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Protoplasma (2000) 211:51-63

9 Springer-Verlag 2000
Printed in Austria

Organogenesis from Solanum melongena L. (eggplant) cotyledon explants is

associated with hormone-modulated enhancement of polyamine biosynthesis
and conjugation

V. Scoccianti 1,,, E. Sgarbi 2, D. Fraternale 1, and S. Biondi 3

1Istituto Botanico, Universit~ di Urbino, Urbino, : Dipartimento di Biologia, Sezione Orto Botanico, Universitg di Modena e Reggio
Emilia, Modena, and 3Dipartimento di Biologia, Universit~ di Bologna, Bologna

Received May 18, 1999

Accepted September 16, 1999

Summary. Eggplant (Solanum melongena L. cv. Violetta lunga 2) Abbreviations: PA polyamine; Put putrescine; Spd spermidine; Spm
cotyledon explants grown on hormone-free medium (controls) or spermine; NAA naphthaleneacetic acid; ZR zeatin riboside; TCA
on medium containing either naphthaleneacetic acid alone (root trichloroacetic acid; ODC ornithine decarboxylase; ADC arginine
forming) or in combination with zeatin riboside (shoot forming) decarboxylase.
showed minor differences in free polyamine titres during culture.
In contrast, conjugated polyamines (particularly those in the
trichloroacetic acid-soluble fraction) accumulated only in hormone- Introduction
treated explants, but not in controls. The extent and the temporal
changes in soluble-conjugate levels differed between root-forming Putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd), and spermine
and shoot-forming explants; in the former, accumulation began
earlier (within 1 day of culture) and reached the highest levels. In (Spm), the m o s t c o m m o n aliphatic p o l y a m i n e s (PAs)
both organogenic programmes, maximum conjugate accumulation in plants, are implicated in m a n y g r o w t h and develop-
occurred just before and during organ emergence. Adventitious m e n t a l processes and have thus b e e n p r o p o s e d as a
roots and shoots were formed along the cut surfaces. The regions
closest to these ("borders") displayed a significantly higher ratio n e w class of plant g r o w t h regulators. This is b e c a u s e
of conjugated to free spermidine and/or putrescine than the altered levels of PAs and activities of their biosynthetic
nonorganogenic regions ("centres") of the explant. Ornithine decar- e n z y m e s have b e e n associated with changes in g r o w t h
boxylase activity was higher than arginine decarboxylase activity
and d e v e l o p m e n t in n u m e r o u s plants ( E v a n s and
both in control and hormone-treated explants. However, both activ-
ities increased markedly on day 2 of culture in the presence of hor- M a l m b e r g 1989, Torrigiani 1996). Results concerning
mones. Thereafter ornithine decarboxylase activity remained high in the effects of e x o g e n o u s l y supplied PAs or specific
shoot-forming explants, but not in root-forming ones. Putrescine inhibitors of P A biosynthetic e n z y m e s have led to
oxidising activity was also enhanced by exogenously supplied hor-
mones starting from day 4 of culture. This activity remained high up similar conclusions. The class of e n z y m e s involved in
to day 12 in the presence of auxin plus cytokinin, whereas it peaked P A catabolism (diamine and p o l y a m i n e oxidases) and
on day 6 in auxin-treated explants. Spermidine oxidising activity the p r o d u c t s of their activity also play an i m p o r t a n t
was the only enzyme activity which was consistently higher in con-
trols than in hormone-treated tissue. Differences between the physiological role in plants (Federico and Angelini
two organogenic programmes with respect to temporal changes in 1991). I n the last ten years, s o m e researchers have
polyamine content, and putrescine biosynthetic and oxidative activ- emphasised the i m p o r t a n c e of t r i c h l o r o a c e t i c ( T C A ) -
ities are discussed in relation to the timing of organ formation. The
or perchloric acid-soluble c o n j u g a t e d PAs. These are
latter was monitored both histologically and macroscopically.
primarily h y d r o x y c i n n a m i c acid amides (Flores and
Keywords: Solanum melongena; Polyamines; Organogenesis; M a r t i n - T a n g u y 1991), which are particularly a b u n d a n t
Arginine decarboxylase; Ornithine decarboxylase; Amine oxidases. in the r e p r o d u c t i v e organs of t o b a c c o ( C a b a n n e et al.
1981) and in t o b a c c o plants infected with t o b a c c o
mosaic virus (Martin-Tanguy 1985, Torrigiani et al.
* Correspondence and reprints: Istituto di Botanica, Universit5 di 1997), suggesting a role for these c o m p o u n d s in repro-
Urbino, Via Bramante 28, 1-61029 Urbino, Italy. duction, disease resistance, and stress.
52 V. Scoccianti et al.: Organogenesis from eggplant explants and polyamine biosynthesis

M a n y studies have also addressed the question of oxidative activity a p p e a r to be related to the different
P A i n v o l v e m e n t during in vitro morphogenesis, b o t h timing of organ formation.
organogenesis and e m b r y o g e n e s i s (e.g., Fienberg et al.
1984; Torrigiani et al. 1987, 1989; Tiburcio et al. 1988).
Material and methods
U n d e r s t a n d i n g the role of PAs in such d e v e l o p m e n t a l
processes is h a m p e r e d by the scarcity of m u t a n t s in P A Plant material
m e t a b o l i s m and action; on the o t h e r hand, n e w insight Commercial seeds of eggplant (Solanum melongena L. cv. Violetta
is only recently b e c o m i n g possible with plants trans- lunga 2) were sterilised in a 5% sodium hypochlorite solution for
genic for the P A biosynthetic genes ( K u m a r et al. 30 rain under vacuum, washed five times in sterile water and sown
on half-strength MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) supple-
1997). O t h e r a p p r o a c h e s essentially rely on the use of mented with 10 g of sucrose per litre and 0.8% agar. Seeds were
P A biosynthesis inhibitors, application of e x o g e n o u s allowed to germinate at 26 + 1 ~ under a 16 h photoperiod.
PAs, and correlative data on t e m p o r a l and spatial
changes in P A levels associated with the different In vitro culture conditions
phases of morphogenesis. I n a few cases, r e g e n e r a t i n g Cotyledons were excised from 19-day-old seedlings, sectioned trans-
and n o n r e g e n e r a t i n g explants of the same species versely into three parts, and placed on MS medium containing 30 g
of sucrose per litre, 0.8% agar, and different hormonal conditions
( A r i b a u d et al. 1994, M a r t i n - T a n g u y et al. 1988), or
as follows: (a) hormone-free, (b) 10-6 M naphthaleneacetic acid
even tissues of the same explant ( L e s h e m et al. 1991, (NAA), (c) 2 • 10 8M NAA plus 7 • 10-7 M zeatin riboside (ZR). In
P e d r o s o etal. 1997), have b e e n c o m p a r a t i v e l y some experiments, polyamines (Put, Spd) or 13-OH-ethylhydrazine
analysed. G i v e n that m a n y different experimental were added to the media. The cultures were incubated at 26 • 1 ~
under a 16 h photoperiod with cool white fluorescent lamps (Philips
systems have b e e n used (different species, tissues, TLD 36W/33; irradiance, 50 gmol/m<s).
physiological stages, h o r m o n a l treatments, and m o r -
p h o g e n i c p r o g r a m m e s ) , no clear picture e m e r g e s f r o m Histological analysis
the m y r i a d data available. A further complication Cotyledon explants at the time of excision (day 0) and after 4, 6, 8,
arises f r o m the fact that n o t all studies have t a k e n con- 10, and 12 days in culture on hormone-free, auxin-, or auxin- and
jugated PAs into consideration. cytokinin-containing media were collected. The border regions of
each explant were excised and fixed in 3 % glutaraldehyde in 50 mM
In the present study, cellular levels of free and phosphate buffer, pH 7, postfixed with aqueous 1% OsO~, dehy-
conjugated PAs, the activity of the two key e n z y m e s drated in a graded acetone series and embedded in Durcupan ACM
responsible for Put biosynthesis (arginine and (Fluka Chemic AG, Buchs, Switzerland). Each step was conducted
in a microwave oven according to Gutmann and Feucht (1991).
ornithine decarboxylase), and Put and Spd oxidative
Cross sections, 1.5 gm thick, parallel to the cut surface of the explant,
activity were analysed in c o t y l e d o n explants of were cut with a Reichert Jung Ultracut E microtome, stained with
S o l a n u m m e l o n g e n a L. cultured in the absence toluidine blue, and observed and photographed under a Leitz
( n o n o r g a n o g e n i c controls) or in the p r e s e n c e of Orthoplan microscope.
e x o g e n o u s h o r m o n e s - auxin alone or auxin plus
Polyamine analysis
cytokinin - which induce r o o t or shoot formation,
At 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 days in culture, a 2 mm wide strip was
respectively. The d e v e l o p m e n t a l s e q u e n c e and the
excised parallel to the two cut ends of each explant. These strips
effect of treating explants with e x o g e n o u s Put or Spd ("borders") and the remaining parts ("centres") of the explants
were also investigated. were weighed separately, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, and
The m o s t striking difference b e t w e e n control and kept at -80 ~ until use. Tissue was extracted in 3 volumes of 5%
(w/v) TCA. After centrifugation (15000 g, 15 rain), aliquots of the
h o r m o n e - t r e a t e d explants consisted in the rapid and supernatant were dansylated and analysed by thin-layer chromato-
consistent a c c u m u l a t i o n of soluble conjugated PAs graphy on precoated Silicagel 60 plates (Merck) with cyclohexane-
occurring in the latter but n o t in the former. This pos- ethylacetate (3 : 2, v/v) as solvent. Spots comigrating with standard
Put, Spd, and Spin were scraped off, eluted with 2 ml of acetone
itive correlation, whose significance is still unclear,
and their relative fluorescence measured (excitation wavelength,
b e t w e e n high soluble-conjugate levels and organised 360 nm; emission wavelength, 505.5 nm) with a Jasco FP-770 spec-
g r o w t h was further s u p p o r t e d by the fact that the trofluorometer (Torrigiani et al. 1987). Aliquots of the TCA super-
explant portions directly involved in the o r g a n o g e n i c natant and pellet were hydrolysed with 6 N HC1 at 110 ~ overnight
in order to release and then determine, following the same procedure
process ( b o r d e r regions) generally displayed an as described above, TCA-soluble and -insoluble conjugated PAs.
observably higher ratio of conjugated to free PAs than
the n o n o r g a n o g e n i c centres. Differences b e t w e e n the ADC and ODC activity assays
two o r g a n o g e n i c p r o g r a m m e s with respect to the time Samples (300-500 rag) were homogenised on ice in 5 volumes of
course of P A c o n t e n t as well as Put biosynthetic and 100 mM Tris-HC1, pH 8.5, containing 50 gM pyridoxalphosphate,
V. Scoccianti et al.: Organogenesis from eggplant explants and polyamine biosynthesis 53

and centrifuged at 18000 g for 30 min at 4 ~ Ornithine decarboxy- of highly vacuolised cells with small intercellular
lase (ODC) and arginine decarboxylase (ADC) activity assays were
performed essentially as described by Bagni et al. (1983). They
consisted in measuring the ~4CO2 evolution from 7.4kBq of After 4 days in culture on hormone-free medium
L-[1-14C]ornithine (specific activity, 2.11 GBq/mmol; Amersham, (Fig. i b), an increase in intercellular spaces and abun-
Milano, Italy) or DL-[U54C]arginine (specific activity, 11 GBq/ dant starch accumulation were observed in both the
mmol; Amersham), respectively after a 2 h incubation at 37 ~ of
aliquots of the supernatant. palisade and spongy mesophyll. Later on these
explants lost the normal foliar anatomy and appeared
Oxidative activity assay more disorderly. Larger intercellular spaces and starch
Oxidative activity was assayed by a radiometric method that mea- accumulation also occurred in hormone-treated
sures Aa-[14C]pyrroline and 1,5-[14C]diazabicyclononane formation explants; these modifications increased in intensity
from [a4C]putrescine and [~4C]spermidine, respectively. Explants during culture, particularly in shoot-forming explants.
were homogenised in 3 volumes of 100 mM potassium phosphate
buffer, pH 8, containing 2 mM dithiothreitol, and centrifuged at
In the latter, the first cell divisions were initially
18000 g for 30 min. Aliquots of the supernatant and resuspended observed within the spongy mesophyll in close prox-
pellet were pre-incubated separately at room temperature for imity to the minor veins (Fig. lc). Later (day 6),
45 rain and then incubated at 37 ~ for 30 min with 7.4kBq
parenchyma cells increased in size, and well-defined
[14C]putrescine (specific activity 4.37 GBq/mmol; Amersham) or
[a4C]spermidine (specific activity, 4.07 GBq/mmol; Amersham), aggregates of dividing cells appeared (Fig. 1 d). These
22.5 gg of catalase, and 10 mM unlabelled putrescine or spermidine. gave rise asynchronously to differently sized meriste-
After stopping the reaction with 2% Na2COB, the a4C-labelled prod- moids in the central zone of the mesophyll (Fig. i e).
ucts were extracted in 2 ml of toluene; a 0.5 ml aliquot of the solvent
was then placed in scintillation cocktail (Ultima Gold; Canberra Shoot-forming explants also formed a conspicuous
Packard, Groningen, the Netherlands) before radioactivity was mea- amount of callus, leading to the disruption of both epi-
sured in a scintillation counter (LS 1800; Beckman). dermal layers (Fig. I f).
In root-forming explants, diffuse meristematic activ-
Statistical analysis
ity was evident by day 4 (Fig. 2 a); well-defined clusters
Each experiment was performed at least twice. Differences between of dividing cells occurred in the subepidermal layer
means of number of roots per explant or explant fresh weight were
analysed by Student's t-test.
and around the veins, particularly involving the bundle
sheath cells (Fig. 2b). These aggregates either formed
strands, as a result of periclinal divisions, or were glob-
Results ular (Fig. 2c). By day 6, explants grown on medium
containing N A A alone had well-developed meriste-
Morphogenesis and developmental sequence
moids that soon differentiated into root primordia and
On hormone-free medium, cotyledon explants re- roots (Fig. 2d).
mained green and healthy for approximately 12-14
days, but never regenerated any organs nor formed
Free- and conjugated-poIyamine levels
any visible callus. On the contrary, in both hormonal
treatments 90-100% of the explants exhibited an At the time of excision (day 0), the border regions of
organogenic response. On medium containing N A A explants contained a large amount of free Put (Figs.
alone, adventitious roots were formed along the entire 3-5). This was by far the predominant PA, followed by
basal cut surface together with some friable callus. The Spd and Spm (Fig. 5). Conjugated PAs in the TCA-
first roots emerged after 6-8 days in culture with a soluble fraction were absent.
mean number of 7.8 + 1.3 roots per explant on day 9. In control explants grown on hormone-free
On medium containing N A A plus ZR, adventitious medium, free Put titres remained fairly constant
buds were formed. Primordia became visible from throughout culture (Fig. 3). On the contrary, Spd levels
around day 10 in culture, initially along the basal cut fell abruptly on day i (down to 42% of the day 0
surface but later also along the opposite (distal) one. value), continued to decline up to a minimum on day
There was some callus formation all around the 6, and remained low thereafter. Spm, which was
explant. present only at time 0 at a concentration of about
The general histology of the explants at day 0 is 14 nmol/g fresh weight, later disappeared; soluble con-
shown in Fig. 1 a. In cross section cotyledons display jugates were never detectable.
an upper and lower epidermis with stomata and 8 In the organogenic tissue slices ("borders") of
layers of mesophyll (palisade and spongy) consisting root-forming explants (Fig. 4A), free Put declined
54 V. Scoccianti et al.: Organogenesis from eggplant explants and polyamine biosynthesis
V. Scoccianti et al.: Organogenesis from eggplant explants and polyamine biosynthesis 55

gradually during culture, reaching one third of the explants, in shoot-forming explants free Spm was
day 0 value on day 12. Spd decreased rapidly during present throughout culture without significant varia-
the first 4 days, reaching a minimum on day 6 (Fig. tions, while soluble conjugated Spin exhibited a large
4B). Later, it increased up to 2 or 3 times this level peak on day 2 (Fig. 5C). Like the rhizogenic ones,
but still remained well below the initial value. After shoot-forming explants also accumulated conspicuous
day 0, spermine was no longer detectable, The most amounts of TCA-soluble conjugated Put which, how-
dramatic change occurring in the PA pattern of rhizo- ever, appeared only from day 4 with a first peak on day
genic explants was the appearance of TCA-soluble 6 followed by a second, larger increase on day 12.
conjugated Put and Spd already after 1 day in culture These explants did not at any time accumulate as
(Fig. 4A, B). This was followed by a large and rapid much of this conjugate as did root-forming ones. Con-
increase in these conjugates; maximum accumulation jugated Spd also appeared later (day 6), practically
of conjugated Put occurred between days 4 and 8, disappeared again on day 8, and only occurred in rel-
while conjugated Spd peaked on day 4 but then grad- evant amounts on day 12 (Fig. 5 B). Later on (day 17),
ually declined, so that by day 12 it was no longer it declined to values comparable to those of day 6
detectable. TCA-insolnble conjugated Put, which also (Table 1). Also in these exptants, the only amine
appeared on day 1, was always less than the free or present in the TCA-insoluble fraction was Put. It was
soluble conjugated form; its levels were fairly stable detectable from day 1, increased up to day 6, and after
with a slight increase between days 6 and 10 (Fig. 4A). day 10 tended to disappear again (Fig. 5 A).
On shoot-inducing medium, the organogenic A comparative analysis of free-PA levels in
borders exhibited similar changes in the pattern of free organogenic borders versus nonorganogenic centres of
amines; thus, Put levels underwent a gradual decline shoot-forming explants indicated that on days 4 and
(Fig. 5A), while Spd decreased abruptly during the 12 borders had somewhat higher levels of Put (ca.
first 4 days when it reached a minimum value which twofold) than centres, and that Spd and Spin were
persisted up to day 12 (Fig. 5B). Unlike rhizogenic not significantly different (Table 1). Later in culture

Table L Free and TCA-soiuble conjugated PA content in organogenic borders and

non0rganogenic centres of shoot-forming explants of S. melongena at different times in

Time ~ i f i d Concentration (nmol/g fresh weight) of PAs"

free soluble conjugated

Put Spd Spm PUt Spd Spm

Day 4
Border 333 _+60 55 + 9 19 _+3 228 _+43 traces 15 _+3
Centres 182 _+8 73 _+3 16 _+1 46 _+2 traces 34 + 6
Day 12
Borders 223 _+40 75 _+10 14 +_3 409 _+80 traces 6 _+1
Centres 106 -+ 12 80 + 13 8+2 134 _+4 traces 24 _+8
Day 17
Borders 62_+9 30+4 10_+2 368+_73 15-+2 48-+9
Centres 67_+3 16_+1 9-+1 141_+8 11_+2 22_+3

Values are means with standard deviation

Fig. l a - f . Histology of X raelongena cotyledon exptants during in vitro culture; transverse sections stained with toluidine blue. a Cotyle-
don from a 20-day-old seedling at the time of excision (day 0). x220. b Explant after 4 days on hormone-free medium showing starch accu-
mulation and large intercellular spaces, x220. e Explant after 4 days in culture on medium supplemented with NAA and Z R showing cell
divisions near the minor veins (arrow). x160. d Shoot-forming explant showing dusters of dividing cells (arrows). x160. e Meristemoids at
day 8 (x160), and f callus proliferation disrupting the two epidermal layers (x160)
56 V. Scoccianti et al.: Organogenesis from eggplant explants and polyamine biosynthesis

Fig. 2a-d. Histology of root-forming S. melongena cotyledon explants during in vitro culture; transverse sections stained with toluidine
blue. a and h Explant at day 4 showing areas of meristematic activity (a, x160) and strands of dividing cells in a perivascular position (short
arrows) and in subepidermal layers (long arrow). Starch accumulation is evident in adaxial layers (b, x200), c Globular meristemoids in
subepidermal layers (x160). d Root primordia in 6-day-old explant (x160)
V. Scoccianti et al.: Organogenesis from eggplant explants and polyamine biosynthesis 57

1000 800

600 u.

o 400 r 400
200 e..
0 i I T i 9 i

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 I m I I I I I

Time (days) 200

Fig. 3. Temporal changes in free Put (m) and Spd (0) levels in
border regions of S. melongena cotyledon explants during culture on 150
hormone-free medium I..k
1000 " 50
" 600 C
0 U.
E 400 "7,

"6 20
200 E
"P I I I I I
200 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (days)

150 Fig. 5. Temporal changes in free (e) and soluble (m) and insoluble
(&) conjugated Put (A), Spd (B), and Spm (C) levels in border
n regions of S. melongena cotyledon explants during culture on shoot-
"7, inducing medium
(day 17), both regions had similar Put and Spm titres,
50 while borders had more Spd than centres. Even more
striking differences between borders and centres were
observed with respect to TCA-soluble conjugated-Put
0 I I I I I "P"

levels (Table 1). In 4-day-old shoot-forming explants,

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
the former had 5-fold higher levels of this conjugate
Time (days) than the latter. Smaller yet consistent differences
Fig. 4. Temporal changes in free (e) and soluble (m) and insoluble were also observed in 12- and 17-day-old explants.
(A) conjugated Put (A) and Spd (B) levels in border regions of Consequently, the ratio of conjugated to free Put dif-
S. melongena cotyledon explants during culture on root-inducing fered markedly between borders and centres, and
increased with time in culture: 0.7, 1.8, and 5.9 in
borders, 0.25, 1.3, and 2.1 in centres on days 4, 12, and
17, respectively.
58 V. Scocciantiet al.: Organogenesisfrom eggplantexplants and polyaminebiosynthesis

Table 2. Ratio of conjugatedto free PA in organogenicborders and 2000

nonorganogenic centres of S. melongena cotyledon explants at dif- "T.
e- A
ferent times on root-inducingmedium ~ 1500

Day Put Spd 1000

Borders Centres Borders Centres

i i
6 1.8 1.1 5.3 0.5 2000-
8 1.7 0.5 1.9 0.2
e- B I
r 1500

As shown in Table 2, the ratio of soluble conjugated 500
to free Put was always higher in borders than in e~

centres also in root-forming explants, especially from i I

d a y 4 onwards. Furthermore, conjugated Spd in

borders prevailed (about 2-fold) over the free form
starting from day 2, but never in centres where this
conjugate was scarce.
A D C and O D C activities
o 50O
O D C activity was much higher (7- to 10-fold) than o.
A D C activity at the time of excision and throughout
culture in all three treatments. In control explants, 0 2 6 12
neither activity changed significantly during culture T i m e (days)
and the rather low values of day 0 were maintained
Fig. 6. Time course of ADC (grey column) and ODC (white
throughout (Fig. 6). In contrast, both activities in- column) activities in control (A), shoot-forming (B), and root-
creased after 2 days in hormone-treated explants. In forming (C) cotyledonexplants of S. melongena during culture
shoot-forming explants (Fig. 6), ODC activity contin-
ued to rise up to day 6 and remained high thereafter,
while root-forming explants exhibited a significantly remained high up to day 12, whereas in the latter it
lower activity on days 6 and 12 compared to that of tended to decline.
day 2 (Fig. 6). A D C activity followed a similar pattern The pattern of Spd oxidation was markedly differ-
to that of O D C in both organogenic programmes. ent: it was very low on day 0 and then increased dra-
matically only in control explants where it peaked on
day 2 and remained well above day 0 values up to day
Put and S p m oxidation
6 (Fig. 8). In hormone-treated explants, it increased
Put and Spd oxidative activities were measured in significantly only on days 2 and 4 in root-forming and
both the supernatant and the pellet with the former shoot-forming explants, respectively (Fig. 8).
prevailing over the latter in most cases; particulate
activity was especially abundant on days 4 and 6 in
Treatment with exogenous Spd, Put or diamine
hormone-treated explants (Fig. 7). Total (supernatant
oxidase inhibitor
plus pellet) diamine (Put) oxidase activity displayed
only minor variations during time in culture in control Exogenous Spd supplied at physiological concentra-
explants (Fig. 7). On the contrary, this activity in- tion (equivalent to the endogenous level in day 0
creased significantly on day 4 in caulogenic and on explants) exerted a deleterious effect on rhizogenesis
day 6 in rhizogenic explants (Fig. 7). In the former, it in terms of both the percentage of organogenic
V. Scoccianti et al.: Organogenesis from eggplant explants and polyamine biosynthesis 59

300 250
"T, c
A 'E 2 0 0 A
200 15o
1.1., 9r, 100
100 50
" 0 I I
9,re-, 2 5 0
"E 2 0 0 B
"7, B T

E -T..,.
,.i- 15o
200 I,,I..
9r, 100

i!~i!~i~i!i!il 50
% 100 E
= 0
ili!i i ii/!!i .......
E 9";f..,, 2 5 0

0 i i | i = a "~= 2 0 0

'.r, 300 15o

e.. I,.I.
C 100
200 '~ 50
!.1.. " 0
100 0 1 2 4 6
E Time (days)
0 i
R ! i !
i!iii i i Fig. 8. Time course of soluble (grey column) and particulate (white
column) Spd oxidative activity in control (A), shoot-forming (B),
0 1 2 4 6 8 12
and root-forming (C) cotyledon explants of S. rnelongena during
Time (days) culture

Fig. 7. Time course of soluble (grey column) and particulate (white

column) Put oxidative activity in control (A), shoot-forming (B), Table 3. Organogenic response and fresh weight of S. rnelongena
and root-forming (C) cotyledon explants of S. melongena during cotyledon explants after 9 days in culture on root-inducing medium
culture (control) supplemented with 0.4 mM spermidine starting from day

Treatment % organogenic No. roots/ Explant fresh

explants and the number of roots per explant (Table exptants explant weight (mg) a
3). This negative influence increased when the PA was
Root-inducing 87.2 5.7 51.6 + 21 (100)
supplied at a critical point of organ formation (day 5). (controls)
Conversely, in the presence of NAA plus ZR, exoge- + Spd day 0 70.9 5.1 40.9 _+12 (79)
nous Spd did not significantly affect the percentage of + Spd day 5 52.7 3.9 34.4 + 10"* (67)
organogenic explants (data not shown), but it acceler- aValues are means with standard error; ** P _<0.01 for significant
ated primordia development into shoots (Fig. 9) and difference from controls. In parentheses, percent of controls
caused a significant fresh-weight increment: 123 + 21
and 181 + 44 mg per explant for controls and explants
treated with Spd from day 5 onwards, respectively.
An exogenous supply of Put also inhibited rhizo- Results presented here indicate that free amines in
genesis as did treatment with the diamine oxidase eggplant cotyledon explants essentially underwent a
(DAO) inhibitor [~-OH-ethylhydrazine (Table 4). constant and gradual decrease with time in culture
60 V. Scocciantiet al.: Organogenesis from eggplant explants and polyamine biosynthesis

Table4. Organogenic response and fresh weight on day 9 of

cotyledon explants of S. rnelongena cultured on root-inducing
medium (control) supplemented with 1 mM Put or with [3-OH-

Treatment % organogenic No. roots/ Explant fresh

A B C D explants explant" weight(rag)"
Fig. 9. Cotyledon explants after 18 days in culture on shoot-forming Root-inducing 100 9.9 _+1.2 68.3 +_21 (100)b
medium without (A) or with 0.4 mM Spd supplied from day 0 (B), (control)
day 2 (C), or day 5 (D) + Put 64 2.5 + 0.6** 36.7 -+19"* (57.5)
irrespective of the hormonal treatment and of the 0.5 mM 52 1.9 + 0.5** 34.0 + 16"* (53.3)
cotyledon portion (borders or centres). Lack of mean- 2 mM 29 0.8 +_0.6** 26.0 _+11"* (40.7)
ingful differences were also reported between free-PA a Values are means with standard error; ** P _<0.01 for significant
levels in organogenic (basal end) and nonorganogenic difference from controls
(middle) tissues of excised melon cotyledons (Leshem bIn parentheses, percent of controls
et al. 1991), and between shoot-forming and non-
shoot-forming Pinus radiata cotyledons (Kumar and
Thorpe 1989). Other types of explants (e.g., tobacco (1994) observed that addition of coumaroylPut had no
thin layers) respond, upon introduction in culture, with significant effect on growth of the former, and strongly
an increase in PA titres (Tiburcio et al. 1989;Torrigiani inhibited both bud and callus formation in the latter.
et al. 1987, 1989); this is determined by hormonal In fact, in tobacco explants, overaccumulation of
treatment and presumably raises them to the levels soluble conjugated PAs resulting from treatment with
required for active cell division and organised growth. methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) is strongly dele-
The decrease in free PAs observed by us during culture terious to meristemoid and bud primordia formation
is probably justified by the fact that, different from (Scaramagli et al. 1999); Wyss-Benz et al. (1990) also
other types of explants, eggplant cotyledons, as concluded that HCAs do not trigger growth and dif-
reported for other seedling portions (Fobert and Webb ferentiation. Therefore, as long as the function of
1988, Kumar and Thorpe 1989, Sharma and Rajam HCAs remains unclear, their accumulation in cultured
1995), have very high levels of free PAs at the time of tissues may be interpreted as a side effect of hormone-
excision, possibly because they are a storage form of stimulated free-PA production.
nitrogen. These levels are probably sufficient to sustain On the other hand, results of the present work indi-
any form of growth and development, including organ cate clearly that PA levels in the soluble conjugated
induction, and are presumably even in excess. fraction exhibit marked changes in relation to hor-
Since, as also supported by present data on A D C monal treatment, the time course of organogenesis,
and O D C activities, treatment with exogenous hor- and organogenic potential of different explant zones.
mones and growth activation in general appears to In tobacco leaf explants, irrespective of the hormonal
represent a strong stimulus towards PA biosynthesis or treatment, free and conjugated PAs peaked on days
at least prevents their depletion (Fobert and Webb 7-10 (Martin-Tanguy et al. 1988). Nonetheless, soluble
1988), a further increase in the free-amine pool may conjugated Put titres decreased in this order: 2,4-
have to be counterbalanced by conjugation and oxi- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) alone > 2,4-D plus
dation as a means of reducing the active (free) pool of benzyladenine (BA) > BA > hormone free. Similar
PAs. This raises the question as to whether or not results were obtained by us even though the auxin and
soluble conjugated PAs should be considered merely cytokinin used were different. In leaf explants of
as secondary metabolites or if, as postulated by some Crysanthernurn rnorifolium, conjugates also appeared
investigators (Martin-Tanguy 1985), they have a func- on all hormone-supplemented media after 2 days in
tion in growth regulation. On medium supplemented culture and levels were strongly influenced by the hor-
with HCAs, proliferative growth of tobacco leaf discs monal treatment (Aribaud et al. 1994). In particular,
was enhanced, whereas bud formation was inhibited both Put and Spd conjugates accumulated to much
(Martin et al. 1985). In Helianthus tuberosus tuber higher levels in the presence of indoleacetic acid (root-
explants and tobacco thin cell layers, Bagni et al. forming medium) compared with BA (shoot-forming
v. Scocciantiet al.: Organogenesis from eggplant explants and polyamine biosynthesis 61

medium). These data are in agreement with present since in the absence of exogenously supplied hor-
results. In fact, although conjugated Put increased mones there was no accumulation of conjugates, this
sharply starting from day 2 in culture both on NAA- also shows that the stress imposed by excision and in
and NAA-plus-ZR-containing medium, the maximum vitro culture per se is not sufficient to evoke this
levels reached were higher in the former than in the response.
latter (700 and 320 nmol/g fresh weight, respectively), Yadav and Rajam (1998) reported that basal leaf
suggesting that auxin may play an important role in disc portions of S. melongena pretreated with Put
causing a rapid induction of this accumulation (also showed improved embryogenesis that was comparable
in relation to the concentration used). The auxin- to that of apical portions. We attempted to further
plus-cytokinin treatment resulted in accumulation of enhance the organogenic response by supplying
conjugated Put (almost 600 nmol/g fresh weight) com- exogenous Put either from the start of culture (day 0)
parable to that induced by auxin alone only later in or from the time when cellular levels of free Put had
culture (day 12). These temporal changes can be cor- declined to half of day 0 values (day 5). Such treat-
related with the timing of the organogenetic process ments, however, inhibited the rhizogenic response, sug-
which is faster for roots than shoots. In both cases, the gesting that they lead to supraoptimal levels of free
sharp rise in conjugated Put and Spd occurs before and/or conjugated forms of the diamine itself or of the
the first roots or buds become visible. Furthermore, PAs derived from it. With the aim of maintaining high
the late rise in Put conjugates in explants treated with levels of Put, eggplant explants grown on rooting
N A A plus Z R could be attributed to the presence of medium were also treated with [3-OH-ethylhydrazine,
buds whose putative auxin-synthesising capacity may an inhibitor of DAO activity. In Crysanthemum leaf
have enhanced these levels. discs induced to form buds (Aribaud et al. 1994) or
A positive correlation was reported between the roots (Martin-Tanguy et al. 1997), addition of 2 mM [3-
spatial distribution of free and conjugated forms of OH-ethylhydrazine markedly enhanced Put content
Put, Spd, and Spm and the embryogenic capacity of and blocked organogenesis totally. The latter authors
different regions of the leaves (Yadav and Rajam suggested that DAO-mediated Put catabolism is
1997) or of the hypocotyls of S. melongena seedlings involved in root induction in this material. In our expe-
(Sharma and Rajam 1995). In fact, the difference rience, treatment with this inhibitor was highly delete-
between apical and basal leaf discs was much more rious towards rhizogenesis and explant growth; effects
marked with respect to conjugates. In embryogenic were only slightly reverted by addition of 1 mM Put
(margins) and nonembryogenic (central) regions of (data not shown), and thus difficult to interpret as a
Camellia japonica leaf explants, free and conjugated specific response to altered Put metabolism.
PAs increased significantly after the induction of Some authors have provided correlative evidence
embryogenesis. Later in culture, free PAs decreased for the positive involvement of Spd in the initiation of
in both regions, while soluble conjugated ones (and adventitious buds (Bagni et al. 1993, Tanimoto et al.
insoluble conjugated Put) increased significantly in 1994, Aribaud et al. 1994). Also in the present work,
embryogenic but not in nonembryogenic regions free-Spd levels in caulogenic explants were always
(Pedroso et al. 1997). higher than in rhizogenic ones. This positive correla-
Despite the presence of conjugates only i n tion is supported by results when explants were
hormone-treated eggplant cotyledon explants, the treated with exogenous Spd. In fact, root formation
consistently higher ratios of conjugated to free Put and was strongly inhibited by the presence of this
Spd (the latter only in root-forming explants) which polyamine, whereas overall growth and shoot devel-
characterise the organogenic tissues compared with opment in explants treated with N A A plus Z R were
the nonresponsive parts of the explant indicate that favoured by exogenous Spd. Higher precursor (Spd)
overall hormonal treatment alone does not account availability could at least partly account for the pres-
for conjugate accumulation. The spatial relationship ence of free and soluble conjugated Spm in caulogenic
suggests that local events occurring at the cut ends are explants.
also involved in the induction of this accumulation. As previously reported for some in vitro cultured
The extent to which localised changes in hormone plant tissues (Aribaud et al. 1994, Altabella et al. 1995)
levels (uptake and metabolism) regulate conjugate but not others (Tiburcio et al. 1988, Feirer et al. 1984),
accumulation requires further studies. Furthermore, ODC markedly prevailed over A D C activity, the
62 V. Scoccianti et al.: Organogenesis from eggplant explants and polyamine biosynthesis

former considered the enzyme associated with cell exhibit a sensibly higher ratio of conjugated to free of
division (Cohen etal. 1982). Both activities were Put and Spd (the latter only in root-forming explants),
equally enhanced by the presence of hormones and further studies are required before a possible role
started at the same time (day 2). Put oxidising activity can be assigned to hydroxycinnamic acid amides in
(DAO) in eggplant cotyledon explants coincided with organogenic tissues.
m a x i m u m A D C and O D C activities in shoot-forming
explants resulting in high and stable free-Put content
between days 4 and 12. Thus, oxidation and biosyn-
thesis together seem to regulate cellular diamine The authors are grateful to R Torrigiani for fruitful discussions.This
levels. In rooting explants, a peak in O D C activity cor- work was partially supported by funds from MURST (ex-60%) to
V.S. and from the University of Bologna, special project "Molecular
related with the start of conjugated-Put accumulation Signals in Differentiation" to S.B.
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