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A study on service promotion of Nepal Telecom

A Project Work Report Proposal


Anju Shrestha
Roll. No. 57

Tu Registration No…………………….

Bhairahawa Multiple Campus

Submitted to

Research Committee
The faculty of Management
Bhairahawa Multiple Campus

In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for

the degree of Bachelor of Business Studies

1. Introduction:
Nepal Telecom was registered on 2060-10-22 underact 2053. Then Nepal
Telecommunications Corporation (NTC) was dissolved and all assets and liabilities were
transferred to Nepal Telecom effective from 2061-01-01. The company with its long
history is on the way of customer service and nation building. After the communication
act 2028, it was formally established as fully owned Gov. in B.S. 2032 for the purpose of
providing telecommunication services to Nepalese people. The company if known to the
general public by the brand name Nepal Telecom as registered trademark. Nepal telecom
has always providing its valued customers a quality service since its inception. To
achieve the goal, technologies best meeting the internet of its customers has always been
selected. The nationwide reach of the organization, from urban area to the economically
non-variable most remote locations, is the result of all dear efforts that makes this
organization different from other. Telecommunication is one of the most important
infrastructures required for development. The growth of telecommunication service in the
country will be guided by technology, declining equipment price, market growth due to
increase in standard of life and finally by healthy competition converting NT from
government owned monopoly company to private owned, business oriented customer
focused Company in a competitive environment.

Services Provided by Nepal Telecom (NTC)

 Public Services:
 Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN)
 CDMA Phone
 WiMax Services
 Postpaid and Prepaid Services
 Asymmetric Direct Subscriber Line (ADSL)
 GSM – 3G Service (WCDMA) Service
 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
 Sky data card
 Basic Services:
 PSTN Fixed Line Phone
 GSM Mobile Phone
 CDMA Phone Services
 Internet and E-Mail Services
 IVR Services
 Online Services:
 GSM Phone Bill
 Web SMS Services
 Caller Ring back tone
 Check E-Mail

2. Statement of the Problems

 Is Nepal Telecom providing cost effective and ecomomic service to the people?
 Is Nepal Telecom providing service nationwide?

3. Objectives:
The following are the objectives of Project Report:
 To analyze the cost effective service of Nepal Telecom.
 To Know the service of Nepal Telecommunication throughout the nation.

4. Hypothesis:
There is significant relation between service promotion cost with sales and profit.

5. Rational:
 It focuses on quality of service and organization business promotion.
 It helps to fulfill the goal of organization.
 It helps to the success organization that we implement marketing plan.
 It increases the bottom line without scarifying efficiencies of service.
 It helps organization to utilize the skill of employees and stake holders and helps to
develop creative approaches to sale and customer service.
6. Limitation:
 The study will be conducted within the subject matter of service of promotion of
Nepal Telecom.
 The study is based on the secondary of Nepal Telecom Bhairahawa regarding service
promotion from 2062 to 2066 year data.
 The study does not cover the cost analysis data.
 Only selected statistical method of analysis will be used to find solution of the

7. Methods:
The Research method is the comprehensive plan or outline of the research to find the
answer of research problem. The research methods includes the research design, the
population and sample size sampling methods, types and procedure of data collection,
data presentation and finally tools and techniques used for analysis of data.

8. Research Design:
A research design refers to a framework for conducting the research or it is a framework
for providing an answer to the hypothetical relationship develop earlier. There are
different type of research design under which a research work can be formed, there
historical research design, descriptive research design, Analytical design, development
research design, action research design, case study research design, etc. This study will
be designed under descriptive and analytical research design.

9. Population and Sample:

The total population of communication service organization service in Nepal is from this
only one organization that is Nepal Telecom has been taken as simple for study. The
purposive sampling technique is followed from choosing of the study.

10. Type of Data:

There are two type of data can be used for a research work primary and secondary data.
This study will be conducted on basis of secondary data.

11. Data Collection Procedure:

For finding the solution of the research problems the data from website of

12. Data Presentation and Analysis:

The collected secondary data regarding service promotion of organization tables,
diagrams and graphs.

13. Reference:

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