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Blog post: Making the most out of online learning
Online learning has become increasingly popular due to technology and the advancements in the
methods of teaching and accessibility to writing materials. It has provided learners with a variety
of study opportunities and has also made it easier for professors to assess their students no matter
the circumstance constraints and distances. Several people students have different ways of
approaching e-learning but the limitations stay constant. Below are some of the ways that people
could adopt to make their e-learning experiences more productive: Appreciating online practices
– Online practices have made learning fast and enjoyable. Professors can tackle their courses
using the shortest time possible as the students on the other hand attend the classes with
consistent commitment and discipline such that they are not left behind. It helps them in
maintaining their academic discipline such that they can keep up with their courses in varied
environments such that learning becomes more interesting.

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Consistent learning environment. Students are advised to maintain a constant learning space so
that they are not affected by their environments, which many times tend to cause a lot of
distractions. Research has shown that learning and the study environment go hand in hand. For
efficiency, students are advised to maintain a dedicated learning space. Identifying learning goals
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also helps in keeping students on track during their journey of online studies. The goals help
them in prioritizing their courses such that they can maintain consistency in their studies by
dutifully attending classes and continuously reviewing their lecture notes. Time management;
this aspect is extremely important in keeping track of online studies. Students are recommended
to maintain stability in their time management so that they can keep track of the important
assignment due dates such that they can handle their course works efficiently on time without
much delays and stress. Professors can also finish administering their courses to students in time
according to the school calendar such that excellence is maintained.
Being self-disciplined (put it in point form, not prose)
Self-discipline; is the main factor in determining the end-results of any course. When students
are self-driven, they tend to stay on track by making the most out of their online studies. This is
because they will consistently attend classes and complete their course works on time such that
they can achieve their objectives. Recurrent contact with the instructors also help students a lot in
searing to higher academic heights since the frequent contact help in clarification of
misunderstood concepts and constant improvement check-ups. Frequent revisions of course
works enable students to memorize their academic works. This helps them in making the most
out of the freest time they have in keeping up with their studies. Participation in the e-learning
forums also does the trick. When students are actively involved in their e-learning experiences,
they tend to memorize the course works at large. This even makes their interaction with
instructors more productive since they incline to have everything clarified to them before the
session is finished.
Prior preparations for classes also make students ready such that they are on time for their e-
learning sessions and that they do not waste a lot of time-solving technical issues while the
learning session is in progress. Self-motivation is another inspiring factor when taking online
classes since it helps them in staying motivated and involved in the classes. Online classes also
provide flexibility to students such that they can learn at their own pace as compared to attending
classes where instructors tend to go with the pace of the fast students. The school also benefits
from online classes since resources are conserved as students learn from home. It saves them lots
of instruction time and enables it to get and stay ahead, in terms of exploring technology. E-
learning similarly increases productivity. Since all academic works are finished on time such that
students are effectively assessed by their instructors, academic productivity is achieved to the
school organization.
In conclusion, e-learning brings up quality in studies and for it to be of much use to the school
community, students need to be dedicated, professors need to be experienced such that they
know how to efficiently handle their students in that none is left behind and the school needs to
device a structured curriculum that is efficient to all their staff including the students. Generally,
the above tips help students in making most out of their E-learning if followed strictly.
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Work Cited
Galvin, Sarah, and Christine Greenhow. "Writing on social media: A review of research in the
high school classroom." TechTrends 64.1 (2020): 57-69.
Melly, Christina. "" Can we blog about this?": Amplifying Student Voice in Secondary
Language Arts." English Journal 107.3 (2018): 12-18.
Zheng, Binbin, Soobin Yim, and Mark Warschauer. "Social media in the writing classroom and
beyond." The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (2018): 1-5.

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