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Different channels of communication used by VIACK

What is communication channels?

Communication channels mean channels which are used for the communication in the
organization or outside of the organization .

The organizations mostly used online system for communication . Because the online system is
very secure and less time consuming system . Due to online system work efficiency increase
with less time.

Channels of VIACK

 Sharing information in same conference room

 Online communication
 Telephone
 Face to face meeting
These are all channels used by the VIACK.
First way of communication is sharing information in same conference room.
In the conference room of organization all information share by CEO or employees to
CEO. VIACK mostly use online system for communication . Online is very helpful and
cheap way of communication than other ways because it is less time consuming and
efficient .
Sharing all information any time to employees or clients with a less time and easy way.
Telephone is also very easy and cheaper way of communication. In the case of
emergency meeting this is very helpful way of communication.
VIACK also arrange face to face meeting with their employees. In this meeting share
information and solve all queries .
VIACK also used to have an anonymous suggestion system but is no longer used because
people now feel comfortable asking the CEO hard questions.
These are all channels which is used by the company .
Most effective channel is online system
According to my point of view the most effective system is online system . Because
online system consume less time rather than other. This is very easy , cheaper , and less
time consuming way of communication. Sharing any information through online by ,
email, audio and video conference, etc. Gave all information to employees and clients
easy more effective and efficient way.
Less chances of miscommunication in this way. Online meeting is most better than other
channels. Online system is more secure than other channels. Information share through
video calls audio calls and also through massages. Success of any organization is depend
upon the channels because effective communication includes effective channels.
Therefor communication channels is most important for any organization .

Question # 2
Communication barriers
Since people of different countries and culture and even individuals of the same country
are never exactly alike, they have their own perception of reality , value , attitudes , and
opinions meanings of words certain problem occur in the exchange of messages , ideas
and information because of different convention of meanings

 Convention of meaning
In order to carry out business transactions successfully, business messages should be
conveyed rightly and meaningfully. The messages sent and received must be understood
in letter and spirit. The whole process call for harmony between sender and the receiver.

 Lack of attention
Lack of attention mean lack of care or lack of focus. Lost in thought showing
preoccupation. Lack of attention mostly due to anxiety . Lack of attention due to lack of
sleep , hunger, anxiety, excess stress.

 Irrelevance to receiver
Irrelevant material irritate the receiver . Data or material always relevant to the receiver
benefits. Irrelevant material divert the attention of receiver.
Therefore this is also the barrier in communication.

 Physical barrier
Physical barrier are the environmental and natural condition that act as a barrier in
communication in sending message from sender to receiver. Physical barriers to effective
listing includes, furniture placement , environment noise such as sounds of traffic or
people talking.

 Language difference
Language difference is also big barrier in communication . It can difficult for people who
speak different language to learn from each other.

 Attitude barrier
Attitude barrier means the behaviors that prevent people from communicating properly.
The result of this barrier lack of interest and attention .

 Emotional barriers
Emotional barriers are mental walls that keep you from communicating your thoughts
and feelings to others. Emotional barrier are anger, pride, anxiety .

 How to overcome
There are some following steps to over come the barriers of communication.

 Communication only what is needed

Keep your worker focused by encouraging them to communication only what is
necessary. Additionally , it’s important not to overload your employees with too much

 Avoid slag
Causal language can be fun with your friends, but with your employees it can create a
significant barrier to effective communication . Slag can confuse, but it can also be
source of frustration.

 Remain aware of cultural differences

Not everyone in your company might speak English well. Keep message simple and to the

 Stay open minded for questions and answers

Never put someone off just because you don’t feel like answers them. Consistently
making yourself available.

 Overcome on emotional barrier

Removing yourself . Angry people have difficulty processing logical statements limiting
their ability to accept explanations and solutions offered by others . Relaxation exercise
also overcome this barrier.

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