Lesson Plan: Learning Objectives

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Lesson Plan

Date: No. of Unit: 01

Class: IV Time duration:40 min
Subject: Social Studies Topic: Rights and responsibilities as citizen

Resources require: White/black board ,Text book , notebook, A/V aids(if available),worksheet

Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

 Differentiate between rights and responsibilities.

 Identify their rights and responsibilities as a citizen of Pakistan.

Introduction-Engagement: (5 min) 
The lesson will be started with an activity:
“I expect, I should be treated like”…….
 At park/public places 
 On roads
 In my school 

Expected responses ( the park should be clean…, I feel safe and secure at public places….., people
follow traffic lights… etc.)
From here the concept of rights and responsibilities will be introduced. 

Explore: (10 min)

Plan A (if A/V aids available)

The teacher will show the following video clipping to students from ( 0:00- 3:40 min) and then ask the
following questions 

Q1. Who was/were not getting rights in this video? Why? What were those rights?
Q2. Who was/were not fulfilling his/her/their responsibilities in this video? Why? What were the

Plan B: (if A/V aids are not available)

The teacher will share the following story with students and ask the following questions.

Zainab was an 8-year-old girl she had a lot of friends and one of her friends Sarah was a Non-Muslim
(Christian) girl. One day Zainab was playing with Sarah. When Zainab’s father saw this, he told Zainab
not to play with Sarah because she was a non-Muslim girl.

Q1. What do you think who was/were not getting right(s) in this story? Why? What was/were the
Q2. Who was not fulfilling his/her responsibilities in this story? Why and what were the responsibilities?
Explanation : (10 min) 

On the basis of students' responses teacher will further discuss the rights and responsibilities as citizens
for e.g. the right to have basic necessities, education, religion, free movement, etc., and the
responsibilities for e.g. To be loyal to our country, clean our environment, follow rules and regulations,

Written work (guided-practice): worksheet (insert) (05-8 min)

Task (a):  Differentiate between rights and responsibilities in the given worksheet by highlighting rights
with yellow and responsibilities with green colour

Assessment (in-class/formative): (5-8 min)

Each student will use an analogy/metaphor or simile to show his/her rights and responsibilities and other
students will identify for e.g. 
 I am a traffic light and I feel happy when people follow me (responsibility)
 I can fly (move) anywhere in my garden (country) like a butterfly. (right)

Sum up: (3-5min): The teacher will randomly ask students to share any occasion when they thought
about or demanded their rights or fulfilled their responsibilities as a citizen of Pakistan

Self-practice/Homework: Worksheet (insert)

Task (b): Write at least two rights and two responsibilities of yours as a citizen of Pakistan. (With the
help of given clues).
Social Studies Worksheet

Topic: Rights and Responsibilities as a citizen

Class IV

Class work

Name: _______________________ Date:______________

Task (a): Differentiate between rights and responsibilities in the given worksheet by highlighting rights with
. yellow and responsibilities with green colour.

Social Studies Worksheet

Topic: Rights and Responsibilities as a citizen

Class IV

Name: _______________________ Date:______________

Home Task
Task(b): Mention at least two right and two responsibilities of yours as a citizen of Pakistan. (Pick clues from
below given list)
My rights……. My responsibilities…

1. ……………………………. 1. …………………………

……………………………. ………………………….....

……………………………. ……………………………..

……………………………. ……………………………..

2. ……………………………. 2. …………………………..

……………………………. ………………………….....

……………………………. ……………………………..

……………………………. ……………………………..


Rights Responsibilities
Safety and security Traffic lights
Freedom of speech Respect
Religious activities/place Save country’s resources
Education/healthcare Culture and religion
Celebrate festivals Clean and green

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