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Siborong borong is a sub-district located in North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra Province.

Because it is located on a plateau (1200 meters above sea level), the air in Siborongborong is still
very cool and cold (it will be felt at night and when dawn starts to rise / morning). The population in
Siborongborong is denser than other sub-districts in North Tapanuli. The majority of the population
in Siborongborong is the Batak tribe. The language used is also Batak as the majority language and
Indonesian as an alternative language. The majority of the population in Siborong Borong are
Protestant Christians. Farming and raising animals are the main livelihoods of the majority of the
population in this place.

Even though Siborongborong is not as big as other cities, we can find an airport here! Silangit
Airport, which has operated as an international airport serving domestic flights, as well as a tourism
gateway in North Sumatra. Siborongborong also has Sisingamangaraja XII University as a place to
gain knowledge for young people who want to continue their studies at the undergraduate level.

Siborongborong is also close to Lake Toba, about half an hour by car.

The origin of the name Siborongborong is because in the past, residents of Siborong Borong, when
they wanted to shop, always bought up whatever was available. But there are also some people who
say that in the past, there were lots of animals "Borong borong" (a type of insect that flies and is
black). In the 1800s Siborong Borong was also the capital of the Batak land.

The typical food of Siborong Borong is ombus ombus. Ombus Ombus is made from a dough of rice
flour or sticky rice, and inside there is grated coconut mixed with white sugar or brown sugar, and
wrapped in banana leaves and steamed, this banana leaf makes the distinctive smell of this ombus
ombus. Ombus is a Batak language which means to blow, so this cake is called ombus ombus
because it is usually served warm, so if people want to eat it they have to blow it first.

So guys, are you interested in visiting my hometown?

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