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International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 205–212

Study on the microscopic friction between tire and asphalt

pavement based on molecular dynamics simulation
Yue Hou a, Hanfei Zhang a, Jiangfeng Wu a, Linbing Wang b,c,⇑, Haocheng Xiong a
National Center for Materials Service Safety, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
Joint USTB-Virginia Tech Lab on Multifunctional Materials, USTB, Beijing, China
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States

Received 9 September 2016; received in revised form 13 June 2017; accepted 5 September 2017
Available online 18 September 2017


Good pavement friction performance between tire and asphalt pavement is the prerequisite to ensure traffic safety and driving com-
fortability. In this paper, the microscopic friction between tire and asphalt pavement is studied using the Material Studio and LAMMPS
software. A 3D contact model of tire, asphalt layer and the substrate layer is established. The Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation is
conducted to simulate the friction behavior under different environments. The influence of different environmental conditions including
vehicle speed (20–120 km/h) and pavement surface temperature (30 to 35 °C) on the pavement surface friction coefficient is also stud-
ied. Simulation results show that vehicle speed and pavement surface temperature have significant effects on the friction coefficient at
Ó 2017 Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Keywords: Microscopic friction; Tire and asphalt pavement; Molecular dynamics simulation; Temperature

1. Introduction tion including molecular interaction forces, adhesion effect

between the tire and the pavement, deformation of the con-
With the rapid development in economy, more and tact surface and micro-cutting of the pavement asperity. It
more asphalt pavements are under construction all through is easy to understand that the molecular interaction forces
the world [1]. The good friction properties are very impor- will significantly affect the tire-pavement friction since the
tant to ensure traffic safety and driving comfortability. micro-scale interaction forces will form the force at
Currently, there are many studies on the mechanism of skid macro-scale. For adhesion effect between the tire and the
resistance on asphalt pavement, which are mostly focused pavement, it will affect the pavement skid resistance signif-
on macroscopic friction based on continuum mechanics icantly under dry conditions and will have a small impact
[2,3]. In general, there are four causes of tire-pavement fric- when the pavement surface is wet. For deformation of
the contact surface, this factor is dependent on the compo-
nents and quality of the pavement surface. A large defor-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Joint USTB-Virginia Tech Lab on Multi-
mation may cause a large friction. For micro-cutting of
functional Materials, USTB, Beijing, China, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg,
VA 24061, United States. the pavement asperity, it is also obvious that the more seri-
E-mail addresses: (Y. Hou), 1099174042@qq. ous the micro-cutting is, the larger friction there will be on
com (H. Zhang), (J. Wu), the surface. Actually the fundamental mechanism of the
(L. Wang), (H. Xiong). tire-asphalt pavement friction is very complex [4] and there
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Society of Pavement
are many impact factors affecting the friction performance,
1996-6814/Ó 2017 Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
206 Y. Hou et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 205–212

including the tire type, pavement structure characteristics, a continuous and compact entity without considering the
pavement material characteristics, aggregate gradation, influence of tire and pavement microstructure and surface
wet and dry condition, vehicle speed [5]. Current studies texture. The aforementioned literature review has shown
show that the traditional friction analysis at macro-scale that the microstructure of the tire and pavement will play
cannot fully reveal the intrinsic mechanism of friction a very important role in the macro friction. Moreover,
between tire and asphalt pavement. Chu et al. [6] suggests when the scale reaches the nano-scale, the macroscale fric-
that the micro texture of asphalt pavement determines tion mechanics is unable to be employed for analysis. After
the actual contact area between tire and pavement, which a long period of exploration, researchers found that MD
influences the intermolecular force and adhesion force [6]. simulation method derived from statistical physics can be
Fredrik et al. [7] consider that the higher the average height applied to the study of friction at the microscale. MD sim-
of microstructure is and the larger the density distribution ulation has been previously used in the field of chemical
of asphalt pavement is, the better the anti-sliding perfor- engineering, materials science, physics, biology and medi-
mance of asphalt pavement is [7]. Although the current cine, especially in the development of new materials, which
researches have studied the relationship between the char- can avoid the waste of manpower, material and time
acteristic of pavement structure and anti-sliding perfor- caused by the repetitive tests. However, applying MD sim-
mance, it is still difficult to characterize the microscopic ulation to tire-pavement friction mechanism analysis is a
structure and complex morphology of tire-asphalt pave- new attempt. The basic idea of molecular dynamics in
ment at nanoscale and discover the corresponding relation- tire-pavement friction is to establish a particle system to
ship fundamentally. It is therefore necessary to introduce simulate the friction phenomena, in which the continuous
nano-tribology principle [8] and evaluate the mechanism medium is considered as the particle system composed of
of micro-friction between tire and asphalt pavement. atoms or molecules. The classical mechanics equations,
Some researchers have conducted studies on the pave- such as Hamilton equation, Lagrange equation, Newton
ment friction behavior from nanoscale. The study on equation, etc. are adopted to solve the trajectory of each
nano-friction by Ruan and Bhushan [9] showed that sur- particle [13]. On this basis, the qualitative estimation of
face adhesion energy or surface force is the direct cause the material properties and the quantitative research on
of contact deformation and adhesion [9]. Yoshizawa the microscopic process are obtained. The corresponding
et al. [10] concluded that stick slip is caused by the change macroscopic and dynamic static characteristics of the fric-
of interface phase and adhesion energy [10]. With the tion system are obtained by statistical physics theory [14].
increasing of sliding speed, the amplitude of friction A basic MD simulation process for tire-pavement fric-
reduces and its frequency increases. Mo et al. [11] used tion is shown in Fig. 1. The tire-asphalt pavement MD sys-
molecular dynamics method to simulate the friction pro- tem is first established and the initial state is set. By
cess between amorphous carbon probe and the diamond applying the suitable force field, the model can be con-
matrix [11]. Grierson et al. [12] studied the adhesion and structed solidly. By solving the atom motion equations,
friction properties at nanoscale with the Atomic Force the micro-friction behavior between tire and pavement
Microscope (AFM) [12]. can be obtained. One thing that should be noted that is
Although there have been some progress in the pave- the vast difference exist between the calculation results by
ment micro-friction area, the fundamental mechanism of macroscale friction mechanics and the one by MD simula-
tire-asphalt pavement is still not well understood. In this tion. There are mainly two reasons: the first is for the
paper, a three-dimensional contact model of tire and
asphalt pavement is established. The micro-friction mecha-
nism of tire and pavement is analyzed using Molecular
Dynamics (MD) simulation. The model is composed of
three parts including the asphalt molecular model repre-
senting the asphalt pavement surface layer, silicon dioxide
representing the aggregate layer, and polyisoprene mole-
cules representing the tire. The relationship among vehicle
speed, the pavement temperature and the friction coeffi-
cient are studied at micro-scale and compared with the
experimental data.

2. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation

2.1. MD simulation process

The commonly used methodology to study the tire-

pavement interaction is the macroscale friction mechanics,
where the basic assumption is that the object of the study is Fig. 1. MD simulation process of tire-pavement friction.
Y. Hou et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 205–212 207

microscale, MD simulation is based on the ideal perfect model by using amorphous cell tools, and add silica crys-
model while there will exist unpredictable and uncontrolled tals as the aggregate base layer and a single chain of
inherent defects in tire-pavement structure at macroscale; poly-isoprene as the tire. The build layer tool is used to
the second is the size effect, which is commonly seen for set all parts in an appropriate place, as shown in Fig. 3.
most engineering materials. Mechanical properties at dif- On the basis of this model, the mis2lmp function in
ferent scales may be different. Nevertheless, the use of LAMMPS software is used to obtain the original atomic
tire-pavement friction using MD simulation can help us coordinates, generate the corresponding data file, and con-
better understand how the microstructure, the micro- vert the model to the file which can be read and used by
texture and the micro-interaction forces will affect the fric- Material Studio software.
tion behavior, which builds a solid foundation for bridging
between different scales on tire-pavement friction. Note 2.4. Determine the initial state of the system
that the friction studied in this research is the sliding
friction. In order to simulate the actual tire-road contact system,
The Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel the periodic boundary condition in x, y direction and
Simulator (LAMMPS) software [15] and Material Studio shrink boundary condition in z direction are adopted.
software are selected to conducted molecular dynamics There are many atom types in the model and the carbon
simulation. atom distribution of the polymer mixture is complex. We
currently use COMPASS force field for the tire (poly-
2.2. Establish the contact model of tire and pavement isoprene) and asphalt microstructure and ReaxFF force
field for the aggregate (silica crystal). In order to optimize
The asphalt molecular model is built according to the the model into a reasonable state, the energy of system is
work of Storm et al. [16] who adopted a simple three- minimized by controlling the temperature maintaining at
component method dividing asphalt into asphaltene, resin 278 K and doing relaxation in 10 ps, where
and oil [16]. In our study, docosane is selected as the oil, 1 ps = 1  1012 s. When the distance between tire mole-
1,7-dimethyl-naphthalene is selected as the resin, and a typ- cules and asphalt molecules changing from 0 Å to 7 Å,
ical asphaltene molecules model shown in Fig. 2 is also used. the minimum value of the energy increased at first and then
The content of the three components are shown in Table 1 decreased, as shown in Table 2. Note that the minimum
based on the assumption that ratio of carbon atoms in paraf- energy is obtained based on the non-dimensional calcula-
fins and naphthenes is 72.2:27.8. The model contains an aro- tion of energy/epsilon during energy minimization, where
matic ring group and a number of short branches based on the unit of energy is eV and the epsilon value is an energy
the NMR test results by Artok et al. [17]. parameter which is directly relevant to the atom type.
Because the energy is minimized and the process of
relaxation is controlled by the same temperature, the sys-
2.3. Establish contact model of asphalt pavement and tire
tem has the same kinetic energy. The change of energy is
only due to the change of the position of the atoms in
Material Studio software is used to build the basic
the system. Considering the energy value, energy minimiza-
model. Combine docosane, 1,7-dimethyl-naphthalene and
tion step number and relaxation balance step number, we
asphaltene molecular together into asphalt molecular
can finally determine that it is the most suitable model
when the distance between polyisoprene molecule chain
and asphalt molecular layer is 5 Å.

2.5. MD simulation between the asphalt pavement and tire

The relevant parameters of the simulation using

LAMMPS software are needed to be set first, such as the
time step, frequency of the output, result options and so
on [14]. The total time steps of the simulation are 2  105
steps, and every time step is 1 fs, where 1 fs = 1  1015 s.
Output the results for 1000 time steps including atomic
Fig. 2. A typical asphaltene molecular model. coordinate, interfacial interaction and the total kinetic

Table 1
Composition of molecules in asphalt molecular model.
Number of Number of 1,7-dimethyl- Molecule number Mass fraction Mass fraction of Mass fraction
asphaltene naphthalene of C22H46 of asphaltene/% 1,7-dimethyl-naphthalene/% of C22H46/%
5 27 41 20.7 19.7 59.6
208 Y. Hou et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 205–212

Fig. 3. Contact model between the tire and asphalt pavement.

Table 2 10 °C, 5 °C, 0 °C, 5 °C, 10 °C, 15 °C, 20 °C, 25 °C,
Relaxation result of different distance models between tire and pavement. 30 °C, and 35 °C. The simulation velocity is ranging from
Distance between tire and Minimum Energy Number of 20 km/h to 120 km/h.
asphalt molecule d/Å energy minimization relaxation
step steps
3. Simulation results and discussion
0 1.1893 216 1200
1 1.1923 218 1300
2 1.2239 195 1200 3.1. Data processing of simulation
3 1.4959 154 1000
4 1.1695 244 1300 The interaction forces between the molecular chains of
5 1.1396 134 1100 polyisoprene and molecular layer of asphalt on the y and
6 1.1930 228 1300
z directions can be calculated using computer tools. Eq.
7 1.1671 248 1300
(1) is adopted as the governing equation to calculate the
friction coefficient between tire and pavement
energy. Minimize the energy of system at the temperature F ¼ lN ð1Þ
of 278 K, and relax in 100 fs to obtain the stable initial
state. where l is the friction coefficient under different environ-
By giving a constant velocity in y direction on the poly- ment condition, F is the friction force, and N is the force
isoprene molecular chain, it can simulate the interaction which is perpendicular to the ground.
between the poly-isoprene molecular chain and asphalt The output results are set at every 1000 steps in the sim-
molecular layer, which is presumed as friction in molecular ulation process, where the friction coefficient obtained is an
scale. According to the actual system state, we chose NVT array consisting of 200 numerical values. In order to reduce
ensemble, where NVT means constant-temperature and the influence of the extreme value and ensure the accuracy
constant-volume, and Nose method to control the temper- of friction coefficient by statistical average, data in confi-
ature of system. Verlet integration algorithm is employed dence level of 0.95 is chosen to do geometric mean.
to obtain the trajectories of molecular velocity.
The pavement temperature varies greatly in different 3.2. Effect of vehicle speed on friction coefficient
regions and different seasons. It will also have an impact
on the physical and chemical properties of asphalt and also When the vehicle speed is 20 km/h, 40 km/h and 60 km/
affect the aggregation state of asphalt molecules. The h, respectively, and the pavement temperature ranges from
molecular motion is also increasing with the increase of 30 °C to 35 °C, the change of friction coefficient with
temperature. According to the extreme temperature in temperature is calculated as shown in Fig. 4. The friction
most regions of China, we chose the pavement temperature coefficient decreases with the increase of the vehicle speed.
changes from 30 °C to 35 °C and increase the tempera- In the high temperature and the low temperature, the trend
ture for every 5 °C, i.e. 30 °C, 25 °C, 20 °C, 15 °C, of friction coefficient changes over temperature is not
Y. Hou et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 205–212 209

Fig. 4. Friction coefficient under different vehicle speed and pavement temperature.

obvious. From 10 °C to 10 °C, the friction coefficient different pavement temperature (10 °C, 10 °C, and 30 °
increases with the increasing of pavement temperature C) and different vehicle speed (20 km/h–120 km/h) are sim-
and reaches the maximum value at 10 °C. This is because ulated, as show in Fig. 5. As the increases of the vehicle
at low temperature, the molecule movements are slowing speed, the intermolecular forces between the pavement
down and the molecular interaction forces are therefore and the tire decrease. When the vehicle speed is low, tire
small. With the increasing of pavement surface tempera- and asphalt molecules can take greater intermolecular
ture, more molecule vibration and motion occur, indicating interaction and thus result in larger friction coefficient;
a larger interaction force. For temperature rising from 10 ° when the vehicle speed is faster, speed is no longer the main
C to 50 °C, the torsion angle between the aromatic ring factors affecting the friction coefficient. The molecular
increases and the layered stacking structure of asphaltene interaction between tire and asphalt decreases while its
will be destroyed. The softening point of asphalt is reached influence on the friction coefficient decreases. When the
with the increasing of temperature, and therefore the fric- polyisoprene molecular chain pass through the asphalt
tion coefficient decreases. molecular layer faster, it has less influence on the asphalt
In order to analyze the effect of vehicle velocity on molecular layer, so as to the relative position of atoms
friction coefficient, the average friction coefficient under and the deformation of asphalt molecule.
210 Y. Hou et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 205–212

Fig. 5. Trend of friction coefficient with vehicle speed.

3.3. Effect of the pavement temperature on friction coefficient molecule numbers are not sufficiently large due to the lim-
itation of our instrument. Results from the simplified
When the vehicle speed is 20 km/h, 40 km/h and model can only accurately reflect the trends of molecular
60 km/h, respectively, and the pavement temperature forces and adhesion effects between tire and pavement.
ranges from 30 °C to 35 °C, the friction coefficient at When the pavement temperature is under 5 °C, the fric-
every 5 °C is simulated. The average simulation results tion coefficient increases with the decrease of the tempera-
are then compared with the experimental results by Li ture. When the temperature is in the range of 5 °C to 10 °
et al. [18], as shown in Fig. 6. By comparing the test value C, the friction coefficient increases obviously with the
and the simulation value, the change trend of the friction increase of temperature. The simulated friction coefficient
coefficient with the pavement temperature is studied. is much smaller than the coefficient value obtained from
Simulation results are in good agreement with experi- the experiments. It may be caused by the simplification of
mental values. However, it is also observed that the calcu- the tire molecular structure due to our limited computation
lated friction coefficient by simulation is much smaller than power, which results in the insufficient number of molecules.
the one in the experiments. This is because we currently use In the change trend of friction coefficient, there are some
a simplified MD model of tire-pavement system and the differences between the simulation results and the measured
Y. Hou et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 205–212 211

Fig. 6. Trend of friction coefficient with pavement temperature.

values. When the pavement temperature is more than ture of asphaltene will be destroyed. The softening point of
10 °C, the test values still have a small increase with the asphalt is reached with the increasing of temperature, and
temperature increases until to 20 °C and reaches the maxi- therefore the friction coefficient decreases. Also note that
mum friction coefficient. However, the maximum friction our current model only deals with a sliding friction between
coefficient of simulation results appears at about 10 °C tire and pavement at microscale and a simplified asphalt
with a clear downward trend after researching the peak MD model is used, where the model can be refined at
value. microscale and mesoscale based on another atomistic
This is because that the test value is measured by the structure [21–25].
pendulum apparatus, which cannot reflect the friction state
under the high speed of the vehicle [19,20], while the simu- 4. Conclusions
lation set the poly-isoprene at high constant speed. With
the increasing of temperature, the torsion angle between Good pavement friction performance between tire and
the aromatic ring increases and the layered stacking struc- asphalt pavement is the prerequisite to ensure traffic safety
212 Y. Hou et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 205–212

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