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In this chapter, the researcher would like to explain about the description of

the data and the result of the data analysis.

4.1 Description of the Data

In this part of the chapter, the researcher would like to present the description

of the data obtained. The data in this research were found from the students’ score in

students’ worksheet in writing description text and students’ questionnaire. As had

been discussed in previous chapter, the population of this research was the eighth

grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Palangka Raya.

The researcher used cluster random sampling to choose any classroom from

eleven classrooms of eighth grades in SMP Negeri 3 Palangka Raya as the sample,

and the test was held on Tuesday, 21 May 2019. As the result of the sampling, class

VIII-2 classroom become the sample for the research which consist of 32 students.

However, four students did not attend the class when the researcher held the test, so

the valid number of the sample was 28 and 1 teacher for questionnaire.

4.1.1 The Description of Students’ Score in Writing Descriptive Text

The data presented here was the scores the students got in writing descriptive

text. There were 2 instruments used to collect this data. The first was students'

worksheet for essay test and the second was scoring rubric for assessment. The

scoring rubric used characteristics of the genre of describing as assessment criteria.

The final score was obtained by dividing the students’ score with the max

score 30 (max score of each criteria multiplied with the number of criteria) and then

multiplied it with 100. The result of this calculation then used to see if the student has

passed the passing grade (75) or not.

Table 4.1 Students Problem in Genre Based Criteria

No Types Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Genre and Theme 4 14,2%
2 Generic Structure 6 21,3%
3 Personal and Commonsense 6 21,3%

Based on the result, it can be showed that the students’ problems in genre

based criteria in writing descriptive text. There were 4 problems or 14,2% in genre

and theme, 6 problems or 21,3% in generic structure, 6 problems or 21,3% in

personal commonsense descriptions.

Table 4.2 Students Problem in Textual Language Criteria

No Types Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Sentence Structure 2 7,1%
2 Paragraphing 4 14,2%
3 Connective 6 21,3%

Based on the result, it can be showed that the students’ problems in textual

language criteria in writing descriptive text. There were 2 problems or 7,1% in

sentence structure, 4 problems or 14,2% in paragraphing, 6 problems or 21,3% in


4.1.2 The Description of the Data Obtained from Students’ Questionnaire

The data presented here was obtained from open-ended questionnaire given to

the students. It gave them 10 questions about the problems the students faced in

studying English and when writing descriptive text based on the characteristics of the

genre of describing.

Table 4.3 The Description of Students’ Answer on Questionnaire

No Question :
Did you being active when your teacher taught English in the class?
Answer :

Very Active Active Enough Not Active Not Active at all


Numbers 8 10 7 3

Percentage 28% 36% 25% 11%

No Question :
Did you feeling difficult to understand English material in the school?
Answer :

Very Difficult Not Very Not Difficult at

Difficult Enough Difficult all

Numbers 6 20 2 0

Percentage 21% 72% 7% 0%

No Question :
Have you learned Descriptive Text at school?
Answer :

3 Yes Not Really Nothing at all Other

Numbers 28 0 0 0

Percentage 100% 0% 0% 0%

No Question :
Did you feeling difficult to understand about Descriptive Text?
Answer :

Very Difficult Not Very Not Difficult at

Difficult Enough Difficult all

Numbers 10 14 4 0

Percentage 36% 50% 14% 0%

No Question :
Did you feeling difficult to write about Descriptive Text?
Answer :

Very Difficult Not Very Not Difficult at

Difficult Enough Difficult all

Numbers 14 7 7 0

Percentage 50% 25% 25% 0%

No Question :
What did the difficulties that you faced when describing a Descriptive

Answer :

Translate Describe Not Very Not Difficult at

Difficult all

Numbers 16 10 2 0

Percentage 57% 36% 7% 0%

No Question :
Did you feeling difficult to understand about Generic Structure in

Descriptive Text?
Answer :
Very Difficult Not Very Not Difficult at

Difficult Enough Difficult all

Numbers 17 11 0 0

Percentage 61% 39% 0% 0%

No Question :
What did the difficulties that you faced in arranging sentence when

writing a Descriptive Text?

Answer :
Translate Describe Not Very Not Difficult at

Difficult all

Numbers 7 7 12 2

Percentage 25% 25% 43% 7%

No Question :
Did you feeling difficult to choose Tenses correctly in writing

Descriptive Text?
Answer :
Very Difficult Not Very Not Difficult at

Difficult Enough Difficult all

Numbers 4 10 10 4

Percentage 14% 36% 36% 14%

No Question :
Did the time that was given by the teacher to writing Descriptive Text

is enough?
Answer :
Very Enough Quite Enough Not Enough at all


Numbers 3 12 6 7

Percentage 11% 43% 21% 25%

From the answer on the questionnaire at the table 4.3 we can see that there

were many variations of problems the students faced but the researcher would like to

resume them. According to the students, the problems that they faced in studying

English subject especially Descriptive Text were, 1) the students active enough when

the teacher taught English in the class, 2) the students difficult enough to understand

the English material in the school, 3) the students were learned Descriptive Text at

school, 4) the students difficult enough to understand about Descriptive Text, 5) the

students very difficult to write about Descriptive Text, 6) the difficulties students

faced when describing a Descriptive Text was translate, 7) the students very difficult

to understand about Generic Structure in Descriptive Text, 8) the difficulties students

faced in arranging sentence when writing a Descriptive Text was translate, 9) some

students were difficult enough and some not very difficult to choose Tenses correctly

in writing Descriptive Text, 10) the time that was given by the teacher to writing

Descriptive Text was enough.

4.1.2 The Description of the Teacher’s Answer on Questionnaire

The data presented here was obtained from open-ended questionnaire given to

the teacher named Susi Dona, S.Pd. It gave her 7 question about the difficulties she

faced in teaching English and student’s problem while writing descriptive text based

on the characteristics of the genre of describing from her perspective.

Table 4.4 The Description of the Teacher’s Answer on Questionnaire

No Question :
Did you find any difficulties in teaching materials of English subject

to the students in the class?

Answer : No

1 Yes No Not Really

No Question :
Did you find any difficulties in teaching Descriptive Text to the

students in the class?

Answer : No
Yes No Not Really

No Question :
Did the students find any difficulties in simple present tense in writing

Descriptive Text to the students?

Answer :Yes
Yes No Not Really

No Question :
Did you find any difficulties in explaining the tenses in writing

Descriptive Text to the students?

Answer : No
Yes No Not Really

No Question :
Did you find any difficulties in explaining the format of Descriptive

Text to the students?

Answer : No
Yes No Not Really

No Question :
Did the students find any difficulties in describe about person, thing or

place in writing Descriptive Text?

Answer : No
Yes No Not Really

No Question :

Did the students really understand about the generic structure and

textual language in Descriptive Text?

Answer : No
Yes No Not Really

For the teacher as we can see at the table 4.3, the teacher also answered that in

writing descriptive text that the students were do not have difficulties in describe

about person, thing, or place. In teaching about the material in descriptive text the

teacher was not have a difficulties since she mastered about the material before teach

the students. Also for the generic structure and textual language of descriptive text,

most of students were do not really understand what generic structure is and what

textual language of descriptive text.

4.2 Result of the Data Analysis

4.2.1 The Level of Qualification of the Characteristics of the Genre of


The researcher calculated the number of each score on each sub criteria to get

the level of qualification on each characteristics of the genre of describing in the form

of percentage.

Based on the level of qualification the researcher was able to discover the

percentage of the student’s achievement by considering that the students that were on

Very Good, Good, and Fair Level have met requirement of the genre of describing.

The percentages of students’ problems on each characteristic can be found by

considering that the students that were on Poor and Very Poor level were having


Based on the students achievement on each characteristic, in the term of genre

and theme was 82% where very good score 42,8%, good score 25% and fair score

14,5%. In the term of generic structure was 78,5% where very good score 35,7%,

good score 42,8% and fair score 0%. In the term of personal and commonsense

description was 78,5% where very good score 78,5%, good score 0% and fair score

0%. In the term of sentence structure was 92,8% where very good score 82,1% and

good score are 0%, and the fair score 10,7%. In the term of paragraph 85,6% where

very good score 35,7% and good score are 46,4%, and for the fair score 3,5%. In the

term of connective 78,5% where very good score 60,7%, good score 17,8% and for

the fair score 0%

The students problem on each characteristic are: the term of genre and theme

the students’ descriptive text have met the requirement of very low problem genre of

describing while 14,2% of them. In the term of generic structure, the students’

descriptive text have met the requirement of low problem genre of describing while

21,3% of them. The term of personal and commonsense descriptions the students’

descriptive text have met the requirement of low problem genre of describing while

21,3% of them. In the term of sentence structure, the students’ descriptive text have

met the requirement of very low problem genre of describing while 7,1% of them. In

the term of paragraph, the students’ descriptive text have met the requirement of very

low problem genre of describing while 14,2% of them, and in the term of connective,

the students’ descriptive text have met the requirement of low problem genre of

describing while 21,3% of them.



In this chapter, the researcher would like to explain more about the research

that had been carried out. The researcher would discuss and make conclusion about

the analysis of the data that has been explained on the previous chapter which was the

answer of the problem of the research. Then, the researcher would give some

suggestions for the students, the teacher, and other researchers.

5.1 Discussion

As the result shown on the previous chapter, the researcher would like to

discuss about the characteristics of the genre of describing in descriptive text written

by the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Palangka Raya and the problem they

faced in implementing them. These characteristics were divided into two criteria. The

first criteria were genre-based criteria were consisting of genre and theme, generic

structure, and personal and commonsense descriptions. The second criteria was

textual language criteria was consist sentence structure, paragraph, and connective.

The percentage of problem on each criteria could be found by calculating the

percentage of the students who get score 2 (poor) and 1 (very poor level).

The percentage of problem on genre and theme is 14,2%, the generic structure

is 21,3%, and the personal and commonsense descriptions is 21,3%. The percentage

of problem on sentence structure is 7,1%, paragraph is 14,2%, and connective is


The percentages of problem on these characteristics were under 50%. It was

implied here that majority of students were able to implement the characteristics of

genre of describing in their descriptive text. It was in line with the percentages of the

students who got score more than minimum passing criteria (75) which was 78,5%.

Questionnaire was used to identify the problems faced by the students in

writing descriptive text according to the students and the teacher’s point of view. The

students gave many variations of answer about their problems in writing descriptive

text but their problems were generally are same.

From the students’ point, the problems that they generally faced in writing

descriptive text were problems on write simple present in descriptive text and

understanding the generic structure and textual language in descriptive text.

From the teacher’s point, the problems that they generally faced in writing

descriptive text were similar with that the students described. The problems were on

write simple present in descriptive text and understanding the generic structure and

textual language in descriptive text.

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the result of the test on the previous chapter and the explanation on

the previous section, the researcher would like to make a conclusion about the result

of this research. Conclusion was the answer of the problem of the research. The

conclusion could be described as follow:

1. The students’ ability and problem in implementing the genre-based criteria :

- In the term of genre and theme, 82% of students’ descriptive text have met

the requirement of very low problem genre of describing while 14,2% of


- In the term of generic structure, 78,5% of students’ descriptive text have

met the requirement of low problem genre of describing while 21,3% of


- In the term of personal and commonsense descriptions, 78,5% of students’

descriptive text have met the requirement of low problem genre of

describing while 21,3% of them.

2. The students’ ability and problem in implementing the textual language

criteria :

- In the term of sentence structure, 92,8% of students’ descriptive text have

met the requirement of very low problem genre of describing while 7,1%

of them.

- In the term of paragraph, 85,6% of students’ descriptive text have met the

requirement of very low problem genre of describing while 14,2% of


- In the term of connective, 78,5% of students’ descriptive text have met the

requirement of low problem genre of describing while 21,3% of them.

5.3 Suggestion

Considering the result of this research, there was some suggestion that the

researcher would like to recommend as follows:

a) For Students

1. The researcher suggests the students to study more about how to write

a good descriptive text, especially about person, thing, and place with

a connectives and sentence structure. Then, have more practice in

writing sentence and paragraph in English and the students should

exited and focus when in learning the lesson in the class even on the

last session in the class.

2. To improve writing skill, the researcher also suggests the students to

do more practice in writing descriptive text.

b) For teacher

1. The researcher suggests the teacher to give students more practice in

writing descriptive text. Start from how describe a person, thing, and


2. The researcher recommends the teacher to use any interesting strategy

in teaching English so the students can give more attention to the class

to improve their abilities.

c) For other research

1. The researcher hopers that this research can be useful as a reference for

other researchers who want to do similar research.


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