documents will be maintained for all stages of Embankment

12. Where the ground supporting embankment is found to be unsuitable (material mentioned in
clause 305.2.1.1) or the original ground material is having free swell index greater than 50% the
same will be removed upto 500mm and will be replaced with approved material as per clause

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3. Equipment/Machinery:

Grader 1 No as a minimum.
Tippers 10 Nos as a minimum
Water Sprinkler 1 No as a minimum
Roller 80 to 100KN 1 No as a minimum


Shall not be more than 75mm or should not be more than

Maximum Particle 2/3rds of compacted layer thickness which ever is
size minimum.

Free swell index Max 50 %

Liquid limit Max 70 %

Plasticity index Max 45


Maximum Laboratory dry unit weight when tested as per

Type of Work IS 2720(Part 8)
upto 3m height not
subjected to
extensive flooding Not less than 15.2 KN/cu.m.
exceeding 6m
height Not less than 19.1 KN/cu.m.


Relative compaction as % of maximum laboratory dry

Type of work/Material density as per IS:IS 2720(part8)
a)Upto 6m height Not less than 95
6m height) Not less than 97
Expansive clays Such material is not allowed in construction

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This item of work deals with construction of Subgrade (minimum 8% CBR) with approved materials as
per the terms of contract agreement.


This item of work shall be dealt with in complete compliance to the technical specifications; placement
and compaction shall be carried out in accordance with clause 305 of specifications.

The construction shall confirm to the specific alignment, lines and grades given in the drawing.

Prior to the commencement of this work, the materials proposed to be used for such subgrade shall be
sourced suitably. Different sources shall be earmarked for different stretches giving due regard to the
load of haulage and most importantly the suitability and quantum of material availability.

The material used in subgrade shall generally be soil, morrum, gravel, a mixture of these or any other
approved material. In respect of quality of material, such material shall be ensured to be free of logs,
stumps, roots, rubbish for any ingredients likely deteriorate or affect the stability of the subgrade. The
material resulting from the roadway excavation if found suitable will also be used. Material which is
having CBR 8% minimum shall be used in subgrade.

2. Procedure

1 The toe line and centre line are marked and pegs will be driven.

2 The material shall be dumped in site at respective location.

3 The material shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 250 mm compacted
thicknesses over the entire width of the subgrade by mechanical means and will be graded with
grader to the required camber.

4 Moisture content of the material shall be checked and extra required will be added.

5 The moisture content of each layer shall be checked and it should be with in the range of OMC
+1% to OMC -2 percent. If moisture content is found out of these limits the same will be brought
within limits by addition of water or by aeration as the case may be.

6 The compaction shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of 8 to 10 ton static weight. Each
layer shall be thoroughly compacted to the densities specified in the specifications which are
mentioned at the end of this document for reference. The rolling pattern will be finalized in trial

7 On compaction of the particular stretch necessary field testing shall be carried out Field density
shall be done in the manner and frequency as specified below.
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8 If the required field density is not achieved, compaction shall be continued till required density is

9 Loose pockets if any will be removed and replaced with approved material.

10 The above stages shall be repeated till the top level of the subgrade is reached to the specified
levels and grades. The top levels shall be checked and shall be within +20mm to -25mm of
designed level.

11 All relevant QA and QC documents will be maintained for all stages of subgrade Construction.

12 In case the original ground is in subgrade level or is in cutting and if the density after compaction
is not 97% minimum the ground will be loosened upto a depth of 250mm and will be compacted in
accordance with 305.3.5 and 305.3.6 of technical specifications.

3. Equipment/Machinery:
Grader 1 No as a minimum.
Tippers 10 Nos as a minimum
Water Sprinkler 1 No as a minimum
Roller 80 to 100KN 1 No as a minimum


shall not be more than 50mm or should not be more than

Maximum Particle 2/3rds of compacted layer thickness which ever is
size minimum.

Free swell index Max 50 %

Liquid limit Max 70 %

Plasticity index Max 45

CBR(4 days
soaked) Min 8% @97% MDD


Maximum Laboratory dry unit weight when tested as per

Type of Work IS 2720(Part 8)
Subgrade Not less than 17.5 KN/cu.m.

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Manual ID :


Type of Relative compaction as % of maximum laboratory dry

work/Material density as per IS 2720(part8)
Subgrade Not less than 97


This item of work deals with construction of Granular sub base with approved materials as per the terms
of contract agreement.

1. General

This item of work shall be dealt in compliance to the clause 401 of specifications.

The construction shall confirm to the specific alignment, lines and grades given in the drawing.

Prior to the commencement of this work, the materials proposed to be used for such embankment shall
be sourced suitably. Different sources shall be earmarked for different stretches giving due regard to the
load of haulage and most importantly the suitability and quantum of material availability.

The material used in Granular sub base shall be crusher run only.

2. Procedure

1 The toe line and centre line are marked and pegs will be driven.

2 The material shall be dumped in site at respective location.

3 The material shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 200 mm compacted
thicknesses over the entire width of the subgrade by mechanical means and will be graded with
grader to the required camber.

4 Moisture content of the material shall be checked and extra required will be added.

5 The moisture content of each layer shall be checked and it should be with in the range of OMC
+1% to OMC -2 percent. If moisture content is found out of these limits the same will be brought
within limits by addition of water or by aeration as the case may be.

6 The compaction shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of 8 to 10 ton static weight. Layer
shall be thoroughly compacted to the densities specified in the specifications which are mentioned
at the end of this document for reference. The rolling pattern will be finalized in trial stretch.

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7 On compaction of the particular stretch necessary field testing shall be carried out Field density
shall be done in the manner and frequency as specified below.

8 If the required field density is not achieved, compaction shall be continued till required density is

9 Loose pockets if any will be removed and replaced with approved material. The top levels shall be
checked and shall be within +10mm to -20mm of designed level.

10 All relevant QA and QC documents will be maintained for all stages of subgrade Construction.

3. Equipment/Machinery

GSB Plant 1 No
Grader 1 No as a minimum.
Tippers 10 Nos as a minimum
Water Sprinkler 1 No as a minimum
Roller 80 to 100KN 1 No as a minimum


Liquid limit Max 25 %

Plasticity index Max 6

CBR(4 days
soaked) Min 30% @98% MDD

Ten Percent Fines Min 50KN (Testing as per BS:812)

Gradation Confirming to grading 1 of Table 400-I of MORT&H


Type of Relative compaction as % of maximum laboratory dry

work/Material density as per IS 2720(part8)
GSB Not less than 98% of MDD

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Manual ID :


This item of work deals with construction of Wet mix macadam with approved materials as per the
specifications of contract agreement.

1. General

This item of work shall be dealt in compliance to the clause 406 of specifications.

The construction shall confirm to the specific alignment, lines and grades given in the drawing.

2. Procedure

Preparation of Mix:

The individual materials gradation shall be checked, combined, proportions shall be fixed and combined
gradation confirming to table 400-11 shall be arrived.

The individual bins of wet mix plant shall be calibrated for the particular size of material.

Material shall be fed to the mixing plant bins provided for individual sizes of aggregates to meet the
required gradation.

Mixing plant shall be of suitable capacity having provision for controlled addition of water.

While adding water, loss due to evaporation shall be taken in account.

Water in the wet mix shall not vary from the optimum by more than in the limits of+l/-2 of OMC.

Preparation of Base:

The sub base shall be checked for proper lines and levels.

It shall be made free from dust. Before the laying starts it should be made slightly wet and shall be given
one plain pass.

The lateral confinement for wet mix shall be provided by placing material in the adjoining shoulder

Laying of Wet Mix Macadam:

The wet mix shall be transported from the mixing plant to the site with trippers.

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The mix shall be laid with paver finisher. The paver shall have suitable loading hoppers and distribution

The mix shall be laid manually in places where the paver movement is not possible.

High or low spots shall be rectified by adding or removal of materials as the case may be.

The material shall be uniform and shall be free of pockets of fine material.

The compaction of wet mix shall be done as per clause 406.3.5. The rolling shall be done with 80-
100KN vibratory roller. The rolling pattern shall be established in the trial stretch.

Care shall be given at every stage so that there will not be any segregation.

The finished layer shall be checked for compaction in accordance to the specifications given below. The
top shall be checked for level control and shall be within +10mm and -10mm of designed level.

All relevant QA and QC documents will be maintained for all stages of subgrade Construction.

3. Equipment/Machinery

WMM Plant 1 No
Grader 1 No as a minimum.
Tippers 10 Nos as a minimum
Water Sprinkler 1 No as a minimum
Roller 80 to 100KN 1 No as a minimum
Paver Finisher 1 No
Los Angeles
Abrasion Value Max 40%

Aggregate Impact
Value Max 30%

Flakiness and
Elongation Index Max 30%

Plasticity index Max 6

Confirming to Table
Gradation 400-11

Compaction 1 set for 500Sq.m

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Manual ID :


Type of Relative compaction as % of maximum laboratory dry
work/Material density as per IS:IS 2720(part8)
WMM Not less than 98% of MDD


Process : Information for laying the concrete Kerb will be given through RFI.
1.Wet Mix Macadam surface will be checked before laying the kerb. Loose WMM if and will be
1. Kerb casting will be done as per MORT&H Cl. No. 408, and drawing No. GFC.
2. Surveyor will give line, Level and Layout, before starting the job.
3. Sensor rope will be fixed as per level/line.
4. Concrete of M-20 grade will be used. Slump at site will be maintained between 10-15mm.
5. Concrete Kerb will be provided with grooves (vertical cut) at 5mtr internals with the help of
concrete cutter, Prior to hardening.
6. Curing of concrete Kerb will be done as required.
7. Casting of cubes will be done at batching plant as per requirement
8. Inspection check list will be complied.

Machinery Requirement:
1. Auto level/ Total station
2. Batching Plant
3. Transit Mixer
4. Kerb Casting Machine (Continuous)
5. Concrete Cutting Machine


This item of work deals with construction of Dense Bituminous Macadam with approved materials as
per the specifications of contract agreement.

1. General

This item of work shall be dealt in compliance to the clause 507 of specifications.

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The construction shall confirm to the specific alignment, lines and grades given in the drawing.

2. Procedure

Mix Design

The mix design shall be carried out according to MS-2 of Asphalt Institute. The optimum bitumen
content and job mix formula are arrived. The physical requirements of the aggregate shall confirm to
table 500-8 and job mix shall confirm to grading 2 of table 500-10 of technical specifications. The mix
properties shall confirm to table 500-11 of technical specifications. The permissible variations from the
job mix formula shall be according to table 500-13.

Preparation and Transportation of Mix:

The individual bins of hot mix plant shall be calibrated for the particular size of material. Material shall
be fed to the mixing plant bins provided for individual sizes of aggregates to meet the required
gradation. The temperature of binder at the time of mixing shall be in the range of 150'C-165'C and the
aggregate in the range 150'C to 170'C .The difference between and the aggregate temperature shall not
exceed 14'C any time. The mix shall be transported to the site with trippers properly covered with

Preparation of Base:

The sub base shall be checked for proper lines and levels. The surface shall be swept free from dust with
air compressor. The tack coat shall be done if the WMM surface was primed and left for quite some

Laying of Dense Bituminous Macadam:

The mix shall be laid with paver finisher. The paver shall have suitable loading hoppers and distribution
mechanism. The paver shall have electronic sensor paver and string wire shall be run on steel pegs
driven on both sides at 10m interval in straight portions and 5m interval in curved portions. The mix
shall be laid manually in places where the paver movement is not possible.

The compaction of DBM shall be done as per clause 501.6 and 501.7. The rolling shall be done with 80-
100KN smooth wheeled tandom roller, 12-15 tonnes pneumatic tyred roller. The rolling pattern shall be
established in the trial stretch.The DBM shall be laid in 2 layers of 65 or 70mm (as per the cross section)
compacted thickness. The finished layer shall be checked for compaction. The compaction shall be
checked by taking cores for every 250sq.m area and the % compaction shall not be less than 98% of lab
Marshall density. The top shall be checked for level control and the levels shall be within ±6mm of
designed level.
All relevant QA and QC documents will be maintained for all stages of DBM Construction.

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Manual ID :

3. Equipment/Machinery

Hot Mix Plant 1 No

Tippers 10 Nos as a minimum
Rollers 80 to 100KN Smooth wheeled tandom rollers 2 No as a minimum
12-15 Tonnes PTR 1 No minimum
Paver Finisher 1 No
Steel pegs 50 Nos minimum.


This item of work deals with construction of Bituminous Concrete with approved materials as per the
specifications of contract agreement.

1. General

This item of work shall be dealt in compliance to the clause 509 of specifications.

The construction shall confirm to the specific alignment, lines and grades given in the drawing.

2. Procedure

Mix Design

The mix design shall be carried out according to MS-2 of Asphalt Institute. The optimum bitumen
content and job mix formula are arrived. The physical requirements of the aggregate shall confirm to
table 500-17 and job mix shall confirm to grading 1 of table 500-18 of technical specifications. The mix
properties shall confirm to table 500-19 of technical specifications. The permissible variations from the
job mix formula shall be according to table 500-13.

Preparation and Transportation of Mix:

The individual bins of hot mix plant shall be calibrated for the particular size of material. Material shall
be fed to the mixing plant bins provided for individual sizes of aggregates to meet the required
gradation. The temperature of binder at the time of mixing shall be in the range of 150'C-165'C and the
aggregate in the range 150'C to 170'C .The difference between and the aggregate temperature shall not
exceed 14'C any time. The mix shall be transported to the site with trippers properly covered with

Preparation of Base:

The base shall be checked for proper lines and levels. The surface shall be swept free from dust with air
compressor. The tack coat shall be done if the DBM surface was old for quite some time.

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Laying of Bituminous Concrete:

The mix shall be laid with paver finisher. The paver shall have suitable loading hoppers and distribution
mechanism. The paver shall have electronic sensor paver and string wire shall be run on steel pegs
driven on both sides at 10m interval in straight portions and 5m interval in curved portions.

The mix shall be laid manually in places where the paver movement is not possible. The compaction of
BC shall be done as per clause 501.6 and 501.7. The rolling shall be done with 80-100KN smooth
wheeled tandom roller, 12-15 tonnes pneumatic tyred roller. The rolling pattern shall be established in
the trial stretch. The finished layer shall be checked for compaction. The compaction shall be checked
by taking cores for every 250sq.m area and the % compaction shall not be less than 98% of lab Marshall
density. The top shall be checked for level control and the levels shall be within ±6mm of designed
All relevant QA and QC documents will be maintained for all stages of DBM Construction.

3. Equipment/Machinery

Hot Mix Plant 1 No

Tippers 10 Nos as a minimum
Rollers 80 to 100KN Smooth wheeled tandom rollers 2 No as a minimum
12-15 Tonnes PTR 1 No minimum
Paver Finisher 1 No
Steel pegs 50 Nos minimum.


This item of work deals with construction of formwork, reinforcement and placement of concrete for all
structures with approved materials as per the terms of contract agreement.
This item of work shall be dealt in compliance to Section 1500, 1600, and 1700 of Technical
specifications. The materials shall confirm to section 1000 of technical specifications.

Form work:

This work shall consists of furnishing and fixing of form work (shuttering) of approved quality for cast-
in- situ/ precast / prestressed plain or reinforced concrete with necessary props, staging, centering,
scaffolding and any temporary construction required for their support.

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This work shall consist of furnishing and placing of high yield strength deformed bars of the shape and
dimensions as shown in approved drawings.


This work shall consist of furnishing and placing of plain or reinforced concrete of all grades with
20mm down graded aggregates as defined in Technical specifications, machine mixed and mechanically
vibrated to the required level, slope, etc. as per approved drawings.


The source of materials (for cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, admixture, reinforcement
steel) shall be identified and the sources shall be approved by the Engineer.


The cement to be used in the works shall be Ordinary Portland Cement of 43 grade confirming to IS
8112. The manufacturer test certificate shall be furnished, and cement shall be stored as per IS 4082.


The water to be used shall be free from oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials or other
substances that may be deleterious to concrete and steel. Potable water generally considered satisfactory.
The water to be used shall satisfy the requirements as per clause 1010 of technical specifications.

Coarse aggregate:

Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non-porous and durable pieces of crushed
stone. All coarse aggregates shall confirm to clause 1107 of technical specifications and IS 383, when
tested in accordance to IS 2386 parts 1 to 8.

Fine aggregate:

Fine aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, and durable pieces of crushed stone or natural
sand or a combination of both. All fine aggregates shall confirm to IS 383, when tested in accordance to
IS 2386 parts 1 to 8. The fineness modulus of fine aggregate shall not be less than 2.0 nor greater than
3.5. The grading shall confirm to table 1000-2 of MORT&H specification.

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Admixtures shall confirm to the requirements of IS 9103. The manufacturer test certificate shall be
furnished for each consignment.


For plain or reinforced cement concrete or prestressed concrete the reinforcement shall be of grade S415
confirming to IS 1786- HYSD bars. The steel supplied with test certificate shall be assembled in
accordance with approved drawings and shall ensure storing to avoid deterioration and corrosion.

2. Procedure:


1. The formwork shall provide a smooth finish of uniform texture and appearance. This material
shall leave no stains on the concrete and so fixed to its backing as not to impart any blemishes.

2. Ensuring necessary care will be taken, the formwork in true to line, levels, plumb, etc., rigid,
adequately braced both horizontally and vertically. Form joints shall be as much as minimized
shall be tight and shall not permit any leakage of slurry from concrete.

3. Required formwork shall be made out off plywood/ steel shutters to suit the site conditions.
Formwork materials shall be rigid, even surface, and sufficiently strong to prevent deformation
during concrete.

4. Releasing agents such as diesel mixed with grease, shuttering oil, etc. shall be applied before
fixing formwork, and shall not allowed to come into contact with any reinforcement or
prestressing tendons and anchorages.

5. The formwork shall be cleaned carefully, dried and releasing agents shall be applied before re-

6. The formwork shall be so removed as not to cause any damage to the concrete. Centering shall
be gradually and uniformly lowered so as the concrete to take stresses due to its own weight
uniformly and gradually to avoid any shock or vibration.

7. Before re-use all components of formwork shall be examined for damage and damage pieces
shall be rectified. Before re-use all components shall be cleaned of deposits of soils, concrete or
other unwanted materials. Threaded parts shall be oiled after cleaning.

Reinforcement Steel:

1. Bar bending schedule shall be strictly as per approved drawings, and reinforcement steel shall be
cut and bend as per approved bar bending schedule. Bars shall be bent cold to the specified shape
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and dimensions, using a proper bar bender, operated by hand or power to obtain correct radii of
bends and shape.

2. Reinforcement bars shall be placed accurately in position as shown in the drawings. The bars,
crossing one another shall be tied together at every intersection with binding wire (dia. of
binding wire shall not be less than 1mm), to make the skeleton of reinforcement rigid such that it
does not get displaced during placing of concrete or any other operation.

3. Spacer bars at approx. 1m intervals shall separate layers of reinforcement. The minimum dia. of
spacer bar shall be 12mm to a maximum of main reinforcement or maximum size of aggregate,
which ever is greater. Cover blocks of thickness equal to the specified cover shall be placed
between formwork and bars made of concrete/ cement mortar of specified grade of concrete/
strength as those of the member.

4. Necessary stays, blocks, chairs, spacers, hangers, etc. or other subsidiary reinforcement shall be
provided and approved by engineer, to fix the reinforcement firmly in its correct position. Laps
shall be staggered.


The grades of concrete shall be as specified in the drawings/ contract. Necessary mix designs
shall be carried out well in advance as per clause 1700 of MORT&H specifications.

1. The mixing of concrete shall be done in batch type concrete mixer or by concrete batching and
mixing plant. All measuring devices shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. Its
accuracy shall be checked periodically.

2. Mixing of concrete shall be continued till the individual particle of coarse aggregate shows
complete coating of mortar containing its proportionate amount of cement. In no case the mixing
done for less than 2 minutes. Corrections in water and aggregate with respect to moisture present
in the aggregates shall be done on day-to-day basis.

Transportation and placing:

1. Concrete shall be transported and placed as near as practicable to its final position, so that no
contamination, segregation or loss of its constituent materials takes place. Concrete from
batching plants shall be transported by scoop tippers or transit mixers.

2. Concrete shall be placed in horizontal layers to a compacted layer not exceeding 450mm. Fresh
concrete shall not be placed against concrete, which has been in position for more than 30
minutes unless proper construction joint is formed. Concrete when deposited shall have a
temperature not less than 50C, not more than 400C.

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3. All formwork and reinforcement contained in it shall be cleaned and made free from standing
water, dust, etc., immediately before placing concrete.

1. The concrete shall be compacted within 30minutes of its discharge from the mixer, unless carried
by properly designed agitators, operating continuously, when this time shall be 1hour. When
trials show that the periods stated above are unacceptable, it is necessary to add
retarding/plasticisizing admixtures. This shall be controlled by taking slump at batching plant
and site.

2. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted with vibrators or other means during placing and
worked around reinforcement, tendons, and embedded figures and into corners of formwork to
produce a dense homogeneous void-free mass having a required surface finish.

3. When vibrators are used, vibration shall be done continuously during the placing of each batch of
concrete until expulsion air has practically ceased and in a manner does not promote segregation.
Where immersion vibrators are used contact with reinforcement and all inserts shall be avoided.
Standby vibrators in serviceable conditions shall be kept at site so that they can be used in the
event of breakdowns.

Construction joints:
1. Construction joints shall be avoided as far as possible, when unavoidable shall be provided in a
direction perpendicular to the axis of the member. The old surface shall be thoroughly cleaned
and soaked with water. Standing water shall be removed and surface shall be wetted with neat
cement slurry shortly before placing of fresh concrete and shall be thoroughly compacted.
Concreting shall be carried out continuously upto the construction joints.

2. For a vertical construction joint, a supporting board shall be fixed previously at predetermined
position and shall be properly stayed to prevent displacement or bulging when concrete is
compacted against it. Concreting shall be continued right upto the board.

1. Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be kept continuously in a damp or wet condition by ponding
or by covering with a layer of sacks, canvas, Hessian or by similar materials and shall be kept
constantly wet atleast for a period of 14 days.

2. Curing compounds shall be permitted in special circumstances like PQC, etc. Curing compounds
shall be continuously agitated before use. All concrete cured by this method shall receive two
applications; the first coat immediately after acceptance of surface finish, and the second coat
shall be after first coat has set, on the saturated surface before the surface water film disappears.

Immediately after removal of forms, exposed bars or bolts, if any, as far as possible shall be
removed, or if necessary, shall be cut inside the concrete member to a depth at least 50mm below
surface of concrete and the resulting hole shall be filled by fresh cement mortar. All fins caused by form
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joints, all cavities produced by removal of form ties all other holes and depressions, honeycomb spots,
broken edges or corners, and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned, saturated with water, and
carefully pointed and rendered true with mortar of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions
used in the grade of concrete. A surface, which has been thus rendered, shall be kept moist for a period
of 24hours.

Quality control tests:

• Physical tests on cement at a frequency of 1 test per lot (manufacturing week) MTC
(manufacturer’s test certificate) shall be maintained.
• Tests on water shall be at a frequency of once per source.
• Physical and chemical requirements of admixtures – MTC (manufacturer’s test certificate) shall
be maintained.
• Tests on reinforcement at a frequency of once per source per dia.- test certificate to be
• Workability of concrete shall be checked by slump cone test at a frequency of once per session at
concrete batching plant as well as at placing area.
• The natural origin materials of construction (Aggregate & Sand) and purchased material like
cement, admixture will be tested by site laboratory as per routine frequencies as mentioned in
Appendix C.
• The concrete will be prepared by batching plant / mixer machine. In case the mixer machine is
used the required quantity of material as per the design mix will be established by calibrated
weigh batcher on the site of mixing.
• The weigh batcher will be checked prior to concreting, to establish that it is in order and is ready
for concreting.
• After completing of above said process the concrete will be started. To establish the pour ht level
pegs will be driven.
• During the concreting the representative samples of concrete shall be taken and cubes will be
cast. The cubes will be marked with date of pour, grade and identification of structure. The cast
cubes will be cured in curing tank constructed near site of structure.
• After de-moulding the cubes will be shifted to the main project lab. for further testing.

3. Major Equipments and Machinery

1. Measuring tape
2. Concrete Batching Plant
3. Concrete pump/ Crane & Bucket as required
4. Transit Mixers as required
5. Needle Vibrators
6. Cube Moulds.

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Manual ID :


This item of work deals with construction of open foundations with approved materials as per the terms
of contract agreement.

1. General

This item of work shall be dealt in compliance to the clause 2101 of the Technical specifications.
The construction shall confirm to the specific alignment, lines and grades given in the drawing. The
materials used shall adhere to the section 1000 of technical specifications. The concrete used shall be of
approved design mix

2. Procedure


a) The location points were fixed by a Total station or a theodolite from the established survey
interfacing points.

b) The reference pillars will be fixed in such a way that they are not disturbed during the course of


a) Excavation will be done to the size of the foundation plus safe working area including necessary
slopes as per site condition.

b) At some locations if the surface is below sub soil water level requires de watering, and then the same
will be done by installing adequate capacity pumps.

c) If hard rock is encountered while excavation, suitable procedures will be adapted like
1. Pneumatic breaking using compressor and pavement breakers
2. Wedge and hammer method i.e. drilling and splitting of rock
3. Control blasting and de mucking
Any one of the procedures will be adapted to suit the site conditions.

d) Excavation will be carried out to the required depth as per the foundation details given in the
drawings and if there are any obstructions /hindrances are there in the course of the work then they will
be immediately brought to the notice of the engineer for their necessary instruction/action. Surface
dressing will be done before doing the PCC.

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PCC of required thickness and grade will be laid on the dressed surface.

Reinforcement & Form Work:

Reinforcement will be tied over the PCC as per the drawings and proper formwork will be fixed to suit
the requirement and as per drawings.


Concreting shall be done either by crane/bucket or by a concrete pump or manually whichever suits the
situation and grade of concrete will be maintained as per drawings.

3. Major Equipments and Machinery

Poclain/ JCB
Total Station/ Theodolite with accessories
Auto level with accessories
Measuring tape
Concrete pump/ Crane & Bucket as required
Transit Mixers as required
Needle Vibrators
Cube Moulds.


1. Variation in dimensions : +50mm -10mm

2. Misplacement from specified position in plan : 15mm
3. Surface irregularities measured with 3m straight edge :+5mm
4. Variation of levels at the top : +-10mm.

This item of work deals with construction of substructure of Bridges and ROB with approved materials
as per the terms of contract agreement.

1. General

This item of work shall confirm to section 2200 of technical specifications.

The construction shall confirm to the specific alignment, lines and grades given in the drawing.

The materials used shall adhere to the section 1000 of technical specifications. The concrete used shall
be of approved design mix
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2. Procedure
Construction shall be carried out in lifts.
The activities for each lift shall be as follows:

Reinforcement & Formwork:

Reinforcement shall be provided as per the drawings .The formwork used shall be robust strong and
shall be leak proof. Formwork and staging shall be in compliance with section 1500 of technical

Weep Holes:

The spacing of the weep holes shall be maintained as specified in the drawing.


Concreting shall be done either by crane/bucket or by a concrete pump or manually whichever suits the
situation and grade of concrete will be maintained as per drawings. The concrete cubes shall be cast in
site and they shall be checked as per the intervals mentioned in Appendix C.

The above activities shall be repeated till the substructure reaches the level mentioned in the drawings.

3. Equipment/ Machinery

Auto level with accessories

Measuring tape
Concrete pump/ Crane & Bucket as required
Transit Mixers as required
Needle Vibrators
Cube Moulds.

4. Tolerances

1 Variation in cross sectional dimensions : +10mm -5mm

2 Misplacement from specified position in plan : 10mm
3 Surface irregularities measured with 3m straight edge
All surfaces except bearing areas : 5mm
Bearing Area : 3mm
4 Variation of levels at the top : +-10mm.
5 Variation in plumb over full height :+-10mm

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Manual ID :


This item of work deals with construction of Pipe culverts with approved materials as per the terms of
contract agreement.
1. General
This item of work shall be dealt in compliance to the section 2900 of the Technical specifications. The
construction shall confirm to the specific alignment, lines and grades given in the drawing. The
materials used shall adhere to the section 1000 of technical specifications. The concrete used shall be of
approved design mix.

2. Procedure

The Foundation bed for pipe culverts shall be excavated true to the lines, grades and to the levels shown
on the drawings. During the excavation, any soft , spongy or any other unsuitable materials encountered
shall be removed to depths and widths as specified by the Engineer. The excavation shall then be
backfilled with approved granular material which shall be properly shaped and thoroughly compacted
upto the specified level. The PCC for the head wall shall be laid to the specified thickness mentioned in
the drawing.The head wall shall be constructed to the level of bottom of the pipe .

Bedding for Pipe:

The bedding surface which forms a firm foundation throughout the length of the culverts shall be laid
with grade of concrete mentioned in the drawing.

Laying and Jointing of pipe:

The laying of pipes shall be done on prepared foundation .The laying shall start from the outlet and
proceed towards the inlet and shall be done to the specified levels and grades. The pipes shall be fitted
and matched in such a way that they form a culvert with a smooth invert. The jointing shall be done in
such a way it is smooth and consistent joint with the interior surface of the pipe . The head wall 2nd lift
shall be carried out to the level mentioned in the drawings.

The backfilling shall be done after the jointing material has hardened. The backfill soil shall be clean,
free from boulders. Backfilling shall be carried in layers not exceeding 150mm to the level 300mm
above the top of the pipe shall be done .

3. Major Equipment and Machinery:

Poclain/ JCB
Auto level with accessories
Measuring tape
Transit Mixers
Needle Vibrators , Cube Moulds

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Manual ID :


This item of work deals with construction of Box culverts with approved materials as per the terms of
contract agreement.

1. General
The construction shall confirm to the specific alignment, lines and grades given in the drawing. The
materials used shall adhere to the section 1000 of technical specifications. The concrete used shall be of
approved design mix and shall confirm to section 1700 of technical specifications.

2. Procedure
Diversion of Water:
The requisite and efficient methods are adapted to suit the particular need of diverting the water.
The excavation shall be carried out true to the lines, grades and to the levels shown on the drawings.
Bed is compacted and leveling course concrete is laid.


Base Slab: The reinforcement shall be placed in position and shuttering is erected to exact dimensions
of base slab and after due checks, base slab is concreted to the top of bottom chamfer and joints is
maintained as detailed in drawing.

Walls: The walls are cast to bottom level of upper chamfer. The procedure adopted will be same as base
Top slab: The shuttering is made to support the top slab and necessary care is taken to seal the joints
to avoid slurry loss from concrete through joints. The steel is positioned and concreted.
The formwork is removed after due time as per norms and blemishes, if found, are made good.
The inlet & Outlet structures, the aprons and floor protection works are constructed in similar
The surroundings are cleared of all surplus stocks, waste materials etc., and cleaned. The structure is
finished as per specifications including necessary markings, paints etc., and completed.

3. Equipment/Machinery:
Poclain/ JCB
Auto level with accessories
Transit Mixers
Needle Vibrators
Cube Moulds

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Manual ID :


This item of work deals with fixing of drainage Spouts and drainage pipes in bridge decks as per the
terms of contract agreement.

1. General

This item of work shall be dealt in compliance to the clause 2705 of the Technical specifications. The
drainage spouts shall be of not less than 100mm in diameter and shall be of corrosive resistant material.

2. Procedure


The drainage assembly shall be fabricated to the dimensions shown on the drawings, the components
shall be of mild steel confirming to IS226 .The drainage assembly then shall be seam welded for water
tightness and then hot-dip galvanized.


The galvanized assembly will be placed in the provision made in the deck slab by using dummy, which
is removed in the appropriate time to leave a slot exactly fitting the galvanized assembly. The
galvanized assembly shall be given two coats of bituminous painting before placement. The whole
assembly shall be placed in true position, lines and levels as shown in the drawing and held in place


The gap between the galvanized assembly and the slot are sealed by using bituminous sealant and the
excess sealant trimmed to receive the wearing coat. After the wearing coat is completed, similar sealant
shall be finished to cover at least 50mm on the wearing coat surface all around the drainage assembly.

3. Major Equipment

Measuring tape
Auto level etc

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This item of work deals with the activity of Prestressing of H.T.S strands of PSC girders with approved
materials as per the specifications of the contract agreement.

1. General

This item of work shall be dealt in compliance to the clause 1800 of technical specifications.The
materials shall confirm to section 1000 and the grout mix shall confirm to section 1808 of technical


Cable Fabrication & Laying:

• The length of the cable required shall be computed from the drawing and adding due allowances
for profiling and gripping length of Jack .
• The Strand shall be cut evenly by abrasive cutter in required length.
• Both ends of the cable shall be numbered in order to place the strand in correct configuration in
the bearing plate to prevent twisting of cable in duct.
• The duct shall be profiled first as per the ordinates and cable shall be threaded into the duct
manually .The grout vents if required shall be provided.
• Tube ducts of the anchorage shall be fixed with the end blocks as specified in the drawings.
• The ducts shall be connected to the tube units.
• The cable consisting of number of strands specified in drawing will be tied together with binding
wire at suitable regular intervals and threaded into sheathing .
• Both ends of the duct shall be closed after strand installation and the protruding length of the
strands shall be wrapped suitably to protect from entry of dirt inside during concreting.

• During the concreting , the cables shall be moved to and fro manually at suitable intervals to
ensure that any concrete entering the duct gets disintegrated and does not jam the cable.
• The strands beyond the bearing plate shall be cleaned after concreting using petrol in order to
remove dust/rust etc.

Stressing Operation:

• The Stressing of cables can be done from both ends

• The bearing plates duly cleaned shall be fixed in proper configuration.
• The wedges shall be fixed to the bearing plates and tightened.
• The Jacks will be mounted in position at both ends and shall be aligned to the cable and fitted
over the bearing plate.

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Manual ID :

• The master grips of the jacks are inserted over the strands and fixed into the pulling plate of the
• The stressing pumps shall be connected to the jack through the hose pipes.
• First reading should be subtracted from last reading and divided with number of intervals till that
reading to give correction factor. For calculating the total elongation, the first reading shall be
subtracted from elongation reading at full load and correction factor should be added.
• Initial Pressure of 50kg/ shall be applied to the cable to remove the slackness of the cable
and corresponding elongation is measured .
• The Pressure shall then be increased gradually by regular intervals and elongation shall be
• The tensioning force shall be applied to any tendon shall be determined by direct reading of the
pressure gauges and by comparison of the measured elongation with the calculated elongation.
• The difference between calculated and observed tension and elongation during prestressing
operations shall be as follows:
1. If the calculated elongation is reached before the specified gauge pressure is obtained,
continue tensioning till attaining the specified gauge pressure, provided the elongation
does not exceed 1.05 times the calculated elongation. If the calculated elongation is
reached before the specified gauge pressure is attained , stop stressing and inform
2. If the calculated elongation has not been reached at the specified gauge pressure, continue
tensioning by intervals of 5kg/ until the calculated elongation is reached provided
the gauge pressure does not exceed 1.05 times the specified gauge pressure.
3. If the elongation at 1.05 times the specified gauge pressure is less than 0.95 times the
calculated elongation, the following measures must be taken, in succession, to determine
the cause of this lack discrepancy
i)check the correct functioning of jack,pump and leads.
ii)Detension the cable.Slide it in duct to check that it is not blocked by mortar which has
entered through holes in the sheath.retension the cable if free.
• On reaching the specified full load , the wedges shall be locked hydraulically .
• Jack shall be fully released and retracted.
• Same procedure shall be repeated for all cables.

Grouting :

• All protruding ends of the strands shall be cut before prestressing. Nozzles and valves shall be
fitted to the tube units at the grout holes provided at only end of the cable.
• The ducts shall be flushed with lime water .The Grout shall be prepared with ordinary Portland
cement and non shrink grout admixture.
• Grouting shall be commenced initially with a low pressure of injection until it comes out at the
other end .The grout shall be allowed to flow freely from the other end until the consistency of
the grout becomes almost same a that of the injection end.
• The other end shall then be closed with suitable plug .Once the desired pressure of injection
reaches , the valve at the entry point shall be closed.

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Manual ID :

3. Equipment/Machinery

1. Hydraulic Jack
2. Pressure Gauge
3. Compressor
4. Gouting Equipment
5. Grout Cube Moulds
4. Tolerances
1. variation from the specified horizontal profile : 5mm
2. Variation from the specified vertical profile : 5mm
3. Variation from the specified position in member : 5mm


This item of work deals with activities of Filter media, Backfilling and Embankment behind Abutments
with approved materials as per the terms of contract agreement.


This item of work shall confirm to clause 2504.2.2, 305 of the Technical specifications

Filter Media

Filter Media is proposed from the tests conducted in the laboratory and checked for its suitability as per
Clause 2504.2.2 of Technical Specification.

Back filling

Back filling will be done with the material from approved borrow areas.


Embankment will also be done from the suitable borrow area as per drawings and Technical
specifications Clause 305.

2. Procedure

a. Initially filter media is laid manually with coarse filter towards weep hole of Abutment and finer
material towards earthen side layer by layer as per the technical requirement.

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Manual ID :

b. After Completion of each filter media layer to the required suitable height back filling will be done
simultaneously in layers matching the height with the filter media layer till it reaches the existing
ground level behind Abutment and compacted as per requirement.
c. Embankment construction will also be taken up either separately or simultaneously along with filter
media and back filling layers.

3. Equipment/ Machinery

a. Roller / Plate compactor/ Rammer


Acceptance Criteria: As per MORT &H clause 307.

Working procedure:

Embankment slopes shall be prepared by trimming as per the approved drawing. Trimmed surface
shall be loosened and stones having size more than 50mm, stumps or any undesirable foreign
materials shall be removed.
1. Sods to be used shall be cut in suitable sizes with length 50 to 80mm.

2. Prepared embankment slopes shall be moistened and sods shall be laid from bottom of the slope
towards the top. Strips of sods shall be lightly tamped with suitable means.
3. After placing and temping the surface shall be cleaned of loose sods, excess soil or any foreign
4. The sods shall be watered regularly for a period of 4 weeks.

10.1.3 Tolerances For Road Works

Requirements for surface regularity and tolerances for road works are given below. (These requirements
are for easy reference; the standard and special technical specifications as per the contract must be
adhered to.) Horizontal Alignment Tolerances
The horizontal alignment with respect to the center line of the carriageway shall have a tolerance of
+10mm at the edges of roadway and of +25 mm lower layers. Surface Level Tolerances

Surface level tolerances are shown in Table

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Manual ID :

Surface Level Tolerances

Type of Surface Tolerance In Level

Compared with
Longitudinal and
Cross Profile

Sub- grade ± 20 mm/- 25 mm

Sub-base +10 min/- 20 mm
Base Course
• Machine laid ±10mm
• Manually laid 1-15 mm
Wearing Course
• Machine laid ±6mm
• Manually laid ±10mm Surface Regularity of Pavement Courses

The maximum allowable difference between the road surface and a straight line parallel with or at right
angles to the center line of the road at points shall be:

• For bituminous surface: 3 mm

• For GSB/base courses: 8 mm

The maximum permitted number of surface irregularities measured under a 3 m long straight edge at the
middle of each traffic lane along a line parallel to the center line of the road shall be as shown in Table

Table 10.1
Maximum Number of Surface Irregularities

Maximum Number of Surface Irregularities on Bituminous Road and Shoulders

Irregularity 4 mm 7mm
Length (m) 300 75 300 75
National/State Highways 20 9 2 1
Town Roads 40 18 4 2

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Manual ID :

10.1.4 Inspection Test Plan : Inspection Test Plan shall be prepared based on the specification
requirement. The details attached in Appendix A2 / ITP / 01 to ITP/13.
10.1.5 Inspection Checklists :
The works to be tested on site include Earthworks, placement of Granular Sub-base and Base layers,
application of prime and tack coats, placement of Bituminous layers, and Cement Concrete works. All
the materials proposed to be used in these works must have been tested by the EPC Contractor and
approved by Concessionaire and reviewed by the IC well in advance of the works. The EPC Contractor
shall obtain the approval of the Concessionaire when a particular stage is completed and before
proceeding to the next stage. Surface regularity and alignments shall be checked by leveling instrument.
For all these operation suitable ‘Inspection checklists’ shall be prepared which are presented in
Appendix A3- CL / 01 to CL / 25.

10.2 Measuring and Testing Equipment :

EPC shall establish and maintain a system to ensure that all measuring and test equipment used is
calibrated and its status is maintained on an established written calibration register.

The QME shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the calibration register.

A calibration register shall be established and include, as applicable:

(i) equipment location

(ii) serial number and type
(iii) frequency of checks
(iv) check method (including reference standard)
(v) record of check date and body responsible

The schedule shall be reviewed closely monitored to ensure its compliance.

Equipment to be issued shall be checked to ensure that its capabilities are compatible with the intended
application. New equipment shall be calibrated prior to use on the Project.
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Manual ID :

As a minimum all calibrated survey equipment used on the project shall be calibrated prior to
commencement of works and then at the frequency detailed in the calibration register. Records verifying
the calibration shall be maintained in the register.

The Material Testing Laboratory employed by EPC / Subcontractor , certification shall be accepted as
evidence of maintenance of calibration requirements. The following information regarding the Testing
Laboratory shall be maintained in the Records. Say, Location , Name of Agency , Date of Calibration,
Accredited or not and signature of authorized person, Next due date for Calibration etc.

10.3 Handling and Storage of Material

Proper care will be taken while handling and storage of all incoming materials as well as materials at in-
process stage up to the completion of the project to protect their quality from deterioration and prevent

Only experienced and qualified personnel will be involved in these processes.

Handling of Materials :

As and when the materials are received and routed through inward section of stores and issued for actual
use, necessary precautions will be taken for safe handling.
Cement bag will be unloaded manually without using hooks. Cement bags will be stored at the work-site
in godown with proper care.
Concrete mix will be shifted to work place through transit mixer or other suitable carrier.
All other materials will be handled manually and / or using appropriate equipment taking necessary
precautions to damage.

66 of 92

Manual ID :

Storage of Materials:

Following aspects will be taken into consideration for storage :

i) Access to storage area for stacking and retrieval,
ii) Cleanliness and good house-keeping practices,
iii) Fire protection,
iv) Identification and marking,
v) Corrosion protection,
vi) Prevention of physical damage,
vii) Protective cover and seals
viii) Periodic inspection to ensure that the specified storage conditions are maintained,
ix) Steel of different classifications and sizes will be stored separately,
x) The expiry date of consumables will be clearly displayed and the items reaching expiry date
will be promptly intimated to the concerned agencies,
xi) Bitumen in barrels will be stacked vertically. Leaky barrel will be segregated out.
xii) For Admixtures, sealants or other chemicals Manufactures test certificate will be obtained
and the same will be checked for meeting the specifications laid down in the contract agreement, if
required by testing in a independent laboratory.
xiii) Other materials such as electrical fittings, paints etc. will be kept in suitable and properly protected

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Manual ID :

10.4 Identification of Non-conforming Product and Management

a. Non – Conformance Report Notification ( NCRN )

Concessionaire shall implement a system to identify and provide a disposition for all nonconformance
associated with the works. The authorized Representative of Concessionaire shall be responsible for
recording of non-conformances by the issue of a Non-conformance Report Notification ( NCRN ) to
EPC/ Subcontractor. All NCRN shall be forwarded to the General Manager / Chief Project Manager for
the determination of a disposition with concurrence by the Project Manager of Concessionaire / Sub

Outline of Activities

Non-conformances identified during inspection, testing and verification activities shall be addressed at
the workforce by issue of a Inspection note by the respective section to the Project Manager. Based on
that NCRN (see proforma in appendix A3.) shall be issued.

All NCRN shall be reviewed by the General Manager / Chief Project Manager and assigned a
disposition as follows, either Repair , Rework , Use-as-is.

All NCRN shall be submitted to the concessionaire for their concurrence.

The Nonconformance Report shall detail the following:

a. A unique identification number based on inspection report

b. Reference to the drawings/ specification

c. Location within the Works

d. Description of the non-conformance

e. Authorised representative signature and date

f. General Manager’s approval of action with respect to disposition

g. Reinspection acceptance signature and date by the Authorised representative or his representative.

h. Concessionaire authorized persons approval/disapproval

68 of 92

Manual ID :

The SQME / QME shall maintain a Nonconformance Report Register to monitor the sign-off of the
assigned disposition (see proforma appendix A3). The Register shall be reviewed on a monthly basis and
a report provided to the General Manager / Project Manager.

b. Corrective Action Request

Concessionaire shall promptly implement corrective action to address conditions identified as adverse
to quality ensuring that the actions are effective and that their effectiveness continues. The Project
Manager (with consultation from all responsible parties) shall be responsible for approval of the
proposed corrective action. The Sr Highway / Sr. Bridge / Sr Quality material Engineer shall be
responsible for identifying the need for, proposing and assessing the effectiveness of corrective action.
Where conditions adverse to quality are identified the concerned Engineer shall complete the proposed
Corrective Action Report. The Project Manager shall approve the proposed Corrective Action. The
concerned section in-charge shall monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the Corrective

Outline of Activities

The SQME / QME shall monitor implementation of Corrective Action using the Corrective Action
Report Register (see proforma in appendix). The Register shall be reviewed on a fortnightly / monthly
basis and a report provided to the General Manager / Project Manager.

The SQME / QME shall also implement a corrective action request register for CARs issued by the
concessionaire and a register of nonconforming product / service notification – correction action
11.0 Documentations , Records & Control

The procedures will be maintained for identification, collection, indexing, filling, storage, maintenance
and disposition of quality records.
The following quality records will be controlled :
Inspection and test reports
i) Test data
ii) Validation report

69 of 92

Manual ID :

iii) Audit report

iv) Material review report
v) Calibration data
Procedures will be carried out in accordance with the following :
i) Identification :
All documentation covered will bear distinct identification.
ii) Collection and Retrieval :
If any record pulled out from the filing system for any reference and site use will be noted as “ Issued
Particulars, and to be returned immediately after use “. All records will be kept in such a position that
these will be easily accessible and retrievable as and when needed.

iii) Drawings/Documents:
All the drawings/Documents received from Client/Consultant/Corporate Office of the Contractor will be
entered in the register indicating number of copies received and distribution trade-off. The revision of
Drawings/Documents whenever received will be entered in the register. The distribution of revised
copies will be done with issue note and the previous copies will be retrieved for availing any
reference/misuse for actual execution.

iv) Indexing:
All filing system will be having indexing of all contents. Each Quality Record will be marked Volume
I, Volume II, etc. for reports, forms, etc.
v) Filing and Storage:
Hard copies will be kept in files, and files will be kept in racks/cabinets. CD / Floppies will be stored in
suitable cabinet only.

vi) Maintenance:
All filing system will be guarded against chemicals, fumes, dust, fire, etc. all the time.

vii) Retention:
Quality Control records will be maintained up to Concession Period and then handed over to the Client
& IC.

viii) Disposal:

70 of 92

Manual ID :

Disposal of documents after specified retention period will be authorized by the responsible authority
maintaining the record for the same.
The details of documentation format and filing index described in Appendix A4 along with detailed

71 of 92

Manual ID :

12.0 Internal Quality Audit

The purpose of this procedure is to establish a system for verification of the implementation and
effectiveness of a quality system by means of a uniform and controlled method for planning, scheduling,
coordinating and performing quality audits and to assign responsibility for these activities.

To objectively (by seeing evidence, usually documents)

a) that the quality system is effective.
b) it is being implemented / complied with.

Internal Quality Audit will be carried out to verify whether quality activities and related results comply
with planned arrangements as laid down in the Project Quality Plan and whether these arrangements are
implemented effectively and desired objectives are achieved.

The audit will be carried out by staff not having direct responsibility for actual execution work on the
project, and also not reporting to the General Manager. It shall be from the H.Q representative of QA.

The Internal Quality Audit will be normally carried out once in a month or at a predetermined interval
for each element covered in the Quality Assurance Manual. The frequency of the audit may be
increased in some particular cases on the basis of the following factors on demands:

1) Client’s/Consultant’s complaints
2) Discrepancy in records
3) Contractual requirements
4) Changes in Quality Assurance System itself
5) Results of previous Internal Quality Audit
6) At the implementation stage of Quality Assurance System

Audit findings, conclusions and recommendations will be submitted in documentary form for
consideration by designated member of the management.

72 of 92

Manual ID :

Before planning for each audit concessionaire shall be informed to contractor at least 7 days prior with a
detailed schedule of his audit area.

The following points will be covered in the reporting and follow-up of audit findings:

a) Specific examples of non-compliance/non-conformity or deficiencies will be documented in the

audit report and possible reasons for such deficiencies, where evident, may be included.
b) Appropriate corrective actions may be suggested.
c) Implementation and effectiveness of corrective actions suggested in previous audit will be
Attachments :
System Quality Audit Register
System Quality Audit Plan
Audit Report Status Log
System Quality Audit Report
System Report Lead Sheets
All the forms are attached in Appendices A5
Distribution of the Quality System Audit Report shall be as follows:

CEO ( Roads )
VP ( Project Management )
VP ( Engineering )
Road Sector ( QA ) H Q
General Manager - Site
Project Manager - Site
Senior Quality Material Engineer

73 of 92

Manual ID :

13.0 Training in Quality Assurance

The training/awareness programme is prepared to ensure that the skill, aptitude, knowledge required by
the personnel in meeting quality requirements for installation is to be maintained at adequate level.

Training procedures will be initiated by developing job descriptions and job profiles for all employees.
The information will be maintained in Quality Assurance Manual.

Consideration will be given for providing training to the personnel of all levels within the Company.

Executive and Management Personnel:

Provision for training will be considered to provide Executives and Managers with an understanding of
the quality system together with the tools and techniques needed for full participation in the operation of
the system. They will also understand the criteria available to evaluate the effectiveness of the system.

Technical Personnel:

Training will include primary quality assignments, marketing, procurement, process engineering, and
product engineering. Particular attention will be given to training in statistical techniques such as data
collection and analysis, statistical sampling, process capability studies, problem identification, problem
analysis and corrective actions.

74 of 92

Manual ID :

14.0 List of tables :

14.1 List of Equipment at Site testing Laboratory :

Equipment at site testing laboratory shall be available for the entire test shall be conducted as per
Schedule ‘J’ of Concession Agreement. Any special test required shall be arranged from outside
accredited laboratory.

14.1 List of Materials Tested on Site :

All the materials except bought out materials shall be tested at site laboratory. Any special test if
required for any material shall be conducted at outside approved laboratory. The list of materials where
as their certification has to be obtained from Manufacturer’s as below,
List of Materials Tested on Site

Sl.No Material

1 Cement
2 Sand
3 Water for Construction Works
4 Coarse Aggregate for Concrete Works
5 Soil/Earth/Sub-grade Material
6 Materials for Granular Sub-base (GSB)
7 Material for Crushed Rock Ease (CRIB)
8 Metal for Bituminous Concrete (BC) and Surface Dressing
9 Fine Aggregate for BC
10 Lime
11 Bitumen
12 Borrow Material

14.2 List of Materials to be certified by Manufacturer

• Steel Reinforcement
• Paints
• PVC Pipes
• Reinforced Concrete Pipes
• Joint Filler Material
• Anti-stripping Compounds
• Concrete Admixtures
• Bitumen Modifiers
• Traffic Signs
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Manual ID :

• Earthing Material
• Laboratory Equipment
• Bearing Pads
• All other items as specified in the contract documents
• Geo-synthetics

14.3 List of Tests to be conducted on site

Tests on Earthwork for Embankment and Subgrade construction :

Sl. Type of Test Test Method Min. desirable

No. Construction frequencies
1. Earthwork in a)Sand Content IS:2720(Part-4) 1 test per 1500cum
Embankment b)Plasticity Test IS:2720(Part-5) -do-
c)Lab.Dry Density IS:2720(Part-7 & -do-
d)Deleterious content IS:2720(Part-27 As and when
e)Moisture content required by the
f) CBR Test Engr.
g) Field Density IS:2720(Part-2) 1 test for every
IS:2720(Part16) 1 test for every
i) By Sand replacement IS : 2720 (Part- 1 test for every
method 28) 1000sq.m. area
ii)By Nuclear Density ASTM 2 tests for every
1000sq.m. area
2. Subgrade a)Sand Content IS:2720(Part-4) 1 test per 1500cum
b)Plasticity Test IS:2720(Part-5) -do-
c)Lab. Dry Density IS:2720(Part-8) -do-
d)Deleterious Content IS:2720(Part-27 As and when reqd.
by the Engineer
e)Moisture Content IS:2720(Part-2) 1 test for every
f)CBR Test IS:2720(Part-16) 1 test for every
g) Field CBR Test as per IS

h)Field Density
i)By sand replacement IS : 2720 (part- 1 Test for every
method 28) 500sq.m. area
ii)By Nuclear density By ASTM 2 tests for every
Gauge 500sq.m. area

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Manual ID :

3. Cut Formation a)Density 1g and 2g as the

case may be

The acceptance of work will be subject to the condition that the mean density is not less than the
specified density plus:
(1.65 - 1.65 ) times the standard deviation – and the standard
√(no. of samples)
deviation for any set of results is below 0.08 gm/cc

Tests on Wet Mix Macadam :

S.No. Type of Construction Test Test Min. desirable

Method frequencies
1. Wet Mix Macadam a)Aggregate Impact IS:2386 One test per 200
Value (Part-4) cum.
b)Grading One test per 100
cum of aggregate
c)Flakiness and IS: 2386 One test per 200
Elongation Index (Part-1) cum of aggregate.

d)Alterberg limits of One test per 100

portion of aggregate cum. of aggregate
passing 425 micron
e)Density of IS: 2720 One test per 500
compacted layer. (part-28) sq.m.

The evaluation of density results and acceptance criteria for compaction control will be on lines similar
to those set out in no. 1.

Tests on Bituminous Construction :

The tests and their frequencies for the different types of bituminous works will be as given in Table
below :

S.No. Type of Test Test Method Min. desirable

Construction frequencies
1. PrimeCoat/Tack a)Quality of binder IS:73-1961 Two samples per
coat lot to be subjected
(Revision) to all or some
tests as directed

77 of 92

Manual ID :

by the Engineer
b)Binder temperature At regular close
for application intervals
c)Rate of spread of Two tests per day.
2. IS : 1203 - 1978 Same as 1.a.
Tests for paving a) Penetrations IS : 1205 - 1978 Do
bitumen b) Softenting point IS : 1208 - 1978 Do
c) Ductily IS : 1209 – Do
d) Flash and fire point 1978 Do
e) Viscosity IS : 1205 – Do
f) Specific gravity 1978 Do
g) Water content IS : 1202 – Do
h) Solubility IS : 1211 – Do
1978, Do
i) Loss on heating IS : 73 – 1961
IS : 1216 –
3. 1978, Do
for Cut-back a) Viscosity IS : 73 – 1961 Do
bitumen b) Flash point IS : 1212 – Do
c) Distillation 1978,
4. IS : 73 – 1961 Do
Tests for bitumen a) Viscosity Do
emulsions b) Binder content IS : 1206 –
IS : 1209 –
IS : 1213 –

IS : 3117 - 1965
5. Seal coat/surface a)Quality of Binder IS:73-1961 Same as 1(a)
dressing (Revision)
b)Aggregate Impact IS:2386 (Part One test for 50-
value IV)-1964 100 cum of
IS:2386(Part 1)- aggregate
c)Flakiness Index and 1963 -do-
Elongation Index IS:6241-1971
d)Stripping value of Initially one set of
aggregates 3 representative
specimens for
each sourse of

78 of 92

Manual ID :

when wanted by
changes in the
e)Water absorption of quality of
aggregates IS:2386(Part 1) aggregates
f)Grading of 1963 -do-
One test per 25M3
g)Temperature of of aggregate
binder at application At regular close
h)Rate of spread of intervals
materials One test per
500M2 of work

6. Dense a)Quality of binder IS:73-1964 Same as 1(a)

Bituminous b)Aggregate Impact IS:2386(Part- Same as 2(b)
Macadam value IV)-1963
IS:2386 -do-
c)Flakiness Index and (Part 1)-1963
Elongation Index of
aggregates. IS:6241-1971 Same as 2 (d)
d)Sripping value IS:2386 One set of tests on
e)Mix Grading (Part1)-1963 individual
constituents and
mixed aggregate
from the dryer for
each 400 tonnes
of mix subject to
a minimum of two
tests per plant per
ASTM D-1559
f)Stability of Mix For each 400
tonnes of mix
produced, a set of
3 marshall
specimens to be
prepared and
tested for
stability, flow
value, density and
void content
subject to a

79 of 92

Manual ID :

minimum of two
sets being tested
per plant per day.

g) Control of _ As regular close

temperature of binder intervals.
in boiler, aggregate in
the dryer and mix at
the time of laying and
rolling ASTM D-2172 One test for each
h) Control of binder 400 tones of mix
content and gradation subject to a
in the mix. minimum of two
tests per day per
- plant.
i) Rate of spread of Regular control
mixed material. and through
checks on the
weight of mixed
By core cutter material and layer
j) Density of method thickness.
compacted layer One test per 250
sq.m area.
7. Bituminous a) Quality of binder Same as required
Concrete for serial no.3
b) Aggregate impact above
value,flakiness index Do
and stripping value of
c) Mix-grading
d) Control of Do
temperature of binder Do
in boiler, aggregate in
the dryer and mix at
the time of laying and
e) Stability of mix Binder content Do
f) Binder content and ASTM D-2172
gradation in the mix.
g) Rate of spread of Do
mixed material.
MS – 2, No. – 2 As required
h) Swell text on the core cutter Do

80 of 92

Manual ID :

mix method One test per 250

j) Density of sq.m area.
compacted layer

The acceptance criteria for tests on density and marshall stability will be subject to the condition that the
mean value is not less than the specified value plus

[ 1.65 – 1.65 ] times the standard deviation.

√( No. of samples )

Tests on Concrete Works :

Test manufacturing process of concrete during the construction phase, will be such that production
and supply of homogeneous concrete of uniform quality is in keeping with the design requirements and
that the concrete is capable of being compacted into a dense mass with the available equipment.

Sl.No. Type of Test Test Method Min. desirable

Construction frequencies
1. Cement Physical & chemical IS: One test for each
tests 269/445/1489/ lot
2. Coarse and fine a)Gradation IS:73-1961 One test for every
aggregates (Revision) days works
b)Deleterious IS:2386 (Part 2) Do
IS:2386(Part 3) Regularly as
c)Water absorption required subject to
a minimum of one
test a day for
coarse aggregate &
two tests a day for
fine aggregate.

d)Sp. Gravity IS 2386 (Part 3 )- One test for each

1963 source
3. Coarse aggregates a) Los angeles abrasion One test for each
value/Aggregate impact IS : 2386 (Part 4) source and
81 of 92

Manual ID :

test subsequently on
monthly basis.
b) Soundness Do
c) Alkali-aggregate IS : 2386 (Part5) Do
reactivity IS : 2386 (Part7)
d) Flakiness and One test for every
Elongation Index days work
e) Water absorption Same as 2c
f) Sp. Gravity Do
4. Water a) Chemical tests IS : 456 Once for approval
of source of supply,
subsequently only
in case of doubt.
5. Admixtures a) Chemical tests - One of each source

6. Concrete a) Workability of fresh IS : 1199 One each at

concrete batching plant and
work site for every
b) Strength IS : 516 transit mix.
1 – 5 cum. of concrete
6 – 15 cum. of concrete 1 sample
16 – 30 cum. of 2 sample
concrete 3 sample
31 – 50 cum. of 4 sample
concrete 4 sample + 1
51 and above. sample for each
addition 50 cum. of
part thereof.

flexural test As required

c) Permeability test As required

The acceptance criteria for concrete , MORT & H 1716.2.5 stipulates that the concrete shall be deemed
to satisfy the strength requirements provided the following specifications are satisfied. When both the
following conditions are met, the concrete complies with the specified compressive strength :
i) The mean strength determined from any group of four consecutive sample should exceed
the specified characteristic compressive strength.
ii) strength of any samples is not less than the specified characteristic compressive strength
minus 3 Mpa

82 of 92

Manual ID :

Additional Tests:

Standard Penetration Test ( SPT )

Standard Penetration Test ( SPT ) are to be conducted at all locations of box culverts at the bottom of
foundations to establish the Safe Bearing Capacity of the soil in order to select the type of foundation.
For the retaining walls this tests are to be conducted at every 100 meters interval.

Structures :

a )Repair of structures

Various tests as described below are to be carried out at specifications .

I ) Ultrasonic test
II) Rebound hammer test
III ) Core test.

B )Bearings

I ) Manufacture s Test Certificates

C ) Reinforcement

I ) Manufactures Test Certificates

83 of 92


Concessionaire's Representative





Concessionaire's representative
( Site Supervision )


84 of 92


Safety & Environment


Planning & QS

Design Consultant's Team



85 of 92
Project Quality Plan

Figure 2.3
Flow Chart For The Construction Of WMM Layer Test On Coarse
Aggregate Sample
Collection Of Impact Value, Flakiness
Identification Of Collection Of Coarse,, Fine To & Elongation Index,
Lab Water Absorption

Quarries By Certificates About Aggregates From

Quarry And Binding Gradation, Los Angeles
EPC Quarry Source
Abrasion Value etc.

If All The Materials

Are Ok Allow Them
Complete Check For MDD And Test On Blended
For Construction By
Subbase OMC Sample: Sieve
Mixing Materials In Analysis, LL, PI, Dust
Layer The Plant Ratio

Is Subbase Construction Of
Layer Shoulder For Spreading Of WMM Spreaded Uniformly In
Completed? Lateral Confinement Material Over The Desired Layer

With Approved Prepared GSB Thickness With Paver

Material After Testing

Checking With
Brooming Till All
Test Field Templates Or 3M
Loose Materials And Rolling/Compaction
Pass Compaction Long Straight Edge
Dust Are Removed
Or Survey Levels

Light Sprinkling Of
Water Prior To
Prime Coat

86 of 92
Format No.: GRMPL/QC/22
Rev : 00

Project : Design , Construction, Development , Finance, Operation and Maintanance of

KM 0.00 to KM 91 on SH-55. (Contract Package No.: GSHP/DBOT/1)
Client : R & D Department, Govt. Of Gujarat.
Independent Consultant : ABC
Concessionaire :.
EPC Contractor : GMR Projects Pvt. Ltd. SubContractor

Delivery Card
B.O.Q.Item No: Date:

Structural Component: W/C Ratio:

Concrete grade: Admixture type:

Cement Type: Maximum Agg. Size:

Cement Aggregate Sand Water Admixture

Material per Cum of concrete
Material per batch of concrete

Starting Time of Concrete: End time Of Concrte:

Total Quantity of Concrete Poured:

Batch No. Slump Observed (mm) No.of Cubes taken

Sub Contractor's EPC 's Concessionaire's IC's

R t ti Representative
R t ti Representative
R t ti Representative
R t ti

87 of 92
Appendices A2
Project Quality Plan


(ITP – No : 01)

Check by Check by Check by

S.No. Description Documentation Format No. Remarks
EPC Concessionaire IC

Approval of source/
1 W W R QA/QC formats GPPL/F/1,2,3,4,5,6 -
borrow areas

Setting out, material

As in the approved
2 spreading and W R R NA -

Thickness, Layer
number and
4 W R R Site order book GPPL/F/1 -
moisture content in
the soil

5 Compaction of layer W W R QC formats GPPL / F / 7, 9, 10 -

As in the approved
6 Grade and camber W R R Level sheet NA
Final level of top of
7 W W R Level sheet GPPL/F/67 -

88 of 92
Appendix A3
Quality Assurance Plan

Project : Design, Construction, Development, Finance, Operation and Maintenance of

KM 0.0 to KM 91.00 on SH-55.(Contract Package No:GSHP/DBOT/1)
Client : R & B Department, Govt. of Gujarat
Independent Consultant : ABC.
Concessionaire :
EPC Contractor : GMR Projects Pvt. Ltd.
Format No : GRMPL/CL/07
Rev.No : 00
Location : Date :
Layer : RFI No. :

S.No. Description YES NO NA

1 Previous layer approved

2 Weather is foggy, rainy, dusty or windy
3 Tack coat required (if yes follow the check list for Prime/Tack coat)
4 Adequate Machinery available
5 Mix transported to site are covered properly
6 Trip record sheet available
7 Thermometer for recording temperature is available
8 Temperature record sheet available
Survey stakes set out to determine vertical and horizontal control of
asphalt layers
10 Found segregation in the surface
11 Are there any cold joints
Are the finish levels of asphalt in conformance with tolerable
specification limits
13 Surface regularity test is found OK
14 Samples tested at lab are found OK
15 Cores and Non Destructive tests conducted

Inspected by : Reviewed by :
Designation : Designation :
Date : Date :

89 of 92
Form No : R 17


Concessionaire EPC Contractor:

Sl Name of Cumulative Date of Balance Qty.

Grade Date of Receipt Qty in MT Consumption Remarks
no Brand Quantity ( A ) Concreting in MT

Quantity in
Quantity in MT Consumption in (A-B)
MT ( B )

90 of 92
HIGHWAYS : Form No R / 24

SL No LOT No Vol Description & Location Type No of Files Remaks

1 GPPL / SEW/ LMCNB / 01 1 Test Record Of Road Work ( Km 34.100 to 35.000 ) Non-Bituminous 2
2 GPPL / PARM/ LMCB / 01 2 Test Record Of Road Work ( Km 34.100 to 35.000 ) Bituminous 3
3 GPPL / SEW/ RMCNB / 01 1 Test Record Of Road Work ( Km 34.100 to 35.000 ) Non-Bituminous 2
4 GPPL / SEW/ RMCB / 01 2 Test Record Of Road Work ( Km 34.100 to 35.000 ) Bituminous 3
5 GPPL / SEW/ LMCNB / 02 1 Test Record Of Road Work ( Km 35.000 to 36.000) Non-Bituminous 2
6 GPPL / SEW/ LMCB / 02 2 Test Record Of Road Work ( Km 35.000 to 36.000) Bituminous 3
7 GPPL / SEW/ RMCNB / 02 1 Test Record Of Road Work ( Km 35.000 to 36.000) Non-Bituminous 2
8 GPPL / SEW/ RMCB / 02 2 Test Record Of Road Work ( Km 35.000 to 36.000) Bituminous 3

1 GPPL / SEW / PC / Km (35/1) / 01 1 Test Record Of CD ( Chainage of CD) LHS & RHS Pipe Culvert 1
2 GPPL / SEW / SC / Km (35/2) / 01 1 Test Record Of CD ( Chainage of CD) LHS & RHS Slab Culvert 1
3 GPPL / PARM / MB / Km (no of str) / 03 1 Test Record Of STR ( Chainage of STR) LHS & RHS Major Bridge 1

Note : File Name Shall be as follows :

Name of EPC/ Sub-Contractor/ Left or right, Non-bituminous or Bituminous / lot No
Say, GPPL / SEW / LMCNB / 01

For others like Borrow Area, Mix Design, Boughtout items

File name shall be as follows, Reschedule
GPPL / SEW/ MIX DESIGN(Concrete) /

Abbreviation used :
Appproval : APPV
Control Test : CT
Pipe Culvert : PC
Box Culvert : BC
Slab Culvert : SC
Major Bridge : MB
Minor Bridge : MINB
R.O.B : R.O.B
Flyover : FLYOVER
Left Main C-way Non-Bituminous : LMCNB
Right Main C-way Bituminous : RMCB
Left Sr. Road Non-Bituminous : LSRNB
Right Sr. Road Bituminous : RSRCB

91 of 92
Form No R/ 28
Quality Assurance Plan


Contract No………………………… Date:…………....................

Name of project ………………………


Location……………………………………………………………..Lot No.(s)…………………
Description Activities:…………………………………………………………………………....
Process Description(s)……………………………………………………………………............
Contractors Field/Office Records:……………………………………………..............................
Was a nonconformance / noncompliance found? YES / NO
Project Quality Plan Reference: ………………...…………………………………………….
Specification/Drawing Reference:……………………………………………………………….
Contractor’s Representative:…………………………………………………………..
(with whom the matter was discussed)
Signed ………………………………(Audit Officer) Date:…...............

Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Signed ……………………..( AGM QA ) Date:……………
A Nonconformance Letter to Sub-Contractor
B Significant Nonconformance Letter to Contr with NCRN
C Condition Adverse to Quality Letter to Contr with a CAR
D Potential Nonconformance Letter to Contractor
E Not a Nonconformance
F Other ( Not Administered through QA System)

Signed: ………………………………(Head of Team)

Other Action (if required):……………………………………………………………………..
Note : Add extra sheet for detailed report.

Issued: 20th July 2006

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