Exp 6 OADM

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Adding And Dropping Of Channels In A WDM Link


Optical Add Drop Multiplexer (OADM), mainly deployed in wide area and metro area networks, is used for
adding and dropping of optical channels in a fiber link while preserving the integrity of other channels. Several
kinds of OADMs have been developed since the advent of WDM technology. Resonant Coupler is one such
OADM which uses a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. However, Grating based OADMs such as Grating
Assisted Directional Coupler, Arrayed Waveguide Grating Based OADM, Optical Circulator Based OADM
are widely used. In the present experiment Optical Circulator Based OADM is detailed whose basic
architecture is detailed in Fig 12.1



To setup an Optical Add Drop Multiplexer (OADM) using Fiber Bragg Graing and circulator. Determine
adding and dropping efficiencies of OADM


1. Laser - 2
2. Photodetector - 1
3. Fiber Bragg Grating (1550nm)
4. Mux
5. Demux
6. Optical Circulator


Transmission, Dropping/Adding Efficiency in dB = 10 log (P2 /P1) where P1 and P2 are the input and output
optical power at the dropper/adder respectively.


The optical channel dropping is achieved using an FBG and Circulator as shown in Fig 12.2 (use patch cords
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for interconnections). The experiment is begun by switching on 1510nm and 1550nm lasers with equal
frequency (100 kHz) and power (step 25), but with different duty cycles, say 30% and 50% (for their
identification when combined). Using patch cords, the two lasers are connected to their respective ports of
WDM Mux. The combined laser light at the COM port of Mux is fed to one of the photodetectors (say PD1)
whose BNC output is connected to Channel 1 of DSO. Since the duty cycles are different for both the lasers,
their individual power, P1 can be determined from the combined waveform on the DSO. Now, the patch cord
end at PD1 is removed and fed to Port 1 of the circulator. The combined laser light at Port 1 comes out at
Port 2 which is fed to FBG through patch cord (see Fig 12.2). The FBG has a characteristic reflection
wavelength at 1550nm (see Expt.4). Therefore the 1550nm light reflected from the FBG comes back into
Port 2 and is dropped by the circulator at Port 3. This light at Port 3 is again fed to photodetector PD1 and its
power, P2 is measured using DSO. From the above two measurements dropping efficiency for 1550nm is
determined using the given formula. The 1510nm light at one end of FBG, instead of reflecting back like
1550nm, passes through the FBG and appears at its other end which is measured using same PD1 and DSO.
From this measurement and the first measurement on 1510nm power determination, the transmission efficiency
is determined. The experiment is repeated for 1530-1550 and 1570-1550 combinations.

The experimental setup for adding channels is shown in Fig 12.3. 1510nm and 1550nm lasers are switched
on; both with the same power, 50% and frequency, 100 kHz, but with dissimilar duty cycles (say 1510 with
step 25% and 1510 with step 30). Using patch cords, the optical power P1 from both the lasers is individually
measured with the same photodetector, PD1 (in fact, any one from PD1-PD4) which is connected to the
DSO using BNC cable. The 1510nm laser (l1) is connected to one of the ports of FBG and the 1550nm
laser (l3) to Port 1 of Circulator. Circulator’s Port 2 is connected to the free port of FBG and its Port 3
to the same photodetector, PD1 (see Fig 12.3). The 1510nm light passes through the grating and arrives at
PD1. Similarly the 1550nm light gets reflected at FBG and arrives at PD1 too. Therefore the combined
waveform of both 1510nm and 1550nm laser light appears on the DSO screen from which the individual

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power P2 of both lasers can be measured. From this measurement and the previous measurements the adding
and transmission of the optical adder can be determined.

Fig 12.3: Schematic of experimental setup for Adding of Optical Channels


Estimation of Dropping Efficiency

Optical Power Before Optical Power after Dropping Efficiency for l 3 in Transmission Efficiency for l 1, l 2 and
OADM, P1 (mW) OADM, P2 (mW) dB =10 log (P2 /P1) l 4 in dB =10 log (P2 /P1)
Estimation of Adding Efficiency
Optical Power Before Optical Power after Adding Efficiency for l 3 in Transmission Efficiency for l 1, l 2 and
OADM, P1 (mW) OADM, P2 (mW) dB =10 log (P2 /P1) l 4 in dB =10 log (P2 /P1)


Optical Add Drop Multiplexer (OADM) is setup using Fiber Bragg Grating and Circulator. The adding,
dropping and transmission efficiencies of OADM are determined.

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Construct an Add/Drop Multiplexer which can simultaneously add and drop channels using the FBG-
Circulator combination (for dropping) and Fiber Optic Coupler (for adding)

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