Post Test Week 2 Attempt Review

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22/02/2021 Post Test Week 2: Attempt review


Dashboard / My courses / CII3E3-IF-42-08 / CLO 1 - Menentukan langkah tepat ketika sistem pertahanan gagal bekerja / Post Test Week 2

Started on Monday, 22 February 2021, 9:27 PM

State Finished

Completed on Monday, 22 February 2021, 9:36 PM

Time taken 9 mins 7 secs

Grade 90.00 out of 100.00

Question 1


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

An Act to make provision for securing computer material against unauthorised access or modi cation; and for connected

Select one:

a. IPA

b. CMA 


d. The Fraud Act

The correct answer is: CMA 1/5
22/02/2021 Post Test Week 2: Attempt review

Question 2


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Berikut ini merupakan serangan cyber adalah

Select one:

a. identity theft 

b. war driving

c. hardening

d. phreaking

The correct answer is: identity theft

Question 3


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

How do we recover from virus

Select one:

a. we need to contact the organisation which owns the data. In certain circumstances, this may also require the involvement
of the police or security services

b. we may need to reformat your hard drive, reinstall your operating system and reinstall your keys. 

c. we use the ‘Restore Point’ feature to revert your computer to a previous working state.

d. we need specialised software to recover the le

The correct answer is: we may need to reformat your hard drive, reinstall your operating system and reinstall your keys.

Question 4


Mark 0.00 out of 10.00

Manakah dibawah ini yang tidak termasuk ancaman terhadap keamanan informasi?

Select one:

a. eavesdropping

b. information leakage

c. unchanged default password

d. authentication  2/5
22/02/2021 Post Test Week 2: Attempt review

Question 5


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Salah satu cara untuk melindungi dari serangan cyber adalah

Select one:

a. Menggunakan software bajakan

b. Menggunakan VPN 

c. Menggunakan public proxy server

d. Menggunakan public wi

The correct answer is: Menggunakan VPN

Question 6


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Salah satu cara untuk menjaga data availability adalah dengan menggunakan

Select one:

a. altering

b. importing

c. backup 

d. recovery

The correct answer is: backup

Question 7


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Serangan yang sulit untuk ditanggulangi adalah

Select one:

a. Insider attack 

b. no authentication

c. weak cryptography 

d. non secure connection

The correct answer is: Insider attack 3/5
22/02/2021 Post Test Week 2: Attempt review

Question 8


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Some signs that a victim might notice except

Select one:

a. debt collectors make contact about debts the victim knows nothing about

b. their bank or credit card provider suddenly transfer an amout of fund 

c. bills and other expected of cial letters don’t arrive

d. they receive notice that their information was compromised by a data breach at a company where they do business or
have an account

The correct answer is: their bank or credit card provider suddenly transfer an amout of fund

Question 9


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Which one is not the consequences of data loss

Select one:

a. the cost of continuing without that data

b. the cost of recreating the lost data

c. the cost of informing others about the loss

d. the cost of losing an asset 

The correct answer is: the cost of losing an asset

Question 10


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Which one is the data protection law

Select one:

a. IPA

b. The Fraud Act

c. CMA

d. DPA 

The correct answer is: DPA 4/5
22/02/2021 Post Test Week 2: Attempt review

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