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Montevista National High School- Main Campus
In Partial Fulfillment of Practical Research 1

11- Hermes
Practical research 1

Outline topic of chapters and section

Title page

Chapter 1

 Introduction
 Introductory paragraphs
 Statement of the problem
 Purpose
 Significance of the study
 Research question and /or hypothesis

Chapter 2
 Background of the study
 Literature review
 Definition of terms
 Theoretical/ conceptual frame work
Chapter 1


Online games industry a powerful force in many adolescent lives. However, numerous studies
show that online games, especially violent content, make teens more aggressive. Part of the increase
in aggressive behavior in linked to the amount of time children are allowed to play online games.

Gamers who have addicted do not concentrate on their learning. They play games
when their teacher teaches in the class. They do not pay attention to what their teacher said before,
so when they are given the test, they do not know the answer of the question. As a result, it may
lead to a decrease in their learning achievement. For example , high school student who report
spending more time playing video or who report spending more money on video games had lowest
grade in subject a majority of teens admitted that their parents do not impost a time limit of the
number of hours they are allowed to play online games. They study showed that most parents are
unaware of the content or the entertainment software rating board (ESRB) rating of the games their
children play.

Research on exposure on television and movies Violence Suggest that playing violent video will
increase aggressive behavior. A metal analytic review of The a video research literature reveals that
violent video increase aggressive behavior in children and young.
Introductory paragraphs

This chapter includes the ideas , finished thesis, and generalization of conclusion, methodologies
and other .those that were included in this chapter are considered relevant to the present study by
the research .This has both positive and negative impacts on player. Several studies have been
published that explore these impact on today children . the most widely used positive impact online
games are said to have on children is that they may improve a players manual dexterity and
computer literacy. Ever- improving technology also provide player with better graphics that give a
more realistic virtual playing experience .
Statement of the problem

This study to determined the impact of online games to the learning behavior in grade 11
academic senior high school student Montevista National High School student are interested in
subject that are immediately connected to their lives or employment; and learning is more
meaningful when problem –based as opposed to theoretical or ambiguous .digital games based
learning aligned with many if the suggested parameters outlined by theories of situated cognition
and adult learning promotes effective adult learning . the digital gaming experience provides
learning within a specific problem solving context which allow adult learners to use their
experiences or career skill found in the work environment.. digital game –based learning provides
nontraditional learners with more authentic context for skill acquisition . important feature
connecting adult learning and digital games ; genuine context which mirrors how information is
utilized in real-life , present authentic activities ,numerous point of view and role, game can give
linked assessment of the learning , can scaffolding learning or instruction at decisive points.

I conduct this study because now a day people addicted the online games and the purpose of this
study is give awareness from others . online games may have significantly negative consequence,
especially in the brain of student, through causing distraction and interfering with important
reaction of out- game life actions such as health and social life .nowadays students spend their
vacant time in playing online games instead of advancing their studies that will affect their study
habits .

This study focused to specify the learning behavior of a student tnat should be manage balance
their time in electronic device.
Significant of the study

This study focused to specify the learning behavior of a student that should be manage balance
their time in using electronic devices. It also helps to minimize the effect of its student performing
and to prevent some problem in the student.

Student, it will give them better awareness toward the online games. They will tend to realize
the affect of online gaming toward the change of their behavior. The way they will learn to take
responsibility on how to engage in online gaming without danger to their behavior.

Parents, it will serve a basis to share with other parents the information about the certain
games or ideas to help each other in parenting. They need to know what are commonly issues about
teenage and to know if their child is addicted or have a star about playing online games.

Teachers , it will provide additional knowledge on what strategy to use to educate about the
well know effect of online game s to students learning behavior.
Research question and /or hypothesis

What is the requires student to interact in the

classroom to indicate?

What the ability to regulate ones emotion and


What online gaming is one of the best past time ?

How to do self -control capability?

Where is behavior toward for online games?

However the influence of this useful machine on


Who play online games are just having fun?

Chapter 2
Background of the study
Online games have become a very popular activity among children and
adolescent in the recent years. Online game may have significantly negative
consequence, especially in the lives of students, through causing distraction
and interfering with important reaction of out game life actions such as
academic performance, health and social life. Online game have been become
extremely popular among the young generation thus leading the proliferation
of online game addiction.

Game addiction show the bad effect among the people nowadays. Addiction
to the internet share some negative aspects of substance addiction and has
been show to lead to consequence such as failing school, family and
relationship problem. Online gaming is the one of the widely used leisure
activity by many people. For Some people it is said that playing online games
has a number of reason to be played ,for it can be stress reliever, challenge
and competition relaxation, enjoyment ,social interaction, and even mentally
escaping from the real world. For most people ,online gaming is one of the
best past time that they acquire specially for teenagers ,youngter, and

According to teens who play online games are just having fun . they do
not just actually play because of some of seriousness, but also because they
just one to feel relief. During school hours, students tend to feel stressed due
to loads of school wo4ks and through playing it ell reliever their stress. It is
undeniably questionable that playing online games provide them something
that no one can give.
Literature review
Playing games may increase aggressive behavior because violent acts are
continually repeated throughout repeated the video game. This method of
reception has long been considered an effective teaching methods in
reinforcing learning patterns

Online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activity by many people for
example some people it is said the playing online games has a reason to be
played, for it can be stress reliever challenge and competition ,relaxation
,enjoyment ,social interaction , even mentally escaping from the real word for
most people online game is one of the best past time that they acquire
specially for teenager, youngster ,and students.
Definition of terms

Online game – a video played over some form of computer game

Online gamer user – person who play a game, specially a role

playing game or computer game .

Class participation – requires student to interact in the classroom to

indicate that they are learning and paying attention.

Increases aggressive behavior - is a type of behavior where people

attempt to stand up for themselves or exert power over others in
ways that are hostile and violate the right’s of other.

Self-control capability – is the ability to regulate ones emotion,

thoughts , and behavior in the face temptation and impulses.

Video game addiction -is generally defined as problematic,

compulsive use of video games, that result in significant impairment
to am individual ability to function in various life domains over a
prolonged period of time.
Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework

The framework for the scoping literature review is supported by two

theoretical models; Adults Learning ,the focus of a scoping study is
to place knowledge regarding a particular topic in a conceptual
framework, map relevant literature ,and present what is know and
unknown, the board range of data can be inclusive of both material
from empirical and non-research materials .the objective is to
generate meaningful discussion around a specified topic.

One of the leading teachers, scholar , and practitioner of adults-

learning and education was considered the father of andragogy.
After extensive research ,Knowles outline four principles related to
adult learning that applied to non-traditional students. these adult
learners must be include in the assessment and planning of their

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