Ryan Jobby - 2020-2021 Co-Prime Minister Application

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Ryan Joseph Jobby
Table of Contents

1. Teacher Reference Letter - Matthew Bruzzese

2. Peer Letter of Support - David Cummings

3. Co-Prime Platform

4. Resume

5. Portfolio

6. Video

Sir John A. Macdonald S.S.
Co-Prime Minister Application
Reference Letter

Music, History, Special Education Teacher

Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary School
Waterloo Region District School Board
September 14, 2020

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter today recommending Ryan Jobby for consideration as one of SJAM’s 2020-2021
Co-Prime Ministers. I have had the pleasure of knowing Ryan for the past three years and have come to
know him as a respectful, hardworking, natural-born leader that if given the opportunity would truly
flourish in this position. Ryan cares about our school community, is actively involved in all things SJAM
and is a terrific role model that students can/do look up to. When news about nominations first came out,
Ryan was the first name that came to my mind even before he contacted me to be his teacher
representative. His passion and dedication to our school and it’s community goes unparalleled and in my
personal opinion, he is a “can’t miss” candidate.

Ryan has demonstrated unbridled enthusiasm and passion for our school ever since stepping foot on site
as a Grade 9. Ryan has explored all facets of the school community whether it be through getting involved
in athletics his first few years, exploring the music program in Grade 9, as well as his continued
participation in leadership and DECA. I was personally inspired by his active involvement in leadership
last year as a part of Joel/Paige’s co-prime team and how he came to the forefront as a leader in his own
regard. On top of all of this, Ryan has shown how he is able to manage both school leadership and
academics with a high degree of success, as seen through his inclusion on SJAM’s Honour Roll and
through being a Citizenship Award recipient.

As a former SJAM student and as someone who has experienced SJAM culture from both ends of the
spectrum, I cannot think of a better fit for this position. Ryan’s charismatic personality, creative ideas and
passion for our school is something I wish we had more of back when I was a student and I cannot wait to
see what he brings to the table this Fall.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Matt Bruzzese

Sir John A. Macdonald S.S.
Co-Prime Minister Application
Peer Letter of Support

What makes a great coprime? There’s quite a few right answers to this question, but I don’t
plan on listing them. Let’s start with a simpler question: what makes a great leader? This is an easier
question to answer: someone who people want to and will rally behind. A representative of the core
values of whom they represent. Ryan Jobby represents SJAM’s values and he applies those values
wherever he goes and to whoever he meets. An ideal leader represents great leaders before
themselves. This factor is quite subjective but Ryan Jobby resembles plenty of excellent coprimes
before him. Finally, a leader must lead. Obviously. But this isn’t always as simple as it seems. Plenty
of leaders in many positions around the world don’t have the support of those who they lead. Ryan
Jobby is a leader who people want to follow. Therefore, because Ryan represents key values,
resembles excellent leadership from the past, and has the ability to rally people with him, he would
make an exemplary coprime.
SJAM students will vote for Ryan because he represents their key values. No, that doesn’t
mean more school dances, especially not this year. Ryan is a great representative of SJAM students
because he is highly involved and outgoing in the SJAM student community. There is almost no one
who doesn’t know Ryan on a personal level, and there is almost no one that Ryan doesn’t know on a
personal level. I’ve always found that there is a layer of difficulty walking through the halls with Ryan
because we have to pause our conversation because either Ryan is saying ‘hi’ to someone or
someone is saying ‘hi’ to Ryan. Ryan has also been awarded the SJAM Citizenship Award. The
Citizenship Award recipients are voted for by SJAM students because they are an involved member
and an integral piece of the SJAM community. Ryan is no doubt loved by the student body because
he represents what they want to see in themselves.
Ryan has many similar qualities to various previous coprimes. Throughout my four years at
SJAM and the beginning of my fifth, I know what a great coprime means to the student body. I am
great friends with Paige Gascho and Joel Jobby, and Ryan takes after great qualities from each. Joel
is an incredibly hard worker, much more so than myself. I know this for a fact after being in two
science classes with him. I can say for certain after staying in Ryan’s room at DECA that this quality
runs in the Jobby family. Paige is also a hard worker, but in my eyes she is most notably extremely
charismatic, a quality which Ryan definitely holds. I’ve also spent some time with Jake Choi, this
summer, who holds this one quality that I’m going to call the Jake factor. The Jake factor is the quality
that allows people to remember “Vote for your boy, Jake Choi,” and his impact as coprime, 4 years
later. Ryan has the Ryan factor, which is essentially the Jake factor, but this time it’s Ryan.
Ryan is a great leader with loads of experience who the students of SJAM will rally behind.
Ryan knows what it takes to be coprime, he’s had the opportunity to watch Joel take on the challenge.
He also has first hand leadership experience. He was on the leadership exec team last year. He is the
Instagram Marketing Exec for SVP Teens Waterloo. Ryan is well prepared and ready to take on the
position of coprime.
What makes a great coprime? The long answer: dedication to represent those who support
them, exemplary values, high community involvement, the ability to rally students, hard work and grit,
charisma, a factor named after them by myself (i.e. the Jake factor), memorability, experience, and
the list goes on. The short answer: someone like Ryan Jobby.

Sir John A. Macdonald S.S.
Co-Prime Minister Application
Co-Prime Platform

Hello everyone,

My name is Ryan Jobby and this year, I am running to be one of your 2020-2021 SJAM Co-Primes.
Throughout my years as a Highlander, this school has given me everything: incredible opportunities,
caring friends, life-long memories, and a place to call home. So naturally, I would want to give back to
the school community that has given me so much. And there is no better way to do that than to serve
as your next SJAM Co-Prime.

The first idea I would like to put forward as a part of my platform is easily-accessible information and
resources. From my own experience and in conversation with fellow students, a common issue is the
difficulty in finding information/resources readily. Whether it is information regarding teams/clubs, or
cohorts and the new school structure to accommodate for the ongoing pandemic, there always seems
to be confusion on where to find relevant details. This holds especially true now because students are
no longer able to find information on the tvs and the bulletin boards in the school. Because of this, I
would like to create an “SJAM Newsletter.” This newsletter will be a Google doc shared amongst
SJAM admin and staff, along with one or two execs from each club, who will have permission to fill
the doc with any details they feel necessary. This doc will then be displayed at the front of every
classroom at the beginning of the week on the brightlink. The Google doc will also be linked in the bio
of the SJAM Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Along with this, I would like to make leadership more accessible in our school. As of right now, Junior
Leadership is the only way for Grade Nines to get involved in leadership, but the club fails to truly
give the Grade Nines the opportunity to participate in leadership the same way everyone else does.
Because of this, I want to directly intertwine Junior Leadership with the leadership program, giving
Grade Nines the opportunity to start early. Furthermore, I want to enable Highlanders to submit
proposals to run events at SJAM. This way, students have the opportunity to run their own creative
events (with Admin approval) without taking the leadership class.

Finally, the last idea I would like to implement is a “Battle of the Cohorts.” Recently, many students
have expressed their feeling of disconnection with the school and each other. School has felt just like
an obligation recently, and that’s why I want to bring back that fun aspect of school. For this, we
would hold events every month, most likely virtually, where students from each cohort compete
against each other to gain points. At the end of the year, the cohort with the most points will win a
prize (TBD).

It is my sincere hope that through my ideas, I will be able to provide you with a sense of belonging
and a happy school community.

Sir John A. Macdonald S.S.
Co-Prime Minister Application



Sir John A. Macdonald SS, Waterloo


● Honour roll both semesters of the 2017-18 and 2018-19 years

● I participate in multiple extracurriculars such as DECA, the Cross Country team, Track and Field team,
Ultimate Frisbee team, Leadership, Fed Prov team, and Math club
● Participated in different concerts and events run by the school
○ Relay for Life, Spring Concert, and various school dances

St. Nicholas Catholic ES, Waterloo

SEPTEMBER 2007 - JUNE 2017

● Academic and Co-Instructional Awards 2016-2017

● Was part of the social justice team, the volleyball team, the soccer team, waste management team, and cs club

● DECA club-SJAM
○ Practical applications of business scenarios
○ Attended the provincial competition in the 2018-19 school year
○ Will be attending the provincial competition in 2020
■ Teaches me to think on the spot
● Mathletes club-SJAM
○ A club that meets after school every Friday to solve complex and intricate math problems
■ Teaches me to problem solve
● Track and Field-SJAM
○ A team that competes in track and field in multiple competitions
■ Teaches me to persevere and to work towards success
● Cross Country-SJAM
○ Long-distance running team
■ Teaches me to persevere and to believe in myself
● Ultimate Frisbee-SJAM
○ A club that plays recreational frisbee
■ Teaches me to communicate with my peers
● Leadership Program-SJAM
○ A program that runs events at our school
○ Peer mentor for Grade 9s

Sir John A. Macdonald S.S.
Co-Prime Minister Application
○ Grade 11 executive administrator on the leadership executive team
○ Participated in multiple leadership events such as “Niner Week” and “Niner Night”
○ Participated in the Ontario Student Leadership Conference, Horizon’s Leadership Conference and
the SJAM Student Leadership Conference
■ Teaches me to put other’s needs before mine and to be an active listener
● Math Circles
○ A group that meets every Wednesday at the University of Waterloo to learn more complex and
■ Teaches me to problem solve
● KW Youth Basketball
○ Played in a house league basketball team during the 2017-2018 season
○ Won the 2017-2018 championship
■ Taught me to communicate and work in coordination with my peers
● House League Soccer
○ I have been playing house league soccer for the last 12 years
○ I have attended multiple tournaments and won many championships
■ Taught me to communicate and work in coordination with my peers
● Pick-up frisbee
○ Pick up games of frisbee organized every Tuesday during the summer
■ Teaches me to break the ice and become familiar with people I don’t know
● Altar-server
○ I have been altar serving for the last 7 years
○ I have served on multiple important occasions such as Christmas, Easter, Baptisms and Weddings
■ Teaches me to cooperate with others and stay organized
● Minister of the word
○ I have been a minister of the word for the last year
○ Have read at multiple masses
■ Teaches me to convey messages through speaking
● Member of SVP Teens
○ A non-profit organization that runs events/fundraisers for different needs/causes
■ Taught me to be grateful for what I have and to understand others’ needs

● Have completed over 150 community service hours
● Founding member of Youth Alpha at St. Michael's Parish
○ Helped create the program and volunteered every Thursday from 5-8 pm May 24-June 28
● Volunteered at Wilfrid Laurier Sports Camp for two weeks in July of 2017, earned 40 community service
● Volunteered at St. Michael’s Vacation Bible School in August 2017, 2018 and 2019
● Altar server at St. Michael's Parish for seven years
● Volunteered for several different special occasions at Sir John A. Macdonald S.S.
○ Grade 8 info night, Grade 9 parent night, parent-teacher interview night, etc.

Sir John A. Macdonald S.S.
Co-Prime Minister Application
Seasonal Associate - Homesense
November 16 - January 18
● Hired by TJX to work during the Christmas Season
● Learned how to work the front line and manage transactions
○ Enhanced my interpersonal skills and knowledge of retail work
● Learned how to work on the sales floor and in the warehouse
○ Enhanced my knowledge of retail and organization skills


● Academic and Co-curricular awards in the 2016-2017 school year
○ Academic award given to students with an average above 80%
○ Co-curricular award given to students who are actively participating in clubs/teams
● 2nd and 3rd place in French-speaking contests in Grade 7 and Grade 8 respectively
● Honour roll for both semesters in the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years
○ A student whose overall average is above 80%
● House league Basketball Champions 2017-2018
● Bishop’s Altar Server Award 2018
○ Given to an altar server for their outstanding efforts and contributions to the church
● SJAM Citizenship Award Winner 2019
○ Given to students who are good/active students in our school community
● SJAM Extracurricular Award Winner 2020
○ Given to students who have made a significant impact on the life of Sir John A. Macdonald
Secondary School

*Grade 10/Grade 11 -> Events -> School Events -> Blog/Blog 2*
OR -> My Event*
*Extracurricular Involvement*
*More -> Volunteer Work*

Sir John A. Macdonald S.S.
Co-Prime Minister Application

Sir John A. Macdonald S.S.
Co-Prime Minister Application

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