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 The treaty marked the start of the modern system of international relations between

the states by legitimizing the government to be both the final and only sovereign
administration over the inhabitants within the geographic-political borders of their
own political entity. Such arrangement meant both that the government became a sole
arbiter in the internal state’s affairs and that the other states did not have any right to
interfere into the internal affairs and policy of another state. Hence, sovereignty.
 By the introduction of the principle of sovereignty, the governments of one state
stopped to support their co-religionists in conflict with the rulers of other states as the
policy of non-interference into the inner affairs of other political subjects became
 A new Westphalian System of international relations (WSIR) established the principle
of Collective Security (CS) as the peace treaty of 1648 provided that in the case of the
aggression by one or several states toward another one(s), all other states have to
adopt a common policy of the restoration of the peace before the aggression.
 The principle of state’s sovereignty promoted in 1648 became soon the crucial pivot
for the creation of the national-states, first across Europe and later around the world.
The essence of modern national-states became the Westphalian idea that political
legitimacy has to come from secular legal authority rather than from divine sanction
as it was a practice in the Middle Ages.

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