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Sociology of Education

Chapter: 1 Mid-term

topic: 1.1 The Concept of Education

Education as a process cannot be conceived to start at one point and end at an-other. It is a
continuous process, it resembles a spiral. Once a set of objectives are achieved, a new set of
objectives are pursued. It is a process of bringing about desired changes in human behaviour. The
behavioural changes that an educational institution attempts to bring about constitute its objectives.

Behaviour includes three areas:

these are cognitive, affective and psychomotor

1:Cognitive area refers to knowledge related objectives. These objectives deal with the recall or
recognition of knowledge and development of other higher and intellectual abilities and skills.
An example: of a simple cognitive might be (the student should be able to calculate all the
dimensions of a rectangular given the lengths of three sides and all the size of the angles among
2. Affective area involves attitude related objectives. This area refers to a kind of behaviour
associated with the feeling, emotion, appreciation, values, interests etc.

The last area that is 3:psychomotor: represents those educational objectives that deal with a chain
of motor responses or development of physical skills-such as drawing graphs, measuring an object
and so on. An example of psychomotor objective might be. ’The student should be able to set up and
use equipment for laboratory experiment when called for.
No educational system can be effective unless its purposes are clearly defined…

Following are few of the definitions regarding what is education…

1: The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

2: Education is very important within society. It’s the basis for the prolongation of culture, for the
instruction of individuals, for the evolution of society and for other purposes.

3: Education in the true sense is helping the individual to be mature and free, to flower greatly in
love and goodness. That is what we should be interested in, and not in shaping the child according to
some idealistic pattern. The highest function of education is to bring about an integrated individual
who is capable of dealing with life as a whole.

4: Education is the wise, hopeful and respectful cultivation of learning undertaken in the belief that
all should have the chance to share in life.


New concepts of education to transfer the described technology to our society .Especially, small and
midsize companies need qualified employees to create new business models with new applications.
People with knowledge of data analytics and machine learning together with practical experience in
IT are rare. Those having this knowledge might prefer to apply at big players and not consider
classical companies in mechanical engineering or other domains with interfaces to novel IT
The whole United Nations system has played a supportive role in promoting peace education.

Declarations, and action plans which provide the basic framework for promoting the concept of
education for a culture of peace worldwide.


Power is defined as active nonviolence;

People being mobilized to build understanding, not to defeat a common enemy;

Democratic processes to replace vertical and hierarchical power structures and authority;

Free flow of information replacing secrecy;

Male-dominated cultures replaced by power-sharing among women, men, and children;

Feminine cultures as centres of peace building (including connectedness, power-sharing) replacing
traditional structures glorifying war and the preparations for war; and

Exploitation of the environment, closely associated with warfare, replaced by cooperative


Various initiatives taken by this worldwide organization have legitimized peace education efforts in
countries throughout the world.

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