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Identify different channels of communications used by VIACK.

Which according to you is

the most effective channel and why?


VIACK Corporation is the organization behind the revolutionary VIA3 Assured Collaboration
Service. It was founded in 1999. It is both geographically and functionally vast. It has various
offices situated in different cities due to the following reasons:

 Location of Talent
 Client Base

VIACK’s employees have to constantly communicate with each other for the smooth running of
the organizational affairs. Effective communication is as important for VIACK as blood is for
human body.

 Types of Communication Channels:

VIACK uses two different communication channels within the organization which are:

1. Online Communication Channel:

The channel through which the organization carries out a lot of its activities is the Online
Communication Channel. Rather than using a mobile phone, the organization uses its
own collaborative tool for communication between the staff. This tool enables them to
see 14 people on screen. They can hear the audio and it also has the option of messaging.
A staff member can be in one office and still stay in touch with another employee sitting
in a different office using a Webcam and a Headset.
The Engineering Staff as well as the Research and Development Department of the
organization are situated in Redmond, Washington whereas its Sales Office is in
Washington, D.C and Corporate Office is in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The staff of these department carry out their communication through the online
collaborative tool which they market. They keep each other updated about their activities
and provide the useful information related to their department. Hence, Online
Communication Channel plays a pivotal role in the conduction of business by VIACK.

2. Personal Communication Channel:

Personal or Face-to-Face Communication Channel is one of the most quintessential type
of communication channel. In this type of communication, all the parties involved
whether Sender or Receiver are directly in contact with each other.
VIACK greatly uses the personal communication channel to ensure that all of its
employees are being prompt. The management constantly meets with their staff at
various offices to induce charisma and persuade them to work to the best of their abilities.
In addition to that, there is a real sense of openness in the management. An employee can
feel free to ask their CEO hard questions which is a sign of openness. They are open to
suggestions from their staff and listen to them specially during challenging times. This
attitude of the management ignites a sense of value in the employees and they want to
give back to the organization by performing well.

 Conclusion:
Both Online Communication Channel and Personal Communication Channel play a
major role in the success of VIACK. However, according to my interpretation, Online
Communication Channel used by them is more effective for the organization.
The following points prove the reason for this argument:
1. Cost Effective:
Online Communication Channel reduces the travelling and administrative expenses of the
organization. The management doesn’t specifically need to visit each office. Rather, they
can simply arrange a meeting through the Online Collaborative Tool.
2. Time Saving:
Another advantage of Online Communication is that it saves a lot of time. The online
meetings can save a significant amount of time as compared to face-to-face interactions
between the staff members.
3. Increased Productivity:
The online communication channel can amplify the productivity of the organization as
more resources and time can be invested in its product rather than investing them in
physical interactions.
4. Responsive Service:
One of the foremost advantage of the Online Communication Channel is that it is a
responsive service. Any employee from any office can be contacted in a small amount of
time and their response can be recorded whereas it is not the case with personal
communication. A meeting is to be arranged with that staff member with a prior notice
which increases the response time.

Question # 2:

Which are the communication barriers you see in the above case? How to overcome them?


One of the prime reasons for the failure of effective business communication are the
communication barriers which may occur in an organization. It can be devastating for an
organization if the message sent is not perceived by the Receiver as it was intended by the
Sender, if the receiver doesn’t receive the complete message or if the receiver doesn’t receive the
message at all. So, in order for the communication to be effective, all these barriers must be

 Barriers faced by VIACK:

VIACK Corporation carries out its communication through two different channels i.e. Online
Communication Channel and Personal Communication Channel. There are a number of barriers
which are faced by the VIACK Corporation. They are:

 Flat Organization:
VIACK is an organization without a lot of structure. It uses open-door policy and there is
openness among the staff. It had an Anonymous Suggestion System but it was abolished.
All this bluntness can prove to be huge barrier in communication as it can result in people
developing prejudice about certain staff members. For example, if the management
develops a bad conception about someone due to their inconsiderate talking, they may not
be ready to listen to them again.

 Distance:
A significant amount of Online Communication takes place at VIACK. It has a number
of offices in different areas and they are constantly communicating with each other
through the Online Collaborative Tool. They are at a distance from each other and might
not be able to convey the proper message to each other through the online tool as they
may be able to face-to-face. As far as Personal communication is concerned, they will
have to travel all the way to the other office in order to communicate their message.
 Internet Issues:
Another major barrier which might come into play during Online Communication is the
Internet. It is the backbone of the Online Collaborative tool. Without a working internet
connection, the online communication cannot take place. Also, some information might
be lost if the speed of the internet is not up to the mark or there is distortion in audio or
 Problem with Collaborative Tool:
In Online Communication, a problem can arise with the online collaborative tool. It can
suffer breakdown and need bug fixes. This will either result in cancellation or delay in
communication. Thus, affecting the work of the organization as the meeting will have to
be rescheduled.
 Employee Insecurity:
Due to the presence of Online Communication, the employee can feel insecure about
their work. They might have a fear of inspection or scrutiny at any time which can affect
the efficiency of their work. They might feel themselves under constant check and make
mistakes out of nervousness.
 Time Constraint:
Another thing which can pose as a hindrance in Communication is the Time barrier. The
offices of VIACK are situated in various cities of different states. This can cause the
unavailability of a personnel due to their duty time’s ending. For example, there is a 3-
hour difference between Scottsdale, Arizona’s time and Washington DC’s time. This can
greatly affect the organization if a proper time is not chosen.
 Solution to overcome barriers:

As it is explained before, there are numerous barriers in carrying out effective business
communication for VIACK. But solutions are available through which these bullets can be
dodged. The barriers can be overcome by:

 Maintaining Decorum among Staff:

While it is not wrong to have openness and frankness among the staff, there should be a
certain limit and mutual respect between them. Everyone must think before speaking or
giving their idea and use calculated words so that they do not hurt anyone’s sentiments.
 Fixing Connection Issues:
Another responsibility of VIACK is to keep the internet connection in check and get it
fixed if any problems arises with it as almost all of its business activities are dependent
on it.
 Continuous Upgradation of Software:
The online collaborative tool must be continuously upgraded and inspected. If it needs
bug fixes, work should be done on it. The company should leave no stone unturned in the
search for their software’s perfection.
 Complete Confidence:
The employees should be motivated and given complete job security. They should be
provided utmost confidence. Only in this way they will work to the best of their ability
and so error-free work.
 Scheduling of Meetings at a Proper Time:
All the meetings of the organization should be scheduled keeping in mind the time zone
of all the offices and their interests must be upheld.

It can be culminated by saying that the VIA3 Assured Collaboration Service is a huge step
forward in the right direction. Although, there are various barriers which are faced by the
VIACK Corporation but they can be controlled through proper planning and tactics.

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