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Émilia Castonguay Audrey-Ann Racine

Alicia Desgagnes Roxane Valois

June 7 2050, The modern society newspaper

The 2050 century

They allowed us to reside on the planet for another century
By reducing their consumption and changing their habits, humans had the power to
minimize their impact on the planet and ensured the safety of their future generations

The minimalist movement that took place in 2019, is synonymous with serenity and simplicity.
The goal in this change of consumption was to live better with less. The general idea was to

focus on things that matter like relationships and spending time with our loved ones instead of
living according to our material goods. During the pandemic of Covid-19, the global population
realized that their ecological footprint was problematic. This global phenomenon has
bequeathed to us new habits of life and above all a society of deconsumption.

Leaving a brighter future by adopting a new lifestyle

By 2035, half of the world population was living with an average of 100 000 objects in their
house which is three times less than in 2020. This year, research has shown people live with an

average of 60 000 of goods. That’s all due to the minimalist movement that helps us realize a lot
of things. This is a remarkable improvement for humanity. Back in 2020, the planet has reached
a nonsense return and that is why people started inquiring themself on their personal footprint
on the ecosystem. The scientist was observing all the damage and decreed that if their life
habits didn’t change immediately the exhaustion of our resources would happen more quickly
than we thought. Even if the movement took expansion faster than the coronavirus the results
weren’t in the morning after but two years after which was a drastic change but an incredible
one. All of the sudden their consumption was more responsible and useful. Instead of building
2 million houses it was more around three-hundred thousand which was big enough for regular
families. This way over time humanity makes little change who took a bigger impact.

“The smartphone has multiple functions that could replace a lot of

material goods.” Joshua Becker

How were we able to replace the function of so many objects?

The Smartphone. Towards the end of the 20 s new tools were created according to the
minimalist movement which allowed several functions in a single investment. Search system,
dictionary, recipe book, rule,paper, pen and more are all examples of stains a phone could do.
This is how humans have been able to make such rapid change over a short period of time.
Adding that the company who created phones had to change their way of doing so that the
smartphone would be more durable and less expensive in the long term for the consumer and
less harmful for the planet.

Grateful for this splendid planet

This way the mentality of the population changes. Relationships became more and more
important. People spend a lot more time together and less working to enrich themself. We have
returned to our fundamental values to a less breathless standard of living which allows us to
enjoy more and more day by day. All of this only by reducing our consumption.

Emilia Castonguay

Drastic COVID measures!

Too severe sanitary measures broke a generation

June 2050, and we’re going through the 10th wave of COVID-19, kids are not
going to school since April 2021. At least 86% of them have developed mental
issues according to the scientist Marc Newly. There are clearly a lot of problems
that are going to follow this generation.

“They don’t even know what high school is.”

The period of adolescence is the most important time for a human to develop and learn. Online
school harms this important moment for the children that don't know what it’s like going to
high school and having a social life. Some of the kids that we can call Covid kids haven’t gone to
school once and finished their high school diploma. This generation will never know how it is to
have friends and to experience all the sports, parties, trips, etc that comes with going to real
school. Can we really call online school real school? Of course not because school is not just
about learning things that are going to be useful in your future jobs, but it’s also about the
social part that teaches you a lot of things like living in a society. Andie, a student that was in

secondary 4 when the school close in 2021 says “My high school years were the best years of my
life and now that I am 45 years old and have children, I can’t even talk to them about high
school and all the greats things I did, because they don’t even know what high school is. I never
thought about school not existing. For me, it’s essential for a kid to learn what it is to have a
social life.”.

You make a lot of mistakes going through all the years of high school and that’s how you learn.
However, the Covid generation that has been in front of their computers for years now don’t
make those mistakes and will never learn how to deal with difficult situations that happen in
everyday life. In fact online school is much less efficient than school in presence. The Covid
generation is also proven to be less developed than the previous generations. Those people will
be harmful for our future society and in long terms they will harm the evolution of our

Online school is obviously being at home all day in front of an electronic device. This way of life
created an addiction for the kids to their devices. Technology was supposed to be a helpful work
tool for students. In reality, it became destructive for them. Being on an iPad all day listening
to someone you don’t even know talking is really not motivating for those students. Therefore,
there is 1 in 3 children that dropout due to a lack of motivation and interest in online school.
That proves why this broken generation is less developed and lives in the unknown.

In reality who’s responsible for the destruction of this generation? The government takes a large
part of the responsibility. By imposing all these strict measures for now 30years. Sir George, our
Prime minister says “A lot of people die every day from this terrible virus, so kids should rather
stay at home than go out there and die. My decision will not change”.Staying at home their
whole life and don’t experience what life is really about is worse than dying. The way of life
there living is not even worth it.

This broken generation doesn't know what life is really about, and they are stuck at home all of
their days in front of an electronic device with no social life. These Covid children are living in
hell. They’re life is so bad that Virginia, a 25 years old woman, says that she doesn’t even want

kids, so they don’t have to live in this horrible society. The government has to change their
measures because the society will stop existing.

By Alicia Desgagnés, scientiste


Does the BLM movement still really matter?

Yesterday Richard Haie was killed by a policeman for

practically no reason. We act like there is no more racism
but it is still the reality of our world. People are still dying
because of racism and family are still suffering from it. Will
it end one day?

Richard Haie

Richard Haie was a 45 years old black man who was killed by John Picard, a policeman,
in Texas, where he lived with his son and wife. The victim was on his way home to go
join his family. John Picard arrested him because he was driving too “fast”. John
affirmed that Richard wouldn't cooperate so he had to use violence. But it went too far
and Richard was killed. John Picard clearly acted because of the victim’s ethnicity. It
probably wouldn’t have come to this point if Richard would have been white. It is not
the first time that a policeman uses his power over an innocent man only because of his
skin colour!

Gabrielle Haie and Andrick Haie

The wife of Richard is devastated by the death of her husband. Gabrielle isn’t the first
woman to go through this type of situation. “When Richard died it was like a part of
us died too. One day our whole world changed because a racist policeman

couldn’t act like a real man.” People act like nothing happened because it is not the
first and last time that situation like this will happen. “My husband can’t come back
to life, but he can have the justice that he deserves!” The family wants justice for
the good man that Richard was.

George Floyd

George Floyd is an afro-american man who was killed by a policeman in 2020. The
situation that happened 30 years ago is really similar to
Richard’s one. The two men died because of their
ethnicity. The two of them probably deserved to be
arrested, but not to die. Nobody deserves to die.
Especially not because of their skin color! But the real
question is why does a situation like that still happen 30
years later. And why is it even worse than it was. Back in
2020, when George Floyd died it was everywhere on the news and on social media like
Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook. The whole world wanted justice for that poor man. But
why is nobody reacting today, people don’t care anymore.

“The Black Lives Matters is a movement who was really popular in 2020 after George
Floyd's death. It was really popular on social media like tiktok and instagram. But why
nobody talks about it now, 30 years later? Is it still as important as it was? Why are
people still dying because of their ethnicity?! It has
been proven that the rate of racism increased by
13% since 2020! The situation is critical!”
affirmed Patrick Washington, researcher at Harvard

The society is severely touched by the rate of racism, people are dying and families like
Gabrielle Haie and Andrick Haie are suffering. The rate of racism is continuing to
increase by 1% per year and it has to stop. People hope for change in the future but it
will need a lot of work. « Will the next generation do better? We hope so, for the
own good of our society »affirmed Patrick Washington. As Mr Washington said,
change is needed and needed now!

Roxane Valois

A Shark In The St-Laurent’s River

An Ecosystem In Decline Due to 50 Years Of Ignorance

Yesterday, a giant shark was seen in the st-Laurent’s river. It is one of the most incredible
situations ever seen in Quebec, said the government of Canada. Many people were
swimming in the river and started screaming when they saw a shark fin. This situation is
certainly due to climate change. The oceans are now bigger than ever, all the rivers are now
salty in all parts of the world and the water has increased in temperature. If a shark came
here it’s because it saw a potentiel to come.

A woman called Brigitte Nollet said to have seen this shark and to have had the greatest
fear of her life. She said that because of what she saw she won’t ever swim in the rivers
around Quebec City because she’d be afraid that a shark could attack her. This is
unbelievable, some people think that it’s nice to see a new diversity, but we have to face the
music. A shark in Quebec City means that because of all the contaminations and the
pollution we did to our planet, with all the factories running, the deforestation or the
greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, years ago, these are the reasons why we
now have to face these kinds of scary and unknown situations. The water is hotter and the
salinity is now ideal for the survival of these fish. If they can feed themselves and there are
all the essentials requirements to survive they’ll stay. Witnesses testify that it’s only one lost
shark because they only saw one, but certainly not. The researchers are presently
searching for any sign of a shark family or any kind of saltwater marine mammal in the
St-Laurent’s river. They said that we should have done so much more effort in the years of
2010 to reduce climate change when it was time. Now, even the fishes in the ocean don’t
even know where their real homes are. Some statistics say that if we continue to fuel
climate change and if the countries don’t stop being selfish by using polluting products for
their energy or putting their waste in the oceans, it’s going to get worse. These large
expanses of water will invade our lands and unknown fishes, maybe dangerous, could
emerge from the deep waters.

It is fascinating how we are damaging the habitat of these fish and the quality of our own
planet without knowing it. Even if we want to capture this shark to put it back in the ocean,
researchers prove that it will come back and maybe more of these are already on their way
to our lakes. “We are living on the planet as if we have another one to go to” said Terry
Swearingen. We are the solution to this situation. We stop increasing the temperature of
the oceans and one more shark finds its way to his real home. Don’t you think we should
start now?

Audrey-Anne Racine


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