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Result Viewer-RESULTS

Graphical and Tabular Post-Processing

SOFiSTiK | 2020
Result Viewer-RESULTS
Graphical and Tabular Post-Processing

Result Viewer-RESULTS Manual, Service Pack 2020-6 Build 289

Copyright © 2020 by SOFiSTiK AG, Oberschleissheim, Germany.


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85764 Oberschleissheim 90411 Nuremberg
Germany Germany

T +49 (0)89 315878-0 T +49 (0)911 39901-0

F +49 (0)89 315878-23 F +49(0)911 397904

This manual is protected by copyright laws. No part of it may be translated, copied or reproduced, in any form or by
any means, without written permission from SOFiSTiK AG. SOFiSTiK reserves the right to modify or to release
new editions of this manual.

The manual and the program have been thoroughly checked for errors. However, SOFiSTiK does not claim that
either one is completely error free. Errors and omissions are corrected as soon as they are detected.

The user of the program is solely responsible for the applications. We strongly encourage the user to test the
correctness of all calculations at least by random sampling.

Front Cover
Project: Queensferry Crossing | Photo: Bastian Kratzke
Contents | Result Viewer-RESULTS


Contents i

1 Task Description 1-1

1.1 Conversion from AQUP and DBView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1.2 Example inputs for simple cross-sectional results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

2 Result Viewer - Interactive Post-Processing 2-1

2.1 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.2 Start of the interactive Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.3 Basic usage of the graphical user-interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.4 Important Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.5 Selecting the view types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

3 Input and Output Description 3-1

3.1 Start of program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.2 Input Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.3 Input Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.4 CDB – Change of the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.5 SIZE – Scale and Paper Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.6 PICT – New Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
3.7 AND – Multiple Results in the Same Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3.8 FF – Formfeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3.9 GRP – Selection of Element Groups and Secondary Groups . . . . . . . 3-14
3.10 LC – Selection of a Load Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
3.11 DBO – Result properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
3.12 DIAG – Diagram properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
3.13 DGRA – Diagram Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22
3.14 DIAX – Diagram Axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
3.15 DLIN – Boundary lines in diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
3.16 DIAP – Additional diagram properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
3.17 DLAB – Labeling of data points in diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
3.18 FILT – Result selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
3.19 JOIN – Combining result tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
3.20 XLSX – XLSX Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
3.21 PFA – Fillarea Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
3.22 PLN – Line Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
3.23 PMR – Marker Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
3.24 TXTP – Text properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
3.25 VIEW – View Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
3.26 STRU – Representation of Structure Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38
3.27 CROS – Results in Cross Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50

SOFiSTiK 2020 i
Result Viewer-RESULTS | Contents

3.28 NODE – Results in Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57

3.29 BEAM – Beam Element Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-61
3.30 QUAD – Results of QUAD Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-68
3.31 BRIC – Results of Volume Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-74
3.32 RSET – Result Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76

4 Description of the Output Lists 4-1

ii SOFiSTiK 2020
Task Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

1 Task Description

The interactive Result Viewer and the corresponding CADINP module RESULTS are post-
processing tools for the finite element modules of SOFiSTiK with a CDBASE database (e.g.
ASE, TALPA, MAXIMA, BEMESS, AQB, DYNA, HASE or HYDRA). The programs allow the
graphical, tabular and diagram-representation of Information and Results saved in the
Database. The data is roughly structured/ grouped as follows:

• System
- Cross-Sections and cross-sectional values
- Groups
- Loadcaseinformation
- Structural Elements
- Nodes
- Finite Elements (BEAM,QUAD,BRIC..)
• Results
- Stresses on cross-sections
- Group results
- Loadcase results (e.g. Sum of support forces)
- Nodal results (Displacements, Rotations..)
- Element results
• Design
- Element results(utilization, stresses, required reinforcement..)

The Representaion depends on the type of result and can be selected as:

• Graphical representation (Text, Vector..)

• Table
• Diagram

The resulting Document consists of:

• Page
- Graphic
2 Layer

With version 2014 Result Viewer resp. RESULTS do replace the modules AQUP and
DBView for cross-sectional and tabular post-processing. For the graphical result repre-
sentation WinGRAF resp. WING are used.

1.1 Conversion from AQUP and DBView

As no automatic conversion for AQUP CADINP inputs is made and the interactive DBView is

SOFiSTiK 2020 1-1

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Task Description

not available, the following basic rule for coversion should be followed:

Try to generate and find the wanted data or representation using the interactive Result
Viewer, save the file as .results file. You might then open this file using Teddy and insert
the input data in your project for further modification

1.2 Example inputs for simple cross-sectional results

The following input generates an overview plot of cross-section 1-4 one one page of the win-
dows standard printer

HEAD Cross-Sections 1-4

The following input plots AQB stresses of a loadcase on the cross-section:

HEAD AQB Stresses LC 11 / Beam 10001 X 0
LC NO 11
LC ENO 10001 X 0

1-2 SOFiSTiK 2020

Result Viewer - Interactive Post-Processing | Result Viewer-RESULTS

2 Result Viewer - Interactive Post-Processing

2.1 General Information

Using Windows OS the interactive Result Viewer can be used for post-processing. The Result
Viewer can be opened directly from Teddy, WPS, Report Browser or SSD by clicking on the
Result Viewer icon, the current database is opened. Result plots and tables of interest can
be viewed and modified, after saving of the respective document the generated .results file
contains all input necessary to reproduce the plots and representations or the content of the
.results file can be directly pasted into a project’s .dat file.
Using the interactive SSD workflow the Result Viewer can be inserted as Task ’Interactive
List and Graphic’ from the SSD’s Task Library. The generated plots are then included into
the project and handled automatically using the Report Browser format settings (Menu ’File’ -
’Page Setup’ in Report Browser).

2.2 Start of the interactive Version

The following possibilities are available starting the Result Viewer:

Start from the Teddy, WPS, Report Browser and SSD clicking the Result Viewer
The database (.CDB) is opened. If a file .results is available, this is used with priority.

Inserting Task ’Interaktive List and Graphic’ from SSD Task-Library ’Additional

Selecting ’Post-Processing (Result Viewer)’ right mouse-click / context menu of a

SOFiSTiK database file (.CDB)

2.3 Basic usage of the graphical user-interface

The Result Viewer has been designed as modern graphical user interface, no extensive
manuals should be required to use the program, the following general usage principel should
be followed:

Make use of the rightclick resp. context-menu options for the different elements, e.g.
header of tables to get filter-, sort- or copy options for selection. Depending on element
and selected view different options are available

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Result Viewer-RESULTS | Result Viewer - Interactive Post-Processing

2.4 Important Controls

Figure 2.1: Result Viewer

The most important elements of the Result Viewer window are:

- Top: Menubar
- Below: Toolbars with buttons and sliders, e.g. for selection of scaling factors
- Graphic-/Table- /Diagram-Area
- Left: Tree-Controls, e.g. Result-, Loadcase-/Cross-section-, Document-Tree
- Very bottom: Messages and protocol window

The Figure above shows the default arrangement of the Result Viewer, depending on project
database content the tree controls on the left display cross-section or loadcase selection trees.
All elements can be moved and undocked with moving and holding the left mouse button
Clicking the right mouse-button in a free (grey) menu area allows the selection and restoring
of toolboxes and elements displayed.
More than one file, e.g. database or document can be opened at the same time in one Resul
Viewer window.

Windows multiselect (Click + CTRL-Key) allows the multiple selection of e.g. results for
simultanuous display in one table view

2-2 SOFiSTiK 2020

Result Viewer - Interactive Post-Processing | Result Viewer-RESULTS

2.5 Selecting the view types

Most important for the proper usage of the Result Viewer is the selection of the possible View
Types. Using the leftmost button of the Viewtype Toolbox the two general View Modes can be
selected: ’3D/ View’ or ’2D/ Report Browser Preview’.

Figure 2.2: Viewtype Toolbox

The Mode ’3D/View’ allows the selection and vizualisation of results without printer limitations
(e.g. spreadsheet mode), this mode also allows the section of the View Types: ’Graphic’,
’Table’, ’Diagram’. The ’2D/ Report Browser Preview’ Mode allows the preview of the printable
document, the mousewheel can be used for scrolling and Mousewheel + CTRL for zooming in
the document. Therefore the following View Types can be obtained and selected:

Figure 2.3: Possible View Modes

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2-4 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3 Input and Output Description

3.1 Start of program

The modul results.exe has to be used for the batch start of Result Viewer via console. This
modul is used automatically if it is running within the program WPS or SPS.

3.2 Input Language

The input is done in a free format with the CADINP input language (see the general manual
SOFiSTiK: ’Basics’).

3.3 Input Records

Result Viewer processes only a single input block which is finished with END. The input is
analysed in turn within this input block. In this case one must distinguish between attributes
and demand records. Most of the input records are attribute records. The values of this records
are updated immediatly. However, their effects become visible only in the next list or drawing. If
the literal DSGN is given for TYPE in the demand records, only the attributes are set. Currently
there are following demand records:

STRU Representation of structural elements. System values, input items, numbering as

well as designations will represented as table.
CROS Representation of cross section and cross section values and results (stresses) on
cross sections.
NODE Representation of results in nodes (e.g. displacements, support reactions and
boundary forces) as table.
QUAD Representation of a scalar variable (e.g. moment), vector (e.g. shear force or flow)
or tensor (e.g. principal stresses or reinforcements) for quadrilateral elements as
BEAM Representation of a line representation for frame and girder systems (e.g. bending
moments) as table.
BRIC Representation of results at volume elements as table.

Tables and plots are produced only for the record STRU, CROS, NODE, QUAD, BEAM and
BRIC. The other input records are attribute records.

Tables are partly combined, if no attribute record stands between the demand records. The
sequence of the records is free. The attribute records effect always only the following draw-

The dimension of the results is determined in the program. Some dimensions can be modified,
however, with the input DBO.

The following records are defined:

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Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Record Items
Table continued on next page.

3-2 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Record Items

The records HEAD, END and PAGE are described in the general manual SOFiSTiK: ’FEA /
STRUCTURAL Installation and Basics’.

The description of the various records follow.

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Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.4 CDB – Change of the Database


Item Description Unit Default

NO Reference number of the database − 1

0 use the current database during the start of
the input

TITL Path and name of the database LT *

The current database is closed and the new input database is opened with the input CDB. Only
the reference number of the database has to be given in the case of previous definition of this
database with TITL.

The current settings, .e.g. VIEW, GRP or BOX, are not changed. Thus it is possible to compare
databases with similar systems directly.

The database selection for graphics, lists and diagrams cannot be changed via user interface.
When a .results file containing such an input is opened, the selection field will be disabled.

3-4 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.5 SIZE – Scale and Paper Size

See also: AND, PICT, FF


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Paper size −/ LT WIN

Positive value landscape format
Negative value portrait format

SC Scale − -
0 format filling
- engineering scale, best possible for filling
the page
*1.E+10 use this scale

W Paper width cm -
H Paper height cm -

MARG Draws a border LT FULL

OFF no border will be drawn
NO does draw an inner border + scale here
W and H define the size of the area to be
drawn at (for single sheet plotters and laser
YES does consider a free border around the
drawing W and H (2cm margin, otherwise
FULL an additional border to cut the drawing at
the outer paper limits is drawn (for drum

FORM Form of the border LT *

STAN standard frame
ZTVK ZTVK-88 frame
URS Report Browser definition
Table continued on next page.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-5

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Item Description Unit Default

SPLI Partition of the paper LT 1*1

heightXwidth create pictures column by column
height*width create pictures line by line

SCAL Dimensional line LT -

- = does draw coordinates
YZ = Y and Z coordinates
ZX = Z and X coordinates
XY = X and Y coordinates

HLEG Field reserved for the legend under the plot cm 1.0
WLEG Field reserved for an own legend to the right of the cm 0.0
SLEG Height of the partial legend cm 2.0

LEGW Width of the legend, if it is placed in the picture cm *

FREE Region to be released around the structure cm *

UMBR Line feed in the picture legend LT YES

NO No line feed
YES Line feed, if the line is too long
SUPP does shorten a too long line at the next
SHOR does shorten also a too long line within a
Table continued on next page.

3-6 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Item Description Unit Default

SHAE Representation of the HEAD lines LT YES

NO No representation
YES Line of the structure in the sheet legend or
in the case of different databases in the pic-
ture legend with the complete path
or a literal combination

DATE Print of the date within the sheet frame LT YES
NO does not print the date
YES does print the date

ASB ASB number LT12 -

ARCH Archive number LT12 -

DRUL Left print border cm 0.5

DRUR Right print border cm 0.5
DRUD Lower print border cm 0.5
DRUU Upper print border cm 0.5

In general, there are two variations to define the paper size:

• The user selects the paper format either implicitly using TYPE or explicitly using the width
W and the height H. The program can set the scale by itself, if it was not given. The largest
possible scale is selected with consideration of an engineering scale (1:1, 1:2 and 1:5 and
so on). An explicit setting of the scale SC will be used, if technically feasible. Setting SC to
0 results in the largest possible drawing regardless of the scale.
• The user specifies the scale and by setting W and/or H to zero the appropriate paper size
is automatically chosen. If only one of the two values is set to zero, then the definition of
the scale can be dropped, because it is defined with the other dimension as above.

When using TYPE you can also specify the American formats or the special format for Hewlett-
Packard Plotters instead of the DIN sizes. A preceeding minus sign selects the portrait orien-

URS,-URS Default Report Browser document format

WIN,-WIN Format of the current WINDOWS printer, that means this printer
was defined with in the last interactive session. Without an inter-
active input the WINDOWS default printer is used here.

A,-A ANSI Paper A (11 x 8.5 inch)

B,-B ANSI Paper B (17 x 11 inch)
C,-C ANSI Paper C (22 x 17 inch)

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-7

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

D,-D ANSI Paper D (34 x 22 inch)

HPA,-HPA Hewlett Packard paper A (259 x 199 mm)

HPB,-HPB Hewlett Packard Paper B (416 x 259 mm)
HPC,-HPC Hewlett Packard Paper C (529 x 378 mm)
HPD,-HPD Hewlett Packard Paper D (809 x 528 mm)

HP4,-HP4 Hewlett Packard Paper 4 (276 x 193 mm)

HP3,-HP3 Hewlett Packard Paper 3 (404 x 276 mm)
HP2,-HP2 Hewlett Packard Paper 2 (564 x 366 mm)
HP1,-HP1 Hewlett Packard Paper 1 (787 x 564 mm)

MP,-MP Matrix printer with 8 x 12 inch (200 x 287 mm)

LP,-LP Laser printer with A4 paper (198.4 x 280 mm)
MPW Wider Matrix printers with 14 x 12 inch paper

Pictures are always generated without frame. This frame will added in Result Browser.

Figure 3.1: Partitioning of the drawing paper STAN

The size of the right margin can be defined by WLEG, usually it is available only as margin.
The bottom border has usually a height of 1.0 cm. It is used for the designation with the HEAD
lines. Only limited lines in the legend are planned in the representation of several results in
one drawing. However, a larger number of lines can become possible, if an enlarged legend
HLEG (HEAD line) or SLEG (picture legend) is defined.

The user has a choice of placing the designation at the left-hand side (HLEG < 0) or at the

3-8 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

right-hand side (HLEG > 0) in the case of drawings larger then TYPE 4. The placement at the
right-hand side requires the use of a smaller text. Therefore the designation is placed usually
at the top of a folded plan where it is easily readable.

Using ZTVK a drawing title is produced in the DIN A4 portrait format with an upper and lower
title band.

Aut hor SOFiSTiK AG

Pr ogr am
St r uct ur e Fur t her descr ipt ion of t he st r uct ur e ASB NO Dat e

Building par t Plat e st r uct ur e Ar chives NO

Bar Block descr ipt ion Page

Figure 3.2: ZTVK title bands

The size of the title bands can be defined by HLEG. The first HEAD line defined in the program
SOFiMSHA/C is printed in the line of the structure. The first RESULTS HEAD line is used for
the further description of the structure. The following RESULTS HEAD lines are used for the
building part line, the bar line and the event line. In the legend the lines are limited. Therefore
the user should consider the amount of the HEAD lines.

The plot is positioned between the bands in the case of formats with heights from 27 to 30 cm.

The bands appear as drawing title at the right side of the plot in the case of larger formats.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-9

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Figure 3.3: Partitioning of the drawing sheet ZTVK TYPE 4 and 3

Figure 3.4: Partitioning of the drawing sheet ZTVK TYPE 2

The coordinate axes, the scale with possible factors of reduction and the designation of the
represented results including an 1 cm long sample line are placed except for the header lines.

3-10 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.6 PICT – New Picture

See also: SIZE, AND, FF


Item Description Unit Default

SC Scale of the picture (valid for all layers in the picture) − -

0 format filling
DEFA engineering scale, best possible for filling
the page
*1.E+10 use this scale

W Picture width cm -
DEFA determined automatically (according to
page settings)
H Picture height cm -
DEFA determined automatically (according to
page settings)

TITL Userdefined table header LT -

SPLT Splitting tables into several columns LT NO

NO No splitting
YES Splitting

A new table or new picture is started.

The geometric picture definition W, H and the scale definition SC have no effect on tables.

The current picture obtains from the previous picture all settings like size and scale.

The scale which is calculated for the picture depends on the size of the structure box (system
box) and the width of the borders around this box.

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Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.7 AND – Multiple Results in the Same Picture

See also: SIZE, PICT, FF


Item Description Unit Default

Lists are combined as far as possible, if no other records are written between the result records
STRU, CROS, NODE, BEAM, QUAD and BRIC. For example: The input


results in two lists: The first list includes the node results and the second list includes the QUAD

An input of AND also combines the two results into one table.

To create a page break the input FF or SIZE are given.

If AND is not given, always a new drawing is created.

An input for AND represents the next drawing order (layer) in the same picture. The scale
remains unchanged.

3-12 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.8 FF – Formfeed

See also: SIZE, AND, PICT


Item Description Unit Default

A formfeed is forced. Normally the Report Browser decides, when a picture does not fit on a
page any more.

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Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.9 GRP – Selection of Element Groups and Secondary Groups


Item Description Unit Default

NUMB Group number (no definition = all) − -


NO The group is not represented.
YES The group is represented.

ETYP Element type LT -

BEAM Beam elements
SPRI Spring elements
BOUN Boundary elements
TRUS Truss elements
CABL Cable elements
TUBE Tube elements
QUAD Plane elements
BRIC Volume elements

Groups of elements or element types can be selected for the representation with GRP. As
default all groups and elements types are processed.

The group number of an element is equal to the integer part of the term element number/GDIV.
GDIV is available in the database (see manual of program SOFIMSHC, record SYST).

With an input of ETYP only the addressed elements of this group are selected. Several infor-
mation for the same group can be combined in this case.

3-14 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.10 LC – Selection of a Load Case

See also: NODE, BEAM, QUAD


Item Description Unit Default

NO Selection of a load case for the representation in the −/ LT DEFA

following drawings
≥0 use this load case
<0 use the load case with NO from the load
case list
DEFA Default = FIRS
FIRS does use the first load case from the load
case list
LAST does use the last load case
NEXT does use the next load case
PREV Previous load case
All use all loadcases
NAME search the load case number via TITL (with
a warning if the title is not found exactly)
FIND like NAME (without warning)

T Time value for transient results sec/ LT LAST

The input (except for NAME / FIND)
is equivalently to NO.

DESI Selection of the design case (e.g. reinforcements, de- −/ LT DEFA
sign stresses)
The input (except for NAME / FIND)
is equivalently to NO.
Table continued on next page.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-15

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Item Description Unit Default

MAT The selection of the material to be represented can −/ LT DEFA

occur here for composite materials.
The input (except for NAME / FIND)
is equivalently to NO.
Here it is also possible to input the literal of a stress
point from the program AQUA for the output at beams.
Use following input to select one value from the ma-
terial list:
’_MID’ average value
’_MAX’ maximum value
’_MIN’ minimum value
’_AMX’ absolute maximum value
’_AMN’ absolute minimum value
’_LST’ last value

REF Reference material, additional to MAT − -

NMAT The selection of the material law to be represented −/ LT STAN

can occur here for nonlinear results from programs
is equivalently to MAT.

CS Construction stage − 0

XI The selection of the depth to be represented can oc- LT FAC

cur here for QUAD stresses (e.g. QUAD layer stress).
FAC XIV as factor of element thickness from up-
per side (-1) to lower side (+1)
TH XIV in m from lower side up
THD XIV in m from upper side down
TM XIV in m from the middle down
TMU XIV in m from the middle up
ALL all layers

XIV Layer depth −/ m 0.0

Table continued on next page.

3-16 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Item Description Unit Default

ENO Beam number for stresses from program AQB −/ LT FIRS
The input (except for NAME / FIND)
is equivalently to NO.
X Beam abscissa for area stresses from program AQB −/ LT FIRS
The input (except for NAME / FIND)
is equivalently to NO

SECT Cross section number for representations on cross −/ LT FIRS

sections (record QUER)
The input (except for NAME / FIND)
is equivalently to NO.

TITL Title of the load case in the legend (default as in the LT24 *

The items T, MAT, REF, NMAT and CS are not used yet.

The input of a load case or a design load case has an effect at the representation of all results
which are stored in reference to the load case.

Reinforcements, design stresses from the program BEMESS and beam stresses from the pro-
gram AQB are represented with the input of the design load case. All other load case-wisely
stored results are addressed by NO.

Results, e.g. stresses, are stored in beam sections. With the input of ENO and X the beam
section of current load case is selected.

It is possible to output more than one load case or design case or cross section in one list
(REPR DLST). For this purpose the numbers have to be written in a row. For example the load
cases 1 up to 5 are used in the same list:

LC NO 1,2,3,4,5

Or with a generation instruction:

LC NO (1 5 1)

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-17

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.11 DBO – Result properties


Item Description Unit Default

NAME Name of the result LT !

OPTI Visibility of the value (the column) LT ON

OFF Not visible
ON Visible

UNIT Dimension LT -

ND Number of decimal places LT -

1-9 Number of decimal places
E1-E9 E-form with corresponding number of deci-
mal places

POS Columns position in Table/List − *

WIDT Width of the column in number of digits − *

SORT Sorting of the column LT NO

NO Not sorted
ASCE Sorted in ascending order
DESC Sorted in descending order

REPE Repetition of recurring values LT *

NO No repetition
YES Repetition

FORM Kind of contitional formatting LT NO

NO No formatting Combination of format and

BMIN Minimum value for conditional formatting − *

BMAX Maximum value for conditional formatting − *
Table continued on next page.

3-18 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Item Description Unit Default

MAMI obsolete. see FILT

FMIN obsolete. see FILT
FMAX obsolete. see FILT

TITL Changed title of the column LT -

All results may be printed in tables, like programs ASE or AQB do. The output options for the
tables are set with this record.

The values of the items NAME and UNIT have to correspond to valid values from the SOfiSTiK
database description CDBASE.CHM. The changing of the decimal precision of the nodes sup-
port force PZ can be achieved therefore with the following input:

DBO 'n_disp.pz' ND 4

The items UNIT and ND are also used for graphical results.

The default of rows order is: First the load case, design case or cross section number, second
the values for localizing, e.g. beam number and abscissa, and at last the results values. With
the item POSI and a row position input (e.g. 2) the rows order may be changed.

For clarity reasons the numbers (e.g. load case) will be written once per page if they do not
change. It is possible to change this default with the item REPE. Floating-point values are
always written in each row.
Independent from settings using the item REPE, the values of columns which are to the right
of a floating point column are always written in each row.

A conditional formatting, the colouring of table cells, is available with an input to item FORM.
The items BMIN and BMAX are limits of the conditional formatting. This formatting is not
available for the Result Browser. The literal for the item FORM kann be a combination of one
letter for the format and/or one letter for the rule:


C Positive values: from the middle to the left

Negative values: from the middle to the right
L Positive values: from the right to the left
Negative values: from the left to the right
R Positive values: from the left to the right
Negative values: from the right to the left
W Whole column


A All
G Greater than BMAX
S Less than BMIN
B Between BMIN and BMAX

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-19

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

O Outside of BMIN and BMAX

E Equal BMIN

The dimensions have to be given in m, kN, sec for the values BMIN and BMAX.

The default settings of REPE and WIDT can be changed for all columns using "*" as column
name. Changing the default width of all columns can be done with the following input:

DBO '*' WIDT 15

3-20 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.12 DIAG – Diagram properties


Item Description Unit Default

X Result X axis LT -

Y Result Y axis LT -
GDEF Graph definition column LT -

LCTP Labels of LC axis LT NR

NR Load case number
NAME Load case description
NRNM Number + name

YUP Invert Y axis LT NO

NO Do not invert
YES Invert


NO No legend
DIAG Below diagram

SPPL Show suppurt placements on axis LT NO

NO Do not show
YES Show

AXFU Visualize full length of axis LT NO

NO Do not visualize
YES Visualize

Properties of diagrams can be controlled with this record.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-21

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.13 DGRA – Diagram Graphs


Item Description Unit Default

DESC Description LT -

VAL1 Value 1 ! -
VAL2 Value 2 − -
VAL3 Value 3 − -
VAL4 Value 4 − -
VAL5 Value 5 − -

AXFL Apply set graph filling color to LT X

X X-Axis
Y Y-Axis

Graphs can be added to a diagram using this record.

The following input creates a diagram with the loadcase number on the X axis and the nodal
displacement on the Y axis. Graphs will be created for the node numbers 1020 and 1021.

DIAG X "n_disp.__kwl" Y "" GDEF ""

DGRA VAL1 1020
DGRA VAL1 1021

The following input creates a diagram with the loadcase number on the X axis and the normal
force on the Y axis. Graphs will be created for the value pairs beam number = 1 + X = 0.000
and beam number = 1 + X = 2.700.

DIAG X "beam_for.__kwl" Y "beam_for.n" GDEF ",beam_for.x"

DGRA VAL1 1 VAL2 2.700000

3-22 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.14 DIAX – Diagram Axis


Item Description Unit Default


X X axis
Y Y axis

MODE Ticks and labels LT AUTO

AUTO automatic
USER user defined
TICK Units between Ticks when MODE = USER − !
LABL Units between labeled ticks when MODE = USER − !

Properties of diagram axescan be modified using this record.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-23

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.15 DLIN – Boundary lines in diagrams


Item Description Unit Default

ALIG Alignment of the line LT HOR

HOR horizontal
VER vertical

VAL Value − !

DESC Description LT -

Additional lines in diagrams can be added using this record.

3-24 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.16 DIAP – Additional diagram properties


Item Description Unit Default

SCHH Text height − 0.2

TXT Print used pairs of values as table LT NO

YES Print values
NO Do not print values

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-25

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.17 DLAB – Labeling of data points in diagrams


Item Description Unit Default

MODE Values to be labeled LT NONE

GLEX Global extreme values
EXTR Extreme values
E2ND Each second value
E3RD Each third value
E4TH Each fourth value
E5TH Each fifth value
THRH Threshold value between extreme values to be la- − 0
beled (when MODE = EXTR)

3-26 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.18 FILT – Result selection


Item Description Unit Default

NAME Name of the result LT !

TYPE Kind of filtering LT SING

NO No filtering, show all values
SING Single selection
EX Extreme values
GE Values greater or equal VAL1
LE Values less or equal VAL1
BT Values between VAL1 und VAL2
OT Values outside of VAL1 und VAL2
EQ Values equal VAL1
PATT Values corresponding to pattern VAL1
TEXT Text corresponding to wildcard VAL1
BEAM Beam Sections corresponding to BMTP
SLN Stations at SLN corresnponding to LNTP
LOOP Loop from VAL1 to VAL2 with increment

OPTI Visibility of filter LT YES

YES Show filter
NO Hide filter

VAL1 Value 1 − -
VAL2 Value 2 − -

INCR Increment for loop selection − -

BMTP Filtering Beam Sections LT ALL

ALL All sections
S Start of beams
E End of beams
SE Start and End of beams

LNTP Filtering stations of structural lines LT ALL

ALL All stations
S Start of structural line
E End of structurla line
SE Start and End

EXRF Refernece column used for extreme values LT -

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-27

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

All table results can be filtered. The filter options are set using this record. All filters for a value
will be combined.

The values of the item NAME have to correspond to valid values from the SOfiSTiK database
description CDBASE.CHM. If a filter operates on several columns, the column names have to
be seperated by a comma. The following example filters and shows beam results of beam
number 1001 for X = 0:


TYPE indicates the type of the filter. The item OPTI indicates the visibility of the filtered results.

The item VAL1 represents the filtered Value. VAL2 is used to select more values if a filter needs

Beam Sections can be selected using the item BMTP. With NAME the column must be specified
which contains the beam abscissa:


When TYPE PATT is specified, VAL1 is interpreted as pattern. ? matches extactly one charac-
ter. * matches any character at the beginning. Eg.:

FILT NAME "node._enr" PATT VAL1 "1?5"

matches the elements 105, 115, 125, ...

FILT NAME "node._enr" PATT VAL1 "*5"

matches the elements 15, 105, 125, 1245, ...

PATT can only be applied to columns containing values with no decimal places. It al-
lows a fast processing of the filter. Using TYPE TEXT, ? and * can also be used. TEXT can be
applied to all types of columns.

PATT can also be only applied to columns containing values with no decimal places.

To get extreme values for each value of a refernece column, this column must be specified us-
ing the item EXRF. Several columns can be specified by a comma separated list. The following
input results in a table with min and max values of the nodal displacement for each loadcase:

FILT NAME "n_disp.ux" TYPE EX EXRF "n_disp.__kwl"


When no reference column is specified, the extreme values of all available rows will be

3-28 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.19 JOIN – Combining result tables


Item Description Unit Default

COL1 Name of the column LT !

COL2 Name of the column LT !

Using this record, two or more table results can be combined in one table. COL1 and COL2
must be column names of the results which would be combined.
Different table results can be joined, when each of them have a single parameter column with
the same values between each other. Then this parameter can be joined for the different
tables, resulting in the final table, which contains the common single parameter together with
the other parameter columns of the several result tables.
Ex: In a time step analysis example, Result Viewer shows a table result for time step loading
and another table result for nodal displacement.

Figure 3.5: Tables to join

By the use of the join function, two different tables can be merged in one. The common
parameter in those two tables is the Loadcase "LC". By using the following command, a new
table is created:

JOIN COL1 "n_disp.kwl" COL2 "lc_ctrl._enr"


Figure 3.6: Joined Table

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-29

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.20 XLSX – XLSX Export


Item Description Unit Default

NAME File name LT !

WS Worksheet LT XLSX-
ROW Row − 1
COL Column − 1

CLNM Export column titles LT YES

NO Do not export
YES Export

TIME Export current date and time LT NO

NO Do not export
YES Export

CDB Export selected database LT NO

NO Do not export
YES Export

ELEM Export loadcase and element selection LT NO

NO Do not export
YES Export

FILT Export filter information LT NO

NO Do not export
YES Export

RESU Export result name LT NO

NO Do not export
YES Export

Using this record, lists can be exported into a .xlsx file. An already existing target file will be

$ Page 1
$ Grafic/Table/Diagram 1

3-30 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

XLSX NAME "File.xlsx" WS "Worksheet" ROW 1 COL 1 $$

$ Node number
$ X coordinate
$ Y coordinate
$ Z coordinate

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-31

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.21 PFA – Fillarea Properties


Item Description Unit Default

ID1 Element LT !

ID2 Element LT -
ID3 Element LT -
ID4 Element LT -

COLO Color index LT -

BLCK black
RED red
GREE green
BLUE blue
YELL yellow
MAGE magenta
CYAN cyan
BROW brown
GRAY gray
WHIT white
NONE none

R R-Value of RGB color − 255

G G-Value of RGB color − 255
B B-Value of RGB color − 255
A A-Value of RGB color − 255

Fillarea properties can be defined using this record. Available combinations for elemet selec-
tion are:

ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 Element

DIAG GR POS - Positive values of diagram graph
DIAG GR NEG - Negative values of diagram graph

3-32 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.22 PLN – Line Properties


Item Description Unit Default

ID1 Element LT !

ID2 Element LT -
ID3 Element LT -
ID4 Element LT -

COLO Color index LT -

BLCK black
RED red
GREE green
BLUE blue
YELL yellow
MAGE magenta
CYAN cyan
BROW brown
GRAY gray
WHIT white
NONE none

R R-Value of RGB color − 255

G G-Value of RGB color − 255
B B-Value of RGB color − 255
A A-Value of RGB color − 255

TYPE Line type LT SOL

SOL Solid line
DASH Dashed line
DOT Dotted line
DADO Dash-dotted line
DAS2 Dashed line (short)
DOT2 Dotted line (short)
DAD2 Dash-dotted line (short)
DAS3 Dashed line (long)
DOT3 Dotted line (long)
DAD3 Dash-dotted line (long)
WIDT Line width − -

Line properties can be defined using this record. Available combinations for elemet selection

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-33

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 Element

DIAG GR - - Diagram graph
DIAG AX - - Diagram axis

3-34 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.23 PMR – Marker Properties


Item Description Unit Default

ID1 Element LT !

ID2 Element LT -
ID3 Element LT -
ID4 Element LT -

COLO Color index LT -

BLCK black
RED red
GREE green
BLUE blue
YELL yellow
MAGE magenta
CYAN cyan
BROW brown
GRAY gray
WHIT white
NONE none

R R-Value of RGB color − 255

G G-Value of RGB color − 255
B B-Value of RGB color − 255
A A-Value of RGB color − 255

TYPE Marker type LT -

DOT Point
ASRK Asterisk
CIRC Circle
CRSS Cross
SIZE Marker size − -

Marker properties can be defined using this record. Available combinations for elemet selection

ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 Element

DIAG GR - - Diagram graph

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-35

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.24 TXTP – Text properties


Item Description Unit Default

SHOW Number of results LT SIGN

ALL All results
SIGN Only significant results

OVLP Checking for text overlapping LT AMAX

OFF no checking
AMAX if overlapping: show absolute maximum

3-36 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.25 VIEW – View Specification

See also:

Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Type of the direction definition LIT DEFA

X - 0
Y - 0
Z - 0
AXIS Orientation for STAN and DIRE LIT *
ALTE Rotation around 180 degrees
POSX positive x axis downwards
POSY positive y axis downwards
POSZ positive z axis downwards
NEGX negative x axis downwards
NEGY negative y axis downwards
NEGZ negative z axis downwards

ROTA Additional rotation of the picture in the clockwise di- DEGREE 0


The three?dimensional view specification of the representation is described by VIEW. The input
defines a parallel projection via the line of vision and orientation of the drawing at the sheet.

The user has the following possibilities for the representation and orientation of the structure
on the picture:


The values X, Y and Z are components of the direction in which the observer is looking. The
observer stands in infinite distance in case of parallel projection. Thus X, Y and Z are coordi-
nates of a point which lies from the observer directly behind (DIRE) or in front of (STAN) the
origin of the coordinate system. The value of AXIS defines the axis which shows downwards
for the observer.


The three inputs for X, Y and Z describe the angles x,y,z of the corresponding axes towards
the horizontal direction. The three values can be selected arbitrarily. However, attention has to
be paid, that the graphical representation can be degenerate with an input of two orientations
standing vertically to each other or parallelly. These degenerations describe either an axis
vertical to the optical plane or a non unambiguously defined illustration.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-37

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.26 STRU – Representation of Structure Values

See also: AND


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Kind of structural value LT -

see tables below

ETYP Selection of an element type for TYPE LT -

REPR Type of the representation LT *

DSTR Structure representation
DTXT Text representation
DVEC Vector representation
DLIN Line representation
DIAG Diagram representation
DLST Text list

FILL Fill type LT NO

NO does not fill, simple colours
VARC does not fill, variable colours
AREA does fill area with variable colours
VERT for line representation: perpendicular to the
basic line
PARA for line representation: parallel to the basic
Table continued on next page.

3-38 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Item Description Unit Default

UNIT Scaling of the length of a representation −/ cm/ LT DEFA

DEFA The largest representation length is approx.
2 cm long.
LFAC Use factor FACS for results with a length
LAST Same unit as for the last input of a type in
the same dimension
>0 does indicate which value of the type gets
the representation length of 1 cm in the de-
fined dimension
<0 Approximate representation length in cm
which the maximum value of the type
should obtain (is rounded in a engineering
<-1000 Factor of default DEFA (-1002.5 = Factor

SCHH Text size of a type cm/ LT 0.16

NO No designation
YES Designation
>0 Designation in cm

For the representation REPR, the fill type FILL and the element type ETYP a program default
is set depending on the result type TYPE if these values are not set explicitly.

For diagram representation REPR DIAG see DIAG.

A picture with the representation DSTR, DTXT, DVEC or DLIN consists mostly of a result (e.g.
numbers) and the structure of the Finite Elements. The structure representation is active on the
first layer of a picture. All following layers do not get any structure in order to avoid unnecessary
drawing. The type of structure representation can be influenced with an input for ”STRU TYPE

NO draws no basic structure as a default

CONT presets always the contour
FULL uses always the complete structure
MESH structural lines and points are drawn

The values for STRU TYPE are available in the following list. The value selected with TYPE
is valid for all element types as long as no one of the following literals is given for ETYP. If a
selection is possible, this is marked in the column at the right-hand side with a ”∗ ”.

BEAM beam elements (B)

DSLN design elements (D)
SPRI spring elements (S)

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-39

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

TRUS truss-bar elements (T)

CABL cable elements (C)
TUBE tube elements (P)
QUAD plane elements (Q)
BRIC volume elements (V)
BOUN boundary elements (R)
QTEN Quad tendon (N)
BTEN Beam tendon (M)
SIR External beam section (E)

GPT structural points (X)

GLN structural lines (L)
GAR structural areas (A)
GVO structural volumes (O)

SECT Cross sections (U)

LF Load cases

Structure Representations

Literal Meaning B D S T C P Q V R NM E Dim.

FULL Drawing of Finite Element Structure * * * * * * * * * * * -
CONT Contour, drawing of structure without - - - - - - * * - - - -
inner QUAD and BRIC element lines

Determination of the Contour

All QUAD and BRIC element edges with a common support in the start and end point
are represented as a supported edge with an own line type in the drawing. Inner element
edges between two elements are drawn if they are supported.

Cross sections (ETYP SECT)

Literal Meaning Dim.

CROS Cross section elements of current cross section -

Structural Axis (ETYP AXIS)

Literal Meaning Dim.

AXIS Structural axis -

3-40 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Literal Meaning Dim.

GLN Structural lines along axis -
XS Beam elements along axis -
GAXP Placements -

Structure Elements

Literal Meaning X L A O Dim.

MESH Structural points and lines (with numbers) * * - - -
GVO Structural volume (with numbers) - - - * -
GAR Structural areas (with numbers) - - * - -
GLN Structural lines (with numbers) - * - - -
GPT Structural points (with numbers) * - - - -

System Values of Some Element Types

Literal Meaning B D S T C P Q V R ND E U Dim.

ENO Element number * * * * * * * * * * * * -
GRP Group number * - * * * - * - * - - - -
SNO Cross section numbers * * - * * - - - - - - - -
MNO Material number - - - - - - * * - - - * m
LENG Length * * * * * - - - - - - -
NOD1 1st node number * * * * * - * * * - - - -
NOD2 2nd node number * * * * * - * * * - - - -
NOD3 3rd node number - - - - - - * * - - - - -
NOD4 4th node number - - - - - - * * - - - - -
NOD5 5th node number - - - - - - - * - - - - -
NOD6 6th node number - - - - - - - * - - - - -
NOD7 7th node number - - - - - - - * - - - - -
NOD8 8th node number - - - - - - - * - - - - -
Material values:
GAM Dead load - - - - - - - - - - - * kN/m3
E Elastic modulus - - - - - - - - - - - * kN/m2
G Shear modulus - - - - - - - - - - - * kN/m2
Total cross section:
A Area - - - - - - - - - - - * m2
AY Shear deformation area Ay - - - - - - - - - - - * m2
AZ Shear deformation area Az - - - - - - - - - - - * m2
IT Torsional moment of inertia It - - - - - - - - - - - * m4

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-41

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Literal Meaning B D S T C P Q V R ND E U Dim.

IY Moment of inertia Iy - - - - - - - - - - - * m4
IZ Moment of inertia Iz - - - - - - - - - - - * m4
IYZ Moment of inertia Iyz - - - - - - - - - - - * m4
YS y ordinate of gravity centre - - - - - - - - - - - * m
ZS z ordinate of gravity centre - - - - - - - - - - - * m
YSMP y ordinate of shear centre - - - - - - - - - - - * m
ZSMP z ordinate of shear centre - - - - - - - - - - - * m
GAMM Dead load per m - - - - - - - - - - - * kN/m
AK Torsional equivalent area (Bredt) - - - - - - - - - - - * m2
Effective cross section:
AE Area - - - - - - - - - - - * m2
ITE Torsional moment of inertia It - - - - - - - - - - - * m4
IYE Moment of inertia Iy - - - - - - - - - - - * m4
IZE Moment of inertia Iz - - - - - - - - - - - * m4
IYZE Moment of inertia Iyz - - - - - - - - - - - * m4
YSE y ordinate of gravity centre - - - - - - - - - - - * m
ZSE z ordinate of gravity centre - - - - - - - - - - - * m
GMME Dead load per m - - - - - - - - - - - * kN/m
Section values for warping:
AYYY Integral on section Ayyy - - - - - - - - - - - * m5
AYYZ Integral on section Ayyz - - - - - - - - - - - * m5
AYZZ Integral on section Ayzz - - - - - - - - - - - * m5
AZZZ Integral on section Azzz - - - - - - - - - - - * m5
AWY Integral on section Awy - - - - - - - - - - - * m5
AWZ Integral on section Awz - - - - - - - - - - - * m5
AWYY Integral on section Awy - - - - - - - - - - - * m6
AWZZ Integral on section Awz - - - - - - - - - - - * m6
CM Warping resistance - - - - - - - - - - - * m6
CMS Warping shear resistance - - - - - - - - - - - * m6
WMIN Minimum warping - - - - - - - - - - - * m2
WMAX Maximum warping - - - - - - - - - - - * m2
FYSW Shear Vy-Mt2 area - - - - - - - - - - - * m2
FZSW Shear Vz-Mt2 area - - - - - - - - - - - * m2
IPSC Polar inertia at shear centre - - - - - - - - - - - * m4
Maximum of plastic ultimate forces
(design value, material safety factor
NPL Fully plastic axial force - - - - - - - - - - - * kN

3-42 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Literal Meaning B D S T C P Q V R ND E U Dim.

VYPL Fully plastic shear force Vy - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
VZPL Fully plastic shear force Vz - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
MTPL Fully plastic torsional moment - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MYPL Fully plastic bending moment My - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MZPL Fully plastic bending moment Mz - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MBPL Fully plastic warping moment - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm2
M2PL Fully plastic secondary torsional mo- - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
YSPL Plastic center y - - - - - - - - - - - * mm
ZSPL Plastic center z - - - - - - - - - - - * mm
Minimum of plastic ultimate forces
(design value, material safety factor
NPM Fully plastic axial force - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
VYPM Fully plastic shear force Vy - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
VZPM Fully plastic shear force Vz - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
MTPM Fully plastic torsional moment - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MYPM Fully plastic bending moment My - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MZPM Fully plastic bending moment Mz - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MBPM Fully plastic warping moment - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm2
M2PM Fully plastic secondary torsional mo- - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
YSPM Plastic center y - - - - - - - - - - - * mm
ZSPM Plastic center z - - - - - - - - - - - * mm
Maximum of plastic ultimate forces
(characteristic value, material safety
factor not included):
NPC Fully plastic axial force - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
VYPC Fully plastic shear force Vy - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
VZPC Fully plastic shear force Vz - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
MTPC Fully plastic torsional moment - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MYPC Fully plastic bending moment My - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MZPC Fully plastic bending moment Mz - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MBPC Fully plastic warping moment - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm2
M2PC Fully plastic secondary torsional mo- - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
YSPC Plastic center y - - - - - - - - - - - * mm
ZSPC Plastic center z - - - - - - - - - - - * mm

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-43

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Literal Meaning B D S T C P Q V R ND E U Dim.

Minimum of plastic ultimate forces
(characteristic value, material safety
factor not included):
NPD Fully plastic axial force - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
VYPD Fully plastic shear force Vy - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
VZPD Fully plastic shear force Vz - - - - - - - - - - - * kN
MTPD Fully plastic torsional moment - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MYPD Fully plastic bending moment My - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MZPD Fully plastic bending moment Mz - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
MBPD Fully plastic warping moment - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm2
M2PD Fully plastic secondary torsional mo- - - - - - - - - - - - * kNm
YSPD Plastic center y - - - - - - - - - - - * mm
ZSPD Plastic center z - - - - - - - - - - - * mm

System Values of the Nodes (ETYP NODE)

The following literals are possible for STRU NUMN:

Literal Meaning Dim.

NNO Node numbers -
FIX Numbers of the supported nodes -
X X coordinate of the node m
Y Y coordinate of the node m
Z Z coordinate of the node m

System Values of the QUAD Elements (ETYP QUAD)

Literal Meaning Dim.

T Constant of the mean element thickness m

System Values of the Spring Elements (ETYP SPRI)

Literal Meaning Dim.

AREA Reference area m2
MNO Reference material -
WL Spring work law -
COOX Direction -
SCP Axial spring constant kN/m

3-44 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Literal Meaning Dim.

SCQ Lateral spring constant kN/m
SCM Rotational spring constant kNm/rad

System Values of the Kinematic Constraints (ETYP KINE)

Literal Meaning Dim.

ENO Element number -
GRP Group numbers -
KINL Kind of kinematic constraint -
NOD1 Coupled node -
NOD2 Reference node -
COOX Direction -
DIST Distance -
FACT Factor for intermediate nodes -
EQUA Equation of explicit defined kinematic constraints -
KINI Original kind of kinematic constraint from database -

System Values of the Beam Sections

Literal Meaning Dim.

XSNO Beam section , cross section number -
XPOS Beam section , position -
XHNG Beam section , hinges -
XNOD Beam section , nodes -

System Values of the Storey Levels (ETYP SLVL)

Literal Meaning Dim.

ENO Storey level number -
NAME Designation of storey level -
ZLEV Storey elevation (upwards positive) m
HLEV Storey height m
DIML Storey extensions m
MASS Storey mass t
RMAS Rotational mass moment of inertia about Z tm2
COOM Coordinates of centre of mass m
NCOM Structural point in centre of mass -
STIF Storey rigidity kN/m

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-45

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Literal Meaning Dim.

COOR Coordinates of centre of rigidity m
NCOR Structural point in centre of rigidity -
CAPA Storey capacity kN

System Values of the load cases (ETYP LC)

3-46 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Literal Meaning Dim.

ENR Load case number -
NAME Title -
KNDL Kind of load case -
MODU Generating program -
CRI1 1st evaluation criterion -
CRI2 2nd evaluation criterion -
CRI3 3rd evaluation criterion -
FRIC Safety factor friction (TALPA) -
COHE Safety factor cohesion (TALPA) -
SF3 3rd Safety factor (TALPA) -
ACT Action as literal -
ACTL Title of action -
FACT Factor of P and M loads -
DLX Factor of dead load in global X -
DLY Factor of dead load in global Y -
DLZ Factor of dead load in global Z -
LFAC Factors of the superposition gam-u, gam-f, gam-a, psi-0, psi-1, -
psi-2, psi1’
Existing loads
LNOD Nodes -
LQUA Area elements -
LBEA Beam elements -
LTRU Truss elements -
LCAB Cable elements -
LBOU Boundary elements -
LBRI Volume elements -
ATTL Type of the results (STRU ETYP LC), -
ATTC Type of the results as literal (MAXIMA) -
LTYP Type of the results as literal (SOFILOAD) -

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-47

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Literal Meaning Dim.

SUMX Sum of support forces in global X kN
SUMY Sum of support forces in global Y kN
SUMZ Sum of support forces in global Z kN
THEL Theory -
CSA Construction stages begin -
CSE Construction stages end -
PLC Primary load case -
FREQ Natural frequency Hz
DAMP Modal damping -
BUCK Buckling factor -
TIML Time value of load text -
TIME Time value of load as value sec
Existing results
RNOD Nodes -
RQUA Area elements -
RBEA Beam elements -
RTRU Truss elements -
RCAB Cable elements -
RSPR Spring elements -
RBOU Boundary elements -
RKIN Kinematic constraints -
RBRI Volume elements -
RSIR External Beam Sections -
RPIP Pipe elements -

System Values of the groups (ETYP GRP)

Literal Meaning Dim.

ENR Group number -
NAME Title -
MIN Minimum element-number (base number) -
MAX Maximum element-number -
MAT Material number -
MBW Material number reinforcement -
SET0 Existing elements per element type -
NUME Number of elements per element type -
MINE Minimum element-number per element type -

3-48 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Literal Meaning Dim.

MAXE Maximum element-number per element type
per load case:
SETL Existing elements per element type -
ACTI Group is activated -
OUTP Group with output -
LINE Material-linear calculated -
HW Level of groundwater m
CS Construction stage -
FCS Stiffness factor -
FCA Reducing factor of axial bedding of piles -
FCT Reducing factor of transverse bedding of piles -
ETOT Total energy MPa
ECOM Compression energy MPa
EDEV Shear energy MPa
EKN Kinetic energy MPa
EPOT Potential energy MPa
EDAM Damping energy MPa

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-49

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.27 CROS – Results in Cross Sections

See also: AND, LC


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Type which is supposed to be represented LT *

see tables below

ETYP Selection of an element type LT *

RTYP Selection of a result type LT *

STYP Selection of an cross section element LT ALL

ALL All cross section elements
and further elements from list

REPR Type of the representation LT *

DTXT Text representation
DVEC Vector representation
DLIN Line representation
DIAG Diagram representation
DLST Text list
see record STRU REPR

FILL Fill type LT NO

see record STRU FILL

UNIT Scaling of the length of a representation −/ cm/ LT DEFA

see record STRU UNIT

SCHH Text height cm/ LT 0.16

see record STRU SCHH

The values are represented on the cross section. The cross section or beam section has to
be defined via the record LC. Values on single points, e.g. stress points, are drawn as vectors
in local x-direction. Values along thin walled elements or along the contour of thick walled
elements are darwn as a line representation.

The value selected with TYPE is valid for all element types and/or result types and/or cross
section elements as long as no one of the following literals is input for ETYP and/or RTYP
and/or STYP. If a selection of an element type (ETYP) or result type (RTYP) or cross section
element (STYP) is possible, this is marked in the column at the left-hand side with a ”*”.

3-50 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Valid element types ETYP are:

CROS Cross section (C)

BEAM Beam elements (B)
DSLN Design elements (D)
SIR External beam section (E)
EXPL Explicit definition (X)

The values for TYPE are available in the following list:

Literal Meaning ETYP Dim

SECT Main section values * - - - - *
A, Ay, Az, It, Iy, Iz, Iyz, ys, zs, ycs, zcs, EM, GM, gam

This representation offer several main values at a glance. During the graphical representation
(REPR DSTR) these values are drawn together with the cross section.

Literal Meaning ETYP Dim.

W Unit warping * - - - - m2
TAUY Unit shear stress from shear force Vy * - - - - MPa
TAUZ Unit shear stress from shear force Vz * - - - - MPa
TAUT Unit shear stress from torsional moment Mt * - - - - MPa
TAU2 Unit shear stress from secondary torsional moment Mt2 * - - - - MPa
REIN Reinforcements - * * * - cm2
REIM Reinforcements per m - * * * - cm2/ m
RLAY Reinforcements of all layer - * * * - cm2
A0 Minimum reinforcements * * * * - cm2
A0M Minimum reinforcements per m * * * * - cm2/ m
A0L Minimum reinforcements of all layer * * * * - cm2
A00 Minimum reinforcements layer 0 cm2
... ... * * * * -
A09 Minimum reinforcements layer 9 cm2

Literal Meaning ETYP Dim.

AM Maximum reinforcements * - - - - cm2
AML Maximum reinforcements of all layer * - - - - cm2

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-51

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Literal Meaning ETYP Dim.

AM0 Maximum reinforcements layer 0 * - - - - cm2
... ...
AM9 Maximum reinforcements layer 9 * - - - - cm2
AR Reference area reinforcements * - - - - cm2
ARL Reference area reinforcements of all layer * - - - - cm2
AR0 Reference area reinforcements layer 0 * - - - - cm2
... ...
AR9 Reference area reinforcements layer 9 * - - - - cm2

The minimum reinforcement defined in AQUA is available via A0.. ETYP CROS. The minimum
reinforcement calculated in AQB is available via A0.. ETYP BEAM,SIR. REIN, A0, AM and AR
display the reinforcement distributed on the cross section. All other reinforcement values are
shown as list.


Valid result types RTYP are:

NONL (Nonlinear) results from program AQB (N)

FIBE Material point results from program TALPA (F)
LINE Linear elastic stresses (L)

Literal Meaning ETYP RTYP Dim

SIG Axial stress - * * * * * * * kN/m2
TAU Shear stress - * * * * * - * kN/m2
SIGV v.Mises stress - * * * * * - * kN/m2
EPS Axial strain - * * * * * - * 0/00
RFS Reinforcement steel stress - * * * * * * - kN/m2
RFSS Reinforcement steel stress and axial materi- - * * * * * * - kN/m2
als stress
RFD Reinforcement steel strain - * * * * * * - 0/00
TXY Shear stress xy - * - - - * * * kN/m2
TXZ Shear stress xz - * - - - * - * kN/m2
KAPP Equivalent plastic strain - * - - - * - * 0/00
KAPD Fracturing strain - * - - - * - * 0/00
CCW Current crack width - * - - - * - - mm
CTMP Current Temperature - * - - - * - - ◦C

3-52 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Literal Meaning ETYP RTYP Dim

MTMP Maximum temperature in loading history - * - - - ◦C

EPST Axial temperature strain - * - - - - * - 0/00

EPSX Axial total strain (without temperature strain) - * - - - - * - 0/00
AMPT Associated material point area - * - - - - * - m2
FCTP Current compressive strength (temperature - * - - - - * - kN/m2
FTTP Current tensile strength (temperature depen- - * - - - - * - kN/m2
RFP Equivalent plastic strain of reinforcement - * - - - * * * 0/00
RFC Current Temperature of reinforcement - * - - - * - * ◦C

RFM Maximum temperature of reinforcement in - * - - - * - - ◦C

loading history
RFE Axial temperature strain of reinforcement - * - - - - * - 0/00
RFX Axial total strain of reinforcement (without - * - - - - * - 0/00
temperature strain)
RFA Associated material point area of reinforce- - * - - - - * - m2
RFES Pure reinforcement strain (without TS strain - * - - - - * - 0/00
RFFC Current compressive strength (temperature - * - - - - * - kN/m2
dependent) of reinforcement
RFFT Current tensile strength (temperature depen- - * - - - - * - kN/m2
dent) of reinforcement
RFKP Equivalent plastic strain of material and rein- - * * - - * * * 0/00
RFCT Current Temperature of material and rein- - * * - - * - * ◦C

RFMT Maximum temperature of material and rein- - * - - - * - - ◦C

forcement in loading history

RFET Axial temperature strain of material and rein- - * - - - - * - 0/00
RFEX Axial total strain of material and reinforce- - * - - - - * - 0/00
ment (without temperature strain)
RFAM Associated material point area of material - * - - - - * - m2
and reinforcement
RTFC Current compressive strength (temperature - * - - - - * - kN/m2
dependent) of material and reinforcement
RTFT Current tensile strength (temperature depen- - * - - - - * - kN/m2
dent) of material and reinforcement

RTYP NONL, Results from program AQB

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-53

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

The program AQB calculates a strain plane per material and construction stage from the in-
ternal forces and moments of a beam section. Result Viewer calculates the results from this
strain plane. The results may be nonlinear.

Normally the program AQB uses the internal forces and moments from the FE-programs (e.g.
STAR2, ASE, TALPA, SIR). But it is also possible to use explicit defined internal forces and
moments. If you want to use these forces you have to input ETYP EXPL, signed with ’Z’ in the

With the TYPE RFSS the stresses of the material and reinforcement are drawn in the same
layer. The UNIT of the stress of the reinforcement is doubled automatically, thus the scale of
both stresses are in the same range.

Material point reactions

These values must have been calculated first with program TALPA for the current selected
beam section (fiber-beam) (STYP BEAM). The results may be nonlinear.

With the TYPE RFKP, RFCT and RFMT the values of the material and reinforcement are drawn
in the same layer.

RTYP LINE, Results from internal forces and moments

The internal forces and moments of a beam or external beam section are used for these results.
The internal forces and moments must have been calculated first from the FE-programs (e.g.
STAR2, ASE, TALPA, SIR). The results of the program AQB are not necessary. The results will
be always linear.

Properties of cross section elements

These values may be reduced via the cross section element type STYP. Valid cross section
element types STYP are:

ALL All cross section elements (A)

SPT Stress point (S)
FE Finite Element point (F)
CONS Geometry point (O)
PPT Polygon point (thick walled) (Y)
TP Intersection of tangents (I)
GEN Generated polygon point (G)
POLY Polygon (thick walled) (P)
CIRC Circle (C)
PANE Panel (thin walled) (E)
WELD Welded shear connection (thin walled) (W)
CPT Point of shear section (T)
CUT Shear section (U)
CA Separated section part (D)
AK Torsional equivalent area (Bredt) (B)

3-54 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

ACT Crack area (Z)

NEFF Non effective part (N)
RF Single reinforcement (R)
LRF Line reinforcement (L)
CRF Circular reinforcement (K)

Literal Meaning STYP Dim

MAT Material * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -
MATR Material reinforcement - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - -
CSA Construction stage begin * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -
CSE Construction stage end * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -
TYP Type of element * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * -
NAME Name of element * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * - * * * -
COOY Coordinate y (at start) - * * * * * * - * * * * * - - - - * * - m
COOZ Coordinate z (at start) - * * * * * * - * * * * * - - - - * * - m
COYE Coordinate y at end - - - - - - - - - * * - * - - - - - * - m
COZE Coordinate z at end - - - - - - - - - * * - * - - - - - * - m
LENG Element length - - - - * * * - - * * - - - - - - - * - m
WIDT Element width - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - - - m
R Radius of curvature - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m
TOPT Reference point - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TEMP Temperature - * * - * - * - - - - - - - - - - * - - ◦C

LAYE Reinforcement layer * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * -

LYNO Number of reinf. layer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * -
LYTP Type of reinf. layer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * -
LAYM Minimum reinforcement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * cm2
LAYZ Extra reinforcement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * cm2
LAYS Sequential reinforce- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * cm2
PRLI Element property - - - * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FXAL Type of clamped edge at - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - -
FIXA Location of clamped - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - m
edge from start
FXLE Type of clamped edge at - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - -
FIXE Location of clamped - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - m
edge from end

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-55

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Literal Meaning STYP Dim

NEFF Kind of non effective part - - - - * - - - - * - - - - - - * * - - -
A Area - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - m2
TEFF Effective thickness - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m
FIXL Type of clamped edge - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FIX Location of clamped - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m
SIGC Maximum dynamic al- - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MPa
lowed stress range σd
TAUC Maximum dynamic al- - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MPa
lowed stress range τd
LITC Notch type - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The literal PRLI shows additional properties. These are for geometry points the ”Bearing”,
”Surveying” and ”Tendon”. These properties are for polygon points the outline (”outer”) or
the hole (”inner”).

3-56 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.28 NODE – Results in Nodes

See also: AND, LC


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Type which is supposed to be represented LT *

see tables below

TOTA Sum of the line representation LT -

- does draw the line representation normally
CONS The line representation becomes average
in a constant form
TRAP The line representation becomes average
in a trapezoid form (linearly changeable)
PAIR A resulting force couple is generated in
each case for the positive and negative val-
GENE A total resultant is generated.

REPR Type of the representation LT *

DIAG Diagram representation
DSTR Structure representation
see record STRU REPR

FILL Fill type LT NO

see record STRU FILL

UNIT Scaling of the length of a representation −/ cm/ LT DEFA

see record STRU UNIT

SCHH Text height cm/ LT 0.16

see record STRU SCHH

The item TOTA is not yet supported.

The values are represented in nodes or points (storey level). Forces/moments are drawn as
vectors with a single/double tip. The representation occurs with a cross/rectangle, if the di-
rection of the vector lies approximately perpendicularly to the optical plane. Edge forces are
drawn as a status line with on the edge.

Structure values of nodes and boundaries, e.g. node numbers, are plotted with record STRU.

The following literals for the nodes are possible for TYPE:

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-57

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Literal Meaning Dim.

U Displacement in global components mm
UX Displacement in global X mm
UY Displacement in global Y mm
UZ Displacement in global Z mm
R Rotations about global components mrad
RX Rotational about global X mrad
RY Rotational about global Y mrad
RZ Rotational about global Z mrad
S Support forces in global components kN
SX Support force in global X kN
SY Support force in global Y kN
SZ Support force in global Z kN
SM Support moments about global components kNm
SMX Support moment about global X kNm
SMY Support moment about global Y kNm
SMZ Support moment about global Z kNm
CF Kinematic constraint forces in global component kN
CFX Component of kinematic constraint force X kN
CFY Component of kinematic constraint force Y kN
CFZ Component of kinematic constraint force Z kN
CM Kinematic constraint moments in components kNm
CMX Component of kinematic constraint moment X kNm
CMY Component of kinematic constraint moment Y kNm
CMZ Component of kinematic constraint moment Z kNm
CMB Kinematic constraint warping moment kNm
E Boundary forces in global components kN/m
EX Boundary force component global X kN/m
EY Boundary force component global Y kN/m
EZ Boundary force component global Z kN/m
EM Boundary moment about longitudinal direction kNm/m
Totals of boundary forces and moments from database
TEX Total of boundary force global X kN/m
TEY Total of boundary force global Y kN/m
TEZ Total of boundary force global Z kN/m
TEMN Total of boundary moment about longitudinal direction kNm/m
TEMX Total of boundary moment about global X kNm/m
TEMY Total of boundary moment about global Y kNm/m

3-58 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Literal Meaning Dim.

TEMZ Total of boundary moment about global Z kNm/m

After a Vibration Calculation (time-step method) with the Program ASE or DYNA

Literal Meaning Dim.

V Velocities in components m/sec
VX Velocity component X m/sec
VY Velocity component Y m/sec
VZ Velocity component Z m/sec
VA Angular velocity in components 1/sec
VAX Angular velocity component X 1/sec
VAY Angular velocity component Y 1/sec
VAZ Angular velocity component Z 1/sec
A Acceleration in componentc m/sec2
AX Acceleration component X m/sec2
AY Acceleration component Y m/sec2
AZ Acceleration component Z m/sec2
AA Angular acceleration in components 1/sec2
AAX Angular acceleration component X 1/sec2
AAY Angular acceleration component Y 1/sec2
AAZ Angular acceleration component Z 1/sec2

After an eigen form calculation or an earthquake calculation with the Program DYNA

Literal Meaning Dim.

Forces and moments of storey levels
S_PT Resulting base shear in the XY-plane kN
S_PX Base shear in global X kN
S_PY Base shear in global Y kN
S_PZ Total vertical force at and above the storey kN
S_MX Moment about global X kNm
S_MY Moment about global Y kNm
S_MZ Moment about global Z kNm
Displacements of storey levels
S_UT Resulting average storey displacement in the XY-plane mm
S_UX Displacement in global X mm
S_UY Displacement in global Y mm
S_UZ Displacement in global Z mm

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-59

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Literal Meaning Dim.

S_RZ Average storey rotation in the XY-plane mrad
Inter-storey drift
S_DT Resulting inter-storey drift in the XY-plane mm
S_DX Inter-storey drift in global X mm
S_DY Inter-storey drift in global Y mm
S_DR Inter-storey rotation in the XY-plane mrad

After a Non-linear Calculation with the Programs TALPA or ASE

Literal Meaning Dim.

IU Incremental displacement in components mm
IUX Incremental displacement component X mm
IUY Incremental displacement component Y mm
IUZ Incremental displacement component Z mm
IR Incremental rotation in components mrad
IRX Incremental rotation component X mrad
IRY Incremental rotation component Y mrad
IRZ Incremental rotation component Z mrad
RE Residual forces in components kN
REX Residual force component X kN
REY Residual force component Y kN
REZ Residual force component Z kN
REM Residual moments in components kNm
REMX Residual moment component X kNm
REMY Residual moment component Y kNm
REMZ Residual moment component Z kNm

Three-dimensional representations are usually necessary for systems of the type GIRD in
order to recognize the corresponding vectors of the forces PZ.

3-60 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

3.29 BEAM – Beam Element Results

See also: AND, LC


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Type which is supposed to be represented LT -

see tables below

STYP Element type LT BEAM

DSLN Design elements
BEAM Beam elements
SIR External beam sections
TRUS Truss-bar elements
CABL Cable elements
SPRI All spring elements

REPR Type of the representation LT *

DIAG Diagram representation
DSTR Structure representation
see record STRU REPR

FILL Fill type LT NO

see record STRU FILL

UNIT Scaling of the length of a representation −/ cm/ LT DEFA

see record STRU UNIT

SCHH Text height cm/ LT 0.16

see record STRU SCHH

BEAM draws status lines of the beam or spring elements.

Structure values of beams, trusses, cables and springs, e.g. element numbers, are plotted with
record STRU.

The last column of the following table shows whether the corresponding value is available.

The meaning of the signs is following here:

B Beam elements
S Spring elements
C Truss and Cable elements
T Tube elements
I External beam sections, only stored by the program SIR or AQB

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-61

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

D Design elements

- Value is not available

* Value is generally available
1 Value is only stored by the program STAR2 or AQB
2 Value is only stored by the program ASE

The following literals are possible for BEAM TYPE:

Literal Meaning STYP Dim.

N Axial force * * * - - * kN
VY Shear force (transverse bending) * * - - - * kN
VZ Shear force (principal bending) * * - - - * kN
MT Torsional moment * * - - - * kNm
MY Bending moment (principal bending) * - - - - * kNm
MZ Bending moment (transverse bending) * - - - - * kNm
MB Warping moment * - - - - * kNm2
MT2 Secondary torsional moment * - - - - * kNm
SPX Spring force in global X - * - - - - kN
SPY Spring force in global Y - * - - - - kN
SPZ Spring force in global Z - * - - - - kN
UX Deformation in axial direction 1 * * - - 1 mm
UY Deformation in transverse direction (transverse 1 * - - - 1 mm
bending) or cable sag for STYP CABL
UZ Deformation in transverse direction (principal bend- 1 * - - - 1 mm
RX Rotation in axial direction 1 * - - - 1 mrad
RY Rotation in transverse direction 1 - - - - 1 mrad
RZ Rotation in transverse direction 1 - - - - 1 mrad
VTX Cable sag in global X - - * - - - mm
VTY Cable sag in global Y - - * - - - mm
VTZ Cable sag in global Z - - * - - - mm
NA Average normal force - - * - - - kN
F0 Vertical suspension of cable in load direction - - * - - - mm
L0 Relaxed cable length incl. temperature and prestrain - - * - - - m
EFFS Effective stiffness including cable sagging - factor to - - * - - - -
original E*A/L
TSI Tendon stress * - - - - * MPa
TP Tendon force * - - - - * kN
AGE Tendon age since prestress * - - - - * d

3-62 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Literal Meaning STYP Dim.

RELZ Accumulated relaxation of tendons * - - - - * %
Design stress of material
SIGD Compression stress * - * - * * N/mm2
SIGZ Tensile stress * - * - * * N/mm2
STAU Shear stress * - - - * * N/mm2
SIGV v.Mieses stress * - - - * * N/mm2
SPC Principal compression stress * - - - * * N/mm2
SPT Principal tensile stress * - - - * * N/mm2
SIGU Uniaxial top stress * - * - * * N/mm2
SIGL Uniaxial bottom stress * - * - * * N/mm2
SIGW Stress in welds * - - - * * N/mm2
DECO Decompression stress * - - - * * N/mm2
FACV Shear reduction factor (= linear elastic/nonlinear * - - - * * -
SWMT Stress sway of normal stress * - - - * * N/mm2
SWSM Stress sway of shear stress * - - - * * N/mm2
BOND Bond force from difference of longitudinal forces * - - - * kN/m
across length
BNDO Shear in dowels/welds * - - - * * kN/m
Design stress of stress point (SPT)
SDPT Compression stress * * - - * * N/mm2
SZPT Tensile stress * * - - * * N/mm2
STPT Shear stress * * - - * * N/mm2
SVPT v.Mieses stress * * - - * * N/mm2
SPCP Principal compression stress * * - - * * N/mm2
SPTP Principal tensile stress * * - - * * N/mm2
SWPT Stress sway of normal stress * * - - * * N/mm2
SWSP Stress sway of shear stress * - - - * * N/mm2
Design stress of shear cut (CUT)
SNCT Normal stress * - * - * * N/mm2
STCT Shear stress * - - - * * N/mm2
STSL Stress in shear links * - - - * * N/mm2
SPCC Principal compression stress * - - - * * N/mm2
SPTC Principal tensile stress * - - - * * N/mm2
SWCT Stress sway of normal stress * - * - * * N/mm2
SWSC Stress sway of shear stress * - - - * * N/mm2
Design stress of reinforcement

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-63

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Literal Meaning STYP Dim.

SDRF Minimum stress in reinforcement * - * - * * N/mm2
SZRF Maximum stress in reinforcement * - * - * * N/mm2
SWRF Longitudinal stress sway for reinforcements * - * - * * N/mm2
SWSL Stress sway for shear links reinforcements * - - - * * N/mm2
Design stress of tendon
SDTD Minimum stress in tendon * - - - * * N/mm2
SIGP Maximum stress in tendon * - - - * * N/mm2
DSGP Tendon stress sway * - - - * * N/mm2
Utilisation level
TCF Decisive - Total * - * - * * -
SCCB Decisive - Resistance of Cross Section * - - - * * -
SCBN Decisive - Buckling Resistance * - * - * * -
CSGD sig-dyn Stress range * - * - * * -
Utilisation level of structural steel / composit section
SCN N Normal force (EN 1993-1-1, 6.2.3, Eq. 6.5 or 6.9) * - * - * * -
SCVY Vy Shear force (EN 1993-1-1, 6.2.6, Eq. 6.17) * - - - * * -
SCVZ Vz Shear force (EN 1993-1-1, 6.2.6, Eq. 6.17) * - - - * * -
SCMT Mtp Torsion (p)rimary (EN 1993-1-1, 6.2.3, Eq. 6.23) * - - - * * -
SCMY My Bending (EN 1993-1-1, 6.2.5, Eq. 6.12) * - - - * * -
SCMZ Mz Bending (EN 1993-1-1, 6.2.5, Eq. 6.12) * - - - * * -
SCMB Mb Warping moment * - - - * * -
SCM2 Mts Torsion (s)econdary (EN 1993-1-1, 6.2.3, Eq. * - - - * * -
ULCT c/t Stress dependant utilisation level * - * - * * -
ULSC Classification index (e.g. 1.5 = c/t is in the mid be- * - * - * * -
tween SCL 1 and 2)
Utilisation level of concrete
VED Ved/Vrd,max * - - - * * -
TED Ted/Trd,max * - - - * * -
SIG2 sig-II Principal compression stress from shear force * - - - * * -
and torsion
CSGR sigs Stress in reinforcements / tendon * - - - * * -
CAS As-l Longitudinal reinforcements * - * - * * -
CASU As-v Shear reinforcements * - - - * * -
CCW crack Longitudinal reinforcement for crack width * - * - * * -
ULT0 tau0 (design threshold) * - * - * * -

3-64 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Literal Meaning STYP Dim.

Utilisation level of common materials (eg. timber, not
concrete, structural steel, composit section)
ULN N Normal force * - * - * * -
ULVY Vy Shear force * - - - * * -
ULVZ Vz Shear force * - - - * * -
ULMT Mtp Torsion (p)rimary * - - - * * -
ULMY My Bending * - - - * * -
ULMZ Mz Bending * - - - * * -
ULMB Mb Warping moment * - - - * * -
ULM2 Mts Torsion (s)econdary * - - - * * -
Utilisation level of common materials (except con-
SCL Cross section class * - * - * * -
CSGC Longitudinal compression * - - - * * -
CSGT Longitudinal tension * - * - * * -
CSHE tau Shear stress * - - - * * -
CSGV sigv Von Mises stress * - - - * * -
AS Total reinforcement * - * - * * cm2
AS0 Reinforcement layer 0 * - * - * * cm2
AS1 Reinforcement layer 1 (below) * - * - * * cm2
AS2 Reinforcement layer 2 (above) * - * - * * cm2
.... ....
AS9 Reinforcement layer 9 * - * - * * cm2
A0 Total minimum reinforcement * - * - * * cm2
A00 Minimum reinforcement layer 0 * - * - * * cm2
A01 Minimum reinforcement layer 1 (below) * - * - * * cm2
A02 Minimum reinforcement layer 2 (above) * - * - * * cm2
.... ....
A09 Minimum reinforcement layer 9 * - * - * * cm2
ASE Shear design error for all layer * - * - * * -

ASE0 Shear design error layer 0 * - * - * * -

.... ....
ASE9 Shear design error layer 9 * - * - * * -
ASEA Shear design error layer 10 * - * - * * -
.... ....

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-65

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

Literal Meaning STYP Dim.

ASEE Shear design error layer 14 * - * - * -
ASU Maximum stirrup reinforcement (including * - * - * * cm2 /m
torsional stirrups)
ASU0 Stirrup reinforcement layer 0 (including * - * - * * cm2 /m
.... torsional stirrups)
ASU9 Stirrup reinforcement layer 9 * - * - * * cm2 /m
ASUA Stirrup reinforcement layer 10 * - * - * * cm2 /m
.... ....
ASUE Stirrup reinforcement layer 14 * - * - * * cm2 /m
A0U Maximum stirrup of minimum reinforcement * - * - * * cm2 /m
(including torsional stirrups)
A0U0 Stirrup minimum reinforcement layer 0 * - * - * * cm2 /m
.... (including torsional stirrups)
A0U9 Stirrup minimum reinforcement layer 9 * - * - * * cm2 /m
A0UA Stirrup minimum reinforcement layer 10 * - * - * * cm2 /m
.... ....
A0UE Stirrup minimum reinforcement layer 14 * - * - * * cm2 /m
AST Torsion longitudinal reinforcement * - * - * * cm2 /m
A0T Torsion longitudinal minimum reinforcement * - * - * * cm2 /m
AST0 Torsional stirrup contribution layer 0 * - * - * * cm2 /m
.... ....
AST9 Torsional stirrup contribution layer 9 * - * - * * cm2 /m
ASTA Torsional stirrup contribution layer 10 * - * - * * cm2 /m
.... ....
ASTE Torsional stirrup contribution layer 14 * - * - * * cm2 /m
A0T0 Torsional stirrup contribution of minimum * - * - * * cm2 /m
reinforcement layer 0
.... ....
A0T9 Torsional stirrup contribution of minimum * - * - * * cm2 /m
reinforcement layer 9
A0TA Torsional stirrup contribution of minimum * - * - * * cm2 /m
reinforcement layer 10
.... ....
A0TE Torsional stirrup contribution of minimum * - * - * * cm2 /m
reinforcement layer 14
HVMW Shift rule value, considered in reinforcement * - * - * * m

3-66 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Literal Meaning STYP Dim.

HVMO Shift rule value, not considered in reinforcement * - * - * * m
PA Axial bedding forces 2 - - - - - kN/m2
PT Lateral bedding forces 2 - - - - - kN/m2
PTY Lateral bedding forces in local y 2 - - - - - kN/m2
PTZ Lateral bedding forces in local z 2 - - - - - kN/m2

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-67

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.30 QUAD – Results of QUAD Elements

See also: AND, LC


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Type which is supposed to be represented LT -

see tables below

STYP Element type LT *

ELEM Centre of QUAD elements
NODE Nodes of QUAD elements

TOTA Sum of the line representation (cuts) LT -

see record NODE TOTA

AVER For the group boundaries (visible as contour lines LT NO

which are described in record STRU) some results
exist in the nodes of the boundary elements.
NO does not average the results, that is a result
YES does average the results

REPR Type of the representation LT *

DIAG Diagram representation
DSTR Structure representation
see record STRU REPR

FILL Fill type LT NO

see record STRU FILL

UNIT Scaling of the length of a representation −/ cm/ LT DEFA

see record STRU UNIT

SCHH Text height cm/ LT 0.16

see record STRU SCHH

The items TOTA and AVER are not used yet.

Structure values of area elements, e.g. thickness, are plotted with record STRU.

The following literals are possible for QUAD TYPE after a calculation with the programs ASE /

3-68 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS


Internal forces and moments

TYPE Meaning Dim.

BM Bending moments in local directions kNm/m
MX Bending moment in local x kNm/m
MY Bending moment in local y kNm/m
MXY Twisting moment in local xy kNm/m
N Membrane forces in local directions kN/m
NX Membrane force in local x kN/m
NY Membrane force in local y kN/m
NXY Membrane shear force in local xy kN/m
BV Shear forces in local directions (sign) kN/m
VX Shear force in local x (considered with sign) kN/m
VY Shear force in local y (considered with sign) kN/m
AVX Shear force |v-x| kN/m
AVY Shear force |v-y| kN/m

Shear forces of QUAD nodes are stored in the database twice. At first with signs, in order to
be able to represent it also graphically. Furthermore as an absolute value ( |vx|,|vy|), in order
to be able to determinate the maximum shear forces with program MAXIMA (due to single and
line loads) for the design. Both values (in each case in X and Y direction) are offered here.


TYPE Meaning Dim.

In the depth Xi (N/AM/W)
HSXI Plane principal stresses kN/m2
SIXI Plane stress I kN/m2
SIIX Plane stress II kN/m2
NSXI Stresses in local directions kN/m2
SXXI Stress in local x kN/m2
SYXI Stress in local y kN/m2
TXYX Membrane shear stress xy kN/m2
Upper (N/A-M/W)
HSU Plane principal stresses kN/m2
SIU Plane stress I kN/m2
SIIU Plane stress II kN/m2
NSU Stresses in local directions kN/m2
SXU Stress in local x kN/m2

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-69

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

TYPE Meaning Dim.

SYU Stress in local y kN/m2
TXYU Membrane shear stress xy kN/m2
Lower (N/A+M/W)
HSL Plane principal stresses kN/m2
SIL Plane stress I kN/m2
SIIL Plane stress II kN/m2
NSL Stresses in local directions kN/m2
SXL Stress in local x kN/m2
SYL Stress in local y kN/m2
TXYL Membrane shear stress xy kN/m2
In the middle (N/A)
HSM Plane principal stresses kN/m2
SIM Plane principal stress I kN/m2
SIIM Plane principal stress II kN/m2
NSM Stresses in local directions kN/m2
SXM Stress in local x kN/m2
SYM Stress in local y kN/m2
TXYM Membrane shear stress in xy plane kN/m2

In Result Viewer the stresses may be calculated from the internal forces and moments:
σ = ±

The principal stress I is the maximum stress (maximum tensile stress). The principal stress II
is the minimum stress (maximum pressure stress).

It is possible to calculate the stresses in a defined depth X over the element thickness with the
TYPEs HSXI, SIXI, SIIX, NSXI, SXXI, SYXI and TXYX. X is defined via record LC XI.

Equivalent stresses

TYPE Meaning Dim.

Over the whole thickness (N/A ± M/W)
SV Maximum equivalent stress kN/m2
In the depth X (N/A ± M/W)
SVXI Equivalent stress kN/m2
IS1X Stress mean value (1st invariant) kN/m2
IS2X Stress deviator (2nd invariant) kN/m2
Upper (N/A-M/W)
SVU Equivalent stress kN/m2

3-70 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

TYPE Meaning Dim.

IS1U Stress mean value (1st invariant) kN/m2
IS2U Stress deviator (2nd invariant) kN/m2
Lower (N/A+M/W)
SVL Equivalent stress kN/m2
IS1L Stress mean value (1st invariant) kN/m2
IS2L Stress deviator (2nd invariant) kN/m2
In the middle (N/A)
SVM Equivalent stress kN/m2
IS1M Stress mean value (1st invariant) kN/m2
IS2M Stress deviator (2nd invariant) kN/m2

Equivalent stresses are calculated in 2D (QUAD elements) via formula following:

= σ2 + σy2 − σ · σy + 3 · τy

Equivalent stresses are calculated in 3D (BRIC elements) via formula following:

t (σ − σy )2 + (σy − σz )2 + (σz − σ )2
= + 3 · (τy
2 + τ2 + τ2 )
yz z

The maximum equivalent stress is calculated in 10 steps over the element thickness. It will
used the maximum value of these 10 steps.

The 1st invariant is the average value:

σ + σy

The 2nd invariant is calculated via the formula following:

= σ · σy + τy

It is possible to calculate the stress in a defined depth X over the element thickness with the
TYPEs SVXI, IS1X and IS2X. X is defined via record LC XI.

Bedding stresses

TYPE Meaning Dim.

P Bedding stresses kN/m2
PTT Total of tangential bedding stresses (after ASE, DYNA) (with- kN/m2
out direction)

Stresses from database

The following literals are possible for TYPE after a calculation with the program TALPA (SYST

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-71

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description


Literal Meaning Dim.

NS Stresses in local directions kN/m2
SX Stress in local x kN/m2
SY Stress in local y kN/m2
SZ Stress in local z kN/m2
TXY kN/m2

Design stresses from database

The following literals are possible for TYPE after a stress calculation according to theory of
elasticity (with the program BEMESS):

Literal Meaning Dim.

SMIU Upper minimum stresses N/mm2
SMAU Upper maximum stresses N/mm2
SMIL Lower minimum stresses N/mm2
SMAL Lower maximum stresses N/mm2
TAUM Minimum shear stresses N/mm2
VSMA Maximum v.Mieses stress N/mm2
VSMU Upper v.Mieses stress N/mm2
VSML Lower v.Mieses stress N/mm2

Layer stresses

The following literals are possible for TYPE after a calculation of QUAD layer elements with the
program ASE:

Literal Meaning Dim.

HSLA Plane principal stresses kN/m2
SILA Plane stress I kN/m2
SIIA Plane stress II kN/m2
NSLA Stresses in local directions kN/m2
SXLA Stress in local x kN/m2
SYLA Stress in local y kN/m2
TXYA Membrane shear stress xy kN/m2
IS1A Stress mean value (1st invariant) kN/m2
IS2A Stress deviator (2nd invariant) kN/m2

It is possible to calculate the stress in a defined depth X over the element thickness. X is

3-72 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

defined via record LC XI.

Stresses in layers are interesting mainly for laminated glass or laminated timber (see AQUA
manual, item FLAY).


The following literals are possible for TYPE after a calculation with the program BEMESS:

TYPE Meaning Dim.

ASU Upper reinforcement cm2 /m
ASUH Upper principal reinforcement cm2 /m
ASUQ Upper transverse reinforcement cm2 /m
ASUI Upper 3rd reinforcement layer cm2 /m
ASL Lower reinforcement cm2 /m
ASLH Lower principal reinforcement cm2 /m
ASLQ Lower transverse reinforcement cm2 /m
ASLI Lower 3rd reinforcement layer cm2 /m2
ASSB Stirrup reinforcement cm2 /m2
ASSE Stirrup reinforcement/element cm2
TAU0 Design shear stress tau=V/(b·z) or tau=V/(b·d) N/mm2
ZMIN Minimum lever arm m
VEDR max.VED / VRDmax -
VSD Maximum design shear force VSD kN
COTT Maximum cot-theta -
After a strain calculation (SLS):
CPU Maximum top SLS design concrete pressure N/mm2
CPL Maximum bottom SLS design concrete pressure N/mm2

Representation as Tensor / Vector (REPR DVEC,DARE,DREP,DTXT):

• A line in the corresponding length is drawn in its real size in the two projected directions
for some values. Negative values get short limit lines for the differentiation. The value is
measurable as long as the effect direction is not perpendicular to the drawing sheet.
• All other (single) values are drawn in their effective direction. Also isolines, cuts and fill area
are possible here.

Representation at Isolines (REPR DISO)

The isolines are calculated one element at a time from the nodal values and drawn.
The isolines are defined within each element with a hyperbola. The lines are straight, if the
part of the hyperbola is small.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-73

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.31 BRIC – Results of Volume Elements

See also: AND, LC


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Type which is supposed to be represented LT -

see tables below

STYP Element type LT *

ELEM Centre of BRIC elements
NODE Nodes of BRIC elements

TOTA Sum of the line representation (cuts) LT -

see record NODE TOTA

AVER For the group boundaries (visible as contour lines LT NO

which are described in record STRU) some results
exist in the nodes of the boundary elements.
NO does not average the results, that is a result
YES does average the results

REPR Type of the representation LT *

DIAG Diagram representation
DSTR Structure representation
see record STRU REPR

FILL Fill type LT NO

see record STRU FILL

UNIT Scaling of the length of a representation −/ cm/ LT DEFA

see record STRU UNIT

SCHH Text height cm/ LT 0.16

see record STRU SCHH

The items TOTA and AVER are not used yet.

Structure values of volume elements, e.g. material numbers, are plotted with record STRU.

The following literals are possible for BRIC TYPE after a calculation with the programs TALPA

3-74 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input and Output Description | Result Viewer-RESULTS

/ ASE:

Records Meaning Dim.

Spatial (3D) stresses:
NS Stresses in global directions kN/m2
SX Stress in global X kN/m2
SY Stress in global Y kN/m2
SZ Stress in global Z kN/m2
TXY Shear stress tau xy kN/m2
TXZ Shear stress tau xz kN/m2
TYZ Shear stress tau yz kN/m2

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-75

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Input and Output Description

3.32 RSET – Result Sets


Item Description Unit Default

ID Identifier LT4 !

REPR Type of the representation LT -

DIAG Diagram representation
DLST Text list

3-76 SOFiSTiK 2020

Description of the Output Lists | Result Viewer-RESULTS

4 Description of the Output Lists

Structural values as well as results can be output as tables. Some values can be output as
graphics. For the list output the item REPR DLST for the records STRU, CROS, NODEx,
BEAM, QUAD, BRIC or RSET has to be selected. Using the interactive Result Viewer, the
table has to be selected in the representation tree.

A table includes the title / description of the listed values and the table of the values.

The form of the table depends on the record DBO.

Additional information (columns) are displayed to localize the selected values. This is the load
case number (LC) for load case depending values, the design case number (DC) or the cross
section number (Sect). More columns are created for the various element types:

Cross sections (CROS)

IntId Enumerated number of cross section element

Type Type of cross section element
Name Description of cross section element

Nodes (NODE)

NR Node number

Cinematic constraint

NR Node number


NR Boundary number
NK Node number

Beam elements (BEAM STYP BEAM)

NR Beam number
X Beam abscissa

Truss elements (BEAM STYP TRUS)

NR Truss element number

SOFiSTiK 2020 4-1

Result Viewer-RESULTS | Description of the Output Lists

Cable elements (BEAM STYP CABL)

NR Cable element number

Spring elements (BEAM STYP SPRI)

NR Spring element number

Middle of area elements (QUAD STYP ELEM)

NR Number of area element

Nodes of area elements (QUAD STYP NODE)

NR Node number
NG Group number of area element

Middle of volume elements (BRIC STYP ELEM)

NR Number of volume element

Nodes of volume elements (BRIC STYP NODE)

NR Node number
NG Group number of volume element

Structural point (STRU ETYP GPT)

GPT Description of structural point

Structural line (STRU ETYP GLN)

GLN Description of structural line

Structural area (STRU ETYP GFA)

GFA Description of structural area

4-2 SOFiSTiK 2020

Description of the Output Lists | Result Viewer-RESULTS

Structural volume (STRU ETYP GVO)

GVO Description of structural volume

SOFiSTiK 2020 4-3

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