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Quantitative assessments of the correlations between rock mass rating (RMR)

and geological strength index (GSI)

Article  in  Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology · January 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2018.09.015


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4 authors, including:

Xianbin Huang
Tongji University


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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83 (2019) 73–81

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Quantitative assessments of the correlations between rock mass rating T

(RMR) and geological strength index (GSI)

Qi Zhanga,c, , Xianbin Huangb, Hehua Zhub, Jianchun Lia
School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, China
Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
State Key Laboratory for GeoMechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China


Keywords: Among various engineering classification systems, RMR and GSI are two of the most widely used rock mass
Rock mass rating classification systems. Correlation between RMR and GSI can provide an alternative approach to determine one
Geological strength index from the other. Based on the latest improved RMR, known as RMR14, the quantitative assessments of the cor-
Quantitative correlation relations between RMR and GSI is conducted systematically based on the studies on the correlations of basic
Basic classified indices
classified indices, which are mainly related to the structural conditions of rock mass. 260 groups of field in-
Monte Carlo simulation method
vestigating results obtained directly from the tunnel excavation faces of six new construction tunnels are col-
lected to assess the quantitative correlations of the basic classified indices for the rock mass integrity condition
and the surface condition of discontinuities, respectively. Monte Carlo simulation method is employed to gen-
erate sufficient samples based on the statistical characteristics of the collected 260 group results, and a simplified
quantitative correlation between RMR and GSI is proposed statistically. Then, an expression merely related to
the uniaxial compressive strength of rock is derived to reflect the basic classified indices for the strength and
alterability of intact rock. A comprehensive quantitative correlation combined with the intact rock properties is
suggested. Finally, the two proposed quantitative correlations between RMR and GSI are applied to evaluate 36
sites of the surrounding rock mass of Suocaopo Tunnel in Guizhou Province, China. The validated results show
that the proposed simplified quantitative correlation shows a rather good performance to reflect the correlation
of RMR and GSI. Moreover, the comprehensive quantitative correlation is more accurate because that the intact
rock properties are considered merely with the uniaxial compressive strength.

1. Introduction RMR, GSI, and BQ are hundred-mark systems, while Q and RMi are
denary logarithmic systems. The current classification systems have
Engineering rock mass classifications, which try to consider the been applied in rock mass engineering widely and provided a reliable
most important geological aspects affecting rock mass so as to rate its basis in the engineering field for the projects designing and planning.
quality, form the back bone of the empirical design approach and were RMR and Q have been proposed as earliest as 1970s, and the both
widely applied in rock engineering (Tzamos and Sofianos, 2006; Singh two classification systems have the widest applied range, especially
and Goel, 2011). Engineering rock mass classifications utilize the en- RMR. In the rock engineering and rock mechanics, the Hoek-Brown
gineering observation, experience, and judgement to correlate with (HB) strength criterion is inevitably to be mentioned owing to its sig-
rock mass, and provide effective communication between geologists, nificant influence. The HB strength criterion has the prominent ad-
designers and engineers. There are many engineering classifications vantage that the input parameters for the criterion are derived directly
which are rock mass rating (RMR) (Bieniawski, 1973; Bieniawski, from unconfined compression testing of the rock materials, miner-
1989), the rock mass quality Q-system (Q) (Barton et al., 1974), rock alogical examination, and characterization of the rock discontinuities.
mass index (RMi) (Palmstrøm, 1996), the geological strength index In the early period, the input parameters can be estimated by means of
(GSI) (Hoek, 1994), the modified BQ (National Standard of PRC, 2014), RMR (Hoek and Brown, 1988). However, the estimation did not work
and so on. All the classification systems belong to the multifactor for very poor rock mass since the minimum value which was 18 for the
quantitative classification schemes. Among these classification systems, RMR of 1973 or 23 for the RMR of 1989. In order to overcome this

Corresponding author at: School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, China.
E-mail address: (Q. Zhang).
Received 27 April 2018; Received in revised form 21 September 2018; Accepted 26 September 2018
0886-7798/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Zhang et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83 (2019) 73–81

Nomenclature RDC rating on discontinuities

Rf infilling rating in GSI
dn number of discontinuities per meter, /m RIR rating on intact rock
GSI geological strength index RMi rock mass index
Id2 intact rock alterability, % RMR rock mass rating
JC joint condition factor RMR14 RMR improved by Celada et al. (2014)
Jv volumetric discontinuity frequency, /m3 RMR89 RMR developed by Bieniawski (1989)
MSE mean-square error RMSE root-mean-square error
Q Q-system RQD rock quality designation
R-square coefficient of determination Rr roughness rating in GSI
R1 rating of intact rock strength in RMR14 Rw weathering rating in GSI
R2 rating of drill core quality-RQD and spacing of dis- S discontinuity spacing, m
continuities in RMR14 SCR surface condition rating in GSI
R3 rating of condition of discontinuities in RMR14 SR structural rating in GSI
R4 rating of ground water in RMR14 UCS unconfined compression strength, MPa
R5 rating of intact rock alterability in RMR14 Vb block volume, m3

limitation, Hoek (1994) and Hoek et al. (1995) introduced the geolo- 2. Existing correlations between RMR and GSI
gical strength index (GSI) based on visual inspection of geological
conditions, which was improved by Hoek and Brown (1997) and A concise review on existing correlations between RMR89
quantified by Sonmez and Ulusay (1999, 2002), Cai et al. (2004) sub- (Bieniawski, 1989) and GSI (Hoek, 1994) is introduced. RMR89 was
sequently. improved experience-based by Celada et al. (2014) to be the latest
RMR and GSI have different investigate indexes and different ap- version of RMR14, which is an important link for the quantitative as-
plied range respectively. It is very useful to refer to classifications ac- sessments of the correlation in this study. The main classification in-
cording to different situations to make better use of respective ad- dices of RMR14 and their ratings are presented briefly. Then several
vantage. Many researchers (Hoek and Brown, 1997; Coşar, 2004; existing correlations between RMR and GSI are concluded.
Osgoui and Ünal, 2005; Irvani et al., 2013; Singh and Tamrakar, 2013;
Ali et al., 2014) attempted consistently to found correlation between
2.1. Rock mass rating (RMR)
RMR and GSI. However, the existing correlations are empirical and
based on comparison of the total classified values directly. That is be-
Bieniawski (1973) firstly developed the rock mass rating (RMR)
cause that RMR is quantified according to unconfined compression
system on the basis of the experiences in shallow tunnels in sedimentary
strength (UCS), rock quality designation (RQD), the spacing of dis-
rocks at the South African Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
continuity, and the condition of discontinuity and ground water. While
(CSIR). Over the years, RMR has been successively refined as that more
GSI merely focuses on the structural conditions of rock mass, such as
case records have been examined. RMR has several significant changes
the frequency and the surface condition of discontinuity, which is re-
in the ratings assigned to different classified indices. After the sustained
fined in roughness, weathering degree, and infilling property (Sonmez
developments until 1989 (Bieniawski, 1989), the 1989 version RMR is
and Ulusay, 2002).
quite steady during the next two decades and has been widely accepted
Tzamos and Sofianos (2007) investigated the rock mass classifica-
and applied, which is known as RMR89 generally.
tion systems and proposed a common basic classified index chart to
Celada et al. (2014) improved RMR recently which was known as
correlate RMR and GSI, but the correlation of basic index given by the
RMR14. RMR was revised based on experience gained in the last dec-
chart is a range comparison and not quantitative owing to the different
ades so as to incorporate the innovations introduced in recent decades.
evaluation methods for the basic classified indices. This dilemma has
The revised quantification of RMR14 according to new five basic clas-
been existed until Celada et al. (2014) improved the RMR to a latest
sified indices is shown in Table 1. The RQD assessment and the spacing
version, which is named RMR14 for short in order to make it distinct
of the discontinuities are replaced by the number of discontinuities per
from RMR89. RMR14 proposes a new classified system comprising five
meter to eliminate the difficulty to determine the RQD from excavation
basic classified indices and the new quantified methods for each basic
faces (Geocontrol, 2012) and have a maximum rating (R2) of 40 points.
index. There are several correlations which can be deduced from the
Also the new assessment of the condition of discontinuities proposed by
existing frequency and condition of discontinuities. It indicates that a
Geocontrol (2012) is extended for improving the accuracy. Compared
more accurate and quantitative correlation between RMR14 and GSI
to RMR89, the maximum rating of the condition of discontinuities (R3)
based on the comparative study on the basic classified indices can be
in RMR14 is 20 points, which is evaluated by persistence (continuity) of
discontinuities, roughness of discontinuities, infilling type in the dis-
The present study aims to assess quantitative correlations between
continuities, and degree of weathering of the discontinuities. So the
RMR and GSI based on the studies on the correlations of basic classified
maximum rating of the discontinuities is reduced to 60 points compared
indices systematically. Firstly, several existing correlations between
with RMR89. A new index on intact rock alterability which has a
RMR and GSI are concluded in Section 2. Then the quantitative corre-
maximum rating (R5) of 10 points is rated according to the results of the
lations of the basic classified indices including the rock mass integrity
Slake Durability Test. R5 is an index representing the resistance of the
condition and the surface condition of discontinuities are assessed by
intact rock to weakening and disintegration resulting from two standard
collected data. A simplified quantitative correlation between RMR and
cycles of drying and wetting. For the convenience of application, sev-
GSI is proposed by Monte Carlo simulation method statistically in
eral continuous rating expressions are fitted and listed in Table 1 for
Section 3. By considering the uniaxial compressive strength, a com-
improving the ladder-like ratings of R1, R2, and R5 in this study.
prehensive quantitative correlation combining the intact rock proper-
Celada et al. (2014) also provided a correlation expressed in Eq. (1)
ties is improved in Section 4. Finally, the validations of the two pro-
between RMR89 and RMR14 based on calculation of 2298 cases. With an
posed quantitative correlations are conducted by applying to the
excellent correlation, the essence of the RMR system for practical use
surrounding rock mass of Suocaopo Tunnel in Section 5.
over 40 years was inherited. Eq. (1) is activated when RMR89 is bigger

Q. Zhang et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83 (2019) 73–81

Table 1
Quantification of basic RMR14 (After Celada et al., 2014).
Classification indices and their ratings for RMR14b

Indices Range of values

R1 Intact rock strength (UCS)

R2 Drill core quality-RQD and spacing of discontinuities

R3 Condition of discontinuities
R3-1 Continuity <1m 1–3 m 3–10 m > 10 m
Rating 5 4 2 0
R3-2 Roughness Very rough Rough Smooth Slickensided
Rating 5 3 1 0
R3-3 Gouge infilling Hard filling Soft filling
< 5 mm > 5 mm < 5 mm > 5 mm
Rating 5 2 2 0
R3-4 Weathering Unweathered Moderately weathered Highly weathered Decomposed
Rating 5 3 1 0

R4 Ground water Dry Slightly humid Humid Dripping Water flow

Rating 15 10 7 4 0

R5 Intact rock alterability Id2 (%)

than 10 and less than 80. 2.2. Geological strength index (GSI)

RMR14 = 1.1RMR 89 + 2 (1) GSI was introduced initially by Hoek (1994) and Hoek et al. (1995),
and improved by Hoek and Brown (1997) for both hard and weak rock
masses, and was focus on the rock structural condition such as the

Q. Zhang et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83 (2019) 73–81

frequency and the surface condition of discontinuities. Simple charts for weathering, while SCR is rated by roughness, weathering, and infilling.
estimating GSI were devised based on visual inspection of geological Based on a larger amount of samplings generated by Monte Carlo si-
conditions. Although the charts were simple and convenient, different mulation method, a simplified quantitative correlation is assessed sta-
GSI ratings for the same rock mass evaluated by different persons were tistically, as shown in the red box of Fig. 1.
largely dependent on personal experiences. Marinos and Hoek (2000)
proposed a chart with six main qualitative rock classes adopted from 3.1. Rock mass integrity condition
Terzaghi’s classifications, and the evaluated rating of GSI was also a
range rather than an explicit value. In RMR14, in order to eliminate the difficulty of the assessment of
For the requirement of a relatively precise rating of GSI that can the RQD and the spacing of discontinuities, a relationship between R2
reflect relatively actual condition of concerned rock mass, Sonmez and and the number of discontinuities per meter (dn) was concluded (Celada
Ulusay (2002) introduced surface condition rating (SCR) of dis- et al., 2014), as shown in Table 1. A definite rating of R2 was de-
continuities and structural rating (SR) to estimate ratings based on the termined according to dn increasing from 0 to 50, and maximum of R2
quantified chart of GSI. SCR is rated by roughness rating (Rr), weath- was 40 points. A relational expression is derived through the method of
ering rating (Rw), and infilling rating (Rf), which are similar with the least square regression as Eq. (8), which agrees with well the definite
ratings applied in RMR14. Cai et al. (2004) provided another quantified rating, as shown in the R2 row of Table 1.
GSI chart by introducing block volume (Vb) and joint condition factor
R2 = 34.25−1.55dn + 0.033dn2−3.25 × 10−4dn3 (8)
(JC), JC is determined by the indices of large-scale discontinuities wa-
viness, small-scale smoothness and discontinuities alteration factor While in GSI, the rock mass integrity condition is expressed by SR
which adopted the rating method of Q and RMi. In this study, the GSI for the blocky degrees of rock mass, and rating range of SR is from 0 to
chart proposed by Sonmez and Ulusay (2002) is involved to obtain the 100 points. Volumetric discontinuity frequency (Jv) was suggested to
quantitative assessments of the correlation with RMR14. quantitatively evaluate the blocky degrees, which was equal to the sum
of the number of discontinuities in a rock mass with a volume of 1 m3
2.3. Existing correlations between RMR89 and GSI (Sonmez and Ulusay, 2002). A specific expression for SR based on Jv is
provided as following Eq. (9).
In order to refer to classifications to make better use of respective
SR = 79.8−17.5 ln Jv (9)
advantage, many researchers (Hoek and Brown, 1997; Coşar, 2004;
Osgoui and Ünal, 2005; Irvani et al., 2013; Singh and Tamrakar, 2013; It is a dilemma that the rock mass integrity condition is measured
Ali et al., 2014) attempted consistently to obtain the correlations be- under different dimensions. R2 is observed along a drill core or scanline,
tween RMR89 and GSI. Several equations of the existing correlations while SR is measured according to the block volumes in a certain ob-
[Eqs. (2)–(7)] are summarized and listed in Table 2. The existing served range. The critical point for a quantitative correlation between
equations of correlations are obtained just by comparison on the clas- R2 and SR is assessing an accurate correlation between dn and Jv, which
sified value directly. There is rare study that can focus on the basic are quantified by the mean discontinuity spacing (S) and by the mean
classified indices to assess a quantitative correlation between RMR and block volume (Vb) respectively. From the definition, a direct correlation
GSI. So a systematic study on the basic classified indices need be carried between dn and Jv can be expressed as Eq. (10) (Cai et al., 2004).
out to seek a quantitative correlation by means of RMR14. Several
dn = 1 S ⎫ ⇒ Jv = d 3
quantitative correlations based on the basic classified indices are stu- n
died and assessed according to the mutual intrinsic correlations in next Jv = 1 Vb = (1 S )3 ⎬
⎭ (10)
part. When three or more discontinuity sets are present and the dis-
continuities are persistent, the effect of the intersection angle between
3. A simplified quantitative correlation based on structural discontinuity sets is relatively small and the Eq. (10) can be applied for
conditions of rock mass practical purpose approximately. However, in most cases that the ir-
regular discontinuities are encountered, which is difficult to delineate
Considering that GSI is merely related to the rock mass structural three or more discontinuity sets, Eq. (10) is not suitable for the corre-
conditions containing the frequency and the surface condition of dis- lation between dn and Jv. Jv is always overestimated by counting the
continuities, RMR14 is divided mainly into two groups. One group is cubic blocks with assuming the discontinuity set perpendicular to each
focused on the discontinuities of rock mass, and the integrity condition other.
and surface condition of discontinuities are applied to represent the Palmstrom (2005) proposed a correlation between Vb and Jv with
structural conditions of rock mass. R2 and R3 are classified as the rating considering the characterizations of the block size, as shown in Eq. (11).
on discontinuities (RDC) which is corresponding with SR and SCR in
GSI. The other group is a rating on intact rock containing R1 and R5, Jv = (Vb β )3 (11)
which R1 is a directly rating the intact rock strength by uniaxial com- where β is a block shape factor whose range is greater than 20 and
pressive strength (UCS) and R5 is a rating on intact rock alterability selected according to the characterizations of blocks, such as cubical or
(Id2). R1 and R5 are categorized as the rating on intact rock (RIR). compact, slightly long and flat, moderately long and flat, long and flat,
However, RIR is not considered in GSI. In addition, R4 rating on ground or very long and flat respectively. And Palmstrom (2005) also suggested
water is not considered when the correlation is assessed in the study. a common value for β is 36. Then the correlation between dn and Jv can
The sketch map of quantitative assessments on the correlation between
RMR and GSI is shown in Fig. 1. Table 2
In this Section, the correlation of rock mass integrity condition is Equations of the existing correlations between RMR89 and GSI.
studied firstly which includes the basic classified indices R2 in RMR14
Existing correlations Proposed by Eq.
and the SR in GSI. R2 is rating based on the drill core quality RQD and
spacing of discontinuities, while SR is the structural rating which can be RMR89 = GSI + 5 Hoek and Brown (1997) (2)
determined by volumetric discontinuity frequency correspondingly. RMR89 = 2.38GSI − 54.93 Coşar (2004) (3)
Then surface condition of discontinuities, which includes the basic RMR89 = 20ln(GSI/6) Osgoui and Ünal (2005) (4)
RMR89 = 1.35GSI − 16.40 Irvani et al. (2013) (5)
classified indices R3 in RMR14 and SCR in GSI, is compared to assess the
RMR89 = 1.36GSI + 5.90 Singh and Tamrakar (2013) (6)
correlation directly. R3 is rating on surface condition of discontinuities RMR89 = 1.01GSI + 4.95 Ali et al. (2014) (7)
based on persistence, roughness, infilling type, and degree of

Q. Zhang et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83 (2019) 73–81

RMR89 have great differences comparing with the results of field investigation,
Eq. (1) Assessing a quantitative correlation GSI owing to the simplified assumption that Vb is equal to the third power of
S. The extreme case can be satisfied merely when the discontinuity sets
RMR14 are perpendicular to each other, so for the general cases, Jv is over-
estimated by Eq. (10) especially. The correlations expressed by Eq. (16)
RDC=R2+R3 (0~60) GSI (0~100) and Eq. (17) are well agree with the obtained results when dn is less
R2 (0~40) Drill core quality RQD and SR (0~100) Structural rating than 15 or Jv is less than 26 approximately. However, the correlations
spacing of discontinuities
SCR (0~18) Surface condition cannot cover the most field investigating results when dn and Jv are
R3 (0~20) Condition of discontinuities rating larger, which is representing the rock mass is quite weak and heavily
A simplified quantitative correlation [Eq. (22)] broken.
Owning to the limitation of the existing correlations, a new and
RIR=R1+R5 (0~25) more reasonable correlation between dn and Jv is extracted by the re-
R1 (0~15) Intact rock strength A comprehensive quantitative gression analysis with a quite high R-square (0.817), which is plotted in
R5 (0~10) Intact rock alterability Id2 correlation [Eq. (27)] Fig. 2 and the expression is listed as following.

R4 (0~15) Ground water (Not considered) Jv = 0.63dn1.33 (18)

Fig. 1. Sketch map of quantitative assessments on the correlation between Rock The new correlation of Eq. (18) is convenient and easily to be ap-
Mass Rating (RMR) and Geological Strength Index (GSI). plied. So combing Eqs. (8), (9) and (18), a quantitative relationship
between R2 and SR, which is the basic classified index used to evaluate
be specified as following Eq. (12). the rock mass integrity condition from RMR14 and GSI respectively, is
Jv = 3.3 S = 3.3dn (12)

On the other hand, dn and Jv are always the key indices measured to
evaluate RQD. So RQD can be used as a connected point for assessing 3.2. Surface condition of discontinuities
several indirect correlations between Vb and Jv. Priest and Hudson
(1976) derived the following correlation [Eq. (13)] between RQD and In RMR14, R3 is involved to evaluate the surface condition of dis-
dn. continuities, while SCR takes the similar effect in GSI. R3 and SCR are
determined based on roughness, infilling type, and degree of weath-
RQD = 100e−0.1dn (0.1dn + 1) (13) ering of discontinuities. On the other hand, there is a difference that the
Barton (1978) presented the following approximate correlation persistence of discontinuities is considered in R3, and the maximum
between RQD and Jv. which is a suggested method recommend by ratings of R3 and SCR are same incompletely, which are 20 points and
Commission on standardization of laboratory and field tests, Interna- 18 points respectively. Detailed sub-indices and rating of R3 and SCR are
tional Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM). As shown in Eq. (14), RQD is concluded and compared in Table 3. It is obviously shown that the
equal to 0 when Jv is greater than 35, and RQD is equal to 100 when Jv ratings of sub-indices such as roughness, gouge infilling and weathering
is less than 4.5. are very close with the small difference of no more than 1–2 points.
Considered that the persistence of discontinuities has some inherent
RQD = 115−3.3Jv (14) correlations with other three sub-indices, 260 groups of the tunnel
In order to give a more appropriate average correlation between excavation faces are conducted to evaluate the surface condition of
RQD and Jv, Palmstrom (2005) adjusted the formulation as the fol- discontinuities. R3 and SCR are obtained respectively, as shown in
lowing form. As shown in Eq. (15), RQD is equal to 0 when Jv is bigger Fig. 3. A linear correlation between R3 and SCR is fitted by the re-
than 44, and RQD is equal to 100 when Jv is less than 4. gression analysis with high R-square (0.886). The quantitative corre-
lation of surface condition of discontinuities is concise and expressed in
RQD = 110−2.5Jv (15) Eq. (19).
Combining the Eqs. (13)–(15), two indirect correlations between Vb SCR = 0.884R3−0.927 (19)
and Jv are deduced and expressed in Eqs. (16) and (17) respectively.

Jv = [115−100e−0.1dn (0.1dn + 1) ] 3.3 (4.5 ⩽ Jv ⩽ 35) (16) 100

Jv = [110−100e−0.1dn (0.1dn + 1) ] 2.5 (4 ⩽ Jv ⩽ 44) (17)
Jv 3.3d n
Volumetric joint frequency (Jv)

In the study, 260 groups of results obtained by the field investiga-

tion from the excavation faces of six new construction tunnels are 70
collected real-timely with the constructing. The rock mass surrounding 60 Jv dn3 Jv 0.63dn1.33
the six tunnels is sandstone, gneiss, diorite, limestone, or phyllite
mainly. The structure condition of the investigated rock mass is 50
Jv (110 100e 0.1dn (0.1dn 1)) / 2.5
blocked, very blocked, or disturbed. Six tunnels are all constructed by 40
the new Austrian tunnelling method on the dry or slightly humid
condition. After drilling and blasting of the excavation face, the geo-
logical information of the rock mass such as integrity condition and 20
surface condition of discontinuities is measured by using geological
10 Jv (115 100e 0.1dn (0.1dn 1)) / 3.3
sketch, binocular photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning methods
(Chen et al., 2016; Li et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2016). The rock mass was 0
evaluated according to RMR14 and GSI classification systems. 260 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
scatters of dn and Jv are listed in Fig. 2. The existing correlations of dn Number of discontinuities per meter (dn)
and Jv, which are concluded and expressed in Eqs. (10), (12), (16), and
(17) are plotted respectively. The correlations of Eqs. (10) and (12) Fig. 2. Correlation between dn and Jv.

Q. Zhang et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83 (2019) 73–81

Table 3 simulation method controls the accuracy of quantitative correlation.

Detailed sub-indices and rating of R3 and SCR (Celada et al., 2014; Sonmez and Generally more outputting samples bring about a more accurate result
Ulusay, 2002). until that the outputting quantity reaches a certain value when the
Sub-indices R3 (RMR14) Rating SCR (GSI) Rating result is steady. So a pre-test on the quantity of the outputting samples
is conducted to determine a reasonable outputting quantity. 10, 100,
Continuity (Persistence) <1m 5 – – 500, 1000, and 2000 samples of the ratings of SR and SCR generated
1–3 m 4
simultaneously according to the characteristic of statistical distribu-
3–10 m 2
> 10 m 0 tions. The statistical characteristics of outputting SR and SCR are also
listed in Table 4. According to the quantified GSI chart, the ratings of
Roughness Very rough 5 Very rough 6
Rough 3 Rough 5 GSI are determined based on the ratings of SR and SCR. Using the
Slightly rough 3 generated SR and SCR, the ratings of RDC are calculated by the derived
Smooth 1 Smooth 1 correlations of structural conditions expressed as Eqs. (8), (9), (18) and
Slickenside 0 Slickensided 0 (19). The linear correlations between RDC and GSI are fitted by the
Gouge infilling Hard < 5 mm 5 None 6 regression analysis, and the results are shown in Fig. 5. It is observed
Hard < 5 mm 4 that with increasing of the outputting quantity, the results are very
Hard > 5 mm 2 Hard > 5 mm 2
closely especially when the outputting quantity is bigger than 500. Thus
Soft < 5 mm 2 Soft < 5 mm 2
Soft > 5 mm 0 Soft > 5 mm 0 it is reasonable to assume that 1000 samples are sufficient for accessing
the simplified quantitative correlation.
Weathering Unweathered 5 None 6
Slightly 5 The 260 groups of ratings of SR and SCR collected from the ex-
Moderately 3 Moderately 3 cavation faces of six new tunnels are applied to fit the quantitative
Highly 1 Highly 1 correlation directly, and shown in Fig. 5 for validation of the Monte
Decomposed 0 Decomposed 0 Carlo simulation method. The result of the 260 groups of collected
ratings is close to that of the 100 samples, but slightly different from
18 that of the 1000 and 2000 samples. It is because of that the statistical
quantity is not big enough to access a steady quantitative correlation.

15 0.20
Surface condition rating (SCR)

SCR 0.884R3 0.927
12 Standard deviation=23.099

Relative Frequency

Normal distribution

3 Results evaluated
from field tests

0 4 8 12 16 20
Condition of discontinuities (R3) 0.00
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 3. Correlation between R3 and SCR. (Some data points with same R3 and Ratings-SR
SCR coincide.)
(a) Statistical distribution of 260
collected ratings evaluated by SR.
3.3. A simplified quantitative correlation based on structural conditions
With the correlations of structural conditions of rock mass expressed Average=8.908
as Eqs. (8), (9), (18), and (19), a simplified quantitative correlation 0.25 Standard deviation=3.785
between RMR and GSI is derived based on the correlation between RDC
and GSI. However, there is no explicit expression for determining GSI
Relative Frequency

according to the SR and SCR. So the simplified quantitative correlation
Normal distribution
can be derived merely by the statistical method. Although there are 260
groups of results collected from the excavation faces of six new tunnels, 0.15
a more accurate quantitative correlation is assessed by generating more
samples. To inherit statistical characteristic from 260 collected results, 0.10
the Monte Carlo simulation method is applied to generate a number of
samples, which has been widely used in many geotechnical engineering
(Sari et al., 2010; Cai, 2011; Idris et al., 2015). Firstly the statistical
distribution of 260 collected ratings evaluated by SR and SCR are
analyzed. As can be seen from Fig. 4, 260 groups of ratings of SR and 0.00
SCR are taken to follow the normal distribution respectively. The 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
averages and standard deviations of SR and SCR are determined and
also presented in Fig. 4. The statistical characteristics of inputting SR
(b) Statistical distribution of 260
and SCR are listed in Table 4.
collected ratings evaluated by SCR.
The quantity of the outputting samples generated by Monte Carlo Fig. 4. Statistical distributions of the ratings evaluated by SR and SCR.

Q. Zhang et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83 (2019) 73–81

Table 4
Statistical characteristics of inputting and outputting SR and SCR in Monte Carlo simulation.
Inputs Outputs

10 samples 100 samples 500 samples 1000 samples 2000 samples

SR Minimum 1.109 21.494 1.273 1.250 0.434 0.032

Average 44.094 60.808 42.726 44.965 44.537 43.478
Maximum 99.686 90.125 89.423 97.454 99.388 98.341

SCR Minimum 1.000 6.482 1.048 0.340 0.041 0.076

Average 8.908 10.810 9.017 9.025 9.177 8.967
Maximum 16.000 16.596 15.960 17.842 17.815 17.830

60 Eq. (22) Proposed simplified quantitative correlation
RDC_500 0.578GSI 9.869 Eq. (2) (Hoek and Brown, 1997)
500 samples Eq. (3) (Cosar, 2004)
80 Eq. (4) (Osgoui and Unal, 2005)
RDC_10 0.677GSI 5.519 Eq. (5) (Irvani et al., 2013)
10 samples RDC_1000 0.546GSI 11.360 Eq. (6) (Singh and Tamrakar, 2013)

1000 samples Eq. (7) (Ali et al., 2014)

RDC_2000 0.555GSI 10.923

RDC_100 0.522GSI 13.019 2000 samples
100 samples 40
RDC_260 0.521GSI 11.890
260 groups of data collected from field
20 Evaluated ratings based on
RMR89 and GSI

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0
GSI 0 20 40 60
Fig. 5. Linear correlations between RDC and GSI obtained by 10, 100, 500,
1000, and 2000 samples generated by Monte Carlo simulation method and 260 Fig. 7. Evaluated ratings based on RMR89 and GSI and comparisons between
groups of data collected from six new tunnels. the existing quantitative correlations and the proposed simplified quantitative
correlation [Eq. (22)].

Then a simplified quantitative correlation between RMR89 and GSI

is derived and expressed as Eq. (22).

40 RMR 89 = (RMR14−2) 1.1 = 0.827GSI + 15.394 (22)

RDC 0.546GSI+11.360 4. A comprehensive quantitative correlation considered on intact


In RMR14, RIR containing R1 and R5 is a rating on the intact rock,
which is not considered in GSI. R1 is the strength rating of UCS and the
1000 samples generated by maximum rating is 15 points. R5 is a rating on intact rock alterability Id2
Monte Carlo simulation method
and the maximum rating is 10 points. Therefore RIR has an obvious
0 influence on the quantitative correlation between RMR and GSI. Id2 can
0 20 40 60 80 100 be determined by the slake durability test developed firstly by Franklin
GSI and Chandra (1972), then which was recommended by the Interna-
tional Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM, 1979) and the American
Fig. 6. Correlation between RDC and GSI.
Society for Testing and Material (ASTM, 1990). Many test results from
literature (Koncagül and Santi, 1999; Yagiz, 2011; Yagiz et al., 2012)
In the study, the generated 1000 samples of SR and SCR are used to show that a high correlation was existed between UCS and Id2. While R5
access a quantitative correlation between RMR and GSI. A linear cor- is inferred based on UCS same as R1, RIR can be determined by UCS
relation between RDC and GSI is fitted by the regression analysis with which is measured by the uniaxial compression tests in laboratory or
high R-square (0.909) as shown in Fig. 6. The correlation between RDC the point load tests in field conveniently.
and GSI is expressed as Eq. (20). Koncagül and Santi (1999) proposed a simple relationship between
RDC = R2 + R3 = 0.546GSI + 11.360 (20) UCS and Id2, and expressed as Eq. (23). When UCS is less than 9.08 MPa,
Id2 is equal to 0, and when UCS is greater than 74.87 MPa, Id2 is equal to
Thus a simplified quantitative correlation only considered on 100.
structural conditions of rock mass is proposed. The simplified quanti-
tative correlation between RMR14 and GSI is assessed and expressed as Id2 = 1.52UCS−13.80 (23)
Eq. (21), which R1, R4, and R5 in RMR14 are not considered.
According to the continuous rating expression of R5 as listed in
RMR14 = (100 60) RDC = 1.667(R2 + R3) = 0.910GSI + 18.933 (21) Table 1, R5 can be determined by the Eq. (24) directly.

Q. Zhang et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83 (2019) 73–81

Table 5
MSE and RMSE of the results predicted by the existing quantitative correlations [Eqs. (2)–(7)] and two proposed quantitative correlations [Eqs. (22) and (27)].
Existing quantitative correlations Proposed quantitative correlation

Eq. (2) Eq. (3) Eq. (4) Eq. (5) Eq. (6) Eq. (7) Eq. (22) Eq. (27)

MSE 37.547 426.389 146.039 192.592 198.183 72.449 11.229 5.890

RMSE 6.128 20.649 12.085 13.878 14.078 8.512 3.351 2.427

70 RMR14 = (100 85)(RDC + RIR ) = 0.642GSI + 0.494UCS0.65

+ 0.179UCS + 11.985 (26)
60 Then a comprehensive quantitative correlation between RMR89 and
GSI is assessed and expressed as Eq. (27), when UCS is greater than
9.08 MPa and less than 74.87 MPa.

RMR 89 = (RMR14−2) 1.1 = 0.584GSI + 0.449UCS0.65 + 0.163UCS + 9.077

40 And when UCS is equal and greater than 74.87 MPa, the compre-
hensive quantitative correlation is expressed as Eq. (28).
RMR 89 = (RMR14−2) 1.1 = 0.584GSI + 0.449UCS0.65 + 21.027 (28)
30 Evaluated ratings based on RMR89
Predicted RMR89 by simplified quantitative correlation [Eq. (22)]
Predicted RMR89 by comprehensive quantitative correlation [Eq. (27)]
5. Validation of the two quantitative correlations
0 6 12 18 24 30 36
In order to validate the proposed quantitative correlations, the rock
No. of datasets mass geological information of 36 sites was collected systemically from
(a) Predicted ratings based on RMR89 Suocaopo Tunnel at Guizhou, China, which is a highway tunnel and
from two quantitative correlations. 852 m in length. The surrounding rock mass of the tunnel is mainly
8 composed of sandstone. To improve the precision of geological collec-
tion, binocular photogrammetry technique and automated dis-
continuity trace mapping method on rock mass 3D surface model (Chen
et al., 2016; Li et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2016) were implemented at the
tunnel excavating faces. The uniaxial compressive strengths of intact
Predicted errors of RMR89

rock were obtained using point loading test method. Ratings of rock
mass were evaluated according to RMR14 (Table 1) and quantified GSI
0 chart simultaneously. The 36 groups of evaluated ratings are shown in
Fig. 7. Existing quantitative correlations [Eqs. (2)–(7)] in Section 2.3
are involved to compare with the proposed simplified quantitative
-4 correlation [Eq. (22)]. Mean-square error (MSE) and root-mean-square
error (RMSE) of results predicted by Eqs. (2)–(7) and (22) are listed in
Table 5.
-8 Predicted errors by simplified quantitative correlation [Eq. (22)] The proposed simplified correlation [Eq. (22)] shows rather good
Predicted errors by comprehensive quantitative correlation [Eq. (27)] performance to reflect the correlation of the evaluated ratings based on
RMR89 and GSI obtained from the tunnel excavating faces, especially
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 when the evaluated ratings are small for the weak rock mass. The
No. of datasets evaluated ratings based on RMR89 are common slightly bigger than the
(b) Predicted errors of ratings based on RMR 89 ratings obtained by the simplified quantitative correlation. That is be-
from two quantitative correlations. cause the rock mass surrounding Suocaopo Tunnel is in a dry or slightly
humid condition. R4 is almost graded to 10–15 points when the ratings
Fig. 8. Comparison for ratings predicted by the proposed simplified and the based on RMR89 are evaluated.
comprehensive quantitative correlations [Eqs. (22) and (27)] respectively. In addition, for validating the proposed simplified and compre-
hensive quantitative correlations, the ratings predicted from the ratings
R5 = 0.1Id2 = 0.152UCS−1.380 (24) based on GSI by the two proposed correlations are applied to comparing
the rating evaluation directly based on RMR89, and ratings are plotted
Then RIR is derived by UCS merely based on the continuous rating and compared in Fig. 8(a). Predicted errors of ratings based on RMR89
expression of R1 (Table 1) and Eq. (24). by the proposed simplified and comprehensive quantitative correlations
are plotted as well in Fig. 8(b).
RIR = R1 + R5 = 0.420UCS0.65 + 0.152UCS−1.380 (25) As shown in Fig. 8, most errors predicted by the proposed com-
prehensive quantitative correlation [Eq. (27)] are less than 6, which are
Thus combining the simplified quantitative correlation in Eq. (22), a smaller than those predicted by the proposed simplified quantitative
comprehensive quantitative correlation considered on intact rock is correlation. MSE and RMSE of results predicted by proposed compre-
improved. The quantitative correlation between RMR14 and GSI is as- hensive correlation given in Table 5 are also shown the best perfor-
sessed and expressed as Eq. (26), which the effect of ground water is not mances. Taking into consideration of intact rock strengths, the com-
considered. prehensive quantitative correlation can consider more geological
information of rock masses and is thus more accurate. Only one

Q. Zhang et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83 (2019) 73–81

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