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Semester Fall 2020

Introduction to Psychology (PSY101)

Assignment No 01

Due Date: 07-12-2020 Total Marks: 20

Assignment Objectives:
Upon the completion of assignment, students will be able to:

 Understand different types of defense mechanisms presented by Freud


Read the given scenarios, identify the defense mechanism person is using and justify

Scenarios Identification Justification

1*4 (4) 4*4 (16)
Alina was angry; she
missed her college bus, got
late and also forgot her
homework at home. Her
teacher warned and scolded
her. When she came back
home, she hit the wall and
chair, screamed on her
mom and slap her younger

Altamash failed in his exams

because he didn’t study. He
told his family that he failed
because his teacher didn’t
like him and couldn’t teach
him well.

Zarnish comes to a
counselor as she is having
suicide ideation and severe
depression. During the
session, counselor notices
that she began to refer
herself by a 7 year old girl
name, uses a language and
voice of a little girl and act
like a child.

Zeeshan don’t like his wife

and spend a lot of time away
from home with his
girlfriends. When he comes
home, he brings lot of gifts
for his wife and praises her.
Incomplete, given reason of
this disparity.

You are supposed to use the following tabular format:

Scenario No. Identification (1) Justification (4)
Scenario no 1
Scenario no 2
Scenario no 3
Scenario no 4

Marking Scheme:
Each character carries 5 Marks
1 Marks for identification
4 Marks for justification

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