Basic Accounting Multiple Choice

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1 Which one of the following users of accounting D) Decreased by P19,000.

information is considered to be an external user of E) Increased by P19,000.
accounting information rather than an internal user of
accounting information? 8 Assume that a company's beginning owner's capital
A) Internal auditors. was P20,000. During the period, withdrawals were
B) Company managers. P24,000, and the owner made additional investments
C) Company customers. during the period of P50,000. The ending capital
D) Officers and directors. balance was P90,000. What was the net income or net
E) Budget officers. loss for the period?
A) Net income, P56,000.
2 A CPA owns a large home and she has divided the B) Net loss, P44,000.
second floor into two separate units: one used as her C) Net income, P44,000.
personal residence and the other rented out to local D) Net income, P30,000.
college students as an apartment. On the first floor, E) None of the above.
she has her own CPA firm where she meets with and
provides accounting services to clients. If she wishes to 9 If during the accounting period, the company's
keep separate records for each of these three assets decreased by P15,000, and equity increased by
activities, the accounting principle to which she is P4,000, then by how much did liabilities change?
adhering is? A) Increased by P12,000.
A) Going-concern principle. B) Increased by P8,000.
B) Monetary unit principle. C) Decreased by P12,000.
C) Cost principle. D) Decreased by P19,000.
D) Business entity principle. E) Decreased by P6,000.
E) Conservatism principle.
10 Which of the following financial statements refers to
3 The three basic business entities discussed in this a specific date (point in time)?
chapter include sole proprietorship, partnership, and A) Statement of Income.
corporation. Which of these entities is considered a B) Statement of owner's equity.
legal entity and is also subject to federal income C) Statement of cash flows.
taxation at the entity level? D) Statement of Financial Position.
A) Sole proprietorship. E) Answers A, B & C are all correct.
B) Partnership.
C) Corporation. 11 Total assets and total liabilities of a company are
D) All three entities satisfy both requirements. reported on which of the following?
E) None of these entities satisfy both requirements. A) Statement of Income.
B) Statement of Financial Position.
4 The basic accounting equation is Assets = Liabilities C) Statement of cash flows.
+ Equity. The Equity term of the equation can be D) Statement of owner's equity.
further broken down into several other terms. Assume E) None of the above.
that the entity is a sole proprietorship. Which of the
following statements is correct? 12 A statement of cash flows will report cash flows
A) Additional investments by the business owner will from which of the following activities?
increase equity; and revenues will decrease equity. A) Operating activities.
B) Additional investments by the business owner will B) Investing activities.
decrease equity; and revenues will increase equity. C) Financing activities.
C) Increases in expenses will decrease equity; and D) All of the above.
owner withdrawals will decrease equity. E) Only A and C are correct.
D) Revenues will increase equity; and owner
withdrawals will increase equity. 13 When cash is received from a customer in payment
E) Revenues will decrease equity; and owner of an account receivable, how are the elements of the
withdrawals will increase equity. accounting equation affected?
A) Decrease assets (cash) and increase assets
5 If at the end of the accounting period, the company's (accounts receivable).
liabilities total P19,000 and its equity totals P40,000, B) Increase assets (cash) and decrease assets
then what must be the total of assets? (accounts receivable).
A) P14,000. C) Increase assets and increase liabilities.
B) P40,000. D) Increase assets and increase equity.
C) P21,000. E) None of the above.
D) P59,000.
E) None of the above. 14 The owner's investment of cash in the company will
result in which of the following?
6 Company assets total P150,000 and its liabilities A) An increase in cash and a decrease in equity.
total P30,000. What is the equity of this company? B) An increase in cash and an increase in equity.
A) P120,000. C) A decrease in cash and a decrease in liabilities.
B) P100,000. D) An increase in fees earned and an increase in
C) P150,000. equity.
D) P180,000. E) An increase in cash and an increase in liabilities.
E) None of the above.
15 Purchasing equipment on account (payment to be
7 If during the current accounting period, the made in the future) will have what effect on the
company's assets increased by P24,000 and equity elements of the accounting equation?
increased by P5,000, then how did liabilities change? A) Increase in equipment (assets) and a decrease in
A) Increased by P29,000. equity.
B) Increased by P24,000. B) Increase in equipment (assets) and an increase in
C) Decreased by P5,000. equity.
C) Increase in equipment (assets) and an increase in D) Received 1 years rent in advance from a tenant.
D) Increase in equipment (assets) and a decrease in 24 One of the following is not one of the financial
liabilities. statements required for external reporting today.
E) None of the above. A) Statement of INcome
B) Statement of Financial Position
16 In Luca Pacioli's 15th century book "The Summa" C) Statement of Cash Flows
the accounting system he describes uses three books. D) Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity
Which of the books are not used in today's accounting E) All of the above are required financial statements.
A) Memorandum 25 Which of the following is not true about the
B) Ledger relationships between the financial statements?
C) Journal A) The ending balances of the retained earnings found
D) All the books are still used today. in the Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
are found on the Balance Sheet.
17 A company that only prepares financial statements B) The net income reported on the Income Statement
when it is convenient for the management of the firm is also found on the Statement of Cash Flows.
is violating which of the following accounting concepts. C) The cash inflows identified on the Statement of
A) business entity concept Cash Flows are reported on the Income Statement.
B) going concern concept D) The cash reported on the Balance Sheet is reported
C) monetary unit concept on the Statement of Cash Flows
D) periodicity concept
26 Amounts that a business must pay in the future are
18 The owner of a dry cleaning business has only one known as
checking account and writes checks for both his A) accounts receivable.
business and his personal affairs from this checking B) accounts payable.
account. This best describes a violation of the: C) capital.
A) business entity concept D) expenses.
B) going concern concept
C) monetary unit concept 27 The balance sheet is also called
D) periodicity concept A) the statement of owner's equity
B) the income statement
19 In its annual report the BRHC Trailer Corp reported C) the statement of operations
the number of trailers it had in stock, rather than the D) the statement of financial position
cost in pesos of the trailers. This violates which of the
following concepts: 28 When the owner invests cash in a business,
A) business entity concept A) assets and revenue increase.
B) going concern concept B) assets increase and owner's equity decreases.
C) monetary unit concept C) liabilities decrease and owner's equity increases.
D) periodicity concept D) assets and owner's equity increase.

20 Mutual agency and unlimited liability is the 29 When equipment is purchased on credit,
characteristic of which of the following business entity? A) assets and liabilities increase.
A) corporation B) assets increase and liabilities decrease.
B) sole proprietorship C) assets and owner's equity increase.
C) partnership D) assets and expenses increase.
D) merchandiser
21 Because this type of business is considered a When a business sells services on credit
separate legal entity it rather than its owners are A) assets decrease and owner's equity increase.
taxed. B) assets increase and revenues increase.
A) sole proprietorship C) assets and liabilities increase.
B) corporation D) liabilities increase and owner's equity decreases.
C) partnership
D) manufacturer 31 When a business collects an account receivable
A) total assets do not change.
22 Which of the following statements about the use of B) assets increase and revenues increase.
accounting information by the marketing function is C) assets and liabilities increase.
true? D) assets increase and owner's equity increases.
A) People in the marketing function use market rather
than accounting information to set selling prices. 32 When the firm pays its utility bill upon receipt of
B) Accounting information would be needed to select that bill
the best alternative for getting the firm's product to its A) assets and owner's equity increase.
customers. B) assets decrease and expenses increase.
C) The marketing function would let the accounting C) assets and liabilities decrease.
function make pricing decision for a product when the D) expenses increase and owner's equity increases.
product cost was involved in making the pricing
decision. 33 When the owner withdraws cash for personal use
D) Consumer preference is used in place of accounting A) assets decrease and expenses increase.
information when making product-selection decisions. B) assets decrease and owner's equity increases.
C) assets decrease and owner's equity decreases.
23 Which of the following is not an example of a D) owner's equity decreases and revenue decreases.
A) An amount that must be paid to a supplier that sold 34 Assume that, after analyzing its business
the firm supplies. transaction, a firm has the following ending balances:
B) The claims of the owners on the firm's net assets. accounts payable P3,400, accounts receivable P2,000,
C) Agreeing to a long-term payment plan to pay for cash P1,000, capital P3,600, equipment P3,000,
equipment purchased by the business. prepaid rent P600, and supplies P400. What is the total
amount of assets that will be reported on the firm's A. increase assets and decrease owners' equity.
balance sheet? B. increase assets and increase owners' equity.
A) P6,400 C. increase assets and increase liabilities.
B) P7,000 D. increase liabilities and increase stockholders' equity.
C) P9,800
D) P14,000 43. As of December 31, 2005, Tetrick Company has
assets of P3,500 and owner's equity of P2,000. What
35 Assume that a firm has the following information in are the liabilities for Tetrick Company as of December
its analysis of its business transactions during its first 31, 2005?
year of business: fees income of P7,000, an A. P1,500.
investment by the owner of P5,000, salaries expenses B. P1,000.
of P4,000, and withdrawals of P2,000. What is the total C. P2,500.
amount of owner's equity that will be reported on the D. P2,000.
firm's balance sheet?
A) P3,000 44. On the last day of the period, Jim Otto Company
B) P6,000 buys a P700 machine on credit. This transaction will
C) P9,000 affect the:
D) The amount cannot be determined from the A. income statement only.
information provided. B. balance sheet only.
C. income statement and retained earnings statement
36. The principle or assumption dictating that efforts only.
(expenses) be matched with accomplishments D. income statement, retained earnings statement,
(revenues) is the: and balance sheet.
A. matching principle.
B. cost principle. 45. A check is issued to pay the rent for six months in
C. periodicity principle. advance. The cash account will be credited. What
D. revenue recognition principle. account will be debited for this transaction?
A. Prepaid Rent
37. One of the following statements about the accrual B. Rent Expense
basis of accounting is false. The false statement is: C. Unearned Rent
A. Events that change a company's financial D. Rent Payable
statements are recorded in the periods in which the
events occur. 46 A proprietorship employs one full-time accountant.
B. Revenue is recognized in the period in which it is This person is considered an employee. On the desk in
earned. front of her are five different business documents.
C. This basis is in accord with generally accepted Which one of the following would not be considered an
accounting principles. original source document from the proprietorship's
D. Revenue is recorded only when cash is received, point of view?
and expense is recorded only when cash is paid. A) A bank receipt for P10,000 evidencing yesterday's
cash receipts deposited in the bank.
38. Which of the following is not a step in the B) The original copy of the insurance policy taken out
accounting process? by the proprietorship to insure the vehicle it purchased
A. identification. during its first month of operations. The annual
B. verification. insurance premium of P500 was printed within the
C. recording. contract.
D. communication. C) The invoice received by the proprietorship from
Samsung Electronics when the proprietorship
39. Which of the following statements about users of purchased its first lot of inventory to be sold to its
accounting information is incorrect? customers.
A. Management is an internal user. D) A cancelled check for P500 representing payment
B. Taxing authorities are external users. in full for the annual insurance premium mentioned in
C. Present creditors are external users. item B above.
D. Regulatory authorities are internal users. E) A copy of the Statement of Financial Position at
the end of the company's first year of existence.
40. The cost principle states that:
A. assets should be initially recorded at cost and 47 At any given point in time, it is possible to describe
adjusted when the market value changes. general ledger accounts as having an expected or
B. activities of an entity are to be kept separate and "normal" balance: either a debit balance or a credit
distinct from its owner. balance. This normal balance is on the side of the
C. assets should be recorded at their cost. account, that is, the debit side or credit side, which
D. only transaction data capable of being expressed in represents the "increase" side of the account. In order,
terms of money be included in the accounting records. what is the normal balance for the Equipment account,
the Owner's Equity account, and the Sales Revenue
41. Which of the following statements about basic account?
assumptions is incorrect? A) Debit, credit, credit.
A. Basic assumptions are the same as accounting B) Debit, debit, debit.
principles. C) Credit, debit, credit.
B. The economic entity assumption states that there D) Credit, credit, debit.
should be a particular unit of E) Debit, debit, credit.
C. The monetary unit assumption enables accounting 48 The Baker sole proprietorship started operations on
to measure economic events. January 1, 2011 and uses a calendar-year accounting
D. An important part of the monetary unit assumption period. On February 7, 2011, the company purchases
is the stable monetary unit assumption. an automobile with an invoice cost of P10,000. To
settle this transaction, the company immediately pays
42. Performing services on account will have the P3,000 cash to the automobile dealership and signs a
following effects on the components of the basic three-month note payable for the P7,000 purchase
accounting equation: price balance. A partial general journal entry is given
below. Which item accurately describes the partial 54 The personal residence of Samuel Leonard was
entry from Baker's viewpoint? landscaped with all new trees, shrubs, and flowers.
A) Cash is debited for P3,000 and Notes Payable is This improvement was paid for with a check written
credited for P7,000. against Samuel's business checking account. The
B) The asset account Vehicles is debited for P7,000 landscaping provides no benefit to Samuel's business.
and Cash is credited for P3,000. What account should be debited for this transaction?
C) The asset account Vehicles is credited for P10,000 A) Samuel Leonard, Capital.
and Cash is credited for P3,000. B) Samuel Leonard, Withdrawals.
D) Cash is credited for P3,000 and Notes Payable is C) Landscaping Improvements.
credited for P7,000. D) Landscaping Expense.
E) Notes Payable is credited for P7,000 and the asset E) None of the above.
Vehicles is credited for P3,000.
55 One of your company's business checks clears the
49 Amelia Company received its telephone bill on bank at its correct amount of P500. The transaction
February 15, 2011 in the amount of P325. This bill that underlies this check was the cash purchase of
covered the period from January 1, 2011 through office supplies. The entry was recorded as a debit to
January 31, 2011. Amelia paid this bill immediately. Insurance Expense for P50 and a credit to Cash for
The company uses a calendar year accounting period P50. The correcting entry should include which of the
and prepares its financial statements only once a year following?
at the end of the year. The general journal entry to A) A debit to Accounts Receivable for P450.
record this transaction includes: B) A credit to Supplies Expense for P500.
A) A debit to the Cash account for P325. C) A credit to Cash for P50.
B) A credit to the Telephone Expense account for D) A credit to Cash for P450.
P325. E) A credit to Cash for P540.
C) A debit to the Telephone Expense account for
P325. 56 Double-entry accounting requires which of the
D) A credit to Accounts Payable for P325. following?
E) A debit to Accounts Payable for P325. A) All journal entries must be posted twice.
B) At least two accounts are involved, with at least
50 On March 1, 2011, a company collects a P500 one debit and one credit.
deposit from a customer for the installation of a home- C) The total amount debited must equal the total
theater system. The installation is scheduled for May 5, amount credited.
2009. How should the company record this entry on D) Both A and C are correct.
March 1, 2011? E) Both B and C are correct.
A) The Cash account is credited for P500.
B) The Sales Revenue account is credited for P500. 57 Cash of P100 received at the time the service was
C) The Unearned Sales Revenue account is credited rendered was journalized and posted as a debit to
for P500. Cash P100 and a credit to Accounts Receivable P100.
D) The Unearned Sales Revenue account is debited Assuming the incorrect entry is not reversed, the
for P500. correcting entry is:
E) None of the above are correct. A. debit Service Revenue P100 and credit Accounts
Receivable P100.
51 A company which sells and services medical B. debit Cash P100 and credit Service Revenue P100.
insurance policies received one payment of P14,000 C. debit Accounts Receivable P100 and credit Service
cash from a customer for insurance coverage for the Revenue P100.
next two years. Recording the receipt of this cash D. debit Accounts Receivable P100 and credit Cash
when it is received will require which of the following? P100.
A) Withdrawals to be debited, an asset to be credited
B) A liability to be debited, an asset to be credited 58 Debits:
C) An asset to be debited, capital to be credited A. increase both assets and liabilities.
D) An asset to be debited, a liability to be credited B. decrease both assets and liabilities.
E) One asset to be debited, another asset to be C. increase assets and decrease liabilities.
credited D. decrease assets and increase liabilities.

52 Olivia, the proprietor, deposited P40,000 in the 59 A revenue account:

company's bank account. She received the money as A. is increased by debits.
the result of a settlement of a class action lawsuit and B. is decreased by credits.
decided to invest it in her business to help with C. has a normal balance of a debit.
expansion. Recording the transaction on the company D. is increased by credits.
books will require which of the following?
A) An asset to be debited, a liability to be credited. 60 Accounts that normally have debit balances are:
B) A liability to be debited, an asset to be credited. A. assets, expenses, and revenues.
C) An asset to be debited, capital to be credited. B. assets, expenses, and owner's capital.
D) Withdrawals to be debited, an asset to be C. assets, liabilities, and owner's drawings.
credited. D. assets, owner's drawings, and expenses.
E) One asset to be debited, another asset to be

53 Which of the following statements is true?

A) Revenue accounts are increased by debit entries.
B) Journalizing entries occurs after posting entries.
C) Debit entries are entries involving the right-hand
side on an account.
D) An account shows increases and decreases and an
account balance.
E) Journalizing errors should be erased and a correct
entry made.

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