Exercise: Major and Minor Supporting Details: Mohd Tiraz Bin Rosgan 2020186457 ELC5011A5

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Exercise: Major and Minor Supporting Details

Read the paragraph and identify its topic sentence, major details and minor
supporting details.

Steps to Positivity in the Classroom

Success in college depends on many things, but one of the most important is
having a positive attitude. There are many ways to develop a positive outlook.
You can try using encouraging self-talk to motivate yourself. For example, if
you tell yourself that you are smart and can be successful, you are more likely to
do well in your classes. Helping others to be successful is also a way of
maintaining a positive attitude. When you see that college is not a competition,
you will see success come to you and those who work closely with you. Finally,
you can develop a positive attitude by viewing difficult situations as
opportunities to grow. For example, if you are struggling in a class because the
material is challenging, don't let yourself feel down about it. Instead, take
action! Visit with your professor or form a study group. Getting help will enable
you to learn the material and therefore do better in your class. By using
encouraging self-talk, helping others, and utilizing difficult moments as an
opportunity to grow, you will have the optimistic outlook that will enable you to
succeed in college—and in life!

1) Topic sentence: Success in college depends on many things, but one of the
most important is having a positive attitude.

2) Major supporting details:

a) There are many ways to develop a positive outlook.

b) You can try using encouraging self-talk to motivate yourself.

c) Helping others to be successful is also a way of maintaining a positive


d) Getting help will enable you to learn the material and therefore do
better in your class.
3) Minor supporting details:

a) For example, if you tell yourself that you are smart and can be
successful, you are more likely to do well in your classes.

b) For example, if you are struggling in a class because the material is

challenging, don't let yourself feel down about it.

1. .Barter system is when people are trading goods for their needs and wants which is
used to be a thing before money even a thing.
Title: Barter system as a buying system

2. Money exists in such a very long time already and people has been using it since the
Code of Ur- Nammu.
Title: The fact of old money called Ur- Nammu.

3. The continental currency is created by the Americans because they wanted their own
currency but the value crashed during the war.
Title: The Continentials as the history of currency in US.

4. The German marks become worthless in the 1923 due to hyperinflation and ironically
people are using it to keep warm.
Title: The effect of hyperinflation to German.

5. Counterfeiting money had been done since a long time ago and it is important to
know to inspect on how the money feels.
Title: The way to detect counterfeit.

6. The using of bitcoin has been rising rapidly and is used by most of the people to send
payments but through computer network too bad it is a nonrefundable payments.
Title: The bitcoin currency.

7. The credit cards need to be used carefully and not by undisciplined spending which
will obviously lead to debts.
Title: Credit card spending among the young Americans.

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