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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

11 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

Quarter 3 – Module 3:

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
Reading and Writing : Grade 11
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s : Junilyn C. Samoya, SHST -II (Capisan National High School)
Joseph E. Delos Reyes, MAELS , SHST-III ( Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial
High School Stand-Alone Senior High School )
Editors: Valeria Fides G. Corteza, Ph.D.

Reviewers: Laarni V. Miranda, Ed.D.

Marilyn M. Tabobo
Layout Artist: Jocelyn E. Non
Management Team:
Roy C. Tuballa, EMD.JD.CESO VI
Jay S. Montealto, CESO VI
Norma T. Francisco, DM
Mildred D. Dayao, Ed.D.
Laarni V. Miranda,Ed.D.
Aida Coyme, Ed. D.
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What I Need to Know

For today’s lesson we're going to discuss about the properties of well – written text.

In this module, you are expected to;

Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and
cohesion, language use and mechanics)

1. Identify different properties of well written text.

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is not a property of a well – written text?

a. Coherence and Cohesion

b. Organiation
c. Paragraphing
d. Writing Mechanics

2. A well - written text is?

A. The writer’s knowledge of the fundamental properties of grammar
B. The properties that show the interplay of both physical aspects of
organization and deeper textual aspects.
C. Built around effective paragraphing on coherence and on established
D. Constitutes proper paragraphing and logical order of presentation of

3. Which property of a well – written text constitutes proper paragraphing and

logical order of presentation of ideas?
A. Organization
B. Language use
C. Cohesion and coherence
D. Writing mechanics

4. Which property of a well – written text constitutes features that facilitate textual

A. Organization
B. Language use
C. Cohesion and coherence
D. Writing mechanics
5. Which property of a well – written text refers to the appropriate language to
be used in writing/speaking?
A. Organization
B. Language use
C. Cohesion and coherence
D. Writing mechanics


What’s In

In the previous lesson you have

TEXT. You are supposed to compare
and contrast patterns of written text across
disciplines. The different patterns of
development are narration, description,
definition, exemplification, comparison and
contrast, cause and effect, process
analysis, division and classification,
problem-solution, and persuasion. Signal
words or transitional expressions are the
key features of each pattern of
development. These words emphasize the
purpose of writing.

Remember the different patterns of written

text are :

 Naration - this paragraph follows

chronological order of writing.
 Description - in this pattern,
transitional words are used to
indicate location.
 Definition - a term is defined, its
class, and its specific details.
 Exemplification - This sort of text
utilizes detailed illustrations for
 Comparison and Contrast - A
paragraph that shows
comparison and contrast
answers how the subjects are
the same or not.
 Cause and Effect - this technique
explores why things happen and
what happens a a result.
 Process analysis - It describes
how things work, involving series
of steps in chronological
 Division and classification - a
single subject is targeted and
broken down into components.
 Problem – solution - a problem is
being presented and a solution.
 Persuasion - this method
involves facts that make the
paragraph more convincing.

What’s New

In exploring a text, it is important that

you understand what you are reading to
get the message of the text, it is necessary
for you to develop the skill in verifying
issues, affirming one’s values or even
make a decision if necessary. At some
point, the author does not only offer
information but he/she challenges you to
give reactions.
To properly evaluate the ideas you
have gathered while reading, you must be
able to know the different kinds of
information - explicit information and
implicit information.

A Paragraph is composed of sentences

that are organized, coherent, and are all
associated with one topic.
For a paragraph, or for any
composition, to be effective, it should consider
the properties of a well-written text.

Also known as the arrangement, of
ideas, incidents, evidence, or details in a
order in a paragraph, essay, or speech. It
is achieved when ideas are logically and
accurately arranged.


Coherence: This refers to the logical

arrangement of sentences in order to be easily
by the reader.
Cohesion: This refers to how word units,
sentences, and ideas were connected through
Chronological Order- the details are arranged in the
order in which they happened.

Spatial Order- sentences in a paragraph are arranged

through a geographical location, for example left-to-
right, up- to-down, etc

Emphatic Order- sentences paragraphs are arranged

depending on the writer’s purpose to emphasize certain
points in which it can be established in two ways: from
least to most important, or from most to least important.

arrangement of details
according to orders and the use of signal

A. Arrangement of details
according to . . .
These are words that outline
the progress of the different
points of the paragraph in the
reader’s mind.

Keep continuity and Words similar in meaning used

B. Signal Devices
highlight important ideas. to prevent tedious repetitions.

Repetitions Synonyms
These are words that
connect smoothly one These are words that
Transitions Pronouns helps readers connect
idea from the other.
the original word that
the pronouns replace.


- This enable writers to effectively
communicate their ideas without confusing
their readers.
Thus, this refers to the appropriateness
of word usage and is known to be one of the
clearest indicators of a well-written text.
Business/Technical –
refers to jargons of
specific disciplines like
Standard/Academic scientific terms and
– these are widely special expressions.
accepted words and
phrases found in
Informal/ Personal – dictionaries, books,
refers to slang, local and ect.
expressions, text
messaging like hey, bes,

Levels of in Language Use

- focuses on the technical structure
of the text. It determines errors in
grammar, abbreviations spelling,
acronyms, capitalization, the use of
numbers as part of the statement, and
correct usage of punctuation marks.

What Is It
Directions: Read each item carefully and
answer the following questions. Choose
the letter that corresponds to the correct

1. I woke up at around 3 AM due the

urge to pee when I smell smoke all
over my place, panic creeps into
my being and I rush through the
window to see what is happening.
A big fire is already burning down
my neighbor’s house, loud sirens
are all over the place and firemen
are already evacuating people from
our building. First, I grab my
important documents and then
pack lightly some of my clothes
when a large explosion happen
and everything went blur. What
property of a well-written text is
present in the paragraph?
a. Organization
b. Coherence and Cohesion
c. Language Use
d. Mechanics

2. Hilda Asgeda is considered as one

of the most prominent mayors in
our country. Aside from that, she is
also known for her good deeds as
a philanthropist whose advocacy is
focused on the empowerment of
the youth as the future of the land.
Due to this, she was admired by
her countrymen. What property of
a well-written text is present in the
a. Organization
b. Coherence and Cohesion
c. Language Use
d. Mechanics

3. Teacher James use the word

pedagogy to describe the
strategies and methodologies he
used in the classroom when he
was writing his school reports.
What property of a well-written text
James used?
a. Organization
b. Coherence and Cohesion
c. Language Use
d. Mechanics

4. Micah made sure that her

grammar, spellings, capitalization
of words, and acronyms used in
her essay are correct. What
property of a well written-text was
observed by Micah while writing
her essay?
a. Organization
b. Coherence and Cohesion
c. Language Use
d. Mechanics

5. The onset of technology has

brought a tremendous
transformation in the teaching and
learning process. Consequently,
the rise of different mobile
applications have aided educators
in enriching the activities of the
learners beyond the classroom
setting. What property of a well-
Although many schools text
have is present?
increased funding for girls’ sports and some have created co-
educational teams,a.few
have opened up the “rough sports” to girls. Football, hockey and wrestling
b. Coherenceactivities.
continued to be male-dominated and Cohesion
When female athletes participates in sports, they face
c. Language Use
social stigma for demonstrating the same attributes that bring male athletes praise. There is a
d. Mechanics
widespread myth that competing masculinizes females.

What’s More


Picure 1:



Explicit information is any idea that is stated. With explicit information,

you see the text explained! Since you are looking for explicit
information in what is read, the explicit information will be written in the
text. There is no need to look for clues. Just read. If the information is
written it is explicit.

Picture 2:

What is the implied message of this ad?



Implicit information is understood but it is not stated. To find implicit

information in what is read, you will have to think about what you read.
Look for clues as you read. Implicit information is not written.

Ex. #2 : This is an example of implicit advertising as it implies that “

Even in the year 2020, some people are under the assumption that it
is a woman’s role in life to clean and take care of the household.”
What I Have Learned

A well-written text is composed of the following properties:

Organization Achieved when ideas are logically and accurately arranged

Coherence and Cohesion Refers to the overall sense of unity in a text

Language Use Appropriateness of word / vocabulary usage

Mechanics Made emphasis on the technicalities of the structure

What I Can Do

Directions: Read the article taken from World Health Organization ( WHO). After
reading and understanding the article, rewrite it in your own words following the four
characteristics of a well written text integrating the the two types of claims : namely ;
explicit and implicit claims of texts. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly

discovered coronavirus.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate
respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.  Older people,
and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the
COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and
others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub
frequently and not touching your face. 9 WHO

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from
the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also
practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).


Directions: Read each item carefully and answer the following questions. Choose the letter
that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. Which of the statements is TRUE
1. Which property of a well – written
about a well-written text?
text refers to the established writing
a. the writer’s knowledge of the
fundamental properties of conventions for words that use?
grammar A. Organization
b. has a complete thought
c. constitutes proper organization B. Language use
and effective coherence of C. Cohesion and coherence
textual conventions
D. Writing mechanics
d. established both the different
aspects of organization and other 2. Which property is best employed in
textual aspects the passage shown in the picture?
2. Which property of a well-written
text facilitates textual continuity?
a. Organization
b. Coherence and Cohesion
c. Language use
d. Mechanics
3. Which of the following is NOT true
about mechanics as one of the
properties of a well-written text? A. Organization
a. it only focusses on grammar B. Language use
b. it has to do with proofreading C. Cohesion and coherence
most of the time D. Writing Mechanics
c. it only emphasizes the proper use
of punctuation marks in a text
3. This refers to the “grammatical”
d. focusses on the technical structure
of the text aspects of writing and is focused on
4. Language use features the the degree to which sentences (or
appropriateness of words used. even different parts of a sentence)
Which of the following levels of are connected so that the flow of
language use does this situation ideas is easy to follow.
A. Organization
“PO1 Julie presented the result of
the crime investigation on the latest B. Language use
bombing in Marawi to her
C. Cohesion
a. Informal/Personal D. Coherence
b. Standard Academic
c. Business/Technical
d. Slang 4. This refers to the overall
understandability of what you write
or say and involves summarizing
5. What transitional device is used in
the overall argument; putting
the sentence below?
separate, major points into separate
“I was having a hard time in
understanding the article that I am paragraphs; and beginning each
reading because I have not done a paragraph with a ‘topic sentence’,
background research about it.” following by supporting sentences.
a. Comparison A. Organization
b. Cause and Effect
c. Contrast B. Language use
d. Illustration C. Cohesion
D. Coherence

5. Which property of a well – written text

refers to ideas that are logically and
Additional Activities

Directions: Look at the picture below then compose five Explicit claims and five
Implicit claims . Write it on your T - CHART.


EXPLICIT - in the text IMPLICIT - in the mind
Answer Key

Assessment What's More What I Know

1. C 1. A 1. D
2. B 2. A 2. A
3. D 3. A 3. C
4. C 4. D 4. D
5. B 5. A 5. B
6. D

For further reading, please follow these links:

“Explicit and Implicit Claims in a Text”, .Tine Lachica. accessed June 20, 2020, Source: 04/readinglesson-7-explicit-and-implicit-claims-in-a-
text?from_action= save (

“The QTS Literacy Skills Test Support Book,” Steve Padget, accessed June 20, 2020. Source:
https://www.steveslearning. com/ QTS%20Lit%20support/Comprehension%20-%20Explicit
%20 and% 20Implicit.pdf

“Reading and Writing First Quarter Period Properties of a Well-Written Text,” M. Tan (nd),
accessed June 20, 2020. Source:

Development Team

Writer: Juan A. Dela Cruz

Talon-Talon Central School SPED Center
Zamboanga City

Editors/QA: Valeriafides G. Corteza, PhD

Reviewer: Evelyn F. Importante


Layout Artist:

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