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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park Antonio J.
Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Quarter 1 Week 2 Module 2

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Explains how to optimize the energy systems for safe
and improved performance
2. Explains the role of physical activity in managing
one’s stress
3. Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve
and/or maintain HRF.
4. Self-Assesses Health-Related Fitness (HRF) status,
barriers to physical activity assessment participation and
one’s diet.

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you while
enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the
objectives of this kt. I Have fun!
Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module.
Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances learning, that is
important to develop and keep in mind.
Perform all the provided activities in the module.
Let your facilitator/ guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have learned.
Enjoy studying!


Expectations – These are what you will be able to know after completing the lessons in the
Pre-test – This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be mastered
throughout the lesson.
Looking Back to your Lesson – This section will measure what learnings and skills did you
understand from the previous lesson.
Brief Introduction – This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
Activities – This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
Remember – This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the lessons.
Check your Understanding – It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
Post-test – This will measure how much you have learned from the entire module.

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. It plays a vital role for self-expression and has been part of rituals and
religious gatherings.
A. Aerobic activity C. Fitness
B. Dance D. Zumba

2. The following statements defines dancing as stress management except one:

A. Dance can be used in many ways and one function is to relieve stress.
B. Through dancing, we lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
C. To avoid chronic illness or disease, we opted to seek activities to have
a healthy living.
D. In dancing, it avoids stress and can make our life easy and much
more fun.

3. The following are the causes and effects of stress except one.
A. Anxiety C. Joy
B. Panic D. Misery

4. Dancing is enjoyable because ?

A. It has physical and mental benefits.
B. Helps you connect to who you really are.
C. It plays a vital role for self-expression.
D. All of the above

5. __ are chemicals within the brain that helps communicate

messages throughout the body.
A. Endorphin C. Norepinephrine
B. Dopamine D. Neurotransmitters

6. are the body’s natural pain killers to reduce stress and

improve the mind’s perception of the world.
A. Endorphin C. Norepinephrine
B. Dopamine D. Neurotransmitters

7. The following are the physical benefits of dancing except one:

A. Improved condition of heart and lungs.
B. Increased muscular strength and endurance.
C. Improved physical confidence.
D. Improved general and psychological well-being.

8. Which of the following are the mental benefits of dancing?

A. Improved muscle tone and strength.
B. Greater self-confidence, and self-esteem.
C. Improved condition of your heart and lungs.
D. Stronger bones.
9. How dancing can improve your life and health?
A. Dancing will decrease your chances of developing heart disease.
B. Dancing improves positive feelings, behavior and communication.
C. Keeping you physically strong, isn’t the only benefit dancing provides,
but it can also provide social and emotional health.
D. All of the above.

10. Why is dancing good for the brain?

A. Dancing increases depression symptoms
B. Dancing supports motor emotional and intellectual brain functions.
C. Dancing never stimulates nerve growth factor.
D. Dancing declines memory.

Great, you finished answering the

questions. You may request your facilitator to check

your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

This module will help you to:
Know how dancing can relieve stress
Identify the different ways of relieving stress through dancing
Discuss the importance of dancing in relieving stress
Perform a dance to relieve stress


The energy system of our body works in different ways in which it generates
fuel and uses it as an energy to perform a certain task. We all know that in able for
our body to work, all we must do is to eat. The food that we eat gives as the energy
to do work and to accomplish something. These food serves as the fuel of our body.
A certain energy system of our body becomes predominant depending on the
intensity, duration, and type of exercises we perform.

Energy systems in our body includes the ATP-CP System, Glycolysis, and
Oxidative. In the previous grade level, these energy systems were discussed in the


Stress is sometimes or most of the time is inevitable. We tend to ignore the

stress that we feel but it went to cause much more stress. We live in a world with a
busy life. That’s why we encounter so much of stress in a day to day of living. It is
important to know on how to cope up with this stress in a most managing way. We
can do a lot of things to relieve stress, and one of which is through dance. Dance
can be a form of stress management.

We have different ways on how to relieve stress. Activities in relieving one’s

stress may vary on how we look at stress. Managing one’s stress can be done
through dancing. Dancing is a great way of releasing our tensions in our body that
leads also in relieving stress.

Dancing as Stress Management

Dance can be used in so many ways. One of the functions of a dance is to
relieve stress. In able for us to avoid chronic illness or diseases, we opted to seek
activities that may help us to have a healthy living. Avoiding stress can make our
life easy and much more fun. Through dancing we lead to a healthy lifestyle.

Dance is purposeful. It plays a vital role for self-expression and has been part of
rituals and religious gatherings. It is also part of our culture and traditions
throughout the years. It was passed in to one generation into another generation.
Its functions become so wide that it can even help in our daily life.

How far can dance go in terms of relieving stress? Dance is a form of exercise. It
provides proper body coordination, mobility and reduces tension in the body. It
calms our mind and releases toxins in our body.

3 Ways Dancing Relieves Stress

There is a reason why Kevin Bacon slides, jumps and chassés across an
empty warehouse. To relieve his teenage drama and stress! All of his classmates,
getting the chance to dance for the first time at their prom, looked more like freed
prisoners than teenagers filled with angst.

Why? They were relieving their stress through dancing!

What is it about dancing that makes us all feel so free and relieved of our everyday


The scientific reason for why dance has the ability to act as a stress reliever
stems from the idea that when the body feels good, the mind does, too. Any type
of physical activity releases neurotransmitters and endorphins which serve to
alleviate stress. Neurotransmitters are chemicals within the brain that help
communicate messages throughout the body. Endorphins are the body’s natural
painkiller to reduce stress and improve the mind’s perception of the world.
Thus, after a good workout the endorphins cause the body to feel calm and
optimistic. The endorphins also aid in improving the quality of sleep, so that a
few sleepless nights due to stress can be avoided after dancing!

Your work environment isn’t always to best place to express who you really
are. More often than not, you need to be a more buttoned up version of yourself
and hide much of your inner self. Dancing offers an outlet for people to express
who they are––through music, movement or even costumes! Dancing helps you
connect to who you really are. Leave that suit or pencil skirt at the office and
trade it in for sparkles and spandex!


From weight loss, to increased flexibility, stronger bones and building muscle
tone, dancing is a total body workout.

Dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes and sizes. It
has a wide range of physical and mental benefits including:

1. Improved condition of your heart and lungs

2. Increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness
3. Increased aerobic fitness
4. Improved muscle tone and strength
5. Weight management
6. Stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
7. Better coordination, agility and flexibility
8. Improved balance and spatial awareness
9. Increased physical confidence
10. Improved mental functioning
11. Improved general and psychological well being
12. Greater self-confidence and self-esteem
13. Better social skills.
And nothing makes you feel less stressed than when you know you’re
doing great things for your physical and mental health.

It’s well know today that stress is a silent killer and causes things
from inflammation in the heart to psychological distress. But you can avoid
these terrible effects by taking simple measures like, well, dancing! So, take
a lesson from the Footloose gang and when in doubt, dance it out!


Activity 1.

1. Watch and follow the dance routine in this link:

2. Answer the following:

• a. How do you feel after dancing for 3-5 minutes?

- I feel nervous and very conscious it gives me happiness and emotion its fun at the same time I
feel tired quickly because I released some energy that’s why I need to rest too and calm .It
shows that dancing along to music even for five minutes can boost happiness and improve
creative-thinking patterns.” Dancing also improves spatial awareness, as well as raising the
heart rate and causing a release of feel-good endorphins into the bloodstream. One more benefit
is that it helps reduce levels of cortisol – a stress hormone.. That’s another reason why it makes
you feel happy and more relaxed

• b. Did the dance routine you have followed made you feel better? Why or Why

- Yes, because it improved the condition of your heart and lungs. Increased muscular
strength, endurance and motor fitness, increased aerobic fitness. improved muscle tone and
Activity 2.
1. What is the importance of dancing when it comes to relieving stress?

It gives self-satisfaction and pleasure. Everyone knows that dancing with a song is the best way to
forget how much stress and anxiety we have. It helps us to forget the bad things that happen and
teaches us to enjoy our lives as much as possible. Regular dancing sessions can also enhance your
moods and sharpen your mental focus. When you participate in a dance class or go dancing socially
among friends after a strenuous workday or long afternoon of academic classes, you will feel happier
as you experience uplifted moods. Lastly Like any other physical activity, dance releases
neurotransmitter endorphins (also called pleasure hormones), which are used to reduce stress and make
our body feel calm, happy and upbeat.

Watch the video thru the link below; study it, and do a demo dance.

1.1 How do you feel after doing an exercise dance?

 Good tired because I know I did something good for my body and sometimes energized
(usually after a dance class). I feel so good about accomplishing something it makes me feel
good. Now my physical body doesn’t always agree, but the feeling on the inside always wins!.
I feel energized, and invigorated. Yet at the same time I have a sense of calm and light fatique I
guess it depends on the day, type and the intensity of the exercise. I can always depend on
being thirsty
1.2 Is it really possible to incorporate any kind of dance into exercise dance?
 Yes, just work out the steps to burn calories and to work your muscles.
1.3 Aside from HipHop, what other form of dance can be incorporated in a dance

 Yes, FlexN, also spelled as Flexing, is a style of street dance from Brooklyn, New York that is
characterized by rhythmic contortionist movement combined with waving, floor moves, and
Name: Karl Gerard Siagan Grade & Section: 12 - Darwin
Let’s Think and Act!
Directions. Answer the following questions. Have fun and enjoy!

What are the reasons why most of the people don’t have time for physical activities such as exercise and

It is really difficult for people like me to spend time with physical activities like exercise, mainly
due to lack of time management. As I got older, more things became more complicated, my
work became more busy, and I needed more time. Instead of taking a break, you can then spend
time with your family, do household chores, serve and take care of your family. The larger size
of the family requires more time. Not everyone enjoys going outside to exercise when it’s cold
and rainy. But there’s plenty to do inside, whether you belong to a gym or not. You feel self-
conscious and intimidated. Maybe you are unfamiliar with the equipment, worried you won’t be
able to keep up in an exercise class, or you’re put off by the fitness levels of gym-goers. You’re
tired and lack energy

2. At this time of pandemic, how can dancing help to relive stress?

Dance as an exercise is in itself necessary as workouts help oil the body and the mind. It is not
just a physical thing. The mind is free when the body is in motion. And that's what is needed in
such trying times when stress levels due to the Covid situation have hit the roof. And one may not
need to work out all the time, but just dance so that they feel good and enjoy the movement.
Dance could give a person the much-needed freedom even under lockdown. Those who dance,
lose a sense of time as they're so engrossed in the activity and movement. Nothing stirs them as
they are living in the present moment and they lose themselves to just ‘being’ rather than
worrying about the uncertainties that come with the pandemic. Dance also brings people
together, even during social-isolation. Being in a group class can sometimes make a person feel as
if they are dancing with others as they get lost in movement and the music. Watching others
move to the same beat as oneself can bring a feeling of togetherness despite the physical
distance. Dance truly unites people.

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. It plays a vital role for self-expression and has been part of rituals and
religious gatherings.
A. Aerobic activity C. Fitness
B. Dance D. Zumba

2. The following statements defines dancing as stress management except one:

A. Dance can be used in many ways and one function is to relieve stress.
B. Through dancing, we lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
C. To avoid chronic illness or disease, we opted to seek activities to have
a healthy living.
D. In dancing, it avoids stress and can make our life easy and much
more fun.

3. The following are the causes and effects of stress except one.
A. Anxiety C. Joy
B. Panic D. Misery

4. Dancing is enjoyable because ?

A. It has physical and mental benefits.
B. Helps you connect to who you really are.
C. It plays a vital role for self-expression.
D. All of the above

5. __ are chemicals within the brain that helps communicate

messages throughout the body.
A. Endorphin C. Norepinephrine
B. Dopamine D. Neurotransmitters

6. are the body’s natural pain killers to reduce stress and

improve the mind’s perception of the world.
A. Endorphin C. Norepinephrine
B. Dopamine D. Neurotransmitters

7. The following are the physical benefits of dancing except one:

A. Improved condition of heart and lungs.
B. Increased muscular strength and endurance.
C. Improved physical confidence.
D. Improved general and psychological well-being.

8. Which of the following are the mental benefits of dancing?

A. Improved muscle tone and strength.
B. Greater self-confidence, and self-esteem.
C. Improved condition of your heart and lungs.
D. Stronger bones.
9. How dancing can improve your life and health?
A. Dancing will decrease your chances of developing heart disease.
B. Dancing improves positive feelings, behavior and communication.
C. Keeping you physically strong, isn’t the only benefit dancing provides,
but it can also provide social and emotional health.
D. All of the above.
10. Why is dancing good for the brain?
A. Dancing increases depression symptoms
B. Dancing supports motor emotional and intellectual brain functions.
C. Dancing never stimulates nerve growth factor.
D. Dancing declines memory.

Great, you finished answering the

questions. You may request your facilitator to check

your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

END OF 2nd WEEK *************


(Arthur Murray)

(Youtube channel by Popsugar Fitness)

Management Team:
Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director
Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief
Dennis M. Mendoza, Regional EPS In Charge of LRMS
Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V, Schools Division
Aida H. Rondilla, CID Chief
Lucky S. Carpio, EPS In Charge of LRMS

Writers: Paulo James A. Santos T-III, Rio Vesta S. Acuzar T-
III, Christy U. Purisima T-III, Teresita C. Montes T-III,
Angelo G. Parohinog MT-II, Edgar D. Francisco MT-II
Editors: Conrado S. Contreras Jr., HT-VI
Reviewer: Luis M. Anchilo, PSDS & Supervisor-in-Charge
Layout Artist:

Copyright 2020

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