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Teacher Induction Program

Learning Process
Session 1: Learning-Centered Learning
Session 2: Learning Environment



Below are phrases/statements about teaching approaches. Group them whether they
characterize/describe a Learner-centered or not by writing their corresponding
numbers under the appropriate column. F if Learner-centered and B if otherwise.

B 1. Learning is based on repetition.

F 2. Consideration for HOTS tasks.
F 3. Learning is interactive.
B 4. Skills are treated in isolation.
F 5. Students learn how to learn.
B 6. Collaboration is not evident.
F 7. Teacher’s role is interactive, rooted in negotiation.
F 8. Background knowledge taken in consideration as well as new knowledge.
F 9. Interdisciplinary exploration is considered.
B 10. Teacher’s role is directive, rooted in authority.
Below are a range of teaching methods. Tag them to the given teaching strategy to
which you think how they will be employed in your classroom.
compare and contrast, demonstrations, guides for reading, listening and viewing,
lecture, role play, simulations,
case study, cloze procedure, inquiry, problem solving, reflective
discussion, small group discussion, games, experiments,
brainstorming, debates, cooperative learning, interviewing, field
observations, assigned questions, computer assisted instruction, essays,
reports, research projects


compare and contrast case study small group discussion
demonstrations cloze procedure brainstorming
guides for reading inquiry debates
listening and viewing problem solving cooperative learning
lecture reflective discussion interviewing
role play assigned questions
simulations computer assisted instruction
games essays
experiments reports
field observations research projects

Activities and Assessment

Cite an actual classroom situation where the different principles are applied.


Student-centered learning shifts the During my lesson about angle of
balance of classroom power from elevation were I prepared sets of
teacher to student thus fostering active activities that my students will perform
learning and engagement among peers. and they have the power to choose
what activity they want to take based
on their interest and strength.
Student-centered learning enables This principle was applied during our
critical thinking and is a means to discussion in variation. The students
develop knowledge rather than a will make a story line based on the
collection of facts by building upon pictured I presented and I encourage
and challenging prior learning. them to think beyond what they can
Student-centered learning situates the This was applied every time we have
teacher as facilitator and contributor group activity and presentation e.g.
rather than authoritarian and director role play. I facilitate their performance
of knowledge. and asking them how and why
Student-centered learning returns the The actual situation using this
responsibility for learning to the principle was when their performance
students, so students are able to did not meet the standards based on the
discover their strengths and rubrics, I allow them to be responsible
weaknesses and take part in directing to their action and come up with a new
their own knowledge gain. idea.
Student-centered learning employs Giving differentiated activities that is
effective assessment to promote anchored to my students multiple
learning and inform future practice. intelligences.

Select one of the learner-centered learning approaches and strategies. Design a classroom
activity using the approach/strategy. Indicate also the competency/skill to be developed,
objective, method of assessment and procedure of the activity.

Approach/Strategy : Experiential Instruction

Name of Activity : Perform Me until the End!
Competency/Skill : The learner illustrates situations that involve the following
variations: (a) direct; (b) inverse; (c) joint; (d) combined.
Objective : Define variations.
Differentiate the types of variation.
Method of Assessment : Formative
Procedure of Activity : Step 1: Groupings (5 members each)
Step 2: Teacher will make a set of questions that will be
posted around the school.
Step 3: Students will answer the question in each station.
Step 4: The group that will finish the task in the short period
of time and with the highest score will be the winner.


As a teacher how can these principles help you make your learning environment a nurturing
and inspiring for learner’s participation?
As a teacher, Learner-centered approach in teaching is important because it engage the
students to learn and encourage students to participate in a class actively. It also develop their
Reflect on your role as a Teacher in promoting Learner-centered Learning.
What have I done?
In a learner-centred Learning, as a teacher I develop students' awareness and mold
their ability to make the most of their knowledge and experience.
What am I doing?
As a teacher, I am continuing to help the child become independent, responsible, and
confident. I am using this approach to engage active learning process.
What will I do next?
As a teacher, I will utilized different learning approach aside from learner-centered
for to the students to learned more and develop holistically.
After going through all the sessions, gather your thoughts and reflect once more. Answer the
questions below:
What was new?
Aside from learner-centered approaches, I can also use different strategies that will
students learn easily.
What was exciting?
The combination of teaching strategies are also useful and exciting.
What was worrisome?
The different approaches and strategies that might not applicable for all learners.
You are about to finish this session on Learner-Centered Learning. But before you proceed to
the next session in this module, your knowledge acquisition in this session will be challenged
by answering TRUE f the statement below is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong
based on the principles of learner-centered learning.
TRUE 1. Learners are responsible for each other.
FALSE 2. Learners are passive receptors of information.
TRUE 3. Teachers are seen as a facilitator and guide.
FALSE 4. Learners are keeping on their own seats.
FALSE 5. Learners are rarely expected to ask questions or to challenge the
theories of the teachers.
FALSE 6. The use of lecture methods, note-takings and memorizing information
for later recognition or reproduction.
TRUE 7. Learners actively participate in the learning process.
TRUE 8. Learners shape their own learning paths.
TRUE 9. Learners are encouraged to be more inquisitive.
FALSE 10. Curricular design is based on low levels of students’ participation.

Directions: List down at least three more teaching methods in each strategy which you may
similarly employ in your classroom.
Direct Instruction: lecture, demonstration, compare and contrast
Indirect Instruction: problem solving, inquiry, reflective discussion
Interactive Instruction : cooperative learning. Think-Pair-Share, Interview
Experiential Instruction: games, role play, simulations
Independent Instruction: essay, report, research


My Map, My Imagination!

Have you used mind mapping in your daily activities?

Mind mapping is a quick and powerful technique for organizing your thoughts. Some people
may try to tell you the ‘rules’ of making a mind map. Don’t listen to them. This is your map.
Your imagination is the limit. Be creative and make your own mind map about Learning
Environment in the blank space provided below.


well lighted

well ventilated
learning safe


conducive for gender

learning sensitive

Activities and Assessment

Explore your understanding of the Learning Environment by answering the following

1. How is learning environment defined in both articles?
The learning environment defined in the first article as “‘Learning environment
refers to the diverse physical locations, contexts, and cultures in which students
learn” while in the second article defined as “a classroom that captures three
fundamental ideas from the environmental psychology of teaching and learning”.

2. What does this definition of learning environment tell about the way students learn?
The first definition of learning environment tells about the students learn
depending on the culture they have thus, environment may affect the learning
process of the students. While the second one implies that students learn
depending on the physical environment they have with this students become
active in engaging themselves in learning. Considering the physical aspect of the
environment may affect students emotion and behaviour.

3. What is the critical role of teachers in providing and managing learning environment
that promotes learner responsibility and achievement?
The critical role of teachers in providing and managing learning environment that
promotes learner responsibility and achievement is using range of resources that
will benefit the students and promote fair classroom environment. The learning
environment should be conducive, well ventilated and lighted thus, physical
arrangement should be taking in consideration of us teachers because this may or
may not promote achievement.

4. Since learners must do the learning, how do you think will you create a total
environment for learning that optimizes the ability of the students to learn?
I think, I will create a total environment for learning that optimizes the ability of
the students to learn by setting rules that is negotiable depending on their needs
and culture, creating a set plan that is favourable to them as well as to their
learning and decorating the classroom for fair, safe and secured environment.

Having learned more about learning environment, how will you handle the following
learning situations/contexts?
Situations Strategies you may use to provide and manage
the learning environment that are learning-
focused and learner-centred.
Multi-grade classes I will use cooperative learning where students
of 60 in a far-flung group based on their age. And I will provide
area with no internet different resources aligned to their respective age
connectivity group.

Large class of 80 I group them into 3, then give learning

grade 7 students in opportunities depending on their capacity and I
a covered court focus most of my time to the group that is least
learners so they can catch up with the others. There
will be division of places in the covered court so
they will not overpower each group.
8 hearing impaired I will make a seat plan where the 8 students with
students mainstream hearing impaired will be at front so I can closely
with regular grade 8 monitor them as I monitor the whole class.
students of 60

Insufficient number I will assign them with pair or by group to

of instructional maximize the number of available instructional
materials and other materials and other resources and if I have means
resources then I will provide.


To deepen your understanding of Learning Environment, you may now engage yourself in
a personal and professional reflection guided by the templates provided below. Get ready to
document your thoughts in a reflective learning journal.
The Reflective Learning Journal Template
Area 1 Explore the learning experience…
Awareness Evaluation Regulation
Content What have I learned? Do I understand what I What can I do in order
(What) I learned the have learned? to gain a better
importance of having Yes understanding? Where
a positive learning What else do I need to can I find more
environment. learn? information?
The different I can attend
strategies in seminars to
managing learning understand this
environment. concept more. I can
find information in
Process (How) How did I learn / do it? How effective is this How can I make this
I learn it through strategy? strategy more effective?
practicing and It is effective because I can make this
mentoring. whenever I do not strategy more
understand the effective by
What strategy have I concept I can re-read managing my time
used in learning this anytime. and work space.
The strategy that I Is the way I do it the best
used in learning this way?
topic is through I don’t think so, I can
taking notes. improve this from
time to time.
Reasons (why) Why learn it? Why would I think so? What would be a more
It is because it will I think this way useful way to understand
help me in promoting because of my learning?
learning. experiences and The more useful way
learning that I take to understand
What is learning? from this session. learning is through
Learning means experience and
acquisition of Is this the only purpose application.
knowledge and skills. of learning? How could this learning
No experience be
interpreted differently?
Learning experience
can be interpreted as
telling story.
Area 2 Think of the learning experience in relation to…
Awareness Evaluation Regulation
Professional How does this learning What does this learning All things considered, is
development experience contribute to experience tell about my this goal a suitable goal?
my professional choice of professional Yes
development? goal and path?
This learning This learning Are there any other
experience experience tells me options?
contributes to my that I should improve No
professional myself and I have the
development by good decision in What other paths can I
means of taking this choice. take to achieve my
understanding the goals?
importance of Am I making good Attending seminars
learning environment progress?
in the teaching Yes
Am I on the right track?
What is/are my short- Yes
term / long term
professional goal(s)?
Finish my
Master’s degree
What obstacles have I What is the source of the How can I remove those
encountered? obstacles? obstacles?
Time management Workload I need to manage my
and organizing plan time and plan ahead
Am I on the right track? before starting.
What other paths can I
take to achieve my
Attending seminars

Personal What does this learning What does this learning What do I know about
development experience mean to me? experience tell me about myself?
This learning my potentials, and I know about myself
experience mean to myself as a person? that I am motivated
me because I can It tells me that I still and trying to make
improve myself. need to learn more things different.
about my profession
How does it matter to me and never be afraid How am I living the
if I failed or succeeded? to take risk. most of myself?
If I failed, I will still I am living the most
try and succeed. of myself in igniting
my passion.

My Map, My Learning! After engaging on this session, how will your mind map on Learning
Environment change? Make a new mind map on this topic on the space provided below.

well lighted

well learning safe


conducive for gender

learning sensitive


Now, compare your previous and current mind maps using a Venn diagram.

Previous Current

It is focus on physical aspects It is more clear and more

of the environment. focus on both the physical
aspect and behavioral
aspects of the classroom and
the students, respectively.

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