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Vocabulary:______Find the "odd one out"

 There may be more than one answer. Give your reasons.

  A B C

1. a cat walk a promenade a platform


2. to consume to market to advertise


3. to endorse to condone to promote


4. a new look a new design a new image


5. fashionable in vogue popular


6. offensive controversial shocking


7. a trend a connection an association


8. glossy artificial colourful


Text for dictation:

Fashion forms a key part of many of our important industries, especially

those involving design, such as cars, computer printers and clothing. In the
world of machines, changes in design often accompany technical

However, new design in clothing is more commonly motivated by fashion.

Differences in the climate from season to season and the tendency to equate
each new year with a new look provide textiles companies with frequent
opportunities to renew their sales.

These marketing  opportunities are often realised by associating products with

people. Fashion models are highly paid to provide appropriate images of good
health, comfortable life-styles, success  and beauty.

Fashion is usually regarded as fun and provides the focus of many popular

magazines. However, controversy occurs in some instances. The image
provided by the fashion model may shock, it may fail to have any connection
with the product itself or it may endorse a product such as a fur coat which
some people find offensive.

Dialogue:______read aloud in pairs

A: In my opinion, fashion is a complete waste of time, money and resources.

B: I disagree entirely. The world would be a very boring place without


A: Fashion doesn't only involve change. It's a very dishonest form of


based on artificial images which never translate into reality.

B: But everyone understands that the images are there to capture attention.

People find them fun. Haven't you ever looked through a fashion magazine?

A: Only at the dentist's.

B: What about the glossy magazines which you get when you buy a Sunday

newspaper? They're full of fashionable advertisements.

A: That's true, but don't you think they're a terrible waste of paper. How

people  throw them straight into the dustbin?

B: A lot of people must read them and they don't add to the cost of the

A: There're two points here. Firstly, the cost to the environment. Think of all
rain forests. Secondly, the advertiser may pay, but the costs are passed on to
the consumer.

B: That isn't strictly true. If a company can sell in bulk, prices can be brought

down. You can't expect to sell unless the consumer knows the product exists.

A: I wouldn't mind publicity if it told you something about the product, but by

getting fashion models to market clothes and even cars, you are hiding the

When I buy clothing, I want to know if it's comfortable and how long it's
going to last.

B: That may be your reason, but some people buy clothes because they want
to look nice.

Perhaps they have a special date or engagement. People have always liked

dressing up.

A: That may be so, but traditional costumes were made to be worn more


once. What worries me is today's throw-away society where some people

waste the

world's precious resources while other people go without.

B: Well I don't see why you should blame the fashion industry for social

Discussion questions:______ask and answer

1. Have you ever bought something because it was fashionable? If so, what?

2. Does the fashion industry exist mainly to persuade people to spend money
on things they do not really need?

3. Is fashion selfish in a world where many people have not got what they

4. Do you think fashion models should be used to sell products such as cars?

5. Some fashion models refuse to advertise products involving animal cruelty

such as cosmetics and fur coats. Would you buy such products?

6. Would you like to be a fashion model if you were offered the opportunity?

7. Is your country famous for any fashion products? Which ones? How are
they marketed?

8. Which countries have the best and worst fashions in clothes?

9. Which products advertised on TV in Britain/USA/Australia and in your

country represent (a) women’s fashion (b) men’s fashion ?

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