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Wo rd B ank


Question: Which 12 words below are kinds of people?

customer n. merchandise n.

D deliver v.
O office n.

delivery n.
P performance n.

demand n. price n., v.

E earn v. produce v.

earnings n. product n.

e-business n. production n.

employee n. profit n., v.

employer n. proposal n.

A advertise v. expand v. provide v.

advertisement n. export n., v.

R report n., v.

annual n.
F factory n. retail adj., n.

B bankrupt adj., v.
G goods n. retailer n.

 boss n.
H headquarters n.
S secretary n.

break even phr. hire v. seller n.

budget n., v.
I import n. service n., v.

business card n. in the black phr. shipping ger.

buyer n. in the red phr. staff n.

C cargo n. invest v. stocks n.

cash n. investment n. stock market n.

CEO n.
L logo n. supply n., v.

company n. loss n.
T trade n., v.

competition n.
M manager n.
V value n., v.

consumer n. market n.
W warehouse n.

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

WORD BANK Business & Finance
Aims Supplementary vocabulary building
Level Intermediate to Advanced


Question: “Which 12 words below are
kinds of people?”

boss; buyer; CEO; consumer; customer;

employee; employer; manager; retailer;
secretary; seller; staff

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

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